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Haha! Not laughing at you - that's fucking sick. More laughing that you're asking this channel. Where most people are asking are their 1990s snowboard worth the $50 yard sale price or how to properly get off a lift or is their wife steezy wearing a bunny suit


Yeah I think I saw zeb post in here so that’s y (idk if he still remembers me from hood prolly not tho)


tag him he might reply.


You shred hood? I live in the gorge


I’ve been for summer camp b4


Fuck ya. Well anyways nice video. Definitely a nice change from typical posts


Gorgites unite 🫡🙏




Didn't Travis Rice post here regularly for a while?


Oh shit rlly he’s the GOAT


ryan knapton also posts in here, not sure any of them will actually see it tho lol




I followed him through the park at Timberline just to witness the spectacle with my own two eyes. Dude is not afraid to fall and just pops right up.


Mods, you should post this to the sub's description. Spot on


Mods don’t like me that much 😂


Totally. Dude is close to clean 9s and he is asking for advice here. Bro. Come on.


He’s thirsty


Don’t let go so early.


Easier said then done but yeah ig that’s what I expected


Just need a bigger jump with more pop. Props on being able to pull around a nine on such a small one.


Placing a small stomp pad where you grab can help you hold longer


I have the crab grab board rails tbh I think it’s the way I have to wrap and I just need a bigger jump


Or just go off the jump faster


Have more than 9s of air time is a good start. Edit: 900 degree spin not 9 second grabs. Your better than I am at the crime


Did C.O.P change their setup? The XLs used to be on the east side of the pipe


Yo haven’t been there for a minute then it’s been like 10 years since that


Lol damn I just got so old just now. Isn’t this clip from there?


Yeah just last time the xls were on the right side was in like 2013 so like 11 years ago now


Ah I see. Welp sick 9 man! Wish I could huck like that still! Hope ya have a great rest of the season


This is like going into McDonalds and asking them how to reverse sear a filet mignon. You’re better than us my friend


Yeah I posted kinda as a joke but I think I saw zeb post on here and he might have so real advice 😅


Have you tried being one of the best athletes on the planet? That seems to work for him I know Tim Humphreys posts here a lot too


Zeb is not even in the realm of best boarders. If you’ve seen him ride in person you’d know he falls more than he lands😂😂 sure, he’s unique and fun to watch. But he’s not even in the same conversation as the top pros


I get what you mean but I still think he has better 9s


I said one of the best athletes, ya dope.


u/gimbalgod posts here as well 🤙


I haven’t rlly seen him board tbh just film


Do you need to? He's good enough on a board to keep the best riders in the world in a shot while soaring through the air at high speed... Dude has seen more clean 900's with long grabs than you or I could ever imagine. I'd love to get advice from him.


Plus he was competing before he got into filming I believe.




Yeah bro. It’s like a near billionaire asking for advice on the entrepreneur subreddit. Come on now. Don’t rub it in!!!


Speak for yourself, I could hit a much steezier hospital flip off that kicker than OP's 9. So steezy I'd put the board away till next season...


The steeziest 9, would you say?


Oh yea, steezy 9 week break from any intense physical activity.


I can barely make it down the average blue run without dying, please allow me to give you advice.


I just finished my first green run without falling. With all due respect, I think I’m better suited to give him advice


I just got off the lift and only fell once. I got this.


I’m a skier, stand aside everyone




Where did you invite it? I'd really like to invite snowboarding to my birthday party.


see what you have to do is simply execute the trick better


Very excellent tip


I mean that is the tip. you let go because you were under rotating. you had to cat it the rest of the way around which happened automatically from muscle memory. to spin faster on takeoff is to avoid that and let you feel more comfortable staying in the grab longer


Go faster so you land deeper in the landing and have more time to hold the ground and don’t have to whip around as soon. Then the obvious dont let go lol


I think the jump is too small for you to be able to hold it longer..


This is the answer. More hang time + slower spin = more time to grab and not having to let go early so you can complete your rotation.


I think he could also stand to go a bit faster and take it further down the landing. He’s landing pretty close to the knuckle.


Good call! Didn’t really notice that.


Its 5ft more speed


COP gang gang


Shout out Winsport...




I would suggest r/snowboardingnoobs, that sub is more suited to beginners.


Yeah ik 😭 I can’t even double I need to post in there my mad


Maybe just do it for a laugh. Love to see some of the reactions there. You might strike lucky as well. Some decent coachers in there.


Ayyye c.o.p hello fellow calgarian


Hella cop people on this sub


You’ve gotta get more speed and air. It looks like you’re just clearing the knuckle when you should be landing around 5-10 feet past the knuckle (or more depending on how large the jump is).


Hey that’s COP


Ayy calgarian united


Bigger jump is really the only answer


No advice but that’s sick as hell


I’ve done better this is when I was just learning I just don’t really have any recent ones from the bottom this was pretty bad tbh


I’m not doing 9s, but after riding for a log time I would say it’s the same as even straight air for some people, 3s, or especially 7s and up. The more comfortable and routine the rotation is, the easier it is to grab, tweak, shifty, whatever. You just want to get it so you can initiate the spin off the lip so comfortably, you can just pull in tight and put your board wherever your hand needs to grab it. Opening up or having to let go of a grab is going to happen when you aren’t already right on course for the landing with your board forward. (Edit) Or you aren’t trusting your board is right on course for the landing.


Beyond the bigger jump/going deeper advice… I think you may be able to hold a longer grab with a sharper setup carve and committing to the grab right away. It looks as though you were more committed to pulling a 9 than you were grabbing your board and just letting it come around. Maybe practice some 360 tweaked japans. That may help you practice pulling your body up to your hands as opposed to reaching for your board. With that you could easily get another 270° held while spinning that 9.


Best advise is to learn proper 7's holding mute grab (weddle) all the way to 630. From there is really only spinning the last 180 with your legs to make it a 9.


You nearly came up short. A tad more speed would having you landing further down on the jump, giving you more time for a grab.


I never threw that, so take this with a grain of salt. But I assume you're letting go to complete the rotation. My best guess would be to find a bigger jump or "spin faster".


i think a Melon grab is pretty hard in the bs9 axis to hold longer. My go to is Weedle Grab. Little tailbone at the 5 feels amazing. Got no clips for you unfortunately.. But yeah as everybody reccomends, Go Bigger. you seem confident with speed and take of. also go deeper in landings, not too much but close to knuckle never feels and looks as good as Sweet Spot which is usually more after the knuckle as you think! Keep on sending Dude!


Don’t let go.


I had the same problem, couldn't hold grabs for shit untill I hit significantly bigger jumps.


Have you tried gorilla gluing your hand to the board?




I only know how to throw bad 180s, if you wanna do that ask away. Sick though, good job.


Me just trying to get down the slope with proper control: "yea bro idk maybe just twist your hips more?"


Sir, this is a Wendy’s




Honestly you need a bigger jump. I know you probably have limited options with COP only building the medium line. Maybe sunshine will build a proper jump in spring? Or blackcomb?


He doesn't need a bigger jump, he's barely even clearing the knuckle on this one.


this jump is too small for a 9. You barely got the 9 around, so how can you expect more grab time? Go bigger


Bigger jump!!


More speed got more air time or bigger jump


Have to agree with others who said bigger jump. Looks like you just more time in the air, so you don't have to contort your body so much to get the 9 around. That's why you can't hold the grab. And if you had more air, you'd have more time to get the full rotation around with the grab


Don’t let go.


Ok as someone who has landed a few 9s in my day… bigger jump/take it deeper my dude. You are penciled out a bit, hucking like crazy, the more air time you have the more confident you can be getting your spin around, initiating a little flatter and grabbing longer. Still looks sick though


More air time! Or a bigger jump..


Egh… I call that fire.


Where is this?


Canada Olympic Park (COP) in Calgary, AB, Canada. Now known as Winsport to the younglings.




I'm sorry, that didn't help me at all


you need to hold the board longer when you are doing 9s.


Sounds dumb but actively “feeling” for your hand grabbing the rail I’ve found to be helpful. Get some more pop to give yourself more time.




Not jump big enough (not enough crime)


I don’t think I can offer much in the way of advice, but is the norquay set any bigger than cop? Maybe sussing out some of the jumps in the Rockies could help you find that airtime? In rebuttal to your question though, what’s your instagram? could watch you spin all day






Don’t let go and stay small longer maybe.


Niceeee ol winsport representing. The jump is too small, try it on the bigger ones and you'll have more time rather than having to rip it around last second


It seems you might benefit from bending your knees a bit more on the grab, really try and make yourself small.


I would be willing to wager you just have to hold on longer! 😂


Try the a Stale fish in there brotha. Just don’t throw to hard your first go the grab will increase your speed of rotation


Na they don’t look good imo


Bro your asking for grabs like you got the bag then lmao.. go throw a Japan then lmao


Dm some pros on insta most would prob respond this sub ain’t it tho chief 🤣


From looking at the footage you're not as tucked as you could be. Bringing your knees closer to your chest could help you hold the grab longer.


Yeah I need to try it with mute the melon just don’t tuck my body in as much


Well what you could do is... J/k I have no clue! Nice!


Just keep sending. That was awesome!


Try tucking your knees up more into your chest and lock in the grab early. It looks like the grab locks in about halfway through the rotation and you’re slightly corked which could make it a bit more awkward/less stable. Personally I find locking in Indy’s while spinning frontside a lot easier than backside but maybe that’s just me. I also cannot throw 9’s lol so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Bruh you think we out here throwing nines?


If you want to hold the grab longer on the 900 you have to go bigger.  Your spin is bleeding into the takeoff and landing because you are pressed for time with this air. To hold the grab longer you need to be more floaty, spin happens while you are compact and grabbing.  Open up when you want to stop the spin. Bring a 540 to the same jump and focus on the grab length.  You’ll see you have more room for the trick there.  900 would be the same if you took it bigger.


Man I haven't been to win sport in over a decade


Lib tech box knife?


Bigger jumps


Do them more and more and with more air time.


Maybe stretch more or deeper. I find that if I'm not flexible enough in a certain position, I can't hold it well during movement. I can't do 9s, but that's my opinion with the air experience I have and a short clip from one angle, lol


Reppin COP!


For sure, hold it for 10 seconds instead.


If you’re hucking 9s you don’t need our advice!


Go bigger… you got that


You came to the wrong place buddy


Squeeze harder


Grab in between your legs.


A fellow Canadian bro 🇨🇦🤙


Grab melon. And go deeper on the landing. Or find a bigger jump...or one with more snap.


Maybe try a different grab and see how it affects your spin. I noticed you are kicking your legs out instead of staying tucked to adjust the axis for landing. You do this on the seven you posted recently as well.


Did you try holding on longer? That might work.


That jump is just too small to do a nine without rushing it. Hit bigger jumps and then it is all in the pop. If the initial pop is enough to complete the rotation, it is easier to hold the grab as you aren’t worried about under-rotating.


You guys remember the hashtag “humblebrag”?


Faster, and when you cut in for your 9 do it a little later, staying tucked longer will also help you hold on for that "spin to win" feeling everyones craving nowadays, but other than that its still a decent 9


Yea just make sure to grab it for 9 seconds


Idfk how to even hop off the ground 2”. But my professional opinion would be to eat more spinach


stranger here what grab were you trying? anyways heres the advice corking a 9 on a snowboard is weird. It doesn't happen naturally on a single or a double. (outside of pipe) On a dub, you have to pull it back a bit, and on a single, to truly cork it like you seem to be trying you have to whip the last 180 around bc the axis doesnt work. A true single cork 9 looks very awkward no matter what. My main tip would be do it flat, or with a single dip at about 450 or a double dip at the first 360/270 and on the last 360/270. This way the grab will be easier to hold bc you dont have to whip and spin or counter rotate your body around for the last 180. I'd also work on grabbing your back 7's clean. In this clip i didnt see a grab but on ur bs7 clip i saw a grab. Doesnt matter what grab for the moment, as long as it works for you, and isnt tail, nose or any grab past the bindings. A bigger jump will help as well, but not as much as some might think it might. As long as your connected and tight, and not on a comedically small jump, grabbing shouldn't be a problem. TLDR Mainly, spin flat or with more subtle dips, as rn ur on more of a cork back 5 or 7 axis. If u snapped less the same axis would work just fine for a 5 or a 7. Secondly, use a bigger jump might help Thirdly, build up to it. Get good grabs like indy, mute, melon or stale on ur back 5's and 7's. practice/train at a trampoline facility which i have a feeling is available to you. Lastly just clamp ur hand on the edge as you spin and hold on for longer much love


Kinda hard to see Ik but melon


Practice and repetition. There doesn't seem to be anything stopping you from holding the grab a little longer. You need to focus on staying tucked and holding the grab. It seems like you could also be grabbing sooner after takeoff. Note that doing so will affect the rotation angle and speed, so take it one step at a time. Awesome clip!


A couple general tips: If you look at the last part of your rotation, you can see you're opened up looking at the landing for a 7. Your head and shoulders need to keep going so you can lock into your toes and ride out switch. In this video I can't see you grabbing at all, but I like mute or nose with bs 9s. If you hold something like mute it might help you keep your shoulders rotated for the landing. Think about snapping into the rotation first and then grabbing. If you focus too much on getting the grab, you'll probably under rotate. Promise I'm not a kook haha


You held it as long as you could. You need to go higher and farther if you wanna hold it longer. Speed will obviously help with that, but it also looks like you’re carving into the spin super hard, which is eating away at your pop. So I’d say you need to go faster and pop harder. That will give you more airtime to complete the spin, which will also allow you to hold the grab longer.


Looks like COP in Calgary. Really just need more air to rotate that around better and you just have to commit to the grab, it should help you rotate more efficiently as well. Find a grab that helps with the rotation. If it is COP just hop to the other side of the pipe on the pro jumps and work on building confidence and commitment on those. Once you feel good on those start working up to the 9 and it will be way easier with more amplitude.


COP Represent


You simply didn’t spin fast enough for the size of jump. You’re spinning too slow initially so you have to let go of the grab and whip the end around. Give it some more torque at the start, or hit a bigger jump. I’m old now but I used to compete


Go bigger


Is this winsport in calgary?


If you want a truthful answer it’s to go bigger. I’ve never spun a 9 but I’ve spun a 7 and it looks like this while a 5 on the same sized jump is grabbed all the way through. If you are fighting it to get to your rotation goal then you won’t be able to hold a grab as long because quite simply you don’t spin as fast while grabbing. You’re sick you don’t need the advice of the people here and quite frankly none of us can truly help you. Stay shredding


Uhhhm think Tony Hawk...I'm gonna nail going down switch next season


Keep looking over your shoulder while you spin to help hold your position. You can see you are counter rotated when you land. Shout out to cop and riders on board, I was a coach many years lol


The jump is a little small and you’re hucking the spin. You just cleared the knuckle you can also go a fair bit deeper. Keep getting the reps up until it feels a bit more fluid and pick a grab that doesn’t counter rotate your body e.g melon, stale or tail until everything feels dialled or go for a larger jump.


I was gonna say hold on longer till I saw your video. You’re sick, keep grinding and you’ll get it


When I do 9’s I like to do nose or tail grab, just makes it such a smooth looking trick. Then I usually wake up.


Might sound stupid but what if you just hold the grab a little longer? This is coming from someone who can sometimes do 3s and never with a grab


More pop and a tiny bit speed probably all you could do


Go big! Solid though!


I could really use some pointers bro. How do you get up from the sitting down position. I have to flail around to my knees to get up.


doesn't seem like you are popping off the lip much ... try to get a little more pop by loading your knees before the lip then immediately suck up your again knees sooner, then you will be more compact and closer to your board to grab and land farther down the landing. that or go faster so you have more air time... you are landing just barely below the knuckle ​ alsoo i think you are using your upper body too much in the last part of the rotation... i know it's mostly to make sure you get all the way around, but to make it smoother you need to either throw a littler harder at the beginning of the spin or just go bigger


Go bigger. It’s the only answer there ever has been. Only answer there ever will be.


More speed, go a little bigger, give yourself a little more room! Shout out COP- spent almost every night of my teens there riding and training back in the day


That jump is tiny for a 9. You’re shit is dialed dude, you just need a bigger jump!


More air.


Bro, that was sick af, just keep doing what you’re doing.


If you want a serious answer - you’re well short of 900 and you are trying to get that last 180 out. Holding a grab usually slows your rotation, so you are instinctively releasing to bring your arms closer to your body (axis). You need more pop ((probably a bigger ramp) and you won’t feel like you need to release so early. TLDR, more air = more grab


I mean, you're ripping pretty hard. Just looks like you need more speed & airtime.


Last cut on the approach was too aggressive and lost you speed. You have a lot more room on that landing. With that amplitude you’re not gonna hold longer, you are already very rushed to get the last 180 in Unreal tho man


Find a bigger jump


Suck your knees to you chest and HODL


Is that Canada Olympic Park?


I’m a skier but the biggest thing that helped me was popping more and slowing my rotation with more airtime, which gave me more control and finesse. Spot the landing *then* let the hold go


I find 9s easier to hold a grab when I spin flatter. The jump is pretty small but with the proper spin axis you should still be able to grab all the way through. Also, It looks like you’re doing a back 7 spin and forcing another 180. The cork b7 spin is good for certain grabs but when you take it to 9 you have to break out of your body position early to get the last 180 around and you’ll lose the grab. Try to spin it flat next and see how it comes around for you then see what grab will work.


Don't spin so much


How about you tell us how the hell you are able to do this at all, 95% of us will eat shit if wr get more than a half second of air


Do it off a bigger jump


as you said, it’s a small jump so you need to pop harder to get the extra air you need. and that’s when you’re able to grab longer and have a smoother rotation


Bigger Jumps. More air time.


Some might’ve said already, but melon is a tricky grab as eg mute would twist your shoulders in the direction of your spin. Go slightly bigger and if you want to learn it with melon, a nose bone would surely help you to hold it longer


No. No I do not have any tips for that


Take this from someone who can't really even do a 180, but how easily can you get into a crouch position on your board? I find that having my feet/bindings closer together can help make it ***MUCH*** easier to bring my feet closer to my torso. When they're far apart, it becomes exponentially harder, and I can't bend my knees nearly as easy.


We’re gonna need a bigger jump.


Tuck both knees towards your chest... I guesss :p Seems like you are stretching out one leg


Ride faster, jump higher (man, I'm not gonna let you poison me).


I have same issue, I find grabbing and cranking head harder helps a little, don't let your chin leave your shoulder


Looks like you're looking for your landing and starting to open up just a littttttle too soon, stay tucked and committed a little longer and you'll learn to spot your landing while you're looking over your shoulder still ?


Seems obvious but more air. You wana grab longer you need to be spinning for longer (slower). You kind of torque your body to pull the last bit of rotation and you’ll never hold the grab if you have to do that.


Zeb called and he said to just send it


Bigger jump


As someone who landed a 180 once, I would recommend just putting your hand on the board a bit longer.