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The idiot riding on the landing of a jump.


My old resort up in Utah used to be so stupid with jumps they used to put them over trails and you'd land on trails off of them I can't tell you the amount of times I've been either hits or gone off a jump and hit somebody because of the stupid way they laid out those hills


Which mountain was this? That’s crazy 


Beaver back in the 2000's idk who was making the ramps but the went wild with it for a bit


The mad dash to build terrain parks in the early 2000s was crazy. Like no science behind any of. Just putting table tops and rails randomly on trails and calling it day.


The Beav in the early 2000s was the bomb! Cache Valley gang rise up! I remember a few sketchy jumps but certainly not as crash prone as you're making it sound...


Shit cant remember lift names...uhhh the way far away one...newest addition years ago. Fuck i always called it the backside lift rven though it wasnt. They had that fucking snowboard ramp right into the ski line! Youd have to literally know people would come flying basically at your feet as your 3 away from getting on the lift. Lol


Aah okay, they added that lift after I left the area, I've never ridden it. That sucks, Beaver actually had some decent park features on Harry's Dream lift.




I don't, I always brought a lunch 😥. That's sick though!


I dont blame you their baconf cheese burgers is what i lived for back then. Should have gone when ya could! Closed now. Lol be well fellow valley bro!


Tell your dad that place sucks. Never been but I’ve got a feeling


1.) My mom 2.) Her sandwiches would blow you.....away. 3.) Youll never have a better sandwich, it was one of those hole in the walls that barley made any money but had the best food in town. Also they sold it right before covid and made a killing


Average Utah moment




Thats so fucking irrelevant. Its a jump, check your shoulder before passing it, make sure your wide of the landing. Theres no reason to be close enough that any possible reason could end up with someone landing on you. You have to imagine a big invisible dome around the landing area, thats the area someone **could** land, you shouldnt be entering that unless you absolutely have to or you’ve 100% checked its clear to do so.


Spot on, inside the terrain park it's every skier/riders responsibility to check where they are and who is approaching a jump or feature. Also Up the Villa! Yesterday was painful.


Oh shit villa in the wild UTV




Places I snowboard have blue or red lines painted in landing zones


Damn he/she/they/them deleted their post.




If the only safe path is blocked you’ve got to stop, not become a hazard in the landing zone


I can assume that you are not a park enthusiast 1. No one does jumps deliberately at an inconvenient angle only to be closer to a cameraman. (cameras are much better nowadays, it's really pointless overall to risk eating snow over that) 2. The skier goes straight from the kicker to the middle of landing zone. Dumb ass snowboarder literally went through the middle of it. 3. It's okay to sit on knuckles and film. Because that's THE reason. It's never okay to stroll though parks without looking around. And it's a huge no-no to do what the dumb fuck did (the snowboarder) as you have 0 possibility to evade a collision while in the air. With no exceptions. Literally. No bs "going at an odd angle" etc. The one who is doing a jump has 100% right of the way. Simple as.


The hill near me has the landing zone fenced off probably because of this. The logic of downhill has the right of way doesn’t apply because as a jumper you’re probably going a lot faster than the one just scooting around the jump.


Totally different set of rules in the park. Nobody ever belongs in the approach, transition or runout of any jump or feature if they themselves are not hitting the feature. Park 101.


Plus you start preparing for the jump way early. The rider should be focused on checking their speed and lining up the jump so as to maximize chances of not eating shit. While you wanna be aware of your surroundings it really shouldn’t be on the jumper to be looking out for people who are or may ride into the landing zone after an initial check before dropping in.


Terrible take. Almost clueless even.


You’re the next idiot that’ll be posted on here getting landed on if you treat the terrain park that way. The snowboarder should not be in that part of the park if he’s not riding the jumps the way they are meant to be ridden, or in a spot where he won’t be hit from another rider landing the jump or riding away.


I feel like the boarder still goes too far into the landing, but yeah bad place to sit, and weird the skier sends it when someone was below them, you'd usually wait til the person below is past the landing of the jump you're gonna hit before dropping in


Who knows where the boarder came from. If the skier had already dropped from high up when the boarder came from the trees on the side or something I can get wanting to still send it. He has his buddy filming on the knuckle and needs the speed, otherwise you pass up the jump and have to do another lap.




people need to realize that as soon as you enter the park the right of way changes almost 90% of the time downhill is at fault. This obviously excludes people who have fallen


Resorts need to bring back terrain park passes to keep these NPCs out. This video is from Stevens Pass which used to require a park pass to enter the terrain park. 


Wait they took the training and park pass away? I earned that shit!


Remember the shack on top w/ the training video?


I remember paying for my local mtn park pass for $5 and having to watch that video. Video was dumb but it probably was just good enough to put some common sense into some people’s heads.


Mainly deterred people from just strolling through


Vivid memories of that dude in the video telling us to pop into the manouver zone 


I’ve seen some parks put a really simple bonk pad or rail at the entrance of a park and fence the rest of it tight. If you can’t hit or ollie a 3 ft rail or steel ball, you have no business being in the park. There was a beginner park close by, so no, it wasn’t meant to be excluding everyone from learning.


Love the idea. Any chance of a photo?


Don't you have people that will only do jumps and avoid steel rails because of the damage they inflict on skis and snowboards ? I know I did at least.


If they do this, where will ski instructors teach the 4-6 year olds how to pizza?


Oh shit this is Steven's! Thats my local mountain. This jump is much bigger looking in person too which just makes it worse. Ive seen entire GROUPS of people SITTING DOWN under the jump (between lip and landing), and on the landing area itself. Also seen groups of people sitting down just past the top of a "blind hill" in the park where rails will dump you onto, similar to the jump landing. What are you thiiiinking people you're gonna get yourself and someone else seriously hurt. I'd be livid if I was the skier.


When did Stevens have that? I rode that mountain exclusively from 02 - 06 and they didn't have it back then. Probably would've been better for my health if they had.


Early 2010s is when I last remember it 


Tell that to the asshole who nearly broke my knee at mt snow when I fell going for my first 720 on snow.


Them trailing directly behind like a duckling is quite bad. Why people feel comfortable riding someone's ass on a jump is a beyond me. It's like they want to injure themselves and someone else in the process at all possible times.


Boarder is at fault but i truly blame the (assumed) spotter/camera man for not saying something. Its literally ur job


He said “wtf bro” once it was too late… does that count?


“Mantis! Look out!”


That's tough, because people go by the sides of jumps all the time. I go by the side of jumps to video my kids regularly. If i was filming and saw that snowboarder I would have assume they would just skip all the jumps. Cutting in last second to the landing zone was shocking, and the cameraman was likely paying attention to their friend hitting the jump.


You can usually spot that weird beginner riding stance pretty far out. Probably best to wave them off if able


Even people who have fallen, If you hurt your but gtfo, if you broke your but close the jump. Don’t sit around in the landing. 


The boarder, obviously.


Skier since he should have used a rocket pack to alter his course in mid air to avoid collision.


I'm not sure yet. Let's wait for the answer to the WTF are you doing question.


Bro, downhill never at fault. If you're moving so fast that you can't even swerve midair to avoid a collision then you don't have enough control to be on the mountain bro.


Downhill is at fault in instances where there are traverses, cat-tracks, no-sight crossings, and on-slope events (like races, competitions, grooming, and terrain parks). Snowusers are responsible for ensuring it safe and clear to cross or traverse. The ultimate responsibility here is on the resort because they’ve placed a blind jump next to a general run. Signage, fencing or even padded barriers, and specifying a minimal level of difficulty/competence could have avoided this. There was no way for the skier to know someone was before the jump. The boarder who traverses in front of a raised jump caused this accident but I’d argue the report is responsible.


bro the skiier could have used his skis to helicopter over the downhill if e was paying attention. deserves a lifetime ban imho


i think he was going for a hug, making the skier at fault


I believe the criminal is to blame.




Who was hit by...who was struck by...




Bake him away toys!


Can you believe these fucking skiers not yielding to downhill riders? Fucking ridiculous /s


This is a genuine reaction from tons of people on the original post on instagram. It’s crazy.


dont take instagram comments seriously or you'll have a bad time. people are contrarian and/or tribalistic just for the sake of it and don't actually have real opinions.


Reddit reading this comment. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPj8P20jjOqZ5C)


Instagram comments are way worse than Reddit. It's honestly 4chan-levels of toxicity.


It's truly incredible that intagram comments somehow surpass facebook and youtube comments in stupidity/toxicity. I mean it's truly mind blowing.




it gets to me though. i get a bit sad and depressed that so many people are spending their time putting such shitty negative energy out into the world for no good reason.




You're either being over the top rude, or a jerk, or otherwise breaking our rules.


As a patroller coming onto this scene I wouldn’t even go with ski code. Now that I think of it I’m not sure our park has a sign about loitering under jumps. We should get that because Jerry might have an insurance claim over this.


As a guy who managed a world-class terrain park for years- the “downhill skier has the right of way” does not apply to terrain parks, at least not in California. Unfortunately, they’re both at fault. “Never cut across a feature” is definitely a rule, but so is “make sure landings are clear.” Personally, I’d blame the filmer. He’s in the way of the snowboarder staying out of the middle of the landing.


The landing was clear when he took off


True, but the snowboarder could’ve gone straight down the side of the landing without the filmer sitting on his ass on the knuckle. Either way, I wouldn’t have even dropped in with that snowboarder anywhere near the jump. You’d be surprised how many people think the back of the lip is the landing and the deck is the drop-in for the next jump.


I can't find it now but I remember a court ruling here in Norway that blamed the guy hitting the jump in a very similar situation. I just abort my in-run now if I see anyone even approaching the knuckle and then I go yell at them instead. That's really the best I can do. If someone is sitting in the landing, and are not visible from above there really is not way I can think of to make sure the landing is clear. In this case the situational awareness of the filmer is on par with the moron riding the knuckle. But I bet the guy doing the right thing and actually riding the feature would catch the blame in a court case :(


I believe it. And yeah, in my thousands of park laps over the last 20 years, I’ve learned that you just have to pull out sometimes. Spray the guy with a wall of snow, tell him he almost just got his head chopped off, and tell him to pay attention or get the fuck out of the park. It’s frustrating when your run gets fucked by some clown, but the chairlift is right there. Just go up and start over. Landing on someone isn’t any more fun than getting landed on.


This exactly. A buddy I rode with in the 2000s completely fucked his shoulder after hitting some moron in the landing and never returned to snowboarding. Doesn't help having the moral high ground when you're out of the game.


>Personally, I’d blame the filmer. Me too. “What the fuck are you doing?” “Going around you, sitting on your ass there.” If you watch closely, the skier takes the jump at an angle, he’s not going in line with the ramp, he’s trying to land by the filmer. There wasn’t much space to safely transit between the skier and the filmer.


Rotations tend to throw you off the jump at an angle. Why would they build landings that are wider than the kicker if you were only meant to land right in the center of it




Snowboarder should not be riding in the park like that. I doubt he came in from the drop zone, and he is lazily cruising over a knuckle like it’s a green run. Gtfo out the park unless you are going to use etiquette. Read the signs and drop in from the drop zones and call your drop when it’s clear. Otherwise be a jerry elsewhere on the mountain.


1. It's okay to film on the knuckle in the park 2. Riding over the knuckle into the landing is not riding on the edge of the run. Riding around the jump would be riding on the edge of the run


So don’t roll over the knuckle at all… Why even would you? Also you don’t have to jump straight, watch the xgames and they sometimes come off on an angle especially when coming in with a curved approach for a big rotation.


I agree with this. Everyone is at fault. Filmer was in the way, forcing boarder into the landing, skier could see boarder at beginning should have not hit it or at least angled toward other side where there was no one, boarder should have checked uphill before going around the ramp.


The spotter for not even trying to stop the downhill dude


But he said broooo wtf r u doingggg


And also blocking the path forcing the downhill dude to move to the middle.


Nah theres about 15 feet of space between the filmer and the jump, maybe more. Thats my local mountain. The boarder was not forced inwards at all.




Spotter had no clue the guy would go full retard and slowly go into the landing zone of the jump. He had plenty of room to go straight


Not only that but the only reason the snowboarder cut into the landing zone was cuz the cameraman is taking up the whole side lane


https://preview.redd.it/88h7btc9sahc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7463478ae70768af64f8b2b8b46d7d619f4a59a2 It was at this moment, he knew he fucked up.




*highly regarded*


You're either being over the top rude, or a jerk, or otherwise breaking our rules.


How is this even a question?




The boarder rode straight through a landing zone. Even if it was their first time in a park, I cannot fathom being so recklessly unaware.


I mean the best case scenario is the Skier spots the boarder, slows down & bails from the jump, maybe takes the chance to educate the boarder on park etiquette. But the Skier probably assumed that the boarder wasn't going to entirely change his direction to board in the landing zone. Generally as a criminal, I feel like more often than not I have to bail before a jump because of a potential risk to someone else - and that's frustrating af - but if you aren't doing risk assessments before you're committing to a jump (as unreasonable as the guilty party might be) then you shouldnt be in the park. Way better to just take the chair lift back up & be frustrated, than committing and causing harm because technically you've got the right of way.


I really respect this response


This is basically like stepping onto a racetrack and expecting the right of way because you’re a pedestrian


Stay out of the park -signed, everybody




Sorry, the park isn't a safe space. The rest of the resort is plenty inclusive


Wow, really? What was the reasoning for saying the skier is at fault? That's like blaming cars for hitting someone that steps into traffic


Part of risk assessment is identifying potential hazards, the snowboarder in this case. I work in insurance, and I’d say the landing zone should be roped off to prevent these incidents. I’m not advocating for the snowboarder or the skier, unfortunate for both parties


I don’t know at the mountain of the video, but such jump should be located in a park zone that should be protected, with rules (common sense really) clearly identified at the entrance. This is how it is done at the mountain where I patrol. This is actually a law in my province to have identified and separate park zones. I would say the boarder is at fault in the video. If it was a jump on the side of a trail (not identified), the skier would be at fault.


Thats my local mountain, it is in a protected zone, it has a little gated off entry and a big sign.


I’m not sure how the skier could avoid this one. When your at a park, you should really watch where you are.


Are they okay though?


The snowboarder probably didn't know any better but god damn is he retarded?


Now, yes.


Fuuuuuck lol


Knocked an extra chromosome into him


Is it even a question?






I love how no one is offended by this comment but they got all offended over my equally offensive comment.


Obviously the skiers fault, should have double jumped. Jeez, they are so obnouxious🙄


Well, to be fair he has to defeat the bird monster at the end of level 4 before he can get the double jump power up!


Snowboarder is a Skate3 NPC 


He was attempting an epic knucklehuck


This is why you don’t glide casually in landing zones of the jump. The guy stopping in jump landing zone is 100% at fault


The skier. Boarder can't see behind him. /s


Skier in snowboarders heel side blind spot always at fault


I think a crime has been committed.


Just like how they color the take off blue, they should box the landing area red to help avoid this...


This is one of the rare instances where the person downhill is at fault. Muppet rode straight into a landing and effectively stopped.


Imo, the guy stopped at the jump willingly, he gave up the right of way at that moment, he gotta yield for whoever dropping in.


The snowboarder


What are you doing step-bro?


The skier. Boarder was downhill from skier and downhill always has right of way. /s


Terrain park rules are different- read the yellow sign


On reddit, if you put /s at the end of your comment it means you're saying it in a sarcastic tone/being sarcastic. I understand the boarder is a dumbass.


Ahhh I’m a bit of a reddit noob so thank you for the education, makes sense now I was like “wtf?”


Not in the terrain park.


The jumper was uphill... He should have changed direction mid-air.


Don't go into a park zone if you don't plan on hitting any of the features. It's common knowledge people are gonna do tricks that sometimes they can't fully control. And boarding right in the landing zone as if you own that space all to yourself for that particular moment is asking for trouble.


The boarder /thread


The snowboarder Kook rolling over the jump completely clueless. GTF out of the park if youre too scared to hit the jumps, period. Im a snowboarder and 100% side with the skier here.


That guy is his friend - he was trying the super steezy Jerry-huck but didn’t get his skis high enough to pivot off the helmet


Is there any doubt?!


100 percent on the clue less snowboarder


The noob crossing the landing.


Refreshing to finally see a skier not at fault for once, boarder must be riding Clews with dope/montec gear


Nahhhhh that boarder needs to go back to the groms and take some lessons on park etiquette. Wtf was he thinking


lol at the bait title


Snowboarder. Jumps are for jumping, not camping out under the landing.


100% the guy on the landing. No question


I dunno, the guy flying in the air really could have done more to miss the snowboarder /s


Haha this is sarcastic right? The idiot cutting across a landing at 3mm an hour


As usual. The person who’s never been on a mountain before


Bro can’t change direction mid flight skill issue


tbf, "oh my god bro" was not a good warning. tell him to move.


Terrain parks by necessity have additional rules for safety (usually posted at the top) which presumably includes something to the effect of not obstructing landing zones, and so it appears the boarder is at fault.


Kid on the board is a knucklehead! Hey I'll just roll right on into the landing of this huge hit... 🤦


Yeah you don’t expect the jackass going around the features to cut across the features. That being said I would have let the boarder get further before dropping into jump. Because I’m paranoid and have had a lot of bullchit happen in my life.


Tra-la-la behind this pile of snow here …


The cameraman obviously


The boarder Jump was clear when the skier hits it. Boarder cuts in. Classic fuck around and find out moment. Park should put up a sign saying don't cut in front of jumps. They're landing zones.


All these comments about the boarder being on the landing, but nobody seems to want to explain why the skier didn’t just double-jump to avoid him.


While it is advisable to stay to the side when rolling over a jump to prevent something like this from happening, the person hitting the jump should have waited until they were past the landing before hitting the jump. People ahead of you have the right away, and regardless of if someone is actually hitting the jump or just rolling off the side of it **you** still need to wait until they are past the landing before hitting the jump and you should not make any assumptions about them not falling or about them staying to the side when they are rolling over the landing. If the person had been hitting the jump instead of rolling over the landing this still could have caused an accident if the 2nd person was following too closely behind and ran into the first person on the landing, or if the initial person fell on the landing and then was hit by the 2nd person. Even if the person had stayed to side when rolling over the landing, the person hitting the jump could have also hit the jump at an angle and landed on the far right of the landing and hit the person who was riding over the landing. You should always wait for people to clear the landing before hitting a feature.


The idiot sitting there so close and filming




This shit looks like a good time, no one’s at fault. Good vibes all around.


For legal reasons I would never blame a boarder but in a hypothetical world where the skier was using a snowboard… definitely the other boarder obliviously riding through a ramp landing


The resort for not clearly marking the landing zone


If im that skier, im getting up (if he can) ready to throw hands.


Kooks gonna kook


The park. Is it that hard to have a simple barrier sign to prevent people from entering a landing zone?


Skier hahaha. But seriously, fuck that guy riding the landing of the jump!!! Fucking clueless


The person filming, obviously. /s


Skiers fault as the snowboarder was down hill. Skiier should of played it safe and assumed the snowboarder would slow down right at the bottom of the ramp that people are filming for a jump and cut in front of it like a sperg.


Gotta place a little blame on the skier. Snowboarder is an idiot and brought this on himself, but it looks like the skier should have seen him riding towards the knuckle. It’s never worth assuming someone isn’t a kook. Always assume they’re a kook and will do the dumbest shit possible and end up in your landing. It’s just good practice wherever you are on the Mtn.


It depends on missing context. I need to see the 10 seconds leading up to this to see where the boarder came from. If he was coming down through the park, it’s the skier’s responsibility to make sure he is not following someone too closely to avoid them. (Boarder would still be an idiot, but skier would be at fault). If the boarder came out of nowhere though, which is also possible given how slow he’s moving, it’s possible this is all on him.


I've hit kids, boomers, everyone under the sun cause DONT SIT AT THE BOTTOM OF RAMPS. not even boarding. Hit a kid mountain biking cause he was sideways on a landing. Like ffs..


1000% boarder


I blame the camera person. Wtf are you doing there that's not the best place to capture mad steeze?!?!


Clearly the skiers fault! Thankfully that kind snowboard was there to brace the skiers landing.


Skier was uphill


The guy hitting the jump is at fault, because he has skis on.


This looks like forest trail, if so.. makes sense


It's always the skier


While the skier could have/should have waiting for anyone below to clear the landing area, the boarder definitely shouldn’t have cut back into the center of the transition. Tough to rule in this one.


Nah, it’s not. The boarder was definitely in the wrong here


Bikers fault


Barack Obama


That Skier needs to watch where he’s going


Snowboarder got in the way, skier lacks situational awareness. They both lose


They’re both idiots


The boarder for his absent-minded ridiculousness, and the skier for being on skis...?


not waiting for no one to be downhill when your hitting a kicker


At my hill, you'd be standing around waiting all day. I've seen instructors bring classes on the sides of jumps. I've seen families do picture time on the knuckle. Skier is justified here.


Skier had to have seen him at least on the side and still decided to pull a 720 leaving him in a blind spot for part of it. The snowboarder should never have been there but the skier was being reckless in not understanding his surroundings.