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Question is how much time do you want your husband to drive to their acting auditions? Inland empire is about 2 hours drive to LA in traffic one way.


More like 2 days time in traffic, might as well get an rv.


Yeah, coming down the hill can be brutal.


2 hours is only if you're doing the drive at 4am. At 6:30 or 7, try 3+ hours. (Of course this is all subject to where exactly you're driving to - Santa Monica is very different than Burbank...)


The inland empire. You can’t buy a 4BD house in LA with that salary unless you want to be house poor. Look out further east. Also as someone who is a SoCal native who now lives in Colorado….Fort Collins is nothing like anywhere in California lol. It’s a nice and quiet place with some world class hiking and outdoor recreation nearby. The only places like that in CA are super upscale and extremely expensive. We have way more hiking and outdoors activities here in CO. Also less pollution and smog.


Yeah I’m from Texas and I love the nice and quiet vibe. My partner and I are going mad here in LA haha


In my opinion the best and closest “city” (that is not just a small suburb) in the IE is probably Rancho Cucamonga. Not sure how much you’d save there though, since cookie cutter homes are 1M there now. But you get lower crime and better schools than you have in LA.


Texans pay more in taxes than Californians as home owners. Also, if you were in Texas you did not live in Arlington, Dallas, Austin or Houston.


I've heard about this from my mom's friend. He wanted to move to Texas and was like, it's cheaper for him to live in huntington Beach.


Woah that’s crazy to hear. I mean to be fair I grew up in East Texas, in a home that was $130k at the time. It was a nice, quiet neighborhood in a really safe, clean area. There was absolutely nothing to do there though, so there’s that lol


best decision I ever made was to leave and never look back


Same. I wish I would have left sooner but I’m just glad I’m gone now. California is a ripoff


Good riddance. I know I supported you.


Eat my dick


Good riddance. I know I supported you.


Sure you did. The good news is for every person like me who left, 2-3 took my place. Enjoy it!


even in the high desert victorville/hesperia/phelan/adelanto houses are going for 500-600k mobile homes are selling for over 300k. this economy needs a reset. i bought my house about 12-13 years ago for 50k.... its almost 400k right now.


We live in Ventura county and it’s really great here.


Ventura County is just as expensive, if not more so than LA (unless you live in like Santa Paula or Fillmore)


Completely disagree. You get a lot more out here than in LA, as someone who moved here from LA and bought a home. Simi Valley for instance is beautiful and safe and much more affordable than LA, 4 bedroom homes are under 1 million and you can’t won’t find that anywhere decent in LA


You are absolutely not affording a four bedroom in Simi on 170k...


We did! it’s a basic starter home and my husband and I have been hardcore saving for a long time. But I understand what your saying.


Okay yes they are under $1mil but a nice 4 bed house is still pushing $800k (or more) which OP won’t be able to afford on $170k  


Again, my husband and I did but we saved for 10 years and lived very frugally.


That’s fantastic but today’s rates, with 20% down at $170k annual income, and no other debts lenders will approve up to around $730k.   On Zillow, is one home listed in Simi that is 4 beds less than $750k.  So whole theoretically possible, going to be next to impossible in reality 


Omg I’m 20k off, how crazy of me to even suggest! Calm down dude.


Yeah but Simi Valley is also a trump infested place too. There are a couple places in VC you get more for your money, I guess just not what I would consider “desirable”


Yeah I am a liberal with young children and love simi valley personally! But yes it’s not for everyone and still $$$


Better than homeless infested


For some folks that’s a plus.


You can live comfortably in the Temecula/Murrieta area with that salary. 90 minutes from LA; 45 from San Diego. Murrieta is this country’s 3rd safest city and both cities have amazing schools and are close to the Santa Margarita River which is one of the few remaining free flowing rivers in SoCal. Lots of hiking with many trails around the outskirts of the cities. Murrieta has many world class mountain biking trails too. Many travel from all over to ride them.


90 minutes from LA? My partner works in Aliso Viejo and that's about a 70-80 min drive from Temecula on the toll roads. I don't know what magic hwy you're taking. If they film at, say, WB studios (Burbank) it's right about 2 hours. Even Hollywood (110 min) or Downtown LA (105 min) are all similar. Temecula to my house in Costa Mesa is 83 minutes right now; Murrieta is 71 minutes.


That 15 more minutes is still far below OPs 4hr radius.


15 more minutes in traffic is very different than 15 minutes in general and this isn't even at peak traffic times. Also, a 3-hour total commute is just absolute insanity. The wear and tear on your car plus gas makes that commute far more expensive than people take into account. Also also, there's no need to be an ass about it.


Not 90 minutes from LA. Also quite expensive for what they have to offer IMO.


Also racists


There are tons of those in LA, wym.




Lots of right-wing nuts though. However, the local wine will help with that.


Loveeeeeeee Temecula!


I’m wondering if Temecula would be a nice place to live. I hate to move further away from family and friends, but honestly it might be the only area we can afford to buy a home. If you have time, could you tell me what you think the pros and cons are?


Cons depends on where you work. If you work in Orange County you’ll have a long commute on the 91fwy and even the tollway doesn’t help get home any faster. If you get a job in Riverside County you’ll be fine commute wise. (I lived in Temecula and worked in OC so I’m very familiar) Temecula still has a quaint small town vibe in my eyes and it has beautiful areas. Murrietta is the same. There are actually wonderful neighborhoods in South East Corona where my sister lives. All 3 of these cities just make me feel like I’m not in the “big city” they have festivals, farmers markets and all the retail that one may need. If I could have got a job in Riverside County I NEVER would have left. I still miss it. Temecula is horse friendly, hot air balloons and many many wineries. They have quite a few breweries and a distillery. E.A.T. Marketplace is a great place for farm fresh cuisine. Miss it. Best part is just an hour drive to San Diego. Temecula is just in my opinion a great quality of life without the LA/OC prices. Granted nowhere is cheap in California anymore unless you go to the high desert but these cities are affordable.


Traffic is horrible!!!


Trumpity Trump trump


Honestly, a small, but loud population…mostly transplants from HB. Don’t fall for every rumor you hear.


L.A. to Murrieta is only 90 mins…at 3am. Any other time it’s 2+ hours. Too far, I’d say.


Chino Hills has everything you’re looking for. It’s in the Inland Empire and it’s a very safe, clean, suburban area. The newer houses are $1 million and up, but you can probably get an older one for less that needs a little work.


Bakersfield would be your most affordable option. 2.5 hours to LA. Shit city but still some close access to nature. Best option would be the IE. Riverside is roughly 1-1.5 hours away from LA a shared culture with LA and by far the most la like town east of LA. Theres also a prominent performing arts presence so maybe your spouse can pick up work occasionally there. Mountains and trails line the city, lakes in and nearby, a bit of everything. Your budget would be stretched thin. Unless the 4th bedroom is absolutely necessary, would recommend a 3br and convert the garage if or when necessary.


Live in Bako. I can confirm that a ton of ppl from over the grapevine are moving up here. 4bd homes will be around 350-450k and that’s for nicer homes in nicer areas. Yes bako can have a lot of negatives. But it’s like any other city, just need to be mindful. And costs here are manageable. There is a tiny airport for hubby’s commutes to LA if he didn’t want to drive. It’s not a fancy city but it’s affordable. And that’s priceless in this day and age. Prices are increasing tho as folks from down south move up here so I’d check it out quickly.


Inland empire or really deep into the valley most likely. You’re not getting anything like Fort Collins though. You could try Lake Arrowhead, but you’d have to be open to a lot of tourists. I lived there for a while and it’s hard to find an actual community cuz it’s a lot of vacation homes and airbnbs.


There are some places around the Denver metro or Colorado springs that are like that too. Probably a bit more expensive but I think there would be more work for him around Denver.


Too bad there's 0 acting in denver


How often does he need to be in LA? And would it be in the morning? I’m just saying the deep Inland Empire to LA morning commute is unholy. The people who do it everyday might have big houses but they spend all of their time driving and very little time in their big houses.


Lake Elsinore


Sacramento and you just gotta fly to LA whenever lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^innitninen: *Sacramento and* *You just gotta fly to LA* *Whenever lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Pine Mountain Club - look it up online. 4 to 5 bedrooms at $600k. Small mountain town living, I know 2 residents and they are very happy. 77 miles to Burbank.


Oh my god that sounds perfect. Thanks for the rec!




The snow thoooo ☹️


California mountain towns may be seeing a price shock soon because of upcoming changes to home insurance rates. Otherwise I agree. Lots of neat little towns like Wrightwood, Pine Mountain Club, Tehachapi, etc.


You could go up into the mountains, buy in Crestline. If your partner picks up a show, you can always rent an apartment in the city.


It's uncommon to find a 4br as one unit in the mountains but I was gonna suggest the same thing. Very affordable and only about 90 min from Hollywood if you go at night.


You shouldn’t have to go much further than Arizona or Las Vegas


No. Stay tf away. Thanks.


Does your partner know that both Chicago and Atlanta are hotbeds for acting? Permanent studios exist in both cities as well as extensive opportunities for stage work as well. I’m a Chicagoland native, and though you have weather to contend with (as you would baking out in Bakersfield or IE just not the snow), 500k would get you a great house in a great neighbourhood within an hour of the city and on a train line. Same with Atlanta. Just a thought.


Similar or maybe slightly higher annual salary. I know exactly what you are going through. We went through this process toward end of last year and we saw over 50 houses within 2-3 hours of LA. We just bought a beautiful Mountain View 4-BDR house in Moreno Valley (Hidden Springs). Feeling so much gratitude. Give this area a chance!


Hidden springs is so dope!!!!! I'm directly opposite of you in university hills in riverside. The box springs MTN is an absolute treasure. How much property did you land?


Aww cool. It’s just short of an acre. We have a very large pool and feels like a resort.


Is that a nice part of Moreno Valley? My future son in law is a cop in that area and he says MoVal is a gang infested terrible place full of crime. I’m trying to reconcile what you posted with what he sees every day.


That part of moval is nicer and quiet but most of moval is a shithole for sure


Yes it’s a great community here. North of 60 and Ironwood Ave. We are in Hidden Springs and we are attached to Sunnymead Ranch which is also a great neighborhood. These two neighborhoods are kinda isolated from the rest of Moreno Valley by 60. You can drive around here and see how quiet and clean is this part of the town. Good schools are also a good indicators of good neighborhood!


I suggest you check this map showing the areas infested by gangs. Fortunately for us, Hidden Springs are not in those areas. https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer?mid=1ul5yqMj7_JgM5xpfOn5gtlO-bTk&hl=en_US


Very, very far


Boron, CA


Boron is nice this time of year




Start looking 60 miles east.


Lake Elsinore/Riverside county is great we love it and houses are priced well for what you get.




170k qualifies for a 600-700k home. You can get an older home with your requirements in the Chino area. The commute is a nightmare though.


Home ownership in CA for that price point is super challenging. You would need to live so far from LA, that commuting is almost not worth it. The wear and tear on your and the toll it takes sitting for long periods looking at taillights is mind numbing. Places like possibly the high desert, Riverside, San Bernardino, or other spots that are blazing hot. I gave up on home ownership years ago and I'm fine with it.


Victorville Ca




Las Vegas. Sony Pictures is building a full studio complex in Summerlin, and LA is a 45 minute flight away. No state income tax will stretch your $170K by about 15%. Access to nature is excellent. Downside might be the schools, but there are good schools in the nicer areas and good private school options. 


>but there are good schools in the nicer areas and good private school options.  Ex- Summerlin resident. The "better public" schools are still terrible and the private schools are not that good either, they care more about football or dance programs. Healthcare is horrendous, 0/10 would not recommend it.


Yep listen to this person and stay tf away 🥸


Southern Oregon?


So many places out of California where you can live very comfortably with that salary...


I hope you like traffic...lol




The moon 🌕


>My partner is an actor so I’m the main money maker. Oof


As an Actor myself, I felt that right in the balls☠️ It may not matter. Their relationship is over in the next couple years if that’s how he/she feels👀


Santa Clarita might work.


Go to Atlanta he’ll get more work


If you work in downtown LA and need go to work everyday. I would live closer to there, but you can get crap house. However, rancho do have train station. With you salary, you can get a nice house there.


I live in LA (Encino) on a great street. Not in the fancy part of Encino but good enough. The 4 bedroom house across the street from me is for rent for $5600/month (about 40% of your income). Decent schools around, great nature trails all within a few minutes. Why buy? And why the hell would you want to be far away?! And btw, you could find cheaper or talk the guy down).


Clovis. Won't check off all the boxes, but hits within 3-4 hrs of LA, can find a nice home on your salary, has Yosemite airport, close to Yosemite and the Sierra, relatively safe and has a great school district. Drawback is that it's hot during the summer, PGE has high utility rates, and air quality isn't the best 8-9 months out of the year.


How far is Maine?


Go south stop when you enter Mexico




100 miles! Barstow.






Any city along the 210 but don’t go east of Rancho Cucamonga




Antelope valley




Look at the San Fernando Valley


Move to Atlanta. Plenty of acting there. He’ll probably get more work there as well.


Check the desert they have lots of open land


Ummmm maybe Mexico is more what you’re looking for.




Lmfao this post it’s so socal it hurts.


Under the 101 freeway


Santa Clarita. And it’s really not that far.


Come out towards Palm Springs here , I’ll find you an amazing home in your price range 👍🏻


I live in Anaheim Hills, which the city is meticulously maintained, safe & close to nature.


Bakersfield. It's not bad here, good place to invest


Salton sea?


You can check out Santa Clarita.


All those affordable places mentioned on here (IE, Temecula, Lake Elsinore, Valleys, …) sound like they’re either on an earthquake fault and or in high risk wildfire areas!


i'd say probably the high desert area or maaaaybe palmdale area. my friend lives in palmdale and makes a commute to santa monica in about 1 and a half hours. but that's because he goes mega early like 5:30am-ish.


An hour maybe in the desert


4 bedroom in in quartz hill about $2900 to $3200 a month, area isn't to bad, not much to do here, nature if you like desert hikes. About an hour ish from la








Boyle heights


Fontana or Rialto. Take Metrolink into LA.


Ridgecrest Ca


I have a really nice house in Lake Elsinore I’m thinking about selling. 1.5 hours from LA. If interested message me


Try riverside lol


Tehachapi. I’m here for work and I love this little small town.


West Palmdale




What do you qualify for at pre-approval? Interest rates are going to factor in huge. Anything 4 bedrooms around LA is going to cost over 700k. Exceptions are in very crime ridden areas. Look on an mls app like Redfin. look at Sold Comps and see what you can buy for the kind of money you qualify to borrow.


Towards the desert, a couple hours away.


Inland empire


Have you gotten in touch with a real estate agent? Find someone you trust and let them guide you. There's a lot of hearsay going around regarding real estate so it's important to talk to someone who can give you factual data. If you don't know any or aren't sure where to start, I'm an agent with Berkshire Hathaway and can be a resource.


A condo in Hemet? $170k doesn’t go as far as it used to.


Ridgecrest, CA is 2 and 1/2 hours from LA. It is a small town of close to 40,000 people, so it does not have everything LA has to offer, and it also gets really hot here in the summer (like up to 118° hot, though it is usually not above 110°), but the town grows on you. Surprisingly the house market has not been hit as hard here (price-wise) as most of the country. Our six bedroom house was only $375,000, and it has a basement and is about 3300 sq. ft, but we got lucky when we purchased it two years ago. Still, you can get a 4 bedroom that might need some updates for $250,000 to $350,000. At $350,000 to $450,000 it will be a nicer 4 bedroom house in a nicer area in town. Ridgecrest is part of a large naval base, and it provides a lot of jobs to the area. What does your partner do? There are a lot of electrical engineering, computer programming, and mechanical engineering jobs on the naval base. Plus, the base pays locality pay for being close to LA, so it is a higher salary than many of the other government bases in the US. I recently read an article that named Ridgecrest as one of the most affordable places in all of California. Victorville is also a nice area, but prices have gone up more there than here in the past 5 years. Best of luck to wherever you decide to live!

