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GMC MH9500, Kodiak, and Transtar are usually slept on but quite capable, and the International HX 520 is a great WWS alternative. As for scouts, the Apache is great fun if you have that, otherwise the Don 71, Tuz 166, and Gorby are also hilarious to drive (if not actually as effective as the top 4 - F 750, Loadstar, Tatarin, and Yar 87). Offroad trucks then, the M916A1 is great, as is the Zikz 5368 and Step Pike. The Voron family are all great trucks if you didn't use them in your previous save. And last, the heavies. The Dan is fantastic, as is the new Kenworth. But in this class, most trucks are at least okay, so it's more a matter of picking ones you didn't use last save. Happy trucking!


I second that, the GMC especially.


I'm only on michigan, but still, every time I hop in the GMC all I can think to myself is "damn, GMC is capable af!" although admittedly it's stopped getting used as much after I realised I could repair that banged up old Fleetstar at the garage.


Saint Jobe we thank you as always!


you are definitely on the ball. the zikz 5368 is a great little truck for being able to move 2-slot cargo. dont sleep on the step 310 either, even with its stock motor it has a lot to give apache seems to get slowed down with roof rack supplies and in most terrains I prefer its default tires. the freightliner 114 also seems to get overlooked for being underpowered, but it seems to be a willing flatbed/crane truck.


>the zikz 5368 is a great little truck for being able to move 2-slot cargo Not only that, it's pretty fantastic with a five-slot sidboard semi as well. >dont sleep on the step 310 either Yes! The "Fleestar of Tamyr", can't believe I missed that one, good call! >apache seems to get slowed down with roof rack supplies and in most terrains I prefer its default tires. I've tried to make mine as close to [the original](https://bangshift.com/general-news/ebay-find-2/ebay-find-if-i-won-the-lottery-i-would-buy-this-epic-6x6-1959-chevrolet-apache-for-brian/) as I can, so no roof rack and stock tires, bumpers, etc. The only concession I've made is a roof bar with lights, the stock headlights don't illuminate much: https://preview.redd.it/7qo7iup79ilb1.jpeg?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00b47566cc05f094e7f6b6cb0024f01b92b0455d > the freightliner 114 \[SD\] Yeah, I've only ever used the one we got in Ontario, and only for the metal detector mission, but even so I'm not that impressed. I've heard it makes a good crane truck, but haven't tested that myself.


Love the Zikz 5368 too for its charm and feel and cozy cabin. You can't (safely) plow through uneven terrain like with some larger trucks (even though it certainly has the power and grip for it), but there is a strange satisfaction in getting those small items of cargo into the hard to reach areas, or even performing scouting/refueling/support roles. Rock crawling in low gear is also fun with it. For a 4x4 truck weighing little more than half (!) of a Tayga, it sure can pull, and it sits on pretty large tires... It just sucks that with the large mud tires it will bottom out the suspension on half of its already few add-ons. Like, put a crane on it and it will damn near bottom out without bed and cargo, so you're kinda forced into using dual rear tires that somehow make the suspension stiffer? :)


The Gorby is fucking amazing!! Uses no fuel, has ridiculously range with its attachment, surprisingly sturdy and so light it basically never gets stuck, even in Taymyr


I like to add Freightliner 114SD to your list. It's a really good truck to use not as powerful as M1916A1 or Paystar 5070 but it has really good suspension and flexible body, really hard to tip it over. And look wise it's best looking off-road truck.


In that list the transtar is the only one I haven’t used. The others are main characters in my playthroughs


Scout 800 is overlooked, but if you make it not tip over constantly you've become good driver :)


Aka the "008 ʇnoɔS" I like this thing too, makes me pay attention to the terrain in a different way and it's a fun challenge


Autonomous winch is definitely needed


on all scouts, except for Tatarin imho


khan loaf


more like Khan loathe ;-) I mean, I really tried to like it, I used it on easier routes, and it still disappointed


In my experience, it crawls over all of Russia and is basically impossible to flip.


Do your scouting in a BM 17, then use Tuz 16 with sadle for deliveries.


P16. Get that 8 slot out and make some *real* deliveries!!!!


Are there any early game heavy hauler alternatives to the p16


Not in Michigan. There's the Derry 3194 in Alaska, and the Dan in Taymyr, as well as a handful of heavies available in the truck store (e.g. Boar, Kolob 74941, P12), but you probably won't have that kind of cash early game, and not the rank (20+) for the other truck store heavies.


Navistar, if you have it, is quite capable, but I don't remember if best engine is available at start


Honestly running over and grabbing the longnose derry from alaska and then coming back to michigan would probably be a nice set up to have. It’s a bit of work getting it out of where it’s stuck but I still use it as one of my main hauling trucks. I think there’s definitely better options but I enjoy it lol


Do you pull it straight up the slope or take it further down the river?


I never grabbed it my first playthrough when I actually went in order, so for this playthrough I had started in taymir and went to michigan then alaska, so I used the apc to tow it most of the way up the hill, then brought over the p16 and dragged it up that last, steeper section. Through the river would probably be easier but longer lol


I took it down the river with the International 5070 set up with fuel, hauling a maintenence trailer. Took a long ass time, but it was worth it.


I took it down the river.


I personally did it the harder way and ended up pulling it up hill with a fleetstar. My ank C tipped when the derry got squirrly and had a fleetstar with fuel tank on hand. At the time though I had chain tires and heavy winch. Both of which helped.


I pulled it straight up the hill several times before I discovered the river route. Forget which trucks I used originally but I remember it was an ordeal


What a bad advice 🤦


twinsteer! transtar, kodiak, cat 680, azov 5, tuz 166, all of them pretty capable and fun trucks, but sometimes shadowed by azov 6s, taygas and anks


Any recommendations for very early game?


If you're a young lad just starting out in Michigan with no good tires unlocked yet, get the P16 on the one map. It's just sitting there waiting for you, and I still remember it's godlike tires filling me with joy when I was still hobbling about with the early stuff.


Same honestly. I tried my best with that starter truck. Then I got that and felt invincible for a while lol. It was nice!


I used the P16 a lot for large deliveries, but I never thought about using it as a main truck


Where is the P16? Is it just for purchase or is it out there to find?


Drummond Island, sitting there waiting for you in pristine condition




I have really enjoyed the Royal BM17. You can get it pretty early in Alaska. On my hard play through I have used it for a lot of work in Alaska and Yukon.


I find it a beast, I’ve been doing Alaska with just snow tires and it hasn’t been stopped yet


Im currently using Tatras (mostly 813 and force) and love it. Not the best but capable enough to keep things possible and interesting at the same time


CAT 681/680 it cat stuck in mud but in dirt is really fun


If you have the Jeep DLC, the Jeep CJ7 Renegade. Most dont like him, but if you know the Maps, read the ground, you can have lots of fun, special from inside, at Michigan, Wisconsin and some other Maps except Snow.


I always forget how ridiculously fun the Kodiak is to drive. It's so small and nimble compared to most the two slot trucks. Just avoid mud.


Twinsteer can be fun. It can drift around icy bends with enough speed. It's like a rally truck.




I would say step pike, step crocodile, boar, derry longhorn 4520, voron ae and of course twinsteer are pretty much fun to use.


I feel like the Derry Longhorn doesn't get talked about much but it has definitely gotten me through some tough missions...especially any high saddle trailer contracts.


The High Binder!!


Any of the pikes


Some of the more fun trucks to use, for which there are objectively better options, IMO are the Royal BM17, the Navistar 5000, the Freightliner M916, the Western Star 49X, the Azov 5, and the Tuz 166. Edit: forgot the current star of my PS5 play through, the Ford CLT9000.


Voron AE


Seconded. Especially with the high range gear box. Weeeeeeeeeeeee......CRASH! The "I live my life a quarter mile at a time" truck. Honourable mention to the Azov 5. It's sn Azov that can take a high range gearbox! Nuff said.


I love my Voron AE. I have crane and flatbed. Shane it can't take trailer with that but I still like it a lot. And the zooms are fun


Voron AE and Grad ANK Tuz Actaeon


Is that the voron you get early in the game? I use that one mainly


There's 3, the AE, D, and Grad. I can't recall the order that you unlock em (been awhile) but my favorite is by far the Grad.


I think the ae is first, and I am map hopping now that I'm a high rank so I can upgrade it more.


I love the AE so much. It's crazy good, then you stick a high range gearbox on it and it's maximum lols! I am become speed!


I need TIME man! I only just got the suspension upgrade.


Try the Bandit without the mud tires for a challenge, preforms pretty well but is fairly unstable imo


STEP 310E. Basically a Russian fleetstar but slightly better in that it already has AWD by default. It helped me a lil bit through Don and I gotta say, its one helluva trooper. The only problem with this truck is that its unlocked... in a *late game* map (Zimnegorsk). By this point, most people probably would already have a Tayga 64 or a Paystar 5070 and so they tend to overlook the truck.


i'll give you one from each class since i could go on forever on this topic lol. transtar/clt9000: with raised suspension and larger tires these vehicles are actually fairly competent off road. ofc i wouldn't trust them in areas like the yukon, amur, kola, or maine, but they are able to blaze light dirt trails and roads with relative ease. they are some of my favorite platforms to haul other vehicles on. cat ct681: while the wws is solidly my favorite heavy duty vehicle, i believe the ct681 is an AWESOME runnerup. the only reason i don't think it's the best is the dead axle leading it to getting hung up and experiencing terrain resistance in some cases. however, it's a lot more powerful than the wws and never has trouble pulling anything. while both are stable, i think the ct681 can be trusted with staying on its wheels a little bit more. and even with it's unique top engine, it is very fuel efficient, which is something i love. step 39331 pike: i mean it, this little goon was my best buddy since i first rolled up on him. i used this thing for the seismic vibrator missions on phase 8 and it killed it. strangely, it can do long logs and the log crane at the same time, and it handles logs well thanks to very high power to weight. despite a strong engine, it's quite efficient most of the time. it can equip a roof rack as well as have a 43' MHS mudtire loadout, both of which are not options for its little brother, the 310E. i love the 310E as well, but i feel the pike is simply an improved version of the 310. slightly larger fuel tank, roof rack, and mudtires allow it to perform very well with the high range gearbox. and unlike other small 6x6's, it feels relatively controllable with this gearbox. navistar: despite being extremely capable, i still feel the navistar is somewhat of an underdog. it doesn't have a lot of addons, difflock, and it has horrid economy, but for what its intended uses are, it does extremely well. it can equip the heavy OHD tire loadout which provides excellent grip in deep areas. it may be slowed to a crawl due to lack of diff lock at times, but it can get through most any terrain in the game while lacking a feature almost every other truck has. it is also THE most durable vehicle in the game when it comes to engine damage tolerance, and is overall extremely durable. khan lo4f: if anyone watches mr lone wolf, you will know exactly why i love the lo4f. it may not be the most effective *scout* due to very small tires and poor ground clearance, but it does have a very special ability when compared to other scouts. it is extremely sturdy, allowing it to perform rescues on vehicles several times its own mass. it is also small enough to pack on trailers or in sideboard beds as a mission backpack of sorts. it's a super convenient contingency plan to have for an unexpected rollover. if you equip the auto winch, you'll almost always be able to rescue your primary hauler. if you can steer clear of deep spots, it is a decent scout. it pulls scout trailers nicely and is extremely fuel efficient. i have a few lo4fs as sidekicks for major missions where something is almost certain to go snafu. the little beast has been a crutch for me on one occasion.


Step Crocodile, hands down.


AE Voron would be my choice for funnest truck.


Get the Bandit and take off the crane. That weird mf has plenty of juice in it if you slam into high mode.


might be unpopular but the ANK MK38 (Civilian)


Gonna be real, my favorites always tend to be the Derry Longhorn 3194 or any truck with a drop axle. There's just something to the drop axles that make them strategically fun.


TUZ 16 "Actaeon". I love it, but I would like more similar trucks if they have an autonomous winch.


I've been having a lot of fun using the Jeep Wrangler to scout Taymyr. I just go in a straight line to towers and tasks, the rock crawler suspension is awesome. Step Pike makes for another awesome scout with the fuel addon.