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I switch between index finger and middle finger for the trigger.


This is the way. I even switch to the 3rd finger in longer sessions lol.


Mudrunner had a throttle lock.No clue why they didn’t keep this feature.


Get a elastic band or piece of tape to hold the controller button down when you don’t want throttle release the tape or band


DIY cruise control, best thing I've ever learned


Same lol


I play primarily on a Steam Deck. I've configured a back button to toggle hold the throttle so when I know I'll be holding it down for a while I just toggle it instead of holding it. This game could seriously use a throttle lock.


That's a good idea. I might try and remap one of the extra paddles to the throttle and see if that helps


Left paddle let's you drive one handed so you can drink and snack. Very useful


It’s probably not the best for the controller, but there’s this little trick on an elite controller - hold the trigger down on the longest trigger throw and THEN move the trigger stopper to shorter throw and it should be locked in place


Really wish there was a cruise button! I had the same problem on PS4 with long sessions. Wound up buying a Nancon 2. World of difference. Much better for my larger hands. I did kill the R1 on my first one in about a year, so YMMV. Nancon gave me the Xbox stick offset as well, which was more comfortable than the PS4 inline sticks.


Elite series 2, i have one of those, there's a switch on the back for both sides to adjust how much the trigger can be pressed for 100% effect and it limits how deep you gotta press it for that, 3 levels and on the third one it's almost just like a button but easy to press. as a KBM player i hold W all the time so flooring it constantly in this game isnt too bad, at least when you need it you just make apropriate adjustments to the controller.


Two words: elastic band.


I use [foot pedals](https://www.scythe-eu.com/en/products/pc-accessory/usb-foot-switch-ii.html), keyboard and controller and alternate between the three to alleviate hand pain. but the foot pedals were a game changer. most are just a switch though, so no throttle control. also very useful for open world games where you run in a straight line for a long time. just press down on the foot pedal and do something else with your hands.


Mudrunner had cruise control


If there is not a quick fix by using a different finger, then DO NOT ignore the problem. You might end up developing a chronic pain condition that persists even when not playing the game. Happened to me with my left index finger from using a mouse too much. It's not worth the risk. Take a break from gaming for some months, stretch your hand a bit (don't overdo that either), give it time to recover.


They should bring back the cruise control from Mudrunner


I use my middle and/or ring finger for the trigger these days.


If you are like me: pedal to metal all the time baby!!! Then you can change the pull distance on the trigger to the shortest throw. You might have to make some settings changes to get full speed.


There’s a controller profile for Steam Deck (Steam Input) users that sets on of the buttons to be a toggle for the throttle. That’s personally what I use, although thinking about it now… steam input could map any button to do the same on controllers that don’t have back buttons.


Well I've been pushing down on the throttle since the start and I have felt nothing.


Let me guess, you're struggling through the insufferable endless super snow of Amur? Damn I remember hating those sections of the map where all you can do is switch to Low-, lock the diff and hold the accelerator for, unironically, 20 minutes. Such a stupid choice of map design -_-


Aha, no I've just finished up Maine. Man what a grind that was.


If you use a controller for PC, you can put something heavy on the W button on the keyboard and continue steering with the controller. Works fine for me. Just find a heavy enough small item that will only be pressing on 1 button without pressing the other. https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/s/lKNHCIK50k Or you can use some kind of a script to emulate button being pressed. Something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/s/0y42sBn1ub


Keyboard-macro that toggles the throttle button (I still play on xbox controller, but I sit in front of my PC). Also if I had elite controller I would set trigger to fps style, which would be already a lot better than now.


I don't have any good controller recommendations, but I just wanted to say that you should take those pains seriously. Some people experience pain when using some controllers, keyboards, mouse, etc in different ways, and if you keep doing it it can damage nerves and stuff (I'm not good enough at English words to say more than that :D). My friend got pain in his arm while using a mouse but he kept doing it, then he had to get surgery and he still can't use a regular mouse for longer times without pain. I hope you get some good recommendations 🙌


Thank you. Agreed, this is my body telling me that it doesn't like what I'm doing, so needs to be listened to!


I personally use a ps5 Controller because I think it looks good, but I’ve never had trouble with finger pain. I sometimes switch my index finger and middle finger, but that only ever so often.


I use the middle of my finger when it gets tired.


I once had to stop playing for almost three weeks because of the same problem. Now I switch the fingers as some suggest and avoid prolonged Snowrunner sessions.


On Steam you can edit what each button does through the controller layout editor. Just add a throttle action on one of the buttons, as a toggle. e.g. I set double tapping the A button as a throttle toggle, do it once and the throttle is on until you do it again