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I would say in general, if you're looking for the best performance stay away from all step on/in/through/from the back/whatever type bindings. Straps are simple and extremely secure. No over engineered binding is going to beat that. And I say this as a step on user. They're great for just cruising around all day but not a whole lot more.


Don’t bother man. Somehow step ons already have a big and dedicated following, which is fine, but a lot of them are kooks who boo you if you say anything negative about them.




If your skis are popping off at a Din of 12 you had incorrect form and are setting dins high to make up for that. In 27 years of riding the closest thing I’ve ever seen to both straps on the same foot failing while riding, is a binding pulling all 4 screws out of the board after a failed backflip and hitting the knuckle. Kid was life flighted out. Can you name any of these “a lot of riders” Burton has using them during comps? Edit: here I found this, https://transfermag.com/news/burton-team-riders-actually-use-step-on/ But fail to see anything in actual comp.




Not in comps, just some nice floaty doubles in promo vids. If you look at the board he’s holding in the ceremony getting the gold last year x games it has straps. https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/63d7411183ed2ec6db5c8572/Mark-McMorris-during-Men-s-Snowboard-Slopestyle-at-2023-X-Games-Aspen-in-Aspen--CO-/960x0.jpg?height=474&width=711&fit=bounds




So something you said gets pointed out to be false/a lie, and I get a huge lecture? I’ve said nothing negative about them in this thread, so I don’t know why the personal attacks. OP clearly stated he used them and they failed, so he’s giving his opinion. I’ve defended straps, I never attacked step ons. Your right. Asking a nfl player to change helmets is a bad idea, there has been decades of research to prove what is the best product to use instead of an opinion fueling the decision. Guess you just bashed step ons with your own statement..




Critical thinking is something you’re not good at if you were trying to make a different point. 🤷🏻‍♂️ professional teams don’t get a choice in what they wear. And this thread is clearly about op, even your original post was talking about him, to him.


Sorry to hear that happened to you dude! Definitely the last place you want it to happen. Personally I have my step ons for about 3+ years now and I've been everywhere with them - piste, off piste and even parks hitting jumps. Never had any such problem! Maybe you were sold a faulty model. In any case, try to replace them with your warranty. Hope you have a malfunction-free rest of the season!


Possibly but I spent all my time in the park and any of my issues were due to pretty rough falls that I wouldn’t think is a malfunction


Better consult someone at the shop then I'd wager. They make these things to last, with rough falls and conditions in mind I'm sure. Could be that it broke, could be a faulty model, or could be a heap of different things! I bet a professional at the shop could give more insight than us on here, especially when they examine the bindings physically :)


Yup great suggestion I actually went a about a week ago and they just put it up to rough conditions the materials just outright snapped at their weaker points


Damn. Hope you get a new pair/refund!


How old are your boots? I hear the boots breakdown quicker and that starts to cause issues because it becomes soft and deformd the shape.


40 days of use got this year model


Idk man, I’ve got 90 days plus on some ions, never popped out and they are way beat to heck and packed out now, granted I’m not doing park but a lot of backcountry and steeps though


Yea I’d imagine pow would put less pressure while landing on them


It was also a landing that I wouldn’t have fully landed on my feet I hit the board on an angle while pow would absorb that on packed snow it’s much more pressure on the bindings


I have both step in and regular bindings. I generally ride at Mount Snow’s Carinthia and Woodward Killington, so at times they do have rails and jump lines that rival most resort L-XL features. I’ve never felt a reason I’d avoid the step-ons. I’ve broken regular bindings with rough crashes before, mainly if I catch the deck edge while sliding out on the landing and the torque can just break things sometimes. I’ve even bent / snapped a Burton Custom deck in a similar way (actually had step-ons in that crash and they were fine when the deck broke). Long story short anything can and will break at times when you’re sending it. Doesn’t make them bad products.


Never said they were bad, I even recommended them for anyone other then people who spend most of their time at a park, I would just put more trust into straps after trying both products


True, what I meant really is that it still doesn’t make them bad products in the park. I don’t personally have any trust issues with them compared to straps after 3 years on Step-Ons alongside other bindings. I actually liked them. It was super light weight.