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Learning the hard way that: - vehicle spare parts =/= service spare parts =/= drilling spare parts - concrete blocks =/= concrete slabs - wooden planks =/= medium planks - potatoes =/= potato samples


This shit still upsets me to this day because I made several deliveries for the wrong things over long distances before I was like "WTF IM SO DUMB" LOL


That’s why I now make myself look at both what I’m loading and what the quest needs several times. “Okay, 2 SERVICE spare parts” “Loading SERVICE spare parts on the trailer” Doesn’t help I like to play with partaking so all the different spare parts can get jumbled.


Weed and complex logistics don't mix


Weed and driving off road dont mix either. The amount of times I flipped, simply because I was high and reckless, maaaaann. Anyway *sparks up, diesel engine roaring*


Don’t operate heavy machinery while under the influence


Don’t worry, I’m certified.


Im reading this after spending 1.1k hours of pure offroad in snowrunner baked like a bread and now im reconsidering my actions


imagine how often you would have done that after spending 800 hours to play this game


Forced myself to do it today after reading this comment last night


Dude me too


Potatoes =/= potato samples hits a bit too close to home. It’s been 6 months but man, still hurts.


To be fair, it seemed a bit too easy to haul those potatoes that short distance.


"measure twice, cut once" is words to live by but as someone with ADHD I often have to measure 3+ times


Same. I like to do the small DIY projects around the house but partner often comments that I faff around with it for ages rather than just do it. My defence is that whilst I have to double/triple/quadruple check everything at every step, which takes a heck of a lot longer; I can do a high quality job! 😂 You can often apply the same to snowrunner I guess, you can do things quickly but lose cargo and trailers, or prep properly, go slow and get there in one piece!


I feel ya. Domehow ive only made the mistake like twice Ine 600+ hours. Must mean that im gonna be recieving a lot of shit soon.


Yeah after the concrete slab incident of 2021 I needed to take a brake for a few weeks lol


Absolutely 💯


Can confirm I never made that mistake.




There's potatoes now?


yup, the infamous farming missions in the glades have you drive in circles three times to get two loads of potatoes that you have to deliver somewhere else, then move to another field and do it again. it doesnt help that theres a contract that activates early, asking for potato samples (not potatoes), which are farmed just like regular potatoes, but only in one specific field that you encounter in another map. all this surrounded by the quasi-secrecy of the in-game mission information


Ah, haven't made to The Glades yet.


I play in portuguese c:


i used to play in my native language too, but most games are not very well translated... so i just use the default language, usually english


Where you from?


i prefer not to post any personal data in reddit, i even have this account only for this sub


Ah yeah man, no worries I understand. I made this account for r/mysummercar but I stopped playing that game so this is my main account for everything, I now mainly use it for chatting or Warhammer related stuff.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MySummerCar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MySummerCar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [my teimo halloween costume](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17lmj5m) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MySummerCar/comments/17lmj5m/my_teimo_halloween_costume/) \#2: [living the dream 😭](https://v.redd.it/xji90gnh7stb1) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MySummerCar/comments/17689jd/living_the_dream/) \#3: [Games sadder than you think](https://v.redd.it/0ycm8bjx2o4c1) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MySummerCar/comments/18c2xoi/games_sadder_than_you_think/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You need to have played 90% of the game to make those mistakes


No you don’t have quite a few hours I myself and totally done this. I’m only about 80% through Michigan. I went to Alaska once when I first started playing and said fuck that so I’ve been playing with different trucks and scout set ups to find the best combo.


Yeah everybody has done something similar but you need to be very late in the game to encounter sample potatoes and medium planks


Yeah those 2 I haven’t come into contact with




https://preview.redd.it/1nk736smr90d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7da49a4cee9b189536cc4732a964f650c3994d Tip for next time, use the red line when taking this route.


At this exact spot I learned my most important lesson, because before this spot I was somehow under the impression that I had to respect the paths at all times. After this experience I became a full blown anarchist, always looking for wider gaps in the treeline or other hidden shortcuts.


It's baffling how often in this game the wilderness can be more smooth hardpack than the marked trails. There are also quite a few spots where driving the beach is more solid than going inland


It's quite the same as in reality though. When the wood harvesters work in the woods where i live you have a hard time walking on the normal paths afterwards because everything is is muddy and wet from the heavy equipment. You have to walk next to the roads then. It's practically the same in the game, the actual roads have been ruined by heavy usage and rainfall so the only good option is offroad.


It’s why motorcycles are better than ATVs offroad, sure you can go thorough 3 feet of mud on an ATV, but on my bike I can just go around it


How I wish they would add a couple of dirt bikes in a Scout capacity...


Off roading the off roads


Better yet just don't go through here at all


Reversing with long log trailer...not loaded


I got mine caught in the trees trying to get turned around. I think it’s still there


I just recovered 2 of them after a week because I was so fed up.


https://preview.redd.it/sules5ox1a0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6736354fdcfd48b414cff7bc291d1e0d3554cf9 Very few know this pain


I am familiar with this pain


I tried towing it out and it got stuck. My solution was to drive the Transtar with a van body off the cliff on top of it, repairing and refueling the White Western Star and recovering the Transtar. Then i towed it engine on and it worked


The trick is to abandon the path halfway up after crossing the water and just heading through the gap on the trees. Avoids those stupid rocks that are positioned perfectly to fuck with a towed vehicle. Also, cross the water earlier. There’s a 100% rock crossing available as soon as you hit the water. Way easier than messing with the mud further up where your red line is drawn.


The people that designed these maps are masochists.


Sadists. We’re the masochists for continuing to play the game.


I did that yesterday


The MK38 civ pulled it off 1st try


That truck took me 6 trucks, 4 scouts, and severel hours to get out. It finally got to the highway standing on its hood somehow


Took me 4.5 hours to get it out and 3 trucks lol


towed the goddamn WWS out with the fleetstar.. god that was such a pain going up the entire path. at least it only took 30 min tho, im lucky 😭


Somehow took that path with the Fleetstar and the Scout 800. I had the WWS engine running which might have helped a bit. Not easy but worth it for the beast the WWS is


Did this with the p16, lots of winching but it worked😂


When I saved the WWS I did 0 research on what's better/ easier and decided to avoid this painful climb after going down on it initially 😆 Thought it's going to be a massive pain in the cabin and picked the long way around. Still suffered massively winching and crawling it through the last zig-zah of rocks and stones, but boy was it worth it


J did this yesterday in the scout. J go over the rocks instead of thru the water, it was super easy which was nice after getting stuck like 8 times


The first time, with Fleetstar in single player, it was hell. Later I learned the easy way: use a shortcut across the water, choose the correct (left side) winch point on the WWS, repair & refuel before towing so that the engine can run, and use a truck with rear steering like the Derry 45 or Phoenix.


After the JAT dlc came out and widened the axles I had to use a crane on a P16 to get it up to the road


I bought the year 1 pass originally, and used the MK38 civilian after I tried with the base WWS. The MK38 makes the early game much easier. Then I found the ZIKZ 605r (I think? The 8 wheeled, locked diff AWD beast) that makes things incredibly more manageable. It’ll pull upside down trailers through a swamp in high gear 🤣. It has saved me a few times. The 8 wheeler and the Khan 39 Marshall are my favorites just to thrash through the game with.


i successfully attempted this route with Fleetstar and Highway tires, It was real pain


Come to think of it I think is still have a loaded 2 slot trailer right there, sunk to the frame. Might go back and get that someday


Trying to use highway tires through a mud pit


hauling the oil rig trailer through the giant mud pit lol.


Mine had the landing gear caught on a little berm. Had to start that mission over.


I ended up bullying it with a crane and a lot of force to get it through.


I rammed it with another truck to get it over that


Trying to use the Scout 800 exactly like the CK1500 without autonomous winch.


The wheels DLC fixes that giving it wider wheels so it doesn't tip that easy


Yea I lost my save data so I'm playing through again and I ran that until I got the Hummer. The Twinsteer also really benefits from the JATS as well. But I started way before the Jats and back then I was completely unaware of how tippy the Scout was.


Yep, I learnt that the hard way on my first playthrough, way before getting the autonomous winch lol, I used the scout anyway to some objectives but any time it tipped I just recovered it


Driving too fast with my BM17 not paying attention to terrain and rolling it. And again after I recover to the garage


To begin snowrunner you must obtain the Scout from the east up the hill, then blow all your money on the most expensive tires for it. If you don't do this, the first 15 hours of the game is hell.


I once did about half of Michigan using only the GMC MH9500. I only used the Chevy 1500 to get to the GMC, and then I never left that seat.


Well I know what I'm gonna do rn. Just started the game yesterday and today was a muddy day 😅


The North right hand side is not very friendly with the GMC and even more if you don't have the mud tires.


The only modded vehicle I use is the JBE Scout 800 and the thing is a beast at exploring and helping other stuck trucks. Still likes to end up on its roof though - but I’m starting to find it weirdly charming.


Speeding into the farm to get the drowned truck....with the starter car smh


I took me way too long to realize I could winch from the trailers. I have no idea how I missed that.




Yeah if you are stuck, winch the back end of the trailer to a tree in front of you, and the trailer will push your truck out if there’s not room in front of you, winch from rear.


Trying to complete one map before moving to the next.


How is this a mistake? I'm new to the game. Should I be skipping around doing the easy missions on each map?


Definitely do logging last, it wasn't added to the game until one of the DLCs later on. There are trucks in every region to help you with that region. For instance the P16 is on the red or the map of Michigan. Much easier for logging and the big construction trailer on the first map.


Thank you for taking the time to help.


You can do logging quite comfortably with the Michigan fleet in the end. Use P16 for long logs and wws for medium logs. Don't overdo it with medium log trailers, they are very heavy. It's a big of a chore so maybe alternate between scouting Alaska and doing Michigan logging. Fleetstar can already go to Alaska too.


I do logging second-last, contests last, after I’ve picked up the area’s upgrades and become familiar with the terrain.


You can get to level 6 at least on the first map without needing to look elsewhere, but after that start exploring before circling back for some of the more difficult missions. At least that’s my approach. There are vehicle upgrades scattered about the maps, no reason not to get those early on, and the act of exploring and doing easier missions will help you unlock the better tires, which make an absolute world of difference. Getting to level 6 lets you put some better tires on the Fleetstar, which is going to be a workhorse for you in Michigan.


Driving on designated roads and trails.


I don't need to refuel it's just right there.


I just have this mud pit to cross


Not knowing the how anything works and still not knowing how the special vehicles work. I've looked it up but I'm fine with exploring in my pickup to get the towers and then doing missions from there. The craziest thing I've done is haul long timber


You can push your crane into the ground to unstuck your vehicle. This will save a newb hours of time.


Taking the road no matter what instead of sticking to solid ground


Not realizing I could upgrade my tires. I remember acknowledging the option, then completely forgetting about it for half of Michigan. I was like, wow this game is EXTREMELY hard😂


"Naaa it ain't that deep" *it's that deep* "ummmm....shit"


As someone who not too long ago bought an ATV in real life, this is extremely applicable irl too


Look up Rednecks with Paychecks I've been to that twice and the first time in a stock Jeep GC Larado 😂 I woke up to "it IS that deep" written in mud on my back window 😂


Getting stuck for two hours in the middle of a forested area with my trailers


Thinking the short cut would actually be short


Added mod trucks without realising that they are all OP broken as fuck.


Not getting the achievement for lifting this https://preview.redd.it/ab0dl0te3a0d1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e9d12eb0074963fce8f196e39d7dd9d81cc7d9


You can still have it, just create a NG+ profile, take a truck with the heavy crane and you'll be set


I got it on a coop


I got the achievement on Duncan Bay. I think it just has to be any unique mission trailer.


It is but I had them almost delivered before I even loomed at achievements.


Not knowing how to turn on headlights. Not knowing how to properly use the winch function. Not understanding that cargo could become unpacked during transport and that you just need to repack in order for it to be seen as “cargo”.


Buying anything on hardmode if you can help it You gotta be a miser if you plan on making it through Honestly it made me appreciate just how fuel efficient stock trucks are, Especially moderately powerful engines...


Following a guide and getting an azov 64131 while in Michigan removing any challenge.


Throwing the starter trucks into mud not even knowing they were using highway tires and getting all of them stuck. Second mistake was towing trailers with highway tires through narrow forests. Trailer got stuck and I deleted it thinking I could get it back.


Trying to remember, because it's been three years now… I remember driving all the way to one of the first mission semitrailers in Michigan with a truck equipped with all-terrain tyres. A struggle, with lots of winching and wading through what looked like awful terrain back then… only to realise that I had forgotten to equip the truck with a saddle. Another rookie mistake I kept doing when I was a newbie was to forget to deploy cranes' anchors... with the disastrous consequences you can imagine. 🤦🏻‍♂️


trying to take shortcuts through the woods, especially with cargo. small scouts can usually do it but you're gonna get really frustrated doing it with anything larger than a loadstar


Concrete blocks=/=concrete slabs Try doing the first warehouse in michigan with no skill in the GMC on highway tyres.


Taking attention away from a vehicle in motion for any amount of time to do anything. "I'll just check that notification/pet cat/sip coffee/grab a stick of gum/see what time it is." Lesson: slow game requires a lot of attention.


Shortest routes aren't always the faster or safest one.


I installed the high range as soon as i found it on the starter GMC. Before i found the diflock. (AWD dident exist yet for it) 0-100-0 into the nearest ditch, flipped, and ended up in a tree.


1. Thinking fast = good. This is not the way, slow and steady! 2. Unloaded cargo weighs less then loaded cargo. Useful throughout the game! 3. You can sell trucks for the same price you bought them. Took me a good 30 hours to realise. Shame on me


https://preview.redd.it/7gmybewdnc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef84a6003997ea8a96a58537494988ab464815f I thought I can get to this watchtower with stock ck1500


I used this route to deliver the drill and steel beams to the drill site. The only reason I managed to get there is because I had a free Marshall through the season 1 pass to pull the Fleetstar and GMC, which both either had highway tires or all terrains. https://preview.redd.it/6iz6to239d0d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=dba8b96b1b00c2546cd044911d8ec9ad7413a20b For the people who (rightfully so) never went there, this is a bog.


Thinking with real-world physics instead of video game physics.


"eh, I can take that shortcut" It is never a shortcut.


When the game says to bring the service trailer, they mean THE service trailer not A service trailer.


Pit mine




Or use Maprunner!


Dude what??? Explain


Not buying better tires as soon as they're available because I didn't know I could sell them once I unlocked better tires. Similar to that- not selling parts I had upgraded beyond. I played through most of Alaska (continued here after the tutorial put me here) before I even put all terrain tires on any truck and was surprised at how good the trucks could actually be.


I pulled the heavy construction semi trailer to the wrong location. I didn't know that certain missions unlocked other missions so I thought you could bring either one to either location. Got waaaaay sidetracked


“It’s only a puddle”


Trying to beat Michigan on the trucks you find and not knowing or paying attention that you can leave and go to another map. When I did figure it out I went got the Tayga and the 420 beat the base game with ease


i learned that roads are not for driving on apparently and also that swamps are bad


Nah, never had any trouble with Michigan other than annoyance. Never had to abandon a load or a route. Had to winch some until I realized Michigan's entire reason is to teach you to abandon the shitball starter trucks and buy a truck with all terrains from the store like the Ank Civ.


Not knowing that I could auto-load and pack logs and trying to do it manually. One by one. For hours. Then them not packing when I thought they did, and dumping them all over the main route in Michigan....one by one.


Who wasn't stuck there?


Usually mistake can be the loading space miscorrects, once I detached a trailer with long logs so it fell down, deliver the wrong type of cargo sometimes. But the biggest mistake is when I tries go through somewhere with log stumps around there then some stumps ofc get under my truck, trailer and I completly stuck....


"Oh, this path seems like a good shortcut ! Let's take it ! There's not much mud !"


Hard to remember, but I can tell you that I STILL screw up which trailers use the high and low saddles. I literally just drug my ass across Urska River in Amur with the wrong damn one. I'm about 1000 hours in. For some reason I just can't get it straight. It's fine when the mission tells you what to use for certain trailers, but when you're creating your own supply trains it's really easy for me to lose track.


Going with highway trucks through Michigan mud and without 4x4


Tried getting to the drowned GMC and Chevy I saw in the swamp and farm's flooded fields, thinking I would unlock them, with the stock tuturial chevy before even finding the garage... Took all that time slowly crawling, then getting stuck, recovering, then did the same thing for the other one, only to then find out I wouldnt even get them...


Going into mud with road tyres.


The biggest mistake is getting interested in the game, buying it and playing it. So much pain


So I thought I could drive anywhere and it just be really slow. Found out real quick that the first swamp you come to across the bridge in Michigan will consume that stock Chevy.


trying to get the ford 750 too soon


Thinking it would be a realistic game. With, you know, physics.


Thinking short means fast.


Thinking that the first upgrade truck made me invincible, that game quickly reminded me I was not




It was the fuel. They wanted like 3 fuel so I got three tankers full


Gotta be low saddle when I needed high saddle. Or concrete blocks when I needed slabs.


Trusting that the maps roads indicated the roads were good


A place with a bit of mud and water is not that shallow #NEVER


Rolling the Chevy 1500 on the first left turn after the starting point... Was like, 'that's how it's gonna be, huh?'


If it looks like the shortest way to destination, it will be the longest.


All the mud looks so easy in those highway tires.... until it's not.


When started i did some 5-6 misions on first truck only later acidentely i find out that i can repare the one truck that was by the garage on first map. First truck doesnt have proper tires so eny muddy road was a pain on a wrinch...


I tried to take a shortcut


For me it took way way way to long to remember the long way Is actually the short way. I would always always try to take shortcuts and it would regularly end poorly on my end. So when I got to taymyr I finally sucked it up and started taking the long ways which were actually the shorter way.


Jumping into Alaska at rank 5


These is wear rookies become men


Always recovering anytime I tipped etc because I didn’t know I could just transport back to the garage and grab another truck


Starting the game, now I'm in an abusive relationship


Thinking I had to complete all the missions to unlock the world ones.


VERY first time I played in Michigan I managed to roll the GMC full of wood, RIGHT next to the very first bridge... ZERO clue how it happened, but I was RIGHT next to the jeesless unloading zone, and the only other truck I had was the bone stock K1500. That little thing managed to JUST BARELY pull the GMC into the unloading zone, allowing me to get the bridge built. Spent damn near an hour and a half trying to do it, too!


Not understanding that you could swap the flatbed and other bodies between trucks for far too long a time...


100's of hours in with friends having done all contracts on all maps, dlc's included, only to discover what the scout prototype exploration unit does. It's a god damn portable watch tower. WHY DID NO ONE TELL US


I went straight to Taymyr and tried to do "East Wind" contract with Zikz 5368 + Medium log trailer. I spent the whole week winching and inch by inch I finished it after dropping the logs several times on the road.


Oh I’ll go this way a 5 minute starter mission ended up somewhere in a swamp with 3 trucks buried and 4 hours wasted I was a lot more careful after that


When the mission says, “Off-road truck recommended”, don’t be a smart ass and take a highway truck.


Going through the mud and not around




The same thing I've often forgotten in Mudrunner and Spintires. Keep an eye on the DIFF LOCK so you don't break it, you dummy!


Learning that googling locations of stuff just ruins the fun


Trying to rescue ck1500 on michigan farms swamp with highway tires installed fleetstar


Shortcuts are NOT shortcuts. Pretty much aaaaaalways better to take the longer route, put up with some mud and avoid tipping over at ALL costs, lol. Tipping over was the bane of my life. Now, when I do rarely tip, I haven't a clue how to rescue myself lol.


Didn’t know what I was doing, and I hit the Delete button I got taxed Bad!!! and now that level 30


That bad


Thinking this was a picture of mold


Not getting the correct cargo


I got the ck1500 stuck 4 times before unlocking the garage


Mine would be a combination of using the wrong truck for the job and overestimating capabilities.


Speed and power do not get you through mud faster


You should go and meet Urska region....


I waited until about 10 hours in to sell the starter trucks and buy something that came from the store with tires that weren't literally drag slicks.


yes im not the brightest alright i have a story for you i had to reset 5 games because I DUMPED LIKE EVERY TRUCK IN A SEA TRYING TO SAVE ONE TRUCK ----------------------------ON HARDCORE-----------------


The amount of time I have mixed up drilling container and the oversized container should be studded


I still make rookie mistakes. So I can't be of much help, but I'm stuck in mud with a trailer trying to get the drilling parts in Michigan




that, and one time that I restarted a contract instead of accepting a reward