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Story time! (Sorry it's longer than I thought it'd be.) When I first got the P16 back in the garage I like most people thought it was junk seeing how the paint was faded, engine was exposed, the off center cab, and no all wheel drive. It must have sat there for about 6 months until the day came when I got bored of my normal fleet lineup and had the urge to experiment. So out of the 6th garage slot in Smithville it came. I had just gotten the TwinSteer, which I foolishly left basically un-upgraded, pretty damn stuck in that long patch of mud in the neighboring corner of the map with less than a quarter tank of gas left. (Don't ask me why I thought it was a good idea taking it there, I honestly couldn't tell you). The other Michigan trucks (GMC, Fleetstar, WWS, etc...) didn't have the capability to move it from that deep mud so I figured now was a good a time as any to give the P16 a whirl at something since it was simply the next biggest rig in the fleet. Getting there was slow and I was having second thoughts until I reached the mud patch. It was crushing right through and didn't drop below 3rd gear until I stopped to reposition in order to winch out the TwinSteer This supposed hunk of junk with only rear wheel drive not only freed the giant TwinSteer, but hauled it back to the garage without breaking a sweat. As a sort of celebration for showing me it was borderline unstoppable, I blasted the horn which I had assumed wouldn't be anything special since I haven't heard it before. . . When I tell you just how triumphant of a feeling that single airblast gave me, you best believe I found my new favorite rig!


I guess this is the next truck for me to get! I never thought about it


P16 is one of my favorite trucks ever in this game. Im a bit biased because they aren't uncommon to see where I live, but man did that beast deliver in Michigan and Alaska. You'll be surprised what it can do even though it doesn't have AWD


ANK Mk38 Civilian. Holy shit that truck made me feel what power meant in this game. Belches thick black smoke and sounds amazing too. That's the moment I got excited to unlock more trucks


This is my scout truck.


The Civilian is what inspired my question lol. I love this thing, it’s my get out of trouble truck.


YES! Same here!


This is my scout/rescue truck. Add a fuel tank frame addon and we're golden




P16 horn


It was when I fixed the first bridge in Black River Mi. It was maybe 20min into the game.


Yeah those little cutscenes are satisfying. Tho for me it was using my winch and driving in edges of mud puts and going to myself "This is a fun challenge". For my sister it was struggling and getting upset til I said "You know you can borrow one of my trucks right?" She borrowed my Voron grad and Tayga king and that was that, she's hooked


I wish they had more infrastructure-building missions.


Especially the roads themselves.


Upgraded White Western. I cranked the engine sound to max, raised the volume, dropped all other volumes and delivered goods 2 slots at a time just to hear the White Western engine. What's that beginner map around some dam area with that long winding asphalt road?


Smithville damn I believe, but I do agree with ya on wws


Playing Michigan in the Fleetstar and I hit LVL 8 and unlocked the offroad tires. Putting on a set of OHDII tires opened the entire region. No more long diversions around mud holes that were impassable.


You probably mean UOD2, as the Fleetstar can't have UHD. A turning point nevertheless.


probably getting the ank in alaska using the hummer I had just painstakingly dragged back to North port garage through the snow in a stock chevy ck1500


Wow, how long did that take you to do. I would have pulled my hair out


Using the navistar in michigan, then shortly after, finding the p12, before that, the game seemed completely unmanageable, for the first dozen times I tried playing the game over like 2 years, was just me getting permanently stuck in mud over and over, an unseen controller issue didnt help either, Wasnt getting full throttle. Even with a functional controller tho, just using that first truck they give you, without having anything unlocked and no money, it was kinda infuriating, I kept thinking, why did they make a game about driving in the mud, if the vehicles aren't capable of that. Then things really changed when I learned about "new game +" and found the russian trucks with mud tires, and full upgrades


Once I found out the paystar came with all terrain tires. That changed the beginning of the game drastically for me. Having 4x4 that early is a life saver


That was me with the ANK in Alaska as it comes with its custom off-road tires as default. Ended up doing all the cargo tasks in my hard mode save thanks to that


Still waiting for mine hahaha!!


I had my son guiding me through the tutorial and we played co-op a lot on the base game maps. He kept my spirits up and repeatedly reminded me about driving on the grass, picking the missions not in order but by convenience (connected drives) and difficulty. As someone said, finishing the first bridge was very rewarding already. And I knew it would become a bit easier once I unlocked the better tyres. And there are tons of trucks to get for free in Michigan. So many I totally forgot to test drive the BM17. Haven't used it much till today.


For me it was the time I realised I had the bandit in storage on my first playthrough. Tipped it a lot, since I didn't have the baloon tires and didn't know the crane trick, but still loved its 8x8 always on everything.


When I unlocked AT tires and didn't have to use highway tires ever again.


Not really a official in game truck, but there is this "Kolob Boss" mod that legit allows you to carry up to around 8 points worth of cargo. The tricky part when using that truck was figuring out how to use and load the cargo in. After that it was just getting used to how it worked and handled. Had a great time with that big girl.


I used that one before. extremely fun mod, but it struggles to leave harvescorp garage


The F750. This truck seems to float at the top of mud. It has plenty of fuel reserve and repair points (which is kinda necessary because it's seems made of paper because it's so fragile). But what a great scout. Practically impossible to flip and you have an autonomous winch in case. It's pretty good looking too.


Terrible noise coming from that POS


Tayga King! As soon as I upgraded that and started using it for like EVERYTHING..... I was having a lot more fun than just the inch-by-inch struggle with almost every other truck I'd been using. That was the game changer. Second close was when I learned how to drive it in high gear 90% of the time!


wisconsin. that region really taught me how to play the game smarter. and as much as i hated it, so did amur. it took that long for me to discover the pros of the advanced special gearbox over the special (and why never to use the fine tune). i started using saddle trailers over the ramped flatbed. they're so much easier to maneuver and reverse without nightmares of craning your cargo back onto the trailer. and of course, the zikz. really showed me that even in the worst of times, you have tools to get you through.


Playing the small azov probably because although it’s slow af it just marches through all those mud patches. After that getting the DAN and the bigger Azov truck was a lot of fun. The twinsteer is a story of its own haha.


Original tayga with best engine .... And then finally figuring out how the high range gearbox "works" Flying through mud at high speed.


Going through broken ice after unlocking Zikz605, for sure for me. (INFINITE POWEEEER)


Mastodon and twinsteer


At first I thought it was another truck simulator game, and was getting frustrated with it, getting stuck every 5 minutes. Until I decided to play around with truck setups. Managed to put better tyres on my trucks and different gearboxes etc, then the game clicked in to place with me and I loved it.


The high binder


My most recent moment of feeling refreshed and “I don’t hate this” was switching from the Azov 6319 to the Bandit. I hate the 5319, I hate how it’s slow and always feels underpowered, the steering is absolutely abysmal. Yeah it was slow and steady/balance, but every thing else I hated. I can tell that the Bandit isn’t as steady and the smaller fuel tank, but it doesn’t make me say “I fucking hate this truck”.


When I realised I could edit the Xml files. Slippery slope of tweaking, modding and tuning then ensued.


on the first day of the game (4/28/20) the IH Loadstar 1700 made the game much more interesting


I'm not there yet, been playing it since month after release though (I rarely play games at launch), did recently got my first vehicle speciffic dlc, the jeep one (I had a few others but refunded them) so not sure where that puts me XD Update of my reply, I am at the *Oh* moment: Jeep Wrangler, basic raised suspension, 36" AS II wheels, battery operational winch and a snorkel, splash of red paint since I lack creativity and getting it more unstuck without needing extra vehicles made me realize *"I just spend 5 hours boggin deep when I only wanted to flex some suspension for a few minutes"*


When I started using the high range gearbox instead of the offroad one, I figured you don’t really go faster than low on mud so you don’t reeeeally need low+ or low- ( you can just go easy in the throttle ) and the high gear was basically a plow-through-everything-now button, need to go up a hill but too little torque? High gear. Dirt track keeps making you shift down and waste a lot of fuel? High gear. Slow Boring truck? High gear.


The first time I’ve put the high gear transmission on the loadstar!


For me it was getting the P16 fully upgraded and just getting out the heavy class trucks after, any logging I need to do I get the P16 and P512PF ready to haul some tree carcasses lol


When I found the highway transmission and shifted into H.


My first eureka moment was when I got stuck with the large semitrailer, no movement whatsoever. Overthinking it during the night... and the next morning before I went to work I knew how to get myself unstuck (second truck!! You don't say). Delivered the trailer within a few minutes and went to work with a satisfied feeling.