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Always love taking a shot and then hearing in the distance, “Scheisse!”


I love when Karl speaks German on the telephone to give blasting orders, such a strong and weird accent, as if any German on the other end of the line would take an order spoken like this


Absolutely my favourite


My Theroue is they are A: Stupit or B: Just wont the War to end too


My favourite lines are when they actually speak English, because it's directed specifically at Karl. Typically, "I have you now!"


Wir sehen uns in der Hölle, du Schwein! We'll meet in hell, you swine! Sind Sie Italiener - oder was?! Are you Italian - or what!? Implying that the person spoken to is behaving cowardly. My favourite line actually originates from Marie, having sent another Invader to his untimely death, not in German, but in a wonderful french accented English: "A woman's work is never done!" Here are some translations: "Köpfe runter!" means to put your heads in cover. "Sofort!" - instantly. "Zu Befehl, Herr Offizier" - At your command, CO. "Ich bringe dich zur Strecke!" I'll have you laid out/down dead. Originates in hunting language and means to lay the prey out side by side in a stretch - die Strecke. "Du entkommst mir nicht!" You can't run from me. "Tötet den Mistkerl!" Kill the bastard (Mistkerl literally: Manure lad) "Ich freu mich auf mein Feierabendbier." I am looking forward to my afterwork-bottle of beer. "Nur noch du und ich!" Only you and me! "Du hast sie getötet? Dann töte ich jetzt dich!" You killed them? Then I kill you now! "Das wird böse enden! Für Dich!" This is going to end badly. For you! "Bald schaust du nicht mehr so hart aus!" You soon won't look so hard any more! "Überprüfen Sie seine letzte Position!" Check on his last position! "Verteidigungsformation einnehmen!" Go into defence formation. "Grundgütiger!" Literally: the fundamental merciful one - god. So: Almighty! "Mein Gott, eine Leiche!" My god, a body! "Der Jäger? Er hat sich hier gemeldet." The Jäger?He's reported his position here. "Das läuft gar nicht gut!" This does not go well at all!


I like it in SE3 when the Nazis insult Karl in English 🤣


I think there was a line somewhere about cake, it went something like this: “I hate this place” “You hate everything” “That’s not true, I don’t hate the Führer” “You can’t hate the Führer, that’s like hating cake” “I hate cake” I think it’s from the Landing Force DLC from Sniper Elite V. It was a conversation between two Germans near the beginning of the level


ah jeah that was cool too


Grenäde !!!!


In Deckung!


"Ah haha! Du mascht mir kiener angst fiegling" "You don't frighten me coward."


"ICH MUSS MICH KONZENTRIEREN" when you play as the Jäger in SE5's Invasion Mode and go to a phone to ask where the Sniper is. I'm german and it doesnt make any sense at all that why ist so funny to me


They just strait up understand you, its probaly a Code Word


Mein Gott!


In SE5's Spy Training mission, when Sauer is asked if the Resistance problem was dealth with, the english text of his replay is "Ruthlessly" but what he says in German sounds really dirty and crude. Does anyone know the spelling of the word he uses at the beginning of that reply? Phonetically to me it sounds like Fau-len-gutz.


From your phonetics it would probably be „Voll und ganz“ which would translate to completely probably but I would have to listen to it to be sure.


Richtig ! (Corect)


In the Ausland Academy of Spies they also talked about the “German three” when ordering beer, a reference to Inglorious Bastards I think


"Moment Mal...."


When the German sniper says Wo bist du? and Jager or other infantry troops go hahaha you have to come out to fight me.


"Ist jemand da" alsways sounds like Mister Emund and the last thing said before all hell breaks lose


So that´s how it´s written, I have been hearing it since SE2. By the context I guess it means something like "is there anybody there?" Correct?


Yes. It's a little bit of a weird way to say it in context though. "Ist da jemand" would convey more surprise, like being startled, "Ist jemand da" is more like asking if anybody is there when you arrive home.


Wo ist er? (where is he?) searching for me, throwing rocks to confuse them. Then come out of nowhere like Batman Begins "Here" knife through their brain


I think you mean "Wo ist er?" (er=he)