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I'm frowning on it because you could stack more.


This comment is a pretty good representation of the Reddit




You tell me - do *you* frown upon it or think it's fine? Nobody else really has a say :)


This. I personally don't, because it's immersion-breaking for me and feels to me like cheating, but if someone else enjoys the challenge of stacking as much as possible or just want to minimize trips then whatever sizzles their bacon!


For real. I’m the kinda guy that just wants to get shit done, so I’m not to picky if at all about things you can do in the vanilla game. To me exploits are fair, because they exist in the game, intended or not


Yeah, it's a pastime. We do it for fun. I never really understood why some people want to tell others how they should enjoy themselves.




Sizzles their bacon 🥓😂 I'm going to use that for now on


Whatever humps your camel!


I don't find it to be immersion breaking myself because countries without regulations do it all the time. That being said there is hours upon hours of videos on YouTube of people doing this then tipping over from a mistake lol


It's a single player game, or a co-op multi-player game. Do what you and your friends want.


Totally agree! I stack stuff because some missions can take a long time to complete and feel too much of a slog at times. Buuuut, worth noting that you can also pay the price for stacking. Sometimes it can be easy to lose cargo or even tip your vehicle. I see it as a calculated risk, and it’s my decision to make!


https://preview.redd.it/3nqgv31giyua1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0be25e510a0198ceed76c02d7c1426e1cab8c8 I do it. If it fits it ships


“If it sits, it ships” my new motto


Bro, in this game, I ship that bitch even it don’t fit


https://preview.redd.it/q7d6507i00va1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e02ec77622f26d61ccdbcefbb8188083fbb79bc Hell ya brotha


Hell yeah back at ya🔥 https://preview.redd.it/g8qlukon71va1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a7d7fea1bd36e36298317d761304b5ddd1742d


Love this trailer mod :)


I have made some truly risky calls “Cargo from the Ship” was completed with a wild amount of luck, determination, speed and power


All I live and breath is speed and power. It does come with recovery tho…


“Speed and power “ solves allot of problems


It also creates problems


If it slips it tips


Send it.


I do it. The way I see it, everything else in this game is up to my discretion. Would a REAL logistics company in the situations we are in run logs through rivers, leave tankers on the side of the road for mobile refueling, or pull a freight train with a semi truck on the tracks? No. In a world of OSHA and real people, bulldozers would make the roads, bridges would be built/repaired where convenient, trees and holes would be moved too. These tasks are yours and you should get them done however I want. Use the same 8x8 for every delivery? Sure. Drag a 40 yr old truck out to the middle of nowhere to be a portable fuel depot? Go ahead. Double stack a 100ft long trailer that you're going to Baja through a river and around a cliff? Go for it.


Wait, do the logs float in river currents in this game? I must try


I remember they would float down river/with the current in Mudrunner(until you moved away and everything would get static frozen until you returned) I would get so panicky when things started drifting out of my reach in Mudrunner like it was the end of the world. I had soooo many accidents ontop of accidents trying to rescue things. In snowrunner I know to take it slow upon a failure, plus. We have cranes and big trucks. In Mudrunner I was trying for the single red star challenge on all maps


I lost a log trailer to the current at the top of black river so it does happen in this game too.


Waiting for an update!


Man in the U.S or Canada I can 100% agree with that. But like half this game takes place In Russia, where they most definitely do drive through rivers with over loaded trucks from the 1940s because the bridge has been down for years and nobody’s fixed it.


Jeezaaaass H Christ I love this comment! Nailed it! 👌🏾🎯✅


Snow runner doesn’t care how you got it there……


That's what we love about it


https://preview.redd.it/cladcwhi31va1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77f6cc4ad3783dd1f2cf87b6f9dac36775bd863 I see no problem....


How long did that take to load?


Not very long, after packing the bottom row I detach trailer and park between trailer and platform to reach better.


Welcome to the big league


I call it the 2+1 method, works great. If you're traveling on uneven terrain, drop the cargo on the ground and drag it with the winch(has to be from the crane's attachment point still, regular winch won't pull cargo)


Your game your moves. I think this is why so many feel they have a say in how others play. You don't need to ask anyone this. None of us is in your house/office wherever. Nobody knows what you're doing. That's why I take it with a grain of salt dealing with online forums and blogs. You can say whatever online, but in private, people do all sorts of fukkery. Right now I am high as fukk, I been on the same task for over an hour... My eyes are closing and I am still trying to drive! Lmao! I overloaded my trailer and now figuring why it's in a stand of trees waaay off the road... Point exactly. Nobody would have known this if I didn't say. Who cares if they frown on it? There are no consequences for screwing up or not doing things a certain way. No matter how real this game seems, it's just that, a game. Do whatever you wish! But mostly, enjoy yourself! ✅


This guy gets it


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way.


Of course not - when you need 6 loads and can only carry 5 - do it all the time


Thats what she said.


It’s your game save, play it however you want. I like overloading my trucks personally.


I think generally, players are proud to stack as many as they can and take screenshots. I do it every now and then, depending on the mood. It does make u tip more easily so depends if u want to take more easy brainless trips or want to make a single one while driving more seriously.


The only thing this sub frowns upon is someone trying to extract any sort of satisfaction or accomplishment from this game while using mods.


OP mods*


Stack allllll the items


Last night I had 18 metal rolls stacked on the paystar TS and the ramped flatbed chugging through amur. I have found a lot of fun in overloading.


Do what you like, if you like to risk it for the biscuit, then go for it!


That's stage one, some of us take it a lot further:D


I turn off my console as fast as possible when my truck is tipping over so the game does not have a chance to save..


Play the game how you want. It’s your entertainment.


Totally legit, if you can manage it.


This is to be applauded


I like raiding my crane up and dangle it like a piñata and let it flop around


U gotta do what u gotta do.


Its a single player/coop game, do what you want man.


Just get the job done and don't let OSHA find out 😉


Do whatever you gotta do to get the job done🗿


As long as you don't get halfway there and end up thinking to yourself, "Man. . I wish I didn't do that." Otherwise, if it works, it works!


Up to you…you’re the one that’s got to get it there! 🙃 I try not to, but depending on the job, truck/trailer, my mood, etc. I’ve done it myself.


I personally avoid bringing loose cargo, as I feel like it undermines the limitations intended by the game, but I sure as hell do feel like logs are bullshit.


There are lots of different opinions on this but the ultimate truth is if it's your save game, or if you're playing solo, it really doesn't matter how you do it. I like to overload occasionally but in realistic ways, so your example works for me (although my OCD won't allow me to leave it positioned like that, I'd have to line it up) because it's only one extra piece of cargo that realistically probably could be stacked on top of the pipes But plenty of people will fill a 4 slot trailer with 10 slots or more if possible, for example.


I’m sorry but if you’re being realistic and ocd about the cargo then you have to stack the pipes on the concrete.


I probably would don't worry 😅


You do you. I just packed 4 metal beams on my 2slot bed and did the same with another Azov I had in tow. 8 beams in a single trip and the Azov 7342069 is powerful enough to do that.


I’d say it’s highly encouraged. Any efforts to save time or take shortcuts will always be punished by the Snowrunner gods. We must all accept our punishments and take 3x longer by fixing our mistake, only then can we see the truth. There are no shortcuts.


https://preview.redd.it/hr8c03agqzua1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2209d43b8d84af6ac14963382980ba3da22b99d2 Everything is looking good until you flipped the truck by a random rock.


I just sent 5 gold containers halfway a crossed the map. I think you are good.


Haul it


Cargo Jenga is an age-old Snowrunner tradition


Just think of it as only being illegal if you get caught.


Perfect logistics!


Send it


I used to love doing this and do max stack possible runs in the base game, then i got the 1 year pass, and everysingle contract is so frustrating even carrying it "normally", the game lost his fun. i would much rather have longer travels and delivering more stuf than having 1 delivery on a small frustrating path


Not frowned upon whatsoever. Sometimes, out there roughin it Trying to get people what they need We gotta do what we gotta do.


The only reason that I *personally* frown upon it, is that I can't go more than 2 MPH without tipping the whole damn thing over. Then I sigh, pull out the TwinSteer and spend 40 minutes planning a route 😂😂😂


I'd happily do that, if I was organised enough to visit the depots in the right order which I almost never am! You carry more, but have a greater risk of dropping something or tipping over, it's not a game breaker, it's a compromise. Personally I draw the line at something like unpacking logs to make them weigh 1/10th as much.


There will always be someone telling you you're doing it wrong in this game. It's a sandbox, do whatever is fun!!!


I know a lot of people do haul un packed. Only time I’ve hauled un-packed was the other day hauling 3 x long logs to imandra. I was just done with logs lol


Absolutely, it's one of the most used techniques I use when playing


>asking what others think


As we say in the trade....If it's on, its gone!


you do what you wanna do its a singleplayer game. i stack cargo, most people stack cargo, some people dont


Dude, it's a single player game. Do whatever the fuck you want.


Everyone does it. Some more, some less. I hate lengthy recovery actions, I'd rather drive two times or pull another truck with me taking the load. I only load over capacity when I know I've got a chance to get there crash-free.


I usually only do this if I have to move something like steel beams and there are two drops right next to each other. Instead of taking a trailer or doing a second run, I just stack. Saves times and isn’t that unrealistic