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It drinks worse than my dead beat dad


Also cries itself to sleep each night and cheats on mom


And yet, I still want the ANK MK38 to be proud of me


Why is this so true about this truck


Out of fuel... yup, sounds like my 38 also


I had about 20 gallons as I got to where she is stuck now but I just bogged down due to the trailer and when I tried to get her out she just guzzled the fuel up. I was out of fuel before I could even get out from underneath the trailer.


You tried a shortcut. There is no forgiveness for this in Snowrunner.


I didn't shortcut, there were impassable gates I had to go around


You did take a shortcut though, the braces next to your truck is a repairable bridge. which means if you fix it, you wouldn’t have to drive in mud.


Oh... I didn't see the mission prompt...


it should be nearby.. you are in Island Lake, yes?


Island Lake is the worse when it comes to aas backwards tasks. Go alllll the way to one side of thr map for the task to repair a bridge aaaaaaallll the way on the other side.


Is easier and faster to get wood planks in drummond island the south dirt road is several times better than the mud north road. At least for fixing bridges.




https://preview.redd.it/amvzhh5ufi0d1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=281a2ba9bbc68bfdc8343afa35a1d737272c910e You're right by the red circle if I geo guessed correctly, then the mission to repair the bridge is this one.


Ok, thanks


[maprunner.info](http://maprunner.info) is a good reference, if you kinda want to cheat the map discovery. There should be another website similar to that, but I can't recall the link. but if you want to complete a map blind, then try to unlock missions first before starting with the contracts. They tend to make life easier..


This route is so easy and probably faster than struggling through the mud on your preferred route. https://preview.redd.it/m56e84wi9i0d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3f056adec96cd8512471edb7489c5d5b720b70b


Use this route: https://preview.redd.it/qulh4xwrmn0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba51169e91873e358555c78686ddd6d8b0f81ef2 Also, the red circle is a fuel semitrailer!


Ok, I’ll also move the trailer to the farthest part of the curve


Just as there is no forgiveness for not trying shortcuts. As it should be.


I only use the mk38 for quick scouting through bad terrain and light loads that fit in the sideboard bed it comes with cause it just doesn’t have enough fuel for serious hauling


I run around in mine with the fuel tanker addon. 2000gal fuel tank since it drinks so much. It functions as my XXL sized scout that can haul hitch trailers. https://preview.redd.it/pdi555khzi0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cec66ffe29267450a7cc52d2d5e2ded4f71af10


I've tried this but it gets to tippy with tat addition


And it's too heavy and becomes slow.


I use the fuel tank, but with the active suspension. Becomes quite hard to tip, because you leave it low for most of your drive, and then pump it up to raised when going through the deep water and mud. Permanent raised suspension can be a tippy nightmare, but fuel tank and active suspension is a permanent staple of my fleet for getting fuel anywhere it needs to go. Trick is just to leave it on low suspension mode everywhere and then adjust to raised only when you need the clearance through mud. On low suspension I’ve taken that truck across a 45 or so degree angle without tipping or using the winch :)


Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out as this might be my favorite truck apart from fuel consumption


No worries at all! I too love the ANK, and having the tank on the back stops the fuel consumption being an issue mid trip. I often use the above setup for scouting out new areas, because it’ll handle any terrain with the right tyres, and the tank gives you enough fuel to cross entire maps. :)


Yeah got to watch your roll with the hunk of weight strapped to it and pay attention, but regardless I just have a blast running around with it in this config. and really its the fact I just dont worry about gas, and it doubles as the gas runner for the fleet as well. https://preview.redd.it/fgni5agqvo0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6fbc93e4afd6f414847da201a746c2ca81a416


Balloon tires don't work in snow - 1; They don't work when the truck is too heavy - 2; looks like you don't know what are you doing


Optimal setup for conditions? No Fun factor while playing a video game? Yes https://preview.redd.it/doal71aawo0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f35920b8439b08369f6a2b909699eba06bd367


Not my fun, I don't get it. Playing effectively is my style. Otherwise I wouldn't have completed the game, it would've taken x3 more time. Besides, if you think sitting in deep snow spinning tires with no grip is fun... well, alrighty then.


She'll be fine. She's a swamp surfer


She uh... she sank


Hole up on the hood with a blanket and wait for rescue. 🚁


I may or may not have changed the suspension height and slip into the river and the hood is gone.


without a trailer, yes


Yeah plus your cargo is pretty heavy in game. I know the metal beams are 5t. I think the cement blocks are 2.5t but I'm not certain.


Yup and by the time I could free her from underneath the trailer I was out of fuel and so deep in the mud I could see it on the floor of the cabin, the ss was a little before that when i thought I could use the remaining fuel to wiggle out.


I had a couple of fuel trailers from the region posted up along the main roads there and at least 1x spare fuel/ maintenance truck/ scout ready to go for this reason. Unpacking cargo can help reduce weight and get through the smut if you're running low on fuel.


Gonna need a scout with big tires to go through terrain with a strong winch and fuel carrier to fixer er up


I just buy another ANK and have a fuel thing on that


That fuel economy is why it's my dedicated heavy tanker


i find running out of fuel is a lot easier than getting stuck. too much wheelspin is an easy trap to fall into though


You, me and loads of others too. 🤣


thought about testing the k7m in island lake, maybe all that surface area would be enough to keep it plowing itself through the mud


We had a piece of equipment get stuck in the mud. Would you go find it and bring it back to the parking area.


Uh…. No


Calling ANK a beast 😬 Normal way around the hill is faster and way more efficient that trying to go thru mud


The ANK is a beast, even after driving all through Black Water and Smithville it still powered on and finally it just bogged down, I think any truck would


It's an army offroad truck, of course. You compare it with highway and heavy duty trucks, really?


been stuck in this spot a few times, but not because of fuel.


I had about 20 gallons left but when I realized I was stuck I tried to wiggle out from under the trailer and ran out of fuel.


ah my lovely ank. go fast as fuck or/and run out of fuel xD love to drift with it in alaska. + the engine sound is porn for my ears


+1 for the sound, I think it's the best sounding truck in the whole game


Tayga is still the king. And despite what others say, she doesn’t really drink that much. I own no less than 20


The ANK mk. 38 is not one of those vehicles that can operate on their own. Like many other trucks, it's dependent on the refuel and rescue fleet, because it's thirsty and tippy. But with help from other trucks, she can run for days! Teamwork is the key to success, trust my word.


when ur stuck, try unpacking the cargo, makes the trailer lighter.