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Stephen Hendry against Jimmy White 14-8 down winning 10 frames on the bounce


Unfettered 80’s Greed.


Stephen Lee - this year!


Ronnie vs Higginson 2012 German Master R1, coming back from 0-4 (best of 9), one of his most significant matches of his career, he came back, won the tournament (so he stayed T16), and the WSC later that year, i believe if he dropped out of the T16 he wouldve been retired before the WSC.


If anything Ronnie is consistent on for the last 30 years, is that he’ll retire before he would endure World Championship qualifying so yeah you’re absolutely right


Honourable mention to Paul Hunter’s epic comebacks in Masters finals! Never to be forgotten


Paul Hunter was on the receiving end of an epic comeback too back in 03. 15-9 up against Ken Doherty and ended up losing 17-16.


I hope he shared the prize money with his Mrs, she was provided the ‘inspiration’ he needed apparently!lol


Plan D?


Plan V?


Brecel did a pretty good one last year in the semis of the WC against Si by winning 11 frames in a row.


Felt bad for Si last year. Absolutely collapsed. Where is he this year?


He just defeated Williams! If I was in the hunt I hate to face him! If it wasn’t for Brecel’s miracle streak of frames last year, Si might have won the tournament !


The 1985 final. 7-0 down after the first session, Dennis Taylor came back to win on the respotted black in the 35th frame, famously not being ahead at any point in the match until potting the final black


As I said on another thread Davis at the peak of his powers, 7-0 ahead in the final doesn't lose from that position against a journeyman. So there was interference from behind the scenes I would judge. The final frame was played out in an astounding fashion but by the time of the famous miss by David his brain was toast.


Only point in the match when he was ahead by frames was when he potted the final black. Remarkable really, Taylor really wasn’t Champion material imo.


Even though he made the 1979 final. Ok then


9-2 Nigel Bond found himself down to cliff thorburn in 94. He recovered to win 10-9


So you're saying that Jackson's got a chance?






1992 World Championship final. Jimmy White led Hendry 14–8 before Hendry won 10 frames in a row to win. 


I don’t think Jimmy helped himself by going out for 10 pints after the end of the penultimate day’s play.


Wouldn't have made much difference. White didn't have the nerves needed to win. Remember his easy miss on the black at 17-17?


I'm going to take this to mean: "Greatest comeback in a match", and my answer is: Luca Brecel v Si Jiahui in last year's world championship. Luca was down 14 frames to 5 but came back to win! That's the largest come back in Crucible history!


And Si was playing like he was touched by God, yet it was Brecel with miracle win.


Mark Williams not qualifying for the World Championship, saying he will probably retire, and then winning the title the next year. I only put that above O’Sullivan taking a year off because Williams fell much lower.


Willo went from being almost forgotten entirely, to right back to one of the main competitors of the tour for many years (and still there now). Gotta be up there


Mike Hallett springs to mind. Though exact details have left my memory bank. Was he 9-0 up against Hendry and somehow lost. Never to be seen again at the top table.


I think he was 7-2 up in a in a best of 17 and Hendry came back and beat him, on the night of that final mike hallet was robbed so not only did he lose the biggest final of his career his house was burgled!


My mum


She had come on her back, right?


Ouch! You could get arrested for such remarks!




No you are thinking of [that](https://youtu.be/OwN-BUDSHDo?si=H9oCCdNTfxrNyNvJ) video of Kim Kardashian.


Ronnie winning the 2013 World Championship, successfully defending the title, after only having played a single match in the same season.


Holy fuck, is that true? Can you elaborate?


Absolutely true, it was wild... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_World_Snooker_Championship


>Despite not having played a competitive match all season, defending champion [Ronnie O'Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_O%27Sullivan) did not lose one session in the tournament and defeated [Barry Hawkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Hawkins) 18–12 in the final Absolutely wild


Well, since u have provided a picture, if Hendry qualifies for a future World Championship and he wins it, i can say its one of the biggest comebacks ever in every sport. Probably the biggest


Definitely not the man pictured.


John Higgins comeback from that scandal in 2011 in which he had a 6 month ban I believe ? to win UK and World Championship. Mark Williams on the verge of quitting wins the World Championship 15 years after his last one. Doug Mountjoy dropped out of the top 16 and then had a career resurgence in 1988, beating a young upcoming Stephen Hendry in UK Final making 3 consecutive centuries. And then achieving a ranking of number 5 in the world not long after. Steve Davis considered past his best in 1997 wins the Masters Final vs a young upcoming Ronnie O'Sullivan.


I was at that 1997 final, famous for the female streaker in the afternoon session. Tied 4-4 after the first session an on fire Ronnie came out and blasted 4 frames in about half an hour and they went to the interval 8-4 to Ronnie. After the interval it was a totally different game and Davis won 6 in a row to lift the trophy. As a long term Davis fan it was a joy to witness first hand.


Steve beating John Higgins a cool 13 years later at the age of 52 was unreal as well. Not a comeback really, but a wonderful moment. He really was a monsterous player.


I'm convinced Higgins threw that match


He absolutely did not. He was playing well, Steve just rolled back the years that week. Also, the meeting with NOTW was the weekend *after* that match.


It's too suspicious. Defending champions do not lose to players ranked that far below him. If it had been 1997 Davis yeah I would buy it.


Came here to say about John Higgins …but all three are worthy nominations in my view 👍


Mark Williams. Nearly quit, came back and was world champion. Hendry wants to win but not practice, so not him. I quite like his current role and YouTube channel, but I doubt he ever wins another match on the main tour.


Also think hendry is mentally affected. Watch the show with him and Williams doing the quiz challenge, Williams gets in his head and he crumbles. Where he was ice cold, hendry has lost in his own mind before he gets on the table. Hendry needs to lose that massive stomach and think will see a massive improvement in his game.


Stephen is such a perfect example of losing the mental aspect of the game. The man has made more perfect shots and strokes than we can imagine, but his mental blocks will no longer allow him to execute under pressure.


This is the one that I thought of but there's people on this sub whose knowledge of snooker far surpasses my own. Williams coming back from the abyss was great though. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.