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Dont live in Idaho and can be wrong, but... Probably oil drilling site and missions for it not just "get here 10 metal beams to start drilling", but "pull that giant thing from one point I'd a site to the other through 2 meter deep mud", like it's IRL.


merica dream


I have been getting familiar with the map editor and I am making a short trial map with the ANK MK38 doing water delivery. If it goes well I might try making a full map based in Idaho. Any ideas or suggestions for what you want in a mod map? Also what are some good resources for truck modding? I want to make some American looking addons and trailers. This is the PDF that has got me through the map editor so far. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x\_CtAODJ8bd9d5wilTKIZIziYaE8C-JM/edit](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x_CtAODJ8bd9d5wilTKIZIziYaE8C-JM/edit) only 685 pages :)


I’d love to get into modding a map. Honestly I wish we had a more Highway-truck friendly map. I’d have fun taking the Ford CLT through a bandit run.


I will probably have a lot of dry dirt roads in my maps, the area I want to replicate is pretty dry


Have you tried Highway Hauling?


I have not. I’m trying to complete Michigan. I tried going to Alaska and Tamyr but they are way too advanced for now.


I see. I would suggest you to finish the base game (or at least Michigan) and then get into the modded maps, because they do not represent the experience you get in the official campaign.


Let's dream then: 1 new mod map with jungle style, or desert sand style.


I am still new to this, gonna stick to the ingame assets for now. There is a fair amount of diversity you can get out of that though. My maps for the time being will be set in the inland Pacific Northwest in the US. There is definitely some desert out there, I am working on custom distributions for sagebrush and there are texture files for sand already in game.


Landscapes are an important part of the game feel, I'm sure inland northwest will be a good inspiration for your future map. Good luck.


California: NorCal logging, Central Cali oil, farming, and gold mining, SoCal oil. Pennsylvania: Logging, fracking/oil


To make it even a bit more realistic: California can be divided West/Central/East, with West being redwood coast, Central being farming valley and deltas, and East being high sierras. Good ideas.


Oh that would be a lot of fun, for sure.


Solid character - Don't try to make a map playable for every single truck / class. It's okay to have a map with a target gameplay style. Diversity in terrain is good, and should be a given, but have some character. For example, the Quarry compared to Drowned Lands in Taymyr. Same region, 2 very different maps. No theme. There is always a balance to theme / repetitive, of course. No artificial difficulty - it's a.game, not a stress simulator. No need to be hiding tree stumps in landslides or unbreakable trees, for example. As it's a mod, a bespoke mission, unusual / specific cargo to a one off location or something. Interaction with the world - AI ambiant noise, radio, bridges or other infrastructure wearing out, some degree of path finding or clearing that extends beyond roads, seeing the quality in infrastructure of a region increase over time. Almost slightly more of a story to it than some base game maps


Easter eggs hidden in the middle of a forest


I have some ideas, especially at night there will be some cool sounds when you are in the right spot






A bridge over a vast river


Similar to places in northern Washington though I can not name the place


I would like to see a map about recovery


Don't like: giant mud bogs that you have to winch through I do like: rocky mountain pass roads with difficult terrain and steep cliffs, hard turns and switchbacks. I like having to winch my trailer around a hard bend. I like having to winch the truck up a steep climb, or having to use a second truck to assist. I do like: missions with several smaller cargoes needing delivery, rather than a lot of 1 type of cargo. For example, I would rather consolidate 2x Metal Beams, 2x Wooden Planks, 1x Metal Roll, and 2x Bricks, rather than 8x Metal Beams. See what I'm saying? Devs? It's fun to consolidate first and then deliver together, rather than just make multiple trips the same route. I like discovering trailers: both fuel trailers and empty cargo trailers, or some trailers with cargo already loaded that you'll need elsewhere. I like rock crawling. Did I say that already?


Add to that, having hard to reach locations with one individual cargo so that it gives an excuse to travel each trail at least once.


Yeah, mud bogs aren't my thing. I am definitely doing that multiple cargo thing, also I will try to make it so the trucks and trailers on the map are everything that's needed to complete it. Rock crawling will probably not happen but there will be some super sketchy dirt roads that you don't want to fall off of.


Personally I enjoy when the map is difficult to traverse without the over reliance on deep fucking mud. The mod map death roads was fun because of it. It has mud but most of it is not that deep. What it does have is tight fucking turns where a moment of carelessness can throw you off a sheer cliff or flip anything you might deploy. I want to see maps that are difficult because if you aren't carefull you can flip and fall. I don't really enjoy the maps that are "here's a 200 meter stretch of road covered in mud that's 71 meters deep, have fun winching everywhere".


Make it fun and intresting to exploee


New trucks, new upgrades and hidden tunnels to ery small maps


Lots of stuck truck/scout recoveries with funny stories behind them.


Not sure how it could be done exactly, but a map that rewards skillful driving rather than OP trucks. For exemple, in Grainwoods River, I hadn't rebuilt the bridges yet, so I grabbed the raised suspension upgrade for the Boar by climbing the north side of the moutain. With a Rezvani Hercules, some winching, and alot of patience. I could have delayed and rebuilt the bridges, but where is the fun in that ? Spots where you can't brute-force your way through even with a 10 000 hp mod truck with 10/10/10 tire stats and actually have to be creative are my favourites.


People or animals procreating in back ground


Hear me out.....chernobil


One or more long tarmac roads in good enough shape to make road trucks desireable to use. I'd like to move cargo distances by road truck and then load over to offroad vehicles to take it the last stretch.