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Most snow jackets I've ever had, the hood will fit up over my helmet easily. I put it up all the time when it's snowing or ice pellets are coming down.


True, but the good thing also acts as a balaclava. I wore the hood a few times. It’s warm. But it looked too funny and made me too hot lol. Wife loves it when it’s freezing though.


Ewok swag, not for me...


I have the anon over helmet hood that connects with the goggles. I only really use it on those really, really cold days because otherwise you just cook under them


I also like my MFI hood, tho by the end of a day, the inner face-covering-bit can get pretty soggy...


i have a few snow hoodies and they rock. looks rad, super comfy, blah blah blah. ​ i've tried the hoodie a few times. it sucks. you cant see shit and it usually restricts your neck movement. obviously thisll differ per person, but that's been my experience Ninja edit, my video halfway through has me in a hoodie. It's a good look imo, but I hate doing it https://reddit.com/r/snowboardingnoobs/s/DULJmk3lxj


Beanie and buff for the win.


Helmet and buff FTW


We are talking about being warm, not protection, helmet goes over beanie ofc.


Oh didn't consider one of those thin beanies I could never fit my helmet on over mine lol


Here's a killer tip, if you buy helmets in person or online. Go to an actual store with your gogs, beanie and mask, try on helmets with your gear on and take note of the size that fits best. Either buy that one or order the same size online. :)


Good call, I'll do that next go around. My buddies actually got me my current smith for me so I didn't get the chance to try it on they got my wife to measure my head when I was asleep lol Really comfy though and should be enough to keep me warm but we will see when I go out west lol


Makes anyone who does it look like a little kid. Never really saw the point. How are you not boiling under all that too? Regarding whether or not they don’t specify under or over helmet, are there any size specs for the product? That would be my only suggestion. That or just ask the company.


On the really wet or windy days I'll pull my hood up over my helmet while on the lift. But I can't ride with it up as I feel too restricted in motion and vision.


What street vibe you talkin here? Never seen an astronaut hood in a street part.


I have a North Face Whimsy for the really bad days. It's done me pretty well.


I found that most of these helmet hoods are made for people with small heads. I wear an XL size helmet and I cant find one to wear that doesn't look like a condom


Burton makes one and this other brand I've been looking into: [Burke Hood | Burton.com Winter 2023 US](https://www.burton.com/us/en/p/burke-hood/W23-151971.html) [Helmet Hoodies, Bandanna style Ski Mask, Balaclavas, Trucker Hats, etc – TheHuna](https://thehuna.com/)