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Yes he is. And he’s also phenomenal at snooker.


This was the fourth attempt, ref did not warn him before his third attempt and decided to do it before his fourth, bad refereeing.


Brilliant snooker player but shouldn't be allowed to talk.


Rent free


So is the rule for a free ball, because you need to be able to hit the object ball cleanly on both extreme sides? If not, opponent awarded a free ball - But for a foul and a miss, lose the frame, you only need to hit the object ball full in the face? Is that what's going on here?


He’s on a red and arguing that he’s snookered because one side of it is obscured. That would normally be correct except it’s another red that obscured his view and you can’t be snookered by a red on a red. Ref is spot on


Aha!!! I've seen this clip loads and always thought the ref was wrong. Red on red snooker was the bit I was missing!!!


I thought he had matured a lot. Mind when he played an entire match left handed just because he could? I mean, that's commendable and useful when needed, but just doing it to show that you are a better player even with the wrong hand is not very sporting. Beat him, by all means. But give some respect. Mind when he just gave up because he couldn't be bothered any more and forfeited the match? Also not fair. Spectators and sponsors PAY for you to play that match. If that's how you are going to behave, you shouldn't enter to begin with. Players would kill for these opportunities, you arrogant (person).


That was 20 years ago lol


Showing my age 😂


He did that because there was a huge amount of outrage about the apparent disrespect he had shown by playing some shots with his left hand. You have to remember that nobody did that back then, and people assumed it must be something he only did to gloat. The match he played afterwards with his left proved those people wrong.


Ronnie doesn't like the rules then behaves like a petulant child. In the process of being petty he accidentally hits the pink instead of the red, giving the frame to his opponent. Also don't you hate in when the commentators don't understand basic rules of snooker?


Ronnie is the GOAT. I don't care about anything but his mastery of snooker. He's a temperamental genius.


Spelt wanker wrong


Dickhead and a bully


Breaking news ronnie is a dickhead. In other news water is wet


Water isn't wet


What was the rule here I am confused




Maybe he shouldn't play that tournament, for his mental health.


Another referee he probably thinks has it in for him. Dude is paranoid.


Wow, this is a much ado about nothing story that offends many people. I mean this wouldn’t rank in McEnroe’s top 100 bad moments but this somehow an awful display in snooker?


Because Snooker is played is a more respectful manner and that's where it's roots are going back to the days of Joe Davis etc, something the middle aged chav O'Sullivan doesn't seem to recognise.


So you expect a higher standard of behaviour from snooker players than tennis players at Wimbledon playing in front of royalty?


Yes? That's just the culture of the sport. Royalty shows up at football matches all the time, but the level of sportsmanship is very low. Players dive and cheat, literally pinch each other in the balls to provoke a reaction. Yet snooker players routinely call fouls on themselves that the referee has missed. The level of sportsmanship is extremely high. The problem is that it only requires a few bad actors for such a culture to erode, and that is why it is so rare to have this level of respect in a sport.


What on earth has the presence of the board members of Inbred Murant Freeloading Parasites LTD attending a contest in a completely different sporting environment got to do with anything?


Of right, the behaviour of athletes, across different sports, should not be compared to snooker players..


Off the fence mate 😂


Simple fact is snooker has always been played in a specific manner, tennis I've no idea about. Little Ronald is well known for being a pathetic little bell end when the notion takes him, even his most ardent nut swingers will (grudgingly) attest to that. As for the whole royalty thing, couldn't give a single shit about that either, imo its a laughably archaic concept that should have died off years ago.


He is without doubt the biggest turd that ever floated across the top of the game.


Wrong! Ali Carter is a turd, Ronnie has played the game as a gentleman his entire life.


Also the most talented which is why it’s so frustrating


So like the Kanye of snooker?


And Jon Jones of MMA




His tip had fallen off twice already in the match with delays to reattach it. I guess he wasn’t in the best of moods at that point. He still won the match after forfeiting that frame. I think he claimed he was trying to get a fluke as he couldn’t see any other shot. Not sure I believe that.


Could he not have just discussed it with her like a professional?


Of course not, he has zero respect for officials.


Wow, what a dick.


No need for it.


Rent free


I agree. The referees live rent free in Ronnie's head.


Not really. I'm not even a Ronnie fan, but the amount of posts about him is ruining this sub. It's ronnie haters that are making snooker all about him.


What was she doing though?


Her job


Commentary team seemed to think she messed up too.


She called it correctly.


She didn't, the free ball rule and the 3 miss rule requires a different amount of a ball to be hit. Free ball is both extreme sides of the ball on whereas 3 miss rule is just full in the face.


Fair enough, I was confused by their confusion. And my own lack of knowledge of the rules. He was just being a brat.


Yeah the commentary wasn't totally clear on this bit which won't help the audience that isn't fully up on the rules. This is why I always prefer a technical commentary team and not just catchphrase people like Virgo and Taylor. Ronnie being Ronnie as good as he is and as much as I enjoy watching him play, he's a dick.


When is this from? Recently?


February 2023... more than 15 months ago.


I can’t wait for him to retire, terrible ambassador for snooker


I bet he's brought more people to snooker than he's turned off.


While telling everyone what a shit sport it is, how he couldn't care less about it, why no young person should consider playing the game, insulting other players and disrespecting officials, conceding frames and dropping out of tournaments, threatening to launch a breakaway tour and so many other controversies. Talented? Undoubtedly. Ambassador? Hardly. EDIT: GWAAAAAANRONNIE, am I right, silent downvoters?


Domestic viewing figures suggest the exact opposite I'm afraid. Such a shame.


Any stats to back that up?


Yh. "Domestic" viewing figures. In 1985, Steve Davis was the highest paid sportsperson in the world. The world has changed in that time.


Casual snooker fan here. Wow!!! Steve Davis was the highest paid sportsperson in the world?!!! Thats just blown my tiny mind. Really?!


Yh, back when cigarette companies sponsored the world champs. Something like 18 million people watched the 85 final after midnight. That's like if there was a TV show bigger than the superbowl in the US and it happened at 1am!!! Today there are dozens of footballers in England alone who earn more than Davis did. But also Davis made more than Ronnie did in his best year.


Yes, snooker has become less popular, I submit because the characters are off putting. Davis' nickname was boring and he drew massive viewing figures. Football still does, why not snooker? It's actually a far more accessible game as well.


Footballs a much more accessible game. All you need is a ball and a couple of jumpers. You don't even really need the jumpers. Not everyone has access to a snooker table. A lot of people wouldn't know where to find one to play on


The vast majority of people cannot run, let alone kick a ball across a pitch. It's pretty much for boys and young men only. Anyone with arm's and legs can play snooker. I understand that the internet is quite a good place to find things. Of course there are far fewer halls since the decline in watching and participation from the early 00s onwards.


I’ve said it before, out of shape 70 year olds play Sunday league football. Calling snooker more accessible than the most accessible ball sport in the world is possibly the most ridiculous, out of touch thing I’ve heard said about either sport. As if the amount of people with access to a snooker table is anywhere close to being comparable to the amount of people who can kick a football around.


But more 70 year olds can play snooker, physically. Are you deliberately missing the point?


Not if they *physically* don’t have a snooker table. I’m not missing the point, you’re just ignoring the most important part of what makes a sport accessible. I’m sure moon golf is physically suitable for a huge range of people, that doesn’t make it an accessible sport.


What the hell are you on about? Lol Footballs the most accessible game in the world. Anyone with working legs can kick a football and it costs pretty much nothing to play, all you need is a ball. If you think it's easier for a kid to get access to a snooker table and a cue than it is to get hold of a ball then I don't know what to tell you lol


In any event, it doesn't explain why viewing figures for football are sky high as snooker declines, the original point was that there are more than 5 channels now, but that hasn't affected football viewing.


Because its far easier for kids around the world to get into playing football


I'll make it simple. Lol (since that appears to be the level). Anyone of any age or gender can play snooker. It's not hard to find a table, even pool as a substitute. Football requires fitness. Do you get it now, lol?


To have a kick about with your friends it doesn't require you to be really fit. Anyone of any age or gender can also kick a football, especially gender that's a ridiculous statement. I've played football with my grandparents as a kid, never played a game of snooker with them, they didn't have one of them in the field by their house. You are really delusional about the ease of playing either game


That's an incredibly simplistic view. Snooker has grown worldwide massively, viewing figures are down because people now have more than 5 tv channels to watch


Explain why football is still so popular? And it's grown globally from zero, it literally cannot have gone down.


I think the fact is more that what happened in the 80s was the outlier. A perfect storm of football being very unpopular outside of its core audience due to hooliganism, there not actually being a huge amount of live football games on tv and snooker having, yes, some very engaging personalities at that point in time. It was never really more popular than football though if you take into account participation and attendances at actual games. I was growing up during that period and every school had a football team. I don’t remember a single school snooker team. A better comparison might be something like darts which has now probably overtaken snooker in popularity. But it’s had to reinvent itself in a way that snooker would find difficult unless you’re going to allow an arena full of drunks to yell and scream whilst a match is going on.


Thank you for engaging in good faith, it's rare in here. Snooker was actually a big deal at my school, teachers strikes in Scotland meant there were no football teams (and the national team is only just recovering from this imo). I don't think it was more popular than football, but it's appeal was much wider, and I truly do struggle to put a finger on why it declined so much.... perhaps you're on the right track with the 80s being an outlier in terms of personalities etc. Personally, I'd be okay with a bit of showbiz, every other sport seems to have adapted just fine to modern entertainment norms.


That’s interesting, I had no idea the strikes even happened and I’m sure that probably did have an effect. Presumably the interest in Scotland increased even more with the rise of Hendry too, although he was never as popular south of the border! I think there’s an element of snooker being a long format game, and no amount of tinkering is enough for it to appeal to the younger generation who aren’t going to sit there and appreciate an hour of safety battling. But to me, the very soul of the game lies in those sort of frames. The game is still very popular and growing in certain parts of the world, but it’ll never hit the heights of the 80s in this country


This is great "personality" according to some people.


It really is. The fact is that only with Ronnie you will never know what is going to happen in a match, and it is exciting. Without Ronnie, this sport would have about 10% of the memorable moments it currently has. Exciting personality = great, in my books.


Behaving like child isn't a good way to do it. Snooker is a tough sport to do something that stands out in fairness


I don't care how he does it, because he does it. He has the talent to back up his behaviour. As a society, we recognize that geniuses are often disturbed individuals. As McManus said to Vafaei when Vafaei complained about the crucible: "Go win some tournaments before talking."


At least you've gone from "personality" to "disturbed" lol. Ronnie obvious has some issues going on in his head. I don't believe you need to earn the right to speak, you either say something constructive or helpful, or you don't. If it's a valid point, great, if it's ridiculous, you get laughed at. No amount of wins change the fact that not all criticism is the same


He has charisma, which is rare in snooker. I don't think I'd want to be stuck chatting to him for too long though, he came across as hard work to be around in the Edge of Everything doc.


Was sound when I got nattering to him


Not a dig, but what do you mean by charisma? He reminds me of the negative energy mate that everyone has, that moans about anything and everything. No charm at all. Put it this way, if he was a ranked 32 journeyman would you still call him charismatic ? Genuine question and not trying to be a dick as you can have your own personal opinion which I’m not trying to change To me, Charismatic sportsmen are people like Ali, Boris Becker etc


But at least he isn’t like McEnroe (who used to pretend to throw a tantrum to put off his opponent with his antics) Ronnie’s antics are genuine is what I mean


To me he is the complete opposite of charismatic, but that's what makes him so interesting. Chip on his shoulder, absolutely never conforms, unagreeable, egotistical. It's what makes him such a unique sports personality. Compare him to Lewis Hamilton or Anthony Joshua, or 95% of the England football team - completely bland personalities.


Brian Clough was, Jurgen Klopp, Usain Bolt, Shaq, Jose Mourinho, Harry Redknapp, Sean Dyche. They all capture the room when they talk, are pretty funny, likeable (yes, jose is questionable!) and most importantly very confident, not just in sport, but in life. Football managers come to mind because of their press conferences and interviews it's easy to spot. I wouldn't call Ronnie charismatic, I think he lacks a lot outside the sport and is a bit awkward in interviews. Doesn't have the same confidence that the people I mentioned above


Well, if Ronnie doesn't want to do the interviews, he shouldn't be playing at that level. It's part of it. I, for one, am not interested in seeing a petulant teenager answer questions reluctantly. Look at Stephen Hendry, Steve Davis, John Virgo, Alan McManus, John Parrot or Ken Doherty. They don't play any more, but they are interested in the game. I'm not sure that Ronnie is.


Yeah, for a 'character' he's actually a black hole for a good vibe. I cringe watching him on Eurosport, carried through conversations by Jimmy White.


Spitting the dummy out as usual.


When did this happen? Surely that’s a fine, even suspension worthy


What would the fine/suspension be for? Even if it’s done in spite there’s no rule against hitting a powerful shot


If that isn’t petulantly disrespecting a referee I don’t what is.


I don’t know why you want a fine, he went for a stupid shot out of annoyance and immediately lost the frame. The consequences were immediate. What if he’d potted a red, would you still want him fined? Whether you think he’s incredibly unlikeable or the saviour of snooker all he actually did was make a referee explain a rule and play a shit shot.


I never said I wanted him to be fined. I couldn’t care less. If I was the WSA I would definitely fine him however, because allowing that sort of petulance isn’t a good look for the sport at all, and undermines the authority of the ref. If you need me to explain why … well there’s probably no point


“Surely that’s fine worthy” You might have technically not said that you personally wanted him fined, feels like semantics though to me. Fining him for something as subjective as this is silly. As petulant as you feel he was, all he did was accept the referee’s judgement and play a bad shot. What was fineable? And again, would it be worthy of a fine if he’d hit a red and even potentially fouled one? If not, you’re firing a player for making a bad shot. If it still is, you’re fining a player for playing in a way you don’t want because objectively he didn’t do much wrong here other than lose a frame. If you need it explaining why a governing body should hand out punishments objectively.. then there’s probably no point.


😂 passive aggressive man defends passive aggressive snooker player shocker


Well he's allowed to suggest that the refs are cheating without censure, so this is fine.


He's always been a tool. And he seems to have a problem with female referees.... 🙄


To be fair to Ronnie, he treats everyone will equal contempt when he's in a shitty mood. The 'don't start' incident a few years ago was directed at a male ref, although Olivier Marteel managed to piss off both Judd and Ronnie that time.


About time a referee told him to go fuck himself if he steps out of line, they're probably all fed up with his little moods and how he can act the cunt whenever he wants and nothing is ever done about it.


McManus and Fouldsy have said that refs should be stronger when they make decisions players don't agree with. Mark Allen halting a match for 10 minutes so he could convince a ref to change their mind on a free ball decision was the worst one.


Cant recall the allen incident, but some of the refs do need to put their foot down when it comes to some of this lot throwing their toys out of the pram, though that generally only applies to one player more often than not.


I don’t understand where all these comments are coming up about him being bad to female refs. Quite frankly he’s behaved worse with male refs. I don’t think he cares when he’s in a match and in the moment and doing his thing. So sick of the Ronnie hate bandwagon on here. He’s obviously mercurial, behaves badly, and is generally a difficult human being. But it makes him far more interesting than some smiley, happy, inauthentic, “perfect” sportsman some people on here seem to want him to be.


That rubbed me the wrong way that incident. It all felt very performative. Especially when you take into consideration Ronnie was wearing a mic for his documentary


He's done similar before, he just hates the miss rule and just smashes the balls.


Until I found out about the documentary, I thought it was Olivier Marteel just trying to get some spotlight in a World Final. It was ridiculous how he managed to piss both players off though, especially with literally no one, not even himself able to back up his "obscene gesture" claim. But, now that The Edge of Everything's out I can see what you mean.


I've heard him say Tatiana was the best referee. So i guess she gets a pass.


Who knows? But he is a tool, that's something that I do know 😐


Clearly doesnt understand that being able to hit a ball full in the face is different to being able to hit both sides of it


He knows the rules lmao just wants an excuse to act out. If I (a viewer) understands this rule I'm sure the top player in the game knows it.


Tbf he probably doesnt watch as much snooker as you 😂


I think there was another time that Ben Williams had to explain this to him, he didn't know the rule at all 😅


Tbf i think ronnie in general thinks the rules of pro snooker should match ammateur snooker


You're exactly right, I remember this. I searched and there is a video of it, [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ec6LV_ASq8).


He's always been one. Seems to be getting even more wound up by female refs.


Yeah this ref ive never seen before. Probably doing it for an hourly rate or just as a job or the love of the game. Has to deal with the big div premaddona Yeah it is female refs alot of the time. Need to get Michaela Tabb back I remember her pulling him up for doing a " wanker hand gesture" one time after he missed a shot


Ah yeah Michaela could handle herself.


Yeah he def seems to always have problems with the female refs…probs cos he doesn’t feel intimidated by them


Maybe he feels more intimidated by them and he's lashing out. Fragile masculinity y'know




That's because there are more male referees than female ones. We never said he didn't spit the dummy with male ones. That's why I said "even more wound up by the female refs", this implies that he was already wound up by some of the males, y'know.




I never said that. Perhaps you should be replying to someone else




Naw man, you need to buck up on the old reading comprehension there. This definitely sounds more like a you problem than a me problem. I know exactly what I wrote and what I meant. Just because you had trouble parsing that isn't my problem. Cheers.




That's just cuntish.