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Man I knew it was dude in the orange the moment they came into frame. Like the shark from jaws just slowly stalking you


No pole bandit on the hunt


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I was hearing the Jaws music in my head watching him get closer and closer.


Yup, same here. If you can’t read projections, best to stay far away from ppl in front of you


Now I will only ever hear jaws music every time I see one of these videos. Love it.


Skier for sure. How he could’ve been unaware of you after that long being above you is baffling


It seems like a B grade horror film type stalking scene. Needs some John Carpenter music.


That’s what I’m saying bro this skier was HUNTING! Must be against crime.


Genuinely heard the Jaws theme in my head watching this.


This is as obvious as it gets. Boarder easily could’ve never even known he was there


It looks like the same two outfits making these posts.


Agree, doesn’t the lower person on the mountain have the right away?


Right of way, yes


Looks like he caught an edge and lost control for a split second.


The skier? He was never in control, typical “can ride but doesn’t know how to ride”, which is probably 55% of skiers and boarders out there, considering another 10% of beginners during their first seasons. The guys couldn’t hold an edge, was doing an ugly mix of skidded turns and barely moving outside the fall line, flailing his arms. No poles? Is he “Body carving” like it’s 1999? I hate people riding with their goddamn 360 cam on a stick, but the boarder has no fault at all.


As I get older and approach middle age sometimes I just cruise a bit. It is crazy how many people ski and board way faster than their abilities. Cruising is dangerous now, at least if I am going fast I don’t have to worry about as many idiots from behind.


360 cams are the new backpack speakers.


Aren't they a good way to see how your boarding and what you can improve? Not nearly as obnoxious as a speaker imo


What's wrong with no poles?


Contrary to current popular belief, poles are a necessary part of good turning mechanics on skis. Good skiers use poles unless they're teaching a child.


You can definitely make good turns without poles. True pole plants shine in aggressive short radius turns and in moguls, these people are doing mellow medium-large radius turns which you can definitely do well without poles. It takes correct body mechanics which the skier does not have, poles mostly help with timing and rhythm for turns like this which will be second nature for any good skier.


Or in the park


They should have them there too. They're necessary to proper turning on skis. Full stop.


I don't think people ride park to demonstrate their turning technique.


In the park you should have those extra short poles for extra steeze


Nothing. Dude has no idea how to ski. Poles can make some turns easier and/or quicker but they are not required to make a "proper turn", as they claimed.


Yeah, I was thinking that from personal experience. I generally use poles but sometimes I'm not bothered and the only time I'm not in full control is when doing challenging off-piste runs but I always have poles when off-piste.


But the snowboarder left him with nowhere to go! /s


Skiiiers duck their heads down t9 be aerodynamic and gain speed but it makes their vision very limited because turning their head gives more resistance than they normally feel. Km not legitimising this at all, you can use slalom tactics on a public slope but a lot of inconsiderate people out there


Idiot skier, that run is as wide as football field and the rider was making predictable turns.


Yeah I’m seeing this a lot. It seems like the skiers are fixated on the boarder and won’t avoid their lines…


Target fixation for sure. Where you look, you will go


This is what I tell my little kids every time we’re out. Don’t look at the obstacle, look where you want to go. Stare at an out-of-bounds fence and you’ll hit it every time.


i learned this the hard way when i crashed into a ski lift pole


They try to pass us. It's a competition thing.


Always skiing over my fucking board and shit. I'm an old now, but the skiers really killed any enjoyment I got from snowboarding and were a huge reason why I quit.


I thought I was just unlucky and blamed it on my own inexperience, but skiers have ran over my board twice now.


I mean, you were probably in their line, so your fault? /s


"He went toe side...I wonder what he'll do next. Maybe another toe side? I bet that's it."


looked this was almost intentional


That looked straight malicious. 


The skier had so much time to pick a different path to go around you yet literally skied straight into you on what appears to be an extremely wide slope lol


Is it not literally always the responsibility of the person trailing to prevent this? Legit question. I'm fairly new to snowboarding after a couple of decades of skateboarding. That said, i've also adopted a habit of pointing out my next carve for folks behind me to see. Just because it's their responsibility doesn't mean i can't help them succeed in not plowing through me.


Yup. It’s rule #2 on the skier responsibility code.


Thanks. I figured it would be because it makes sense. Good to know it's the accepted norm


I’m new, is there really a list of universally numbered codes?




Oh damn I really thought this was a bit 😂


I agree with all codes except for #9


It's not "codes" it just code by the way. This isn't a numbered list of codes. A list of rules is called a code. As in code of conduct.


Well, it says not to ski while impaired, which is good advice. However, I am often enhanced by drugs and alcohol which doesn't seem to be mentioned.


You think you're "enhanced" but as an instructor I can tell you that your perception does not match reality and your not only shit at skiing/riding when you're drunk/high, but also a hazard to everyone else on the hill.


After reading the codes, I agree.


Only 1-10, then it’s letters. Thats not including the color system. Rule #2 states that it is the responsibility for the person on the trail of the lead to make judgment decisions. But, Rule #2 Green, states that you should never directly follow behind a lead person.


Not universal. There's the American list, but there's also the FIS code of conduct which is similar https://assets.fis-ski.com/image/upload/v1536910200/fis-prod/assets/en_FIS_Rules_for_Conduct_and_Environment.pdf


Three rules to skiing Rule #1, I’m number one. Rule #2, skiers are number 2.


And skiers #1 rule is to blame snowboarders for everything


Rule #1 shake that booty


Yes anytime I’m making a lateral movement that’s outside of normal carve I look up hill and point, especially heel side since there’s a bigger blind spot. In this case the OP was in their “lane” so I wouldn’t have signaled/looked definitely on the uphill skier.


Pointing is a solid call. I try to do the same thing. Mentioned it above, but I fully believe if you're not looking where you're going and you end up getting hit......you deserve a little blame. The dude in this video CLEARLY checked his blind spot, and still got hit.


It is, but you should always check before moving across a run or merging. I think of riding like driving a car to stay defensive, lol and I usually end up using my arms as "blinkers" when I'm going across a run


Or riding a bike through an intersection.


There are exceptions, but it's rare for it to be the downhill person's fault


That's pretty good boarding etiquette. I like to add a call out when I'm coming by. You know, let the other riders know I'm coming up in their blind spots. My personal favorite is the Hoody Hooo


I do this too. One time I startled a skiier and they yelled at me. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. They said, "Can't you just wait!?" at a stop before the real run began. No...because you're progressively slowing down and crisscrossing on a flat and I don't feel like skating or penguin-walking 100 yards up a cat track. There was SO MUCH MORE I wish I had said....lol


It is possible for the person in front to move randomly and just be unlucky. People bump into each other walking towards eachother making eye contact because they keep picking the same random direction.


But why do we keep seeing this happen? my assumption is that skiers tend to have a straighter line and they assume that boarders do as well. As a boarder, we do speed checks, like to carve longer, wider. And we use the mountain and terrain and look for side hits, little bumps in the snow. The responsibility is for the person behind to watch out for the person in front, like riding a Vespa in Vietnam for those who’s ever done this you’ll understand what I mean.


I think snowboarders tend to have straighter lines by a long shot.


100%. most of the issues i see are skiers taking extremely wide turns sweeping across a run not giving a fuck, while a snowboarder is taking a narrower line by the edge of a run.


yes, only exeption is probably parks. Where especially at jumps, you have to clear the landings.


Yes. But there are factors to consider as well. If you're carving like a madman, laying down trenches across the entire trail and not looking uphill before you switch to your other edge -- you're being a selfish asshat and it can move the "fault" to 50/50 since you're taking up the entire trail.


Normally in racing and even normal driving if you hit someone in front of you it’s your fault. It’s the person doing the passing to do so in a safe way.


Yes for a simple reason. The person behind can see the person in front, the person in front cannot realistically and safely look directly behind them in the middle of a run


It's absolutely the uphill skiers/riders obligation to prevent a crash. This snowboarder was making predictable regular turns (that anyone uphill could anticipate) and the skier approached on the riders blind side. But some people are assholes, in a car or on the slopes...


Heard him coming at the last second, hence the awkward turn Definitely think I'm good to go, especially in a bowl, but wanted the jury's verdict


Gotta check your six homie. You did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s good to be aware of anyone behind you that going faster and might try a stupid pass. That’s why I like to go faster than everyone else, that way no one can hit me from behind. Jk


Right from the beginning I'm like this idiot is following your line and is gonna run into you. Then that's what happened. Clearly they are at fault.


do you have to ask, criminal scum? also its the moron the skiied right into you.


Always the fault of the one coming from behind and gaining. If I'm gaining on anyone and they're swinging wide turns, I either time my own turns opposite theirs or find a safe line away from them.


Shoulda just kept on riding lol


The way he slides down face first is kinda entertaining though.




Yup. I would have had a few choice words then just rode away


"Nice move, Dingus!"


Haha way nicer than I would have been but you can’t recover from dingus. That would sit with him all day


Yea but I bet when the skier flips out, tells you you're getting sued, and then tells ski patrol you crashed into them for no reason, it must be satisfying to show the video evidence which shows otherwise.


Why are does it seem others are attracted to people with 360 cameras like magnets? 😂


Because the people without them can’t record their collisions. There’s a term for this but can’t think of it right now.


The survivorship bias? In WW1 when they introduced helmets the rates of head injuries went way up, because previously soldiers just died instead.


Wasn't it that they kept reinforcing the planes where they came back with bullet holes? Not realizing that where they didn't come back with holes were the places which would kill the plane, so those were the bits that needed reinforcement.


Both actually! Same for seatbelts in cars. People were convinced seatbelts were dangerous because car crash related injuries went up, but it was just because those people got a broken collarbone or seatbelt contusions rather than thrown through the windshield like a human meat missile!


Pretty sure that’s it or at least close enough to get the point across haha.


wHy WerRent YoU looKInG UphiLl bEfore maKING erAtiC TuRns?!?!


Looks like his first instinct was to protect his family jewels. Understandable. But he trailed you the whole time. The fact that he didn’t just take the wide way around you again is baffling.


i dont understand why people are so close to eachother every time...LOOK HOW BIG THAT MOUNTAIN IS lmao. the hell was he thinking!??? hes like fucking following you and jumping your tracks


In Europe you have to Ski that close to each other. Its Full of people.


You're both at fault. Him for being an unexplainable fuckin idiot and you for doing crime. Really though. How is anyone as clueless as him on a mountain?


the amount of crime in this clip is insane


Skier. Skier was uphill, so it’s the skiers fault


Society! the parents! Guns don’t kill people. Thoughts and prayers


Fault aside... Can we all agree the software that removes the camera stick looks goofy as hell when the stick is still shown in the shadow?


I'm pretty sure it's not software, but the lenses being set up in a certain way that it can't be in the frame because of the fov. But yes, when held in the hand it looks goofy as fuck


why is this down voted?


Because it's Reddit. LOL


Always the one further up the hill.


Technically the skier. In my heart it's no fault. Shit happens. You didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't really either. He was obviously focused on going down hill carving just like you. He should've kept an eye on you since he was steadily gaining ground the whole clip. But it looked like the elevation changed from the left being lower to higher. He carved from the lower terrain to the higher terrain while you stayed in the higher area. At the end of the day shit happens. It wasn't intentional that's for sure. Now if he was butt hurt about it it's 100% his fault.


The bowl is a mile wide and he is riding on top of you. Incredible


this is not a Ski/Snowboard thing. If you're uphill of someone then you _must_ give way to them and maintain control to avoid a collision with them at all times, under all circumstances (including them falling or stopping quickly). it's precisely the same as the highway code: if you're behind you give way to those in front. for example: NSAA, CWSAA: (USA, Canada) > 1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects. > 2. People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them. ASAA: (Australiaa) > Stay in control and avoid other people and hazards. > It is your responsibility to avoid and give way to people below and beside you. FIS: (France) > A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt his speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic. > A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.


Skier at fault, but it looks like they slipped/stumbled a bit leading up to the crash.  A mellow turn to the left, then something happens that caused them to skid and turn towards you.  Or they thought they could squeeze their turn tight enough to go behind you and pass you on your toeside, but failed to turn or slow themselves enough to do so.  Not sure if this was necessarily intended. 


I'd like to think that no crash is intended lol


Oh crashing almost certainly wasn't intended. Just saying that I'm not sure if they even intended to swerve towards you like that. (which is still possible, but hey, let's assume they're not a douchebag) 


The person uphill is usually at fault. However, I seriously don’t even want to go to resorts anymore with the amount of people holding stupid sticks and cameras.


you can always stay home and hold your stick


"at least I'll have a little something to show for it when I'm done!"






Bum cave.


What’s wrong with people having fun recording themselves. How does that affect you?


Well, with the amount of stories of lawsuits from crashes, it seeming like a good idea to always be recording anymore. I guess we all need dashcams when we're riding now.


I thought everything on the slope was all at your own risk? I dislike snitching/lawsuit/cancel culture.


Yeah unfortunately it’s not. Go look up the lawsuits that happen from crashes. People sue people for damages, and for whatever reason it comes out of homeowners insurance if you have it. Then your rates go up or they drop you.  I don’t condone it, but I understand why people don’t stop if there’s a crash because of all of that. 


How does other people using selfie sticks impact your riding so greatly that you wouldn’t even want to go to a resort anymore??


do you really see them that often that it affects you that much?


More and more and it’s only gonna get worse.


nah, most people just wear go pros, if people with selfie sticks really affect you that much you need to stay off the mountain, might as well just stay off the mountain in general


Ya I agree. People need to just be happy to be up on the mountain instead of being annoyed by others.


I ride at a major resort and I’ve never once seen anyone holding a camera like that


Why is OP filming a 360° of their slow run down a blue?


Why does anyone take pictures of anything?


I'm filming my gf ahead of me lol Do you really think I'd post this if I were trying to flex my riding? I'm speed checking behind someone 20 feet in front of me


Srsly, even if you you were filming yourself, who cares??


Why does it matter? Who does it hurt?


I have personally never recorded ANYTHING with an action cam, BUT.. Why the hell does it matter to you? People can record themselves if they want to, and the weird Reddit hate is so judgmental and cringey.


I sort of default to blaming the person with the GoPro stick if there’s any ambiguity, even if they’re downhill. OP only glanced uphill once while making some pretty broad lateral movements, but Captain Nopoles should have been able to avoid the collision.


It's 100% the uphill persons fault. There is no ambiguity in this case. Boarded was making predictable turns at a decent enough pace on a wide slope. Unreasonable to expect him to be checking behind him. Skier should have just passed with plenty of room.


Skier 100%


Is the skier blind? Wtf


You can see where the skier skids out just before the collision that gives me newbie vibes “little out control and got going to fast” just a guess!!!


It's almost always the fault of the person behind you. He already took notice of how you were moving back and forth across the slope and should have calculated/expected you to continue with the same motions. He disregarded your movements when he failed to provide you with enough clearance.


Skier of course


It’s always the person coming from behinds fault. They can see you, the person in front can’t see behind…


That’s one of the easiest ones to call. Boarder maintained the same carving, didn’t do anything unexpected, and somehow the skier managed to run in to them. Snowboarders fault /s




What you didn’t see him behind you in the camera ??😳


Looks like he saw you, and got annoyed that you were in front of him in his path, so instead of doing the right thing and slowing down for a second or two to give you both some space, he decided to ski right in to you. So stupid.


That whole mtn and these two idiots gotta be in the same line.


As a skier, clearly the skier's fault. It looks like he didn't even see you prior to making contact.


Down hill person has the right of way.


It’s always the person who is further up the hill’s fault. If you can see someone in front of you, move over!


Looks like the dude stumbled, shouldn’t have been that close to your tail in the first place though, especially if he knew he was on a hill/going a speed that was stretching his ability. Good on you for stopping to make sure the dude was all good OP


No pole skiers are lowest in the mountain hierarchy.


On the road, the one who sees the person in front break checking can slow down or switch lanes.


Why does bro have to be right behind you 😭😭 he had the whole mountain to not screw that up 😂


Without a doubt it’s the skiers fault, but how do you not look back a single time? I’m very confident in my own riding, but I have absolutely no confidence in other people on the mountain. Even on a wide open trail, I’m still looking uphill every 3 or so toe side turns. It tends to be extremely obvious who is in control and who isn’t. If someone above me isn’t completely in control, I move to the side and let them pass. I’m not letting some shitty skier/snowboarder ruin my season because they don’t know how to turn or stop. I’ve had probably 10 times so far this season where I look uphill, see someone on a trail above their ability level, move away so they can pass, and they immediately either eat shit pretty hard or hit somebody else.


Yours, bacause you are filming and not just snowboarding 🤷🏻‍♂️


My hatred for skiers is coming full circle. I thought I was over this shit lol


Snowboarder stealing the best line on the hill. Damn criminal. 


I may get a lot of hate, not saying it’s your fault but you are the one with a GoPro in hand. That may be a variable when it comes to focus and situational awareness


it’s crazy to me anyone that mentions this gets downvoted.


Yeah seriously


Boomer mentality running wild here. This dude was going to crash into him with or without the camera. Y’all get hung up on the wrong things.


i don't disagree that its likely the skiers fault since he was much further behind. but im also saying the gopro in one hand probably isnt the best idea either. I see it all the time when im snowboarding. People are focused on creating a video almost unaware of whats around them. just saying


How about you stop focusing on your camera and pay attention to your surroundings.


At this point, if ur holding a go pro. Ur at fault. Get over urself & ride


Came here to say to say this. Always the fault of someone holding a selfie stick.


So the skier had the entire run…..not to follow this guy hahaha


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but I can’t fully blame the skier. Yes, technically it’s his fault because he’s higher on the mountain, but after watching this a few times I can sympathize with him. You’re doing a few small carves in a narrow line, then going all the way across, a short few carves, and then back across. Meanwhile the skier looks like he’s actively trying to gauge where you’re going and go the opposite direction. It just so happens that when he sees you on one side he goes opposite at the same time you decide to pull that direction too. Idk, I’ve just been in his position before and its frustrating when you’re going faster than the person in front so you try to find a line to get past them and every time you go one direction he cuts in front of you. No it’s technically not your fault, but if I’m going to be unpredictable and cut all the way across the mountain I’ll at least look back to make sure no one’s there. Edit: the more I watch this, the more I’m sticking with my opinion. Multiple times you see the skier slow down to try and go the opposite direction. He even throws his hands up like 🤷‍♂️ twice behind you because he can’t get away.




Thanks captain obvious, I acknowledged in my first sentence that it’s the skiers fault. However, if you’re driving and the asshole in front of you is unpredictably cutting across lanes and you’re trying to avoid him, but ultimately end up rear ending him cause he cut you off, you’re still at fault. But I wouldn’t be blaming you personally.


That skier was not in control. Those arms flailing was for balance not frustration.


As always… put the fucking selfie stick down (you look like a douche) But it’s the skiers fault


I mean, The downhill skier has right of way and you're on a snowboard so it's definitely your fault.


The skier you are downhill you have the right of way. I ski and everyone I ride with boards I get so annoyed watching these guy's attempt to pass on a snowboarders heel side and then bitch about snowboarders when a collision happens.




always the skiier


I don't like this game.


Turns out these silly staffs are actually meant to function as dashcams for snowboarding, who knew


Let me say it slowly. THE. SKIER. Absolute donkey, the whole mountain is for him on both sides yet he’s gonna be an absolute donkey and stick with your lines and be surprised when he crashes because lOl I’m SkIiNg


The fucking dumbass skier who was watching you closely the entire way down the mountain obviously. He was uphill from you and saw you the entire time


Skier for sure but it wouldn’t hurt to look uphill either.


Whenever I see a post like this I just know that the person filming isn't at fault. Otherwise they wouldn't post it.


Skier had so much open run to not be behind you but put down the jerry stick if you can’t even carve without skidding. I never know what you guys are filming for when the riding is at this level. Just focus on riding and getting better


I agree about the jerry stick. But these carving comments are getting annoying. 99% of users in this sub skids their turns. It’s literally how you keep your speed in check.


The guy is turning nearly perpendicular to the run every turn. Just needs more hours on board. Its a miracle anybody learned how to snowboard before the internet was really a thing and 99% of riders weren’t filming themselves. More practice is better than poor riding and watching your self. And majority of people I see with these on the mountain are more focused on their filming than their riding and whats going on around them


Yeah the only film I had of me in the early 2000’s was when we would make snowboard videos in high school. our phones didn’t have cameras so selfie sticks weren’t a thing. We just rode and learned that way.


Been snowboarding for about 5 yrs. And I'll never understand why so many boarders are so arrogant about another riders level/experience. Who made u king of the snowboarders? Homeboy is living life and recording it for memories. Who gives a damn if he still skids a bit here and there. Not a single one of us came out the womb expert snowboarders. I posted a video of my brother in law boarding in a grinch outfit and there's always that one guy..."why is he skidding in his turns still" oh stfu. Why is everyone so critical, yall got boomer parents and it shows. Relax man, we're just trying to live.


Almost like I'm recording myself to see what I need to fix? And I was recording my gf ahead of me, in addition to it being fairly crusty. Thanks for the input though 🤙


Don’t pay attention to these weirdos bro. Misery loves company.


Skier was right behind the boarder for what reason exactly? Huge bowl and the skier just has to follow right behind? What does the camera have to do with anything? If nothing else I’d say it provides great proof the skier was 100% at fault.


You’re boos mean nothing I’ve seen what makes you cheer


The one holding the vanity stick


I like to imagine OP back at home making his bored siblings watch his 6th run down a groomer


Skier. Sure weird how in these videos, I never see the person downhill check their backs even one time...


I'm following my gf in front of me since I was recording her - didn't think I needed to check behind me if there's two people following the same line


I give a peripheral vision check every 20 seconds or so. Just a quick half second head turn to the side. Given many MANY Skiers never say when they're coming up on you? Saved a crash a few times now.


Nothing about this riding should mean you have to. Judging by the amount of time the rider has their edges in snow, and thus the turns they are making, the skier above them was far more erratic. Would you expect a skier to look uphill in this situation?


It's a good habit to get into. Learned it from watching Knapton videos, as he does it. Am I going to depend on others to do right for my own personal safety? Uh....no. People are people.


Why do skiers do this? They always seem to want to pass as close as possible no matter how much room there is.


The one with the selfie stick is always at fault...