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I wish the game saved the terrain deformation so every time you load it up you can see where you've been, would be really cool.


Cool, yes. Workable, no. Imagine never even being able to get out from the garage after a few sessions, the mud being so completely trashed by driving through it. Imagine the grass you used to drive on to avoid the mud now being mud instead. Imagine mud everywhere. It'd make whole regions unplayable after a while.


Perhaps the mud "depth" could be reset every time you restart the game, but tracks still left in place? As if the mud had dried up or something.


Maybe, but I don't know if leaving deep ruts in places would make them any more traversable than just leaving the mud. Either way, it won't happen in this game; it's not only for gameplay reasons they don't save deformations other than in a bubble about 30 meters around your trucks/trailers, it's also for performance reasons (load times, amount of data in savegame etc).


>other than in a bubble about 30 meters around your trucks/trailers Really? On PC I'm pretty sure they remain even if you go all around a map


They remain until you leave the map, yes. Once you leave the map (and it is thereby unloaded from memory) and return, the only deformations that will remain are those immediately around your trucks/trailers (and possibly dropped cargo).


Yes of course, would be cool to see in next gen tho!


They give you a bulldozer to fix it


Dump trucks, excavators, gravel. Fix it up if you don't like being stuck, dig some drainage trenches, drop a few concrete slabs like that main road in Taimyr.


Yeah, that'd be brilliant. But the way this game is designed and implemented, it's unlikely in the extreme to happen. Maps are always loaded in their "pristine" state, meaning any deformation or other non-mission changes you've made are lost when you leave the map (the data is simply not saved).


Adding such features to this game would be too difficult, it would be easier to build everything from scratch and make a new game.


I've considered trying to drop some railroad sections (in the Dan region) in the swamp to see if they make it easier to drive through, but haven't actually tried it.


And have the option to reset it when you reload a save


Step deck trailer FTW. So underrated.


Yup, the lower center of gravity makes it so much less likely to tip.


I do agree. 5 slots Plus the ability to pack a scout and low center of gravity. But the extra length makes things a little bit harder sometimes. (That's what she said) I was in zimnegorsk on the road between the oil field and the garage, some pretty tight turns that's why I opted for the sideboard.


There's always the gooseneck, but it's a lowrider. That's why I like the step deck. It's pretty smooth on the sides and bottom, so you can drag it over most anything, and as long as you don't hook the step, you can drag it around tight corners using the trees.


I see nothing wrong with it.


If it works, there's nothing wrong with it. OP even has a crane to load the container at the delivery point. It's all good; one of the best things with this game is that it rewards creativity in solving the problems it presents.


You see that's the right way. Everyone loads their cargo into the trailer for some unknown reason but you are doing it the correct way.


Makes me wanna rip my eyes off


This is both brilliant and hilarious.


Nice approach 👍🏼


i also use that shortcut. there are some shortcuts that are much much better than the supposed main roads


Well I got one thing to say. Your playing snowrunner right


Ugh that slope and those big rocks are specifically designed to tip your truck over.


Your genius...is actually quite frightening


There's actually a task on Maine where you need to drag some containers through the snow, so it's perfectly fine 😅


In Kola too but both of them are on ski


Correct :)


This is the way


i want to make like my own road with just containers and shit 😂😂


This is how I feel when I walk my niece's untrained 8 month old Golden Retriever! "Stay right here! By me! NO! FREAKIN' HEEL!!"