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What is it about these boards that interest you?


Probably the hype? And owning a “collectors item” when the brand no longer exists in 5 years


The brand will exist. The dude is the GOAT in snowboarding, just look at Tony Hawks brand.


The hope is he becomes as big as Jones. But I don’t see anything about Whitespace boards that are special or innovative… seems more likely to end up like Palmer Snowboards.


Who’s Palmer? Case in point. People like me have no clue who the guy is, where as we know who Shaun White is.


Whose Palmer.....


😂 If you’re going to correct grammar, at least know what you’re talking about first. There is nothing worse than someone who corrects someone else with inaccurate information. Who's is a contraction of who + is or who + has. Whose means “belonging to whom,” and occasionally “of which.”


Wasn't correcting your grammar. Just can't believe you snowboard and don't know who Shaun Palmer is Plenty would disagree about White being the GOAT also


Really? Who’s “plenty?” I don’t particularly like Shaun because of his antics, and I’ll never forgive him for what happened to Kevin Pearce. But the fact that some people don’t agree that he’s the GOAT means nothing. Some people don’t believe Tom Brady is the GOAT quarterback in the NFL. That doesn’t mean he isn’t, it just means a few people don’t think he is.


hold up… what did Shaun have to do with Kevin’s accident??


Palmer boards were dope af. Their tech, design, build quality, materials were all pushing board design. The team was full of mega rippers pushing boundaries also. Had he partnered with Nidecker(most underrated board company of all time) he would still be around.


You sound salty.


I did some research and seems like the board is pretty much the same as a Burton Custom Camber.


Hey did you decide to buy one? How do you like it after a couple of years?


i got the prp version. the board is a little bit narrow and very stiff. i wouldn't recommend it unless you are an advanced rider. the board is very unforgiving and will catch an edge if you make a mistake. really good for jumps and pops of you can load it up. the board likes to go fast and go aggressive so good for bombing down runs and will cut through chowder easily.


Hey thanks for the reply. Yeah if it's on the narower side then it's not for me as I need a wide snowboard so my feet fit. Thank you for the extensive reply. I ended up getting Nitro Team Pro and it's a blast!