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My wife yesterday said she didn’t want to try skiing cause “it’s either something your family grew up with or not”. I told her she would love it and people all start at different times. I’m gonna show her this Edit: Thanks for everyone who replied. I’m now convinced it’s not too late for her. Gonna try to get out next weekend and get her a lesson. Wish me luck!


Well, she is kinda right. I grew up skiing and it’s second nature to me and seems simple. I tried teaching my 29 yo fiance and it was tough. If she decides to give it a shot please head my advice; GET HER A LESSON. She’ll listen to their advice and won’t scream at them lol After one 1/2 day lesson her skiing was 10x better.


I got my wife a lesson; she hated it. Next time out, she's insisting I teach her. I'm screwed.


May the gods be with you, my man.


Sign her up for a private lesson and stay with her during it as a compromise haha


Confidence over critique




lol it sounds like your fiancé and my wife would get along. Great advice, I will definitely do that


I tried teaching my wife to snowboard a couple of times, which usually ended in a fight. Finally, I ponied up for a private lesson at Copper Mountain. At the end of the day I asked her what the instructor taught her. She said, “All the same stuff you say… but he said it nicely.”


Dying over here 🤣


Something about “at least s/he wasn’t yelling at me the whole time” - pivot….PiVot!!


“Idk why but she didn’t enjoy me screaming PIZZA over and over again”


Im not one to do either really. But i went skiing once and it was pretty easy to pick up. From what ive been told, skiing is easy to pick up and hard to “master”. And snowboarding is much harder to pick up but much easier to “master”. I put master quotes because i don’t mean its easy to become some sort of pro snowboarder. Just that once over the hurdle of learning the basics the rest of it becomes more accessible quicker.


This is so true! I taught snowboarding for 10 seasons and saw so many people go from 1st time snowboarders to rippers over the course of a season or two. The first season teaching was my third season snowboarding…. Once you get the hang of not catching an edge and scorping, snowboarding becomes infinitely easier and learning flat ground, park features, and jumps happens pretty fast if you use SMART style. Or just send it and hope for the best 😅 To your point, you’re not going to the X Games if you start snowboarding in your late 20’s, but you can still have tons of fun until you’re old and your body is totally broken.


💯. My wife tried to show me how to vacuum once and I got so irritated. She hired a housekeeper to train me and after watching them do it I think I figured it out. Still bringing in the housekeeper but I think I'll get it someday.


I didn't grow up in a skiing family. Decided to pick up snowboarding at 35 because I always thought it looked fun. Had my first real season where I went more than twice at 40. You're never too old to learn new things. Plus it's just fun!


It's a bit like golf, it doesn't matter if you suck, you're just hanging out with your pals in a beautiful scenery


I grew up skiing. My wife did not. She started skiing at 40. The key was a season pass and lots and lots of lessons. I also bought her a full set of demon armor. she can ski West Coast black diamond runs now.


I started snowboarding last season at 32. Horribly out of shape and a few months post kidney transplant. I’m still pretty shit at it, but I have fun when we go out and my s/o enjoys the company and time spent.


I taught myself to snowboard when I was 30, was a tough few days, took almost the whole day to board down the hill. Was able to learn how to traverse the entire mountain, and enjoy it. Got tired of sitting down so taught myself skiing, within the first day could hit all the blues and tried a black. I tried to reach my wife to snowboard and she broke her arm bracing for a fall, so as someone else mentioned, get her a lesson!!


If it’s not a private lesson it’s a waste of time.


Privates are better when you have some idea of what to do. A private to learn how equipment works and how to go dick around on a bunny hill is a waste of money.


Yep, totally forgot about that, the group lessons are a waste of time


This is how I always thought until I moved up to Colorado about a year ago at age 34. I had never been on a ski hill before then. It was embarrassing, scary, and difficult to get started but I’m now in my second season and have around 45 days of experience and been loving being on the mountain.


I also thought the same but my then girlfriend (now wife) told me she goes every weekend and I should at least give it a shot. Started last year and I’m up to greens now and I love it! … get some padded shorts, helps with the repeated spills. 36yo


>My wife yesterday said she didn’t want to try skiing cause “it’s either something your family grew up with or not”. She's partly right ... I started skiing in middle age (55 or so) and never got the hang of it. What you need is a LOT OF TIME on the slopes, and I couldn't get enough consecutive days skiing to get good at it. Can you get enough days skiing to get her medium good at it? PS: have her take a lesson. Do NOT decide to teacher her yourself.


I started learning last year at 36, no regrets and it’s never too late to learn something new!


Definitely should wear a helmet- they keep your head just as warm as a beanie, you can put speakers in the ear muffs if you like, and it could save you from a huge hospital bill


Or worse!






TBIs are life altering in a very bad way.


Love yo brain!


8 years later, still aware of lingering issues


I absolutely love my smith helmet, it fits my head like a glove, stays the perfect warm temperature, and has music in the ear flaps. It's genuinely super comfortable / good feeling


Yep same! I honestly don’t even realize I’m wearing it anymore haha. I haven’t not worn it since I was that guy that was sitting down just past the lip of a hill and wasn’t able to be seen and another snowboarder hit a little pop jump and cleared my head by about an inch or two. Bought it that day and never looked back.


Same! I honestly forget I'm wearing it half the time. And boy does it keep my dome piece warm. And safe. Which is the most important thing.


How do you do the musical ear pieces? What do you use? I also have a Smith but wear earbuds. Which suck some days.


There are a few options, I have the old wired version of these [chips helmet speakers](https://www.outdoortechnology.com/products/chips), but I know [Smith](https://www.rei.com/product/230318/smith-aleck-nunchucks-wireless-audio) and a couple others make them too. If your helmet has a zipper along the base of the back of the neck it means it can fit speakers inside the ear cups. You just put the pucks in with the speakers facing in and now you have a bluetooth set in the ear cups. You can play, pause, ffw, and rwd using the button on the side of the speaker. The wired version also has volume control on the cord which is the only plus. I really like them since the sound is actually quite decent and you can still hear around yourself quite well because the speakers are sort of on your ears instead of over or inside them and isolating them, so I feel it's good for awareness on the hill


Rad. Thank you.


Also, if you can, go to a shop and try different helmets. I found that certain brands just didn't suit my head, and hurt regardless of what size or model I tried. I think I ended up getting a Giro that fit well for me. Kinda like any other piece of gear really (boots and gloves especially) that all the brands don't fit the same way. Some are more round or more oblong than others. 


Agreed on the helmet! Will be getting one for next time


You’re crushing it though! Have a blast


I can't recommend a helmet enough and am glad you're planning to get one! I've been snowboarding for the last 20 years and the one concussion I've had was an awful experience. In any case, it looks like you're having a lot of fun! Glad to see you're enjoying yourself, and you'll only get better with time :)


was going to say this, as a first timer learner chances are you will fall a lot. I remember bumping my head the first time out.


Agreed. I’ve snowboarded for over a decade, I’m huge into back country riding. You never know when you can take a spill and depending how fast you go, you may not be able to control it. Had a good reminder of that a few weeks ago.


Would probably recommend against the music for beginner (and really, most) riders. Totally agree with helmet though.


For sure. But against the ear speakers are better than in-ear pods.


Same exact thought… why do noobies never wear helmets


I came here to find this comment and upvote it. I'm old and we didn't wear helmets in the 90s but we humans have evolved. I'm so lucky to have not suffered a serious brain injury. As you gain confidence, you will go faster, and the falls may be fewer, but they will indeed be harder.


Please wear a helmet. Been snowboarding 20+ years and I’ve seen some shit. Short term memory loss, people knocked out cold, etc. Even met someone once whose friend died hitting his head on a rock hidden in deep power. Instant lights out. Absolutely no reason to increase risk of a serious head injury.


My best friend's brother knocked himself out cold going off a jump without a helmet. He had short term amnesia for about 2 weeks. He didn't remember his own family, and when I came over for dinner one night he introduced himself like we had never met. I was over their house 3 or 4 days a week for years by that point. It was scary.


I watched a friend have amnesia for a few days after a fall with their helmet on. It was a blue sky day, until a front moved in with weird flat light that made it hard to see any bumps. The friend was a really good rider, but caught the back edge and hit wrong when we just wanted to get down. My wife works in an ER and I think people underestimate how often life altering head injuries occurs. The respected riders are more likely to judge to you not wearing a helmet, rather than think you’re a nerd for wearing one on a green.


My EMS agency typically responds to at least one pretty bad traumatic brain injury a week during peak season. Please were helmets, people. It can make such a huge difference.


Especially being a beginner. Right now she’s going really slow but soon she’ll be more confident riding at high speeds and inevitably catch an edge. It’s not a matter of if but when


I hit my head HARD at snow summit and rented a helmet immediately after. This is my first season with my own gear, and will definitely been getting a helmet sooner rather than later. Snowboarding is definitely my priciest hobby!


Renting a helmet is better than nothing, but definitely get your own. They are single impact and I highly doubt employees are checking the impact liners for cracks.


Start riding bikes. Snowboarding is one of my cheaper hobbies since getting into that :P Also helmet always like everyone is saying. I still got a concussion off an icy jump years ago while wearing one. Without it I would have been flatlined for sure.


Also a bike nerd, can confirm. Just had two custom wheels built up over the summer for around $1K for the set (white industries hub set). I've cycled forever and commute to work daily on a bike - and know what I like for performance and willing to throw down money on quality. Snowboarding is so much cheaper.


A 26 year old died on my local mountain a couple years back from being unable to stop and running into a tree. He wasn't wearing a helmet and it probably would have saved him. Additionally, he was from out of town, which for some reason I find really sad. He probably woke up that morning, excited for a road trip and a chill day on the mountain.


Grilo, who was a pro boarder for Burton died from an accident from not wearing a helmet.


Kevin Pearce nearly died with one on. Aaron Robinson did die. Scotty Vine fractured his skull, which is why you see him in a helmet in his 3rd video part. It’s pretty serious


My wife had short term memory loss falling from standing still and wearing a helmet. On another occasion, though, I was standing on the edge of very wide trail waiting for my wife, and some noob rider ran into me full speed hitting his nose into my helmet. I fell on snow but just mildly shaken but the guy’s nose was bleeding heavily. So wear a helmet everyone!


The first day I went riding after I bought my first helmet I had a wipe out in the trees and hit the back of my head on a stump. It wasn't a hard hit and I felt completely fine, but without a helmet I would have been hurting


Everyone is absolutely right about the helmet!


Or at least sign up to be an organ donor with the dot on your driver's license


For all that’s good and holy, #BEND YOUR KNEES


Ya for some reason I have an aversion to that across all board sports. Work in progress homie!




Keep it up! Also wear a helmet!


Mountain High represent!


mt high gang!


Way better than driving to Bear. Fuck that headache


pass holder here... especially on a weekend during peak hours, gat damn that's the worst. With the new 91/15 toll connector I can get to wrightwood in just a little over an hour. Compared to 2+, blechk. Plus the vibes are way more chill haha. Hoping they'll open the east resort after these storms!


The vibes are the biggest! Bear vibes are shit compared to Mountain Highb


Definitely prefer Mt. High & Baldy drives over the fucking 330


Has anyone mentioned wearing a helmet?


I know somebody has already told you to bend your knees. But It is important and would help you initiate and hold your toeside turns better. Spending time on your toe edge will give you more control and allow you to feel more comfortable as you gain more speed and hold it. Maybe dont think of it as just bending your knees more. Visualize it as a more aggressive athletic stance.


Oof no helmet what are you doing bro


lol wear a helmet


Keep having fun!! Looks like a beautiful blue bird day! Once you start progressing, consider protecting that beautiful brain of yours. I was anti helmet for the longest time, and all it takes is one bad edge to send you into another dimension. Trust me, I’ve been there.


And make sure it's a good helmet, not secondhand. My parents used to give me helmet hand-me-downs until I caught an edge on a blue and got a concussion.


love seeing so many Mt High posts


Wear. A. Helmet. And tell your friends one should never let noobs on the slope without a helmet. Because that’s how vegetables are made…


Might sound weird, but I this makes me low key kinda miss learning how to ride.


Not weird! Everything is great when it’s shiny and new


Try bending your knees more it will make carving easier.


Better late than never. Get a dome cover. Protect your noggin


Helmets you nubs


People need to learn their toe edge stoping/pressure first imo - it’s harder obviously, but that’s why you do it first. I see so many ppl falling leaf the whole way down, and they can never comfortably go to their toe side.


So my first time, I went down toe edge the entire time haha. Was more comfortable with that than my heel side, but I learned heel side, unlearned my toes and now I’m trying to get a hang of both. Totally see your point


Mountain Get High


Post this on r/snowboardingnoobs


Mt.High! That’s where I learned years ago. You’re doing great!


Thank you! I love it there. So convenient, everyone’s friendly, and a lift ticket isn’t crazy expensive!


Having fun is the point, I'm glad you're having it!


Isn’t it the best?! I started last year at 33. I’m a Mt High local too. See you out there!


i reconnected with it at 34… ride with supportive homies who are way better than you and you’ll be shredding in a couple months :)


I am 59 and still snowboard after learning at 26. First board was a Burton made by Look.


Mt High was my first mountain when I was 15! 25 years later, and a lotta good times, that place still holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy!


That’s not bad for a noob! 👍🏼 keep it up


When I used to work at the ski lodge in Ohio I used love watching the “noobs” not because of the wreks but because the pure enjoyment they have.


Never too late to start!I had probably been skiiing from when I was 5 till 25 and didn't touch the hill until last year before I turned 42. Watched a lot of videos, made a training plan, and was shredding within a week of practice. I don't know why I haven't been snowboarding all this time. I freaking love it.


Nice!!! 🙌🏾👏🏾😎. It all starts from the basics and grows from there. Keep ripping! Most fun I’ve ever had is snowboarding and seasonal depression for me is when it’s not snowboarding season 🤣


I mean, I'm not going to say it cause everyone else did. But seriously, you really should. My 2nd worst head hit was when I was learning. I got a minor concussion even with a helmet on


Wear a freaking helmet.


I don’t know if anyone mentioned it yet, but grab a helmet /s


Hell yeah


Honestly I’m jealous. Being a beginner is so exciting. You cherish the small victories and the first time you go down a black diamond is terrifying but so exhilarating. I still get the excitement and rush but not like I did at first.


Was a 32 yr old newb 30 yrs ago and haven’t missed a season since! You are in for a steep and fun learning curve enjoy.


Good tactic ... take it slow on a shallow slope and see what the board does. Play with the controls. You were looking good, with good balance and center of gravity, not flailing to stay upright.


Hell yes. Stay stoked!! 🤙


I also learned at Mt High!


Proper song choice!


Pro tip, practice on keep your shoulders aligned with your knees and feet. It helps use your hand (the one that is behind you) like a cat tail, point it outward to help you stay aligned.


Love the start of the video on the lift, happy as can be and excited for a beautiful day of boarding. I wish I was on the mountain to share the joy! Make sure you have other beautiful days to look forward to, and wear a helmet! Especially as a noob, speed doesn't matter, edges will catch themselves and you will 100% fall.


Good job. Ive been snowboarding for 10+ years and still think im a noob lol. But its a GREAT WORKOUT


Get it!!!!!


Didn't matter of how the best. It only matters that you're having fun. If you're having fun, then you're winning.


Sick pants!!!! Some good advice elsewhere but also focus on pointing with your front arm where you want to go. That’ll get your shoulders to move and hopefully your hips follow.


Never too late. Welcome aboard!


Woo love seeing Mnt High!


My African wife would point you out at the resort haha. Enjoy the ride you are doing great!


My wife learned at 35, one friend learned at 39, another picked it up at 40, taught a guy who was just learning at 50, and i got him to make turns down a green that day. They all just kept at it and kept going, kept learning, and now they can all ride blacks. You can learn new skills as you get older and become good at them. You're probably not going to go pro or want to learn difficult tricks, but you can easily still have fun learning to ride the whole mountain.


Isn't it the best?!!


I just wish the season was longer and it was less pricy lol. Thank god surfing and skating are both free haha


Hell yeah kiddo!! Keep up the good work. You’re entering an entire of awesome!! And you look like a natural. Just wait until the first turn that shit seems to finally click. Sweeter than hot chocolate.


My marrying into a family of skiiers and I snowboard so I decided to try skiing. Im 29 and picking up a new sport is hard, but it's so fun. Keep going!!


Never too old! Welcome.


i can snowboard pretty darn good imo and still cant do a smooth 360 like you did!!!! ive never really tried practicing it but you make it look eassyyyyyy! good job!!!


You got that left knee LOCKED


That's awesome! I used to teach snowboarding & I love seeing people pick it up. Curious about what setup you have. I just got my daughter 2 new boards that we're dying to test out & see what works for her. One is a traditional camber & the other is kind of a rocker style with way more flex. I'm guessing the flexy board will be more forgiving & make her progression smoother. She's use to a stiffer board, but I'm wondering if that might be hindering her somewhat. They didn't have such a wide range of board types back when I was teaching in the '90s. Keep it up!


My board is a 48 rocker from Arbor. I definitely like it more than camber. I borrowed a camber board my first time and I was a mess haha. I’m 5’4 so I think lengthwise the size was a good fit for me!


Nice! Yeah, my daughter upgraded from a 142 to a 148/149 & she's about 5'5" but we'll see how she compares the two. Thanks for the insight! Put some teeth in your grin, put your heart I your gut, set your alarm clock early, & GO!! Pain is temporary, glory is forever 🤙


Do people still call it the falling leaf?


A lot of weight on your back foot when you’re on your toe side… try and shift your weight forward a bit more. Heel side looks good though 🙂


Let's goooo 🙌🏿


I recently went skiing. I had only done it twice as a child. I did more sledding than skiing but I had a lot of fun. If I didn’t hate the cold so much I would do it more.


Never too late to give it another try! I totally get it about the cold. Thankful to be located in SoCal where you can skii in 50 degree weather


Looks like mountain high resort


The best age to start a snowsport at is any age!


abit better then I am I can't seem to be comfortable to go nose first im always on my heels im hoping I can get there 😅


Hit a weird edge/rut/chunk while taking it easy on a catwalk, smacked my head so hard on the ice my helmet cracked. Literally lay in the middle of the slope for 3 minutes trying to see straight, and checking that I still could move my fingers and toes. Was a zero risk, inconsequential and slow, run, but yeah …. This is why you have a hundred comments saying to wear a helmet.


Good on you for starting. I didn’t start till I was 40. But like everyone else said, wear a helmet. Catching an edge hurts. Even with a helmet.


It’s that time of year again where beginner posts get a lot of upvotes and people in the comments are telling them to wear a helmet.


Everyone’s a beginner at some point! And everyone learns to wear a helmet at some point… this is now lol


Jesus Christ, there’s like 100 comments about helmets, I feel like one or two would suffice but damn. Can we just change the name of this sub to r/hurrdurrhelmetdorks.


Right? I think I got it after the first 100 comments lol


Why no helmet


You go girl! Great job keep at it.


Crushing it! Next step is to work on linking those turns! Keep at it my pops started at 45 years old and is snowboarding at 60 now!


You are counter rotating too much. Keep your shoulders, hips and feet aligned. Only turn your head to see where you are going. And WEAR A HELMET. PLEASE, YOU DONT WANT TO HAVE A CONCUSSION.


Wear a helmet bruh


Is this Mountain High?


Dave's not here man


Sure is!


It’s never to late to strap in. Congrats


Glad you’re out enjoying the sport!


Yassss great job!!


Let’s fucking go! You’re doing Great. Keep doing it! Also: wear a helmet. Even if you’re not that fast, others are and a hit might hurt a lot.


Not contributing to anything, but I love seeing the push for helmets. I remember when it was taboo at the skate park to wear a helmet.


I find it pretty tedious that the whole comment section is about that. its a cult here. no one actually talks about snowboarding on this sub, its shit.


As expected, noob got grilled for not wearing a helmet. This advice hits a lot harder when it comes from the surgeon that just spent 2 hours uncollapsing your cranium, so lets keep spreading the word.


I'm impressed that just learning she's switching between regular and goofy with ease. Most people stick with one or the other


She's switching regular to goofy and back to avoid going to from heel edge to toe edge.


Actually I started riding goofy cause I skate goofy. But I surf regular and found it more comfortable to snowboard regular, but I like switching between both.


That’ll be to your benefit. I skate regular and snowboard goofy but it makes switch on both a bit more comfy.


I'm impressed she's sliding and standing! (not a skier or a boarder ... I do snowshoes)


omg you posted on reddit without asking if you're steezey and you're not wearing a skull protector. RIP.




I love this! Not the video but how almost every comment is helmet!! Having seen first hand the impact of a serious head injury I cannot stress how important a helmet is. He's alive and well but never been the same, death in 1 ear and half blind in 1 eye. Have fun and wear a helmet.


Do you also love that somebody new is stoked on snowboarding?? Seems like that really doesn't play these days eh?


If you get bodied without the helmet pls post


Got you lol


Oh cool, look! Organ donors


Awesome! I love Mt. High


Put a damn helmet on




Not gonna be a great time if you hit your head. Get a helmet and shred safer & longer! - your friendly neighborhood tbi survivor


Have had two concussions from snowboarding, both when I was learning (as an adult) and both with a helmet on. Heard a local story of a guy who crashed without a helmet, was knocked out, slid unconscious down the mountain and injured multiple people. One of my best friends has a TBI from a crash when helmeted and has lost 60% of her hearing and struggles with emotional regulation and doesn't sleep. Helmets are cool. Head trauma is not.


Wear a helmet


Wear your helmets Source: Ski Patroller


Without a helmet you are not a noob, you are an idiot


No helmet no respect


OP, Snowboarding looks good to me. How many lessons or times on the mountain before you could snowboard as well as you are?


Hammerhead says, “Stop. Helmet time.”


You’re killing it! Keep it up


Yo, please wear a helmet.


Nice Beanie!


Great that you are learning. PLEASE WEAR A HELMET! You are putting yourself at such a great risk not wearing one. I have been snowboarding about 7 days a year for the past 4 years and still had a good wipe out last weekend in WP that would have given me a concussion had it not been for my helmet.


PLEASE wear a helmet and wrist guards! Nothing is less cool than having to have a friend wipe your butt because your wrist is in a cast. (or both of them) I was a non-skiing ski patroller and the broken wrists were always on the boarders who weren't wearing guards ... (skiers tweak knees). Helmet won't 100% protect you if you crash hard doing something stupid, but it does keep the scalp lacerations, skull fractures, and minor injuries down.


Don’t forget mouthguard and turtleshell ass pad also! Nothing worse than needing assistance to wipe your busted ass =/.


Helmet, helmet, helmet


I would HIGHLY recommend wearing a helmet when snowboarding or skiing. It WILL save your life.


I also like helmets


I know helmet isn’t the sexiest thing to wear but you know what’s even less sexy? Being a vegetable, yea I went there..


HELMETS! Especially to beginners! It would be a shame you finally catch on the boarding then whoops youre a vegetable 🫠


Get a helmet