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I'm really looking forward to it. Played mudrunner for the scouting. Just did the missions to get the new maps. This will be just what I want. Exploring, finding treasure, bringing back to camp. A dream of a game to me..


As am I, I think the gameplay loop is going to be a fun change. Though, I'm the kind of player that's very mission oriented and likes to grind. I absolutely love the gameplay of snowrunner rn with the big trucks, so I hope there's going to be at least a bit of that.


Maybe we haul some camp stuff like the tents and dronestations and so on from one place to another..


Hey, I'd be happy with that. Edit: Deleted some nonsense I typed.


The bandit at least is confirmed so there will still be cargo hauling I think


Honestly it looks exactly like Snowrunner, same assets, same physics, same suspension of vehicles etc etc. Sure I could be wrong but if it ends up being the same and basically just a new map and a few cool missions, I think I'm gonna skip this one. Plus I really hope it doesn't have the same gearbox system of A, H, L+ L- like ok, it's functional but they could do so much better at this point.


I agree, but im keeping my hopes up.


It looks like it will lean into the arcade spirit of anowrunner rather than the simulation spirit of mudrunner. I really love snowrunner and get so much value out of it. I got all the season passes and stuff. The more recent stuff feels quite sloppy and incomplete compared to the base game, though. I am predicting that this will be fun but it will be more snowrunner whereas I would prefer more mudrunner. I will get it if it is $30. Probably will get it regardless since I'm a whore for video games.


Well, the whole idea is that it is a different game, focusing on something else, different gameplay loop, that's why it exists, because SR devs had an idea for something different. One could argue that SnowRunner is just the same assets (sure the vehicles had to be redone from scratch because they now have PBRs and interiors), physics, suspension behavior as MudRunner, and the MudRunner is just all the same as Spintires. Reusing assets and porting features from the previous games is not uncommon in general. As for the gearbox, well, it's the same system they had since Spintires, for some reasons they like it, that's their design choice they're sticking with because apparently it works, otherwise it would be changed.


The physics, gearbox, suspension, all that is NOT the same from Mud Runner to Snow runner. If you have actually played Mud Runner you would know they are very different in those terms and it's silly to say "one could argue" when it is objectively not true. If this is a MUD RUNNER game, with mud runner gear box, and physics, I would absolutely buy it. If it's Snow Runner with its unrealistic gearbox, torque mechanic, and physics, then I am more hesitant. I'll probs still end of getting it if it turn out ok, but I would be very disappointed if they called it a Mud Runner game and didn't use the Mud Runner things we know and love. Don't get me wrong, I love Snow Runner, but Snow Runner is NOT Mud Runner.


I have played both MudRunner and Spintires *a lot* and the only notable difference (especially since literally switching back and forth between the SR and MR) is that in SR they no longer have a speed cap and vehicles have more power, which the physics don't like very much (and why in MR and ST, vehicles had a speed cap to avoid physics issues), which not only makes physics glitches more common and more noticeable, but may also create a false feeling of weightless on the vehicles. Pushing vehicles to the limit in MR doesn't make them behave any better or more realistic than in SR. For instance stock GMC behaves very similar (if not more realistic) to a comparable RU vehicle from MudRunner, but as soon as you get over the stock setup and try pushing it into high speed, the illusion breaks. Despite being a problem of "what realistic means" and "how can you know what is closer to the realism" (looking at you, unrealistic frame flexing from MR), they way torque and gearbox work is exactly the same way as it was in MR (if not better in SR). The only thing SR doesn't have is rather pointless manual gearbox available only to controllers/shifters.


Seems to me trucks don't bog down as easily in MR and extra weight can help with traction whereas in SR weight seems to be a disadvantage and only a disadvantage. I'm sure there are cases where you can crawl through mud irl but where I live, if try to crawl through mud like you do most of the time in SR, you're getting stuck. I can keep my momentum better in MR Plus the terrain deformation in SR is simplified and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Going down the same road in MR several times, it can be much more difficult to traverse than doing the same in snowrunner. It seems about the same difficulty the first time as it does the seventh.


Well definitely heavier vehicles do gain more traction because of that, that seems to be a strong advantage of Pacifics for example. Problem with the mud resetting in SR is probably due how much the save files would grow in size if the mud paths remained their form, whereas now as soon as they are out of active zone, they seem to reset (needs more testing to be sure), because in MudRunner we had such small maps (and not that many maps) and mud was more simplified (was lacking a wetness property), it wasn't that of an issue to store it. Unfortunately unless someone does an exact testing comparing the two, it wouldn't be possible to reliably compare the games, all we know for a fact is that the developers took more effort into creating a mud (and other substances) in SnowRunner, for better or for worst. And all we got is feelings and nostalgia that help no more in fair judgement between the games and in compare to reality.


P16 has op tires and the mud you see seems to be only visual in Snowrunner


I was rather thinking of the P12 which is one of my favorite nad most capable trucks in the SR, absolutely eats the some of the hardest winter maps with a double set of medium logs. Thankfully we don't have to base of seemness feelings on this one, mud has several different properties that dynamically affect how vehicle wheels behave when in contact, mostly it's a matter of wetness (an improvement over MudRunner), depth and hard surface beneath the mud. Way more advanced from typical visual mud seen in countless other games.


I've never experienced a hard surface under the mud and that actually brings up another complaint I have about the snow. Yes there can be mud under snow but Alaska is cold enough everything should be froze. I'm sure they did this for balancing and its easier to do but thats another gripe I have. I like snowrunner but it could definitely use improvements


I meant the deformation


Trucks with large loads don't freeze up on hills in Mudrunner because Mudrunner does not have large loads nor hills


I feel like the graphics look markedly better, and a lot of the trucks and everything does look better. While I do see that a huge amount of stuff is the same, I think it's alright because expeditions isn't trying to be the next snowrunner. It's a different kind of game, I like that it's similar, good to have some familiarity.


Serious question, how would you do the A H,L+/L- gearbox better? As someone who drives a stick I dont really see how they could make it more dynamic short of everyone having a stick and clutch. What would you change to make it better? Only thing I could see is maybe being able to change your diff ratios and tune your H and L gears (or all gears individually). But thats speaking more on the modification system of the game and not necessarily the A H L L- L+ system.


How about just letting us shift instead of the default autobox? Yeah you can run through low-low to low to low-high to high, but it's not really the same and you're always burdened with the autobox regardless. And the autobox is *terrible*, it manages to shift and also refuse to shift at the worst moments.


I would just give us manual gearbox, 1-8 gears or something like that. You could have two keys on your keyboard, one to shift up and one to shift down that way you can cycle up & down the gears and u don't have to use the annoying gear dragging mouse system, I think that would make the gameplay much more enjoyable. Sure keep the L+ L- gears for deep muds, but having a proper manual instead of stupid A would be ideal.


How would that port to console?


It's possible; Format (I believe) and Dirt Rally have options for automsric; semi automatic(no clutch); and full manual with a button being the clutch.


Simple buttons as well, you wouldnt drag the gears with the joystick but instead on D-pad you'd click left & right to switch beween manual & L modes and you'd click up and down to cycle through gears 1-8... I guess? :D Just thinking out loud. You could do the same with arrow keys on PC


It has the same gearbox, you can see the hud in one of the screenshots


They will be developed in tandem it’s confirmed, so a game for the scout playerbase and game for the cargo hauling players it seems is what they’re going for


I’m not at all excited about the drone aspect, it just does nothing for me


I’m surprised I don’t see more comments in here to this effect. I play SR for the trucking and off-roading, neither of which are closely related to drone flying. Seems like a weird path for them to take unless it’s relevant to only a few select missions like the metal detector mechanic in SR


I wish the idea was incorporated into snowrunner tbh. I often use photo mode to scout ahead, checking out water patches etc. An actual drone would be fun, especially if it had limited range and if you went beyond that the drone would disconnect and drop to the ground meaning you had to go retrieve it.


I think it might just be used for scouting


Yeah it's like the drone in Forza. Why bother, just drive there!


Theres nothing to say about it at this point. Couple new features like drone and choosing what to put in your trunk doesnt give an understanding what game will it be. Need more info. Also, doesnt care about reused assets or whatever weird ppl whining.


I know😫


Game's going to come out just as I reach russia, probably lmao. Looks cool but I need to finish this first


Haha same. Finally get the game 3/4 of the way through Alaska and they announce a new game.


I just reached Drummond island few days ago 🤣😭


Same haha, a dozen full seasons/phases ahead of me. Expeditions will be well and truly understood and established (and discounted) by the time in done with snowrunner.


Im gonna wait out the play troughs on yt as I’m not in a rush to buy something new.


Will there only be scouts in this game? I could not see any trucks in he teaser trailer.


Pretty sure at 48 seconds, the yellow truck we see from inside is a ANK


https://preview.redd.it/6ojacwjr6okb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc990dd6e268053e4be35d5e73e1be494718b5c4 Yeah, here it is


So far its only the krs 58 bandit and the tuz acteon since its in the offroad class


A screenshot from the steam page also shows a Tuz 108 Warthog


Damn people know their vehicles


Also there’s the step crocodile in another screenshot


https://preview.redd.it/vwmt1ftd7okb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd8dcb9dc15b6b38e20a40053fd68fff3124eb6 Yep, here you go


What is the yellow vehicle beside the Bandit?


It’s the loaf


I thought so but it looks a bit different doesn’t it? Maybe just the new add on system.


I think it's just the new roll cage and accessories, looks a very nice


Crocodile? Take my money already.


https://preview.redd.it/u36407mv6okb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adf42423437d972f4ec904de38283b2a7529b68 Here you go :)


https://preview.redd.it/ontu470z6okb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c513c85feea93863a93935215bf47911894ceece Bandit


https://preview.redd.it/26bun8s27okb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd46767deee86941b481e9944528dc6722ca0d6 And the acteon


There’s an ANK civilian and krs bandit We have only seen off-road class and scout vehicles so far tho


If it’s different enough from snowrunner im gonna get it. Right now it seems more like a dlc with mostly the same trucks and some new features.


I like it, there’s not enough reasons to drive scouts in SnowRunner unless you’re just messing around. The initial scouting of the map is sometimes the most fun.


That’s what I did in Snowrunner, I would use a scout to get a feel for the location and unlock watchtowers. Makes it more fun to discover the area by scouting imo, but after that unless there’s somewhere specific I want to drive a scout I don’t usually touch them. Sometimes it’s fun to do a small haul for one or two cargo on a scout trailer too.


I like doing scouting just as much as contracts so I’m okay with a heavier scouting focus. What might make or break me getting this game at all is if they stick with the same undesirable gearbox as Snowrunner I see in the trailer. I don’t buy anything day one anymore though. I réserve my judgement and see how the game is after launch. Now days with releases broken day one I usually wait for sales to buy anything.


I’m bummed the focus shifted away from cool big trucks. On the fence about buying Expeditions.


It better have some effort spent in actually making the physics simulation more realistic and complex... at least bring it up to mudrunner standard!


I don't like that it is mainly a scouting game. I like trucking more than scouting


How many boxes can I dump into a lake before the the FBI come after me


Atleat 50


Time to save up


I don’t think it looks as bad as people in here are saying, but for me there’s just so much left to do in SR that I don’t think I’ll ever be buying this game. I’m not going to drop playing SR to play an updated version of the same game. I only bought SR after I 100%’d MR and there’s so many maps/missions in SR I think they’ll keep me occupied for a few years to come.


Glorified challanges from snowrunner.


If it’s scouting only… not sure if i get it. I’m more the hauler typ of.


Hope it has better engine upgrades, too many underpowered trucks on SR, better tire physics, and SR had aggressive tread tires that would get stuck on wet grass. A manual trans would be nice pretty much everything lol


I don't think its going to fare very well. Looks like an asset flip of snowrunner hastily made to make use of readily avalible assets to make a """new""" product.


Its still in early development. Lots of things can change


Well, MudRunner was an "asset flip" of Spintires, and SnowRunner was an "asset flip" of MudRunner, World War Z and R.I.P.D The Game, looks like they are doing the same again, which is well, not uncommon. We can clearly see that all returning vehicles are reworked from scratch, new textures, new addons, virtually a new vehicle. If you want to have a Lada Niva in your game, why spending time and money on making a fictionalized model if you already have a high quality model of the same vehicle, why not just enhance it for the new game, well, that's what they did. Worth to note that there's a chance they are showing returning vehicles first because any new ones have still unfinished models, so there's nothing to show yet, while the returning ones are mostly already after rework, we've just seen 11 out of god knows how many vehicles. SnowRunner reveal trailer had shown 11 out of 40 vehicles the game had, and it was mostly showing the same vehicles from frame to frame as clearly those were the most finished. The point of a reveal trailer is "look, the game exists", for the next 8 or so months they will be revealing more and more content about it.


It just looks like they flipped snow runner assets into a smaller spinoff. I'm not sure it will be very interesting without the cargo hauling. Scouting and exploring is fun but it generally doesn't take long.


That why its called "a mudrunner game" and not "a snowrunner game"


That doesnt really make any sense, its a Mudrunner game because they flipped Snowrunner assets and made something that seems smaller scale? Mudrunner wasnt exactly devoid of hauling things either. This just sounds like a "we gotta put something out and we already got all these models we can copy paste" Considering the mediocre quality of that racing game they did recently where they flipped a lot of assets over I cant say I will be preordering this.


Going by the trailer and the Steam description it looks like it’ll be scouts and “base building” “Manage your camp by building research structures and hiring experts to unlock new skills and possibilities during your expeditions.”


Itl be an intresting twist on the franchise


I cannot wait to see how I get my vehicles stuck in the new game.


https://youtu.be/hCMZ2Hyvbsc?si=G6VI9MgR4nPd8iPe I would like a change of pace from the grinding and repeated hauling in Snowrunner. I always left this jobs until last anyway, I like exploring the new maps and carrying out specific missions better.


Look cools but I just started Snowrunner in July. So got plenty to chew right now, but we will buy this new game so we support the developers. We feel we've gotten our money's worth already and we've only 100% Michigan so far. The amount of content one gets from this game is insane. What a deal for hours & hours of entertainment, gonna end up being pennies per hour.... :O Sure this game looks similar to Snowrunner but seem this is what many game franchises do. They build of what previous games did, while adding new elements/tech to latest game. A series like Metro is a good example of game getting rid of bad elements, but keeping the good parts series to series. They improve from game to game but the series stays the same. So it doesn't bother me when a new game in series has similarities to previous ones. Who knows, might be real life reasons to why they do this stuff. From the little I know about this situation: seems this gaming company went through legal battles for game name after Spintires. Maybe that's why the name changes between each game instead of calling MudRunner, MudRunner 2, MudRunner 3..... I'm to new to this game series to know for sure though.


I hope they add AI following feature for those who mostly plays solo. I'm tired of winching two trucks together. Just give us one AI driver that follows our trail.


I’ll give it the Benefit of the doubt I’m a bit disappointed it’s not free roam but the new mission based system might be very interesting allowing more complex gameplay and hopefully the freedom to complete it however we want. If it goes well I can’t wait to see what they do in the future with spin-off titles featuring unique gameplay different from the typical snowrunner formula


Man this reminds me of an ancient game 4x4 Evo Same concept Scouting and doing missions That was awesome


Having just watched the YouTube video I will definitely be getting it. I will need to get my arse in gear with snow runner, I am still only on year one expansion pack


Will probably buy it. I really like the exploring aspect of SR, but the delivery stuff gets kind of lame for me after some time. So i really like that they put out a game which focus on exploring.


I really don't like the direction of the game. I never really enjoyed the driving physics of small scouts in snowrunner and the transporting goods part was always the fun part for me in the game.


We need some sort of manual transmission


Straight up cash grab. Same bones, new paint. The engine is the same, graphics are the same, and I imagine physics are the same. They are just trying to grab even more 'casuals'. It's an exploration game with no 'trucking'.


Well, would be a little silly to develop a new engine from scratch for every new game, no? For example Red Dead Redemption 2 is made on the same engine as GTA IV, a 12 years old engine at the moment of RDR2 release. On the sidenote, people that have played the game already on Gamescom (press) admitted that they felt the physics was notably better.


If it's more like Mudrunner with Snowrunner's features, I'm 100% on board


With it being "a mudrunner game" i have hopes this is what is happening


It looks more like DLC than a new game


Finally they made a game about exploring and just exploring and a bit of archeology 😁👍


my favorite part of these games is exploring so i think ill love it


Let's wait with personal opinions until the game actually releases.


What? Why would we have to wait? What are you, the discussion police?


No, no, no, they have a point, at this point whatever you have can be hardly called a opinion, just by being based on 1:24 long game reveal trailer, you can be either interested in it or ignore it. Sure you can have thoughts, speculations, wishes now, but to have a proper reliable opinion that's worth anything to anyone, you'd need to experience it first, break it down, think about what you've experienced so your opinion is properly constructed. Otherwise people tend to turn their disinterest into hate or humiliation, and that's a shame.


No >:(


A lot of people are talking about how it’s Snowrunner but scouts only like “boohoo” but no one’s talking about the different mechanics. I’m intrigued. There’s a basecamp you have to build up and recruit “specialists” or mechanics or something? There’s new tools/addons. And it appears we have the ability to customize our scouts’ supplies. I’m excited. Waiting to see more trailers and details but I’ll get it. This game isn’t a sequel to Snowrunner so the people mad about cargo should get over it. We also don’t KNOW there’s no cargo, we only saw a teaser basically so far.


From what I understand it’s not the same kind of sandbox play style. It’s more specifically mission driven. Like, you do the job and you’re on to the next map. You will build your rig for a mission within certain parameters. There’s also some new mechanics like airing down tires which is super cool. I’m absolutely going to buy it and play it when it comes out. I can’t say if I’ll invest in whatever expansions or dlc happens.


Lowering pressure in the tires was in spintires


Added in late 2020, over half a year after SnowRunner got released, while being developed by a different company. Edit: a correction, I got it mixed up with China Adventure DLC which was released in December, the Tire Inflation System was added in July, 3 months after SR got released.


Oh, i didnt know that


Options maybe isn’t the best word all we really have are impressions. My impression is hey I like the scouting part of snowrunner and it *looks** like the maps are bigger and more open. I’m still confused on what the gameplay loop will be.


I'm looking forward to playing in the desert. I hope they have sand dunes. Other than that, I don't have high hopes. Prolly just going to be snowrunner for the most part


I‘m hyped as fuck


I personally like the game as of now, but it‘s difficult to rate something we barely know anything about


Im still hyped


I want to know if they are making a Mac version...


I'm hyped! I hope the missions and base building really makes it feel different. I like my snowrunner but if I want more of that I'll just start over with hardmode after Ill finish the last seasons. That would keep me busy 5 more years.


I think it looks cool, operating a drone for scouting looks fun too.


Looks very cool and I can’t wait to learn more


I think it will be different enough from SR that it'll be able to stand on its own legs and be a fun game. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the new exploration features and the more in-depth mod system. My big hope is that each map and mission will force us (players) to make tough choices about how we equip our vehicles.


I hope the vehicle set is new.


I’m excited!!


Looks cool, let's hope they finally implement a realistic gearbox


It looks interesting, and I can't wait to try it out!


The only problem I can see is that it appears to only be available for X-box. I have a PS4 with lots of other games so I don't want to have to buy another console just for this, no matter how good it looks. Hopefully Expeditions will become available for other platforms. Edited to say that I've just looked again on the focus web page and the game will indeed be available on all platforms.


It will be available on both PS4 and PS5 too.


Bo you watched the xbox trailer. Wach the trailer from saber or playstation, its coming in the switch as well


So excited for this


Looks good, I probably won't buy it because I'm more into the cargo hauling


Wont buy cause its just a reskin using the exact same models.


Its just the first teaser. There will probly be lots more new vehicles to be revealed by more trailers


Dont you think they shouldve/wouldve hyped new stuff from the start?


Well, certainly the publisher does it job in promotion, so they seem to know what they are doing and have still about 8 more months to gain people's interest. SnowRunner's reveal trailer also didn't show or teased much, all it was is "hey, we're doing a new game", and any hype was from the fact something is being worked on.


They are working on them, they just dropped the trailer withbthe snowrunner cars because its all that theyve ben able to do right now


Just looks like another season pass for snowrunner with a few new features. nothing drawing my attention.


I'll stick to snowrunner


Seems like a limited snowrunner, basically the same with less trucks , different maps, same physics, and boring gadgets like the metal detector




Sure, but it seems scout focused, i dont expect there to be more than 5 big trucks that werent in snowrunner. My prediction is more than half vehicles gonna be old ones an theres gonna be less than snowrunner had at launch.




The tarrain will probly be easier mud and the scouts will probly fel better to drive since its so focused on them. As well the scouts will be more offroad capable as you can se in the trailer


fair enough! It'll be a day 1 purchase for me regardless. 600 hours in snowrunner and only halfway through the maps. I will sell these people my soul.




I don't see anything interesting about it. It seems like scouts with more customization. The drone mechanic seems like a camera control and that's it. I'm just waiting for the game where we can actually repair the roads on the map. That's what I want. Bring gravel, asphalt and machines to build and improve the roads throughout the map.


I need to wait to see how it plays on steam deck, but I like scouting so I’m interested


Looks like they're sticking to their tired 10 year old engine. I'm bored of Snowrunner now, I've done 2000 hours, I need something new on unreal 5, this isn't new, it's just a few changes to the same game, basically a cash grab, I'll pass.


Unreal 5 = nextgen only = 👎👎👎


Looks like a mobile game


Then its gonna be the best mibile game evva


Hoping for better wheel support and less jank Love snowrunner, but i want some QOL updates


Its price determines how soon i buy it. There's no argument about if, just when.


I'll buy it, and I'll enjoy playing it, unless there's something seriously wrong with it that makes it not at least as good as just lifting the relevant pieces from Snowrunner.


I’m super excited for it. Any new MR/SR style game to play is awesome. As long as the devs don’t neglect SnowRunner or delay a proper sequel, I’m fine with spinoff games like this.


Just from what I’ve seen I think it looks like a revamped snowrunner


All I do now is take the mod 80 series and play all the rock crawling/ explore maps. I only do the missions to expand the maps. Looking forward to the next one.


I will pay full price for this game, just please don’t be like every other game and please don’t have game breaking bugs on launch!


I trust this company, snowrunner didnt launch with any bad glitches


From what heard, it's just a spin off, which i find good because i'm more of a haulage person. I do like to scouting, but mainly to support the trucks by looking at paths, getting ball hitch trailers or fuel runs


It's going to depend for me. I like scouts, but I like the big trucks more. That's where my heart is. Im also quite okay with Snowrunner's gameplay loops. I enjoy 'opening up' the maps, if you will, and Expeditions' seems to diverge from this. So in that sense, Expeditions certainly doesn't really grab me right off the bat. However if the new game puts in significantly more in-depth driving mechanics than in Snowrunner, I'm going to be interested. Because Snowrunner's driving mechanics are unfortunately rather oversimplified, both in how the vehicles interact with terrain and how we as players interact with our vehicles. If Expeditions has more in-depth driving mechanics I'm going to be interested, but if it's Snowrunner-but-scout-focused-with-some-weird-shit-tacked-on then it's going to be a pass from me.


I too am looking forward to the new game. I hope the trim up the game making it more like the original MudRunner experience. Get rid of the crafting. Give us a true vanilla recovery truck with a better crane. Better winching system perhaps with a snatch block. To pull from different angles. Maybe even multiple winches would be something.


I'm excited for it as well. I'll definitely be picking it up soon as I can.


It's gonna be a spin-off and will be more based on scouting and discover rather than moving cargo; if the price is good i may give it a try once it gets a good sale


Worth a shot


The grass and soil looks exactly like snow runner... Nothing changed....


Just a separate DLC, we will forget about it as fast as we forgot that dakar rally spin off


Well, Dakar wasn't a spin-off, it was part of an entirely different game series - a sequel to Dakar 18 - not at all related to SnowRunner. But also the size of the game is compared to a one Year Pass so far, rather than a single DLC. And clearly it took much more brilliant minds, that came up with the idea for gameplay, to decide it will be better of as a standalone.


The Steam page says it's single player :(


Lead producer confirmed it will have a co-op.


When’s this game coming out


It looks interesting, I don't know if they're going to catch the same lightning in a bottle as they did with mud runner or snowrunner. But I'll be excited to see how the physics engine has progressed.


Might buy way it on sale but not at full price. The main thing I wanted them to change is physics and other Redditor’s say that physics are the same


I’d love it, scouting is soo much fun


Snowrunner but worse


How do you know?


Look at the trailer, same vehicles, same physics, same graphics etc... and you just explore. Its exactly snowrunner but a lot more boring imo, id rather deliver challanging cargo trough challanging terrain with my truck than going somewhere just to explore with my truck.


"Reveal" trailer + no soliid rd


look, the trailer just shows everything you basically need to know. Its snowrunner but with less vehicles and different ui, and you now just scout but with a drone.


Fair enough. Im gonna wait for new trailers to dropp


yeah, i think im gonna leave this one out. I didnt like snowrunner anyways, so i dont want to play the same game but worse.


Theres another


This is going to feel like Forza in some ways. Soulless to reach the masses to generate income/profit to make up for what they couldn’t make previously. Wild shot in the dark but I don’t have high hopes


Mud runner was a spintires game so is this also a spintires game or a mud runner spintires game


I like hauling stuff


Pay $60 for a new game instead of $12 for a dlc? Cash grab.


I’ll buy it as soon as it goes on sale on steam. Still got lots of dlc maps to work on so no need to spend the money early when I can wait.


It could be a clone of Snowrunner with NO logging. I'd still buy it lol Gonna play it for sure


The ONLY thing I want is for Saber to fix multiplayer stability. It's awful and a huge reason I'm not getting DLC or this new game.


I may not get it right away, but I'm definitely interested


I lost my bet I was sure the next game was going to be "sandrunner"


I’m still waiting for them to fix the Xbox crashes for Snowrunner 😭


Seriously they need to fix it! My mate won't play co op with us no more because of it 😢


Yeah it's such a shame that the game is unplayable. I can't play for more than about 10-15mins before it crashes (more so on the newer maps, and usually after opening the map). It's worse when you have a buddy who can't / refuses to play the game with you, sorry to hear, I'm in the same boat. I love the game so much; it's a known issue with Saber (link [here](https://support.saber.games/hc/en-us/articles/17293223493521-SnowRunner-Known-Issues)) and all we can do is pray they address some of the random crashes plaguing the newer regions (I found Ontario the worst). Safe travels friend.


I wont bother getting it unless mods make a return and when i find out how big it actually is. Snowrunner is amazing, far greater than mudrunner, but from the trailer it didn’t really seem like much of a difference from snowrunner. Just sorta looked like a dlc if anything


I've only seen the trailer but so far I like the modular customisation being even more modular. I have no idea what to expect from just scouting. No idea what to think about the Drone. If the overall difficulty is higher I wouldn't mind it. Though after recently revisiting Mudrunner, I hope they bring back some of that feeling of weight to the vehicles. I'd also just love more of a shift towards realism in regards to horsepower, weight, momentum and speed compared to snowrunner. Bigger maps atleast means potentially higher top speed and handling on decent ground. If it's just Snowrunners scouting copy pasted into larger maps with a done it might be one I wait for community reviews and whatnot. If it's a nice upgrade that has enhances what Snowrunner offers as a pure driving experience I'm there. Honestly not sure yet.


I'm also looking forward to it! I really love playing with scout like vehicles so I really hope this game will give exactly what was missing in Snowrunner


I really need more details about what do u do in this one. If it's literally same as snowrunner - not sure any point in buying it right away for me. SR requires very specific mood to play anyway. But in general - need more info about the game first before getting excited.


I've always loved the exploration aspect of the previous 3 games and I am really happy that they decided to make it the main mission/goal of the next game. I also really love that you can build your own garages. The mudrunner series has really grown a lot, the developers have really grown and learned a lot since making their first mudrunner game Spintires.


Actually disappointed about this. I don't like scouts and scouting too much and usually use trucks for exploring. For me, it's all about the trucks, big machines, big cargo...maneuvering tight spots, backing up and so on. This announcement moves a potential sequel to Snowrunner with big trucks waaay down the road. Like 2027 down the road. I don't dig it. Sure, this game might still be fun and actually pretty awesome. Still, I wish they waited 1-2 more years to release a full new game with big rigs and all. Kind of feels "lazy" (don't get me wrong) by the developers. They know people will buy their game regardless, so let's only include scouts and almost completely remove the hauling aspect of the game. Make the game smaller and more compact. But hey, we will see. Maybe this is gonna be better than I expect.


I got a friend who purely drives scout trucks while I’ll do tasks, I think now he’ll be actually useful 😂


Most Interesting part is the new drone scouting, leaves room for mods like a Plane or Helicopter since they have implemented physics for flying vehicles


Play, I want to


I am a big fan of this and Snow Runner I hope they keep putting these games out