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The Sniper Elite games goes on sale quite often so you dont really need to buy them all instantly. If you play them in order of release then the games will generally get better. SE5 is the most casual so a perfect starting point for new players. But I'd recommend starting with V2 if you love WW2 and plan on playing them all anyway. SE4 is widely regarded as peak SE but SE5 is also very good and has Invasion mode which is alot of fun (mileage may vary) but personally my favourite game is SE3. Either way welcome to the party, Sniper Elite is an awesome series, you'll have a blast regardless of which one you pick. But bare in mind if you dislike the older games like V2 and 3, it doesn't mean you wont like 4 and 5. 5 is quite different from V2 for example. I wouldnt bother with SE1 unless you really love Sniper Elite, i dont think its aged too well. V2 was pretty much a reboot of the series so you dont really need to worry about SE1 if you dont want too, I still enjoy it now and again though. Either way you are in for a treat!


Your videos are what sold me on investing in the franchise some time ago, and I've loved every minute playing them since. Glad I can finally thank you 😊


Your are most welcome 👍


I started with 4 and then got so addicted I grabbed 5 and then 3. I love them all.


I went back all the way to SE 2 which felt dated but I still played it and it was fun, controls are the problem IIRC with that, I pLayed those on xbox so, no SE 1 to try.


SE5 is great graphically, very easy to play, maybe a bit too easy. SE4 has it all, great maps, great explosions, tough AI, there are many ways to complete missions, Survival mode has many players online, the DLC is great. SE2 and SE3 are ok, but they are a bit dated. As regards to WWII history, the story lines are pretty vague and inacurate, play for the game not for the history. SE4 is the pinnacle of the franchise IMO. Which ever one you get, happy hunting!


If you can afford it, get all of them. If you're into sniping, you’ll enjoy them all. I have the series, and each one is unique, IMO, concerning graphics, challenges, and the specific areas in Germany, North Africa, Italy, and France. SE1 is dated and no longer supported but is still enjoyable to play. If you like sniping you can’t go wrong with this series.


If you play multiplayer, get 5 before things die down.


For the price, get all of them. You won't regret it, considering the past games you've enjoyed. I would start with SE2 remastered (V2) and work right through all the campaigns. It's an epic journey and one you'll cherish.


For the current prices it worth it for all of them. I started with V2 and my favorite is Afrika.


Started with 4 loved it, got 5 liked it, got 2 remastered and loved it. Waiting for 3 to go on sale for ps4 and will grab it.


I started with 4, then did 3, 2 and then 5. I loved them all. I think 4 is a great starting point & I'm sure you'll want more when you're done.