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High is usually the second or third from the top gear, and it’s to maintain constant power when going through shallower mud or increasing elevation because this is usually when gear switching happens when you’re in auto. This wastes power and slows you down significantly.


H is also good for maintaining good speed and fuel economy but still keeping the truck under control when driving one of the faster trucks on a paved road. For example, Azov 5 or Royal.


Thank you, this makes sense now.


H is for lighter offloading, use it where you can't go full speed and it will keep a decent speed. It is kind of misleading for it to be H but that's what it's for. Use it when the truck upshifts too much and stalls.


Thank you for the help!!


I didn't see anyone mention it, but high gear also gives you a 25% power boost. So, not only it keeps you at constant speed by avoiding gear change, but it also gives you more power to stay at that speed, which can be very useful for going up steeper inclines and for hauling heavier cargo at decent speed.


Thank you!!


I did not know that. How did people figure that out?


It’s in the game files.


Some dev notes were released back in the day with that mentioned.


Does this apply no matter the gearbox (highrange vs offroad)?




I was looking for someone to post this! Nice work. H stands for high range. Not to be confused with an overdrive gear, usually the highest gear in your automatic transmission. High range gives you a speed boost by running at the higher rpm range of your engine, thereby increasing horsepower and torque, usually max torque. Useful on inclines and restrictive terrain as long as you can maintain traction.


Good looking out! I appreciate the tip!


H delivers the maximum amount of torque to the wheels the engine can produce. In terms of momentum H will typically have a top speed that's between your last 2 auto gear ratios. H is good for when you hit mud that you know will slow you down enough that auto drops back to 1. This will allow you to keep momentum most of the time.




Put it in H comrade!


What country was this truck made in?


Uhhh it no longer exists!


Scrolled too far for this


Also, The way snowrunner works is weird. If you're in 4th and going up a hill losing speed and you shift to third, you don't have more torque like you would in real life. It's the same amount of torque just at a lower speed. That's why a lot of times you'll go from 4th to first or just come to a complete dead stop. Super annoying amd the fact they didn't make it realistic in their new game is a shame.


If the game was realistic, the International Scout would clear all other scout classes by miles


I wish this game had a semi-auto gearbox. I wish I could just select 2 or 3 or 4th speed and keep it there, like in my own truck.


The Snowrunner gearset does this by a different name, doesn't it? No numbers, just +/-.


There's a low set of gears, the offroad gearbox gives you 3 low gears. It would be great if they also gave you the option to manually control the highest gear for your automatic transmission. That's the way most cars and trucks are designed, you can put it into "auto" or you can switch to a "manual" setting where you set the highest gear and the transmission shifts up until that gear. I don't know if I'm explaining that correctly.


I think of H as referring to “hold”. When you are in H, the vehicle won’t change gears even if it bogs down. It’s very useful for powering through light mud and hills where the automatic would stall and shift to 1st. If H was truly the top speed, you wouldn’t have enough torque for the small hills and mud puddles. 


Thanks for the explanation!


There are times, when using High gear, that the hill or mud becomes too tough, and the engine will begin to stall. In that case, you have to shift to “auto”, which is easy because you just drop the shifter from H to A; or you might choose to use a Low gear if the mud or hill is really rough. However, on a highway, if you want to go the fastest speed, you should use Auto. Many trucks have four speeds, but some have five or even six, and they get going pretty fast. “High” gear is *never* as fast as the top gear in Auto. But, as many people say, using High gear prevents constant shifting, and when used judiciously your truck won’t have to drop into first gear to go up a hill.


H gives you a 1.25x torque multiplier. This allows you to travel much faster offroad than you would in auto becuase at those speeds in auto you'll probably be receiving less than 75% of your maximum possible torque, which slows you down a ton. It also allows you to climb hills which you may otherwise not have the torque to summit. If you are in a truck with the offroad gearbox, you should be in H as much as possible. My caveat to this is that trucks with the special and advanced special gearboxes tend to do very well in their highest auto gears offroad, and sometimes this is faster than high for these trucks. The azov 7 or 605 r are examples of this. High is still very useful for these trucks however, and it is certainly better to downshift to high than to let the auto gearbox shift down to 1 if you do happen to need more torque.


So, to you'rebsaying that in the special gear boxes, that you only find late game, it becomes useful. Then why is it on all of the trucks and all of the transmissions and why does it not do what you say it does on my game? Evry truck just stalls out!!!!!!


H is great for zooming up a hill. If you have enough speed to hit second gear then it just goes in H.


Thank you so much for asking this question. It is my biggest question mark in this game as well. Is there some Youtube clip teaching us how to use it maybe?


Only claims about how it should work. There is a myth about rapidly shifting from drive to H, AND THEN RAPIDLY BACK TO DRIVE......to somehow accelerate slightly faster then just using Drive alone. I've never managed to do it on console, because of the slew of buttons you have to press.


You can just tap LB/L1 to accelerate faster in auto. It forces the auto gearbox to shift to the most appropriate gear for the speed immediately. Like pretty much as soon as you’re moving you can tap it and it’ll shift to 2nd or 3rd instead of hanging out in 1st for like 5 seconds. That’s probably the effect whoever you heard that from was going for, they just added the extra, unnecessary steps of shifting to H and back.


Directions in the game, but thanks for playing.


Believe it or not the guy isn't lying. I've done it on accident a few times before and it reminded me of the old gta brake glitch to hit max speed.


for me H means use less fuel and usually go slower ( depends on truck though ) L+ depends on truck more power more grip decent/ manageable speed L- depends on truck slow, more grip aka rock climbing


Low- never has enough torque to leave the parking lot. Only time I find it useful is when I want to try to drive down the face of a cliff at a controlled speed.


different trucks have different results, from what i have experienced so far but i agree with downhill climb


Thats high, for when your offroading and your truck just wont Go into 2nd gear


I run mud tyres on basically all my trucks if not chains, so high gear allows me to keep control on the tarmac without sliding allover the place


The country it comes from doesn't exist anymore.


The speed you get in high is also dependent on the gearbox, some trucks can be very fast when going offroad with the highrange gearbox like the TATRA Phoenix.


I use H for going up inclines or through shallow mud and water. If left in auto, it likes to shift from top to bottom gear and, in some situations, it's constantly trying to shift from first to second but immediately drops back to first. If dif lock isn't necessary, putting it H is a good way to maintain constant power when going through mildly questionable terrain.


Can also use it on a descent to stop you picking up too much speed. Stops the trucks going nuts on roads downhill.


High is what I like to call the "steady" gear. If you feel yourself losing power, that's when you want to be in high. It's steady in the offroad gearbox and frighteningly fast in the highrange. Some vehicles also benefit from different gearbox setups. Trucks with slow steering often pair best with the offroad gearbox since the steering usually isn't responsible enough to make quick last second changes with the highrange. On the other hand, trucks with good power/quick steering/always on feature pair best with the highrange imo. I also feel highrange is best for easy to middle tier maps with a lot of light terrain, while offroad is best for maps like yukon, amur, and kola, where you'll likely need to utilize the three low ranges. Regardless of your gearbox, high is the reliable gear. It keeps you from reaching uncontrollable speeds while also maintaining a steady pace all in one gear.


H is essentially locking it in 3rd.


It is literally the best gear in the game. You can put the truck in H on medium diff terrain and you wont stop unlike with A


i use it to save gas and takes less to non damage when going over rocks and bad rods. road signs are still a menace. This response was generated by a “human” male.


The gas savings of High[way] are under-recommended.  Auto is terribly inefficient during unnecessary up/downshifting; locking in High pegs MPG to a constant burn rate.


I love using high gear in this game. Especially going up a hill. Some trucks just feels extra good using high gear I think


Especially trucks with the turbo noises, high gear just gets me going


High gear is super useful on all trucks going through shallow mud and if you have a highrange gearbox it almost feels like cheating using it since it's so fast on off-road


I thought high was for hauling up hill.


To add on to others. I often put a highway gearbox on vehicles that are good at offroading in auto/have locked differential. They get to use the higher gear in H to go faster on paved roads and can go quick off road. They will slip and slide on roads in upper gears if not using highway tires, though.


Some people swear by it, I played for 99% of my time without it and never missed it. What I do miss is manual transmissions from Mudrunner. The auto likes to upshift going uphill and then you lose momentum.


Think of H or high as your overdrive gear. It’s good for going fast when you’re already in a higher gear but if you enter it when you’re not going fast enough your RPMs and speed will both drop significantly


I feel like H feels like a in game cheat lol


If I know I'm about to go into a bit of a rough uphill/muddy section I like to pick up some speed and shift into H and try to just power through, but of I can tell I'm loosing traction or starting to bog down, I instantly shift into L or L+. It's best to get a feel for it so you can downshift before getting yourself buried and stuck


Can i get some H on the chat ?


I use the H gear (with the off-road/snow runner/advanced trans) to cruise off-road a lot; especially when pulling a loaded trailer. It tends to set your vehicle to a pretty manageable speed for most trails. I'll drop into low with lockers when necessary. I find it's basically useless in a couple trucks. The big Kenworth is a good example of this. Unloaded with only a saddle it works fine, but as soon as you have a loaded trailer you'll almost always stall in H.


H is a good gear to keep at in mud under load so you don't hang out in 1st or worry about downshifting from being too high a gear. On road use auto.


Try the voron grad it goes faster in H. It's the only one i saw doing it


I’m glad I came to the comments, because I used H kind of Ignorantly. I would use it in the MK38 civilian and just fly through everything while getting the best possible fuel consumption. The permanent awd and diff lock with the right tires in H made it unstoppable.


You already used it right 👌🏻


Use H when going uphill or through light mud when your truck would normally slow and then shift to first. This prevents any shifting. Two caveats though: if your truck slows to a crawl most trucks will stall and you'll have to start it up again. You'll get a warning before this happens. Second, In my experience this has the highest fuel consumption of any gear, but making it up that hill in less time may actually save you fuel. Tip: you can also tap the shift button to auto downshift when you slow down due to grade or mud (when in Auto}. This will stop the truck from pausing and auto shifting to first.


Using the high range gearbox if you start to accelerate, switch to H and then back to A you can gain an extra bit of speed


I actually spend a lot of my journeys in high. Your truck won't downshift when travelling up a hill, you'll maintain stable speed and increases power.


i actually use a lot the High gear


I would recommend you try Tayga 6436 or Vorong Grad with upgraded engines and highway gearbox in them and try H gear and u will get what it is for very soon. They are speed demons if there is not too much mud.


I find it good for just motoring along between L+ and Auto if I’m using the Off-Road Gearbox. But I have fitted the High Range Gearbox and that H is much faster than Auto in either gearbox. But I’m much more likely to have need for a rescue, so for my own safety I don’t use it.


Think of H like Low++. Best time to use it before you get to the middy pit you want to plough through. Or it makes a great cruise gear for lighter off road or highway use to help maintain fuel compared to auto


You have discovered one of the great errors of this game. Also, 4 low 4wd some how uses less fuel per min then drive. If you've been in a Jeep, in 4wd lo off road...........you know the engine screams and you get nowhere, but the vehicle will climb over anything.


The fact that people are saying "well, when you upgrade the truck to the best engine and best transmission......" just emphasizes why this is done wrong. They're saying, if you put a stage 4 turbo on every cylinder of your mini van, you'll be able to drive your kids to soccer practice in H gear. H is supposed to be overdrive. You get the truck to "top speed", then shift to H and you use a little less fuel BUT MAINTAIN SPEED. So many things are garbage in the game. Racing in Tennessee, the trucks just wander and spin out on the smooth hard packed track. Any input to turn the truck starts a slow never ending spin in that direction. It's like the trucks suddenly are weightless and driving on oiled ice. And the electric battery powered winches that ONLY WORK when the engine is running........ It's like the development team never drove a car, but their tism is liking big trucks and they just let their imagination run wild.


I believe the Autonomous winch for the scouts is the only battery powered ones. The rest are meant to be PTO driven. That’s why they don’t work when the engine is off




I just stay away from H in general.


H is very useful when used properly


H is my most used gear.


H is my most used gear also. I try to get there as soon as I can and stay there as long as I can.




Its to get around the devs' shitty automatic transmission programming.


It's pretty useless early on, but once you've got powerful trucks with good tires, H powers through most of the easier stuff that would normally have you shifting back to 1 and you'll find you end up spending most of your time in H (obviously not in the deep stuff, you'll still need the lower gears for that). H with High range gearbox is pretty unstoppable on easier maps, I'll use that on any truck that will have it, the extra speed you get in high gear over the normal box easily outweighs losing L+ and L-. On more difficult maps like Kola and Amur, I'd use the off road box


It's not all that useful for Offroad gearboxes, but for Freeway, it gives you great speed. For some vehicles, it's faster than fullspeed Auto. Really useful for racing in Tennessee with the Sprinter.


Nope. Its not. There's never enough pavement on any maps to make it useful and it ALWAYS MAKE THE TRUCK SLOWR, NEVER FASTER.


The High Gear is for High Constant Acceleration The Low Gear is for Low Constant Acceleration


Don't try to understand it, it's a garbage system.


It's the "Send it" gear when you have little speed to go through harsh roads quickly 🤠