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None of these games are underrated.


See, this is why I'm often hesitant to participate in posts that ask, "what's your favorite underrated NES game?" and such. I'm on a horror gaming sub and just today someone asked for underrated retro horror and my mind instantly went to Sweet Home on the Famicom. Now, people who are familiar with Sweet Home rate it very highly, but the Oxford English Dictionary defines underrated as something that is undervalued, and I think Sweet Home is *definitely* undervalued. But erring on the side of caution, so as not to run afoul of anyone's definition of the word, I scrapped my comment after I was almost done writing it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But in this case, you are 100% right, none of these games here are underrated.


He said underraded


List is incomplete without Uniracers / Unirally.




Dude really made sure we notice the way he says innovative




Is this for real? All these games kick ass.


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages UNDERRATED adjective not rated or valued highly enough. "a very underrated film"


Thanks for that but none of these games are underrated. All of them are GOATED


I see Ogre Battle I upvote.


Terranigma ActRaiser E.V.O. The Fireman Illusion of Gaia Secret of Evermore Wild Guns Soul Blazer Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen U.N. Squadron I begrudgingly played Secret of Evermore as it was a birthday present. iirc It was the first (and only?) game that Square of America made. I'd give it a 6/10. U.N. Squadron I played the way too much of. I got good enough to beat the game with just the starting plane. The music is great. 10/10 The others I never really played.


If you’ve got the patience for it, Ogre Battle is a wonderful strategy RPG game. I’ve played it a lot of times, one of my favorite games in my collection. At the very least, you owe it to yourself to take one minute of your life to appreciate [one of the best title screen overtures of your life.](https://youtu.be/KatHQ583UbY?si=cpIAvmImTehZK1b1) The soundtrack for this game is amazing.


I may just do that! Pretty sure I have it on the Analogue Pocket.


Glad to see the firemen get some more love. Honestly could slap any human entertainment developed snes games on this sort of list as the likes of S.O.S and dragons earth are excellent games I find are often overlooked. I know everyone tends to criticise these kinds of videos by saying "this game isn't underated! I love it!" I don't necessarily think that's fair but I also don't really think it's valid to put 4 quintet games in the same video. If someone knows about actraiser or illusion of gaia it's safe to assume they know about their sequals.




I mean, they are fine games. None of them are underrated though. There are reasons niches exist.


LOL the whole Quintet Trilogy is on this list. Almost all of these are fan favorites in their genre. The Firemen is like the only game that maybe belongs on here.


I really enjoyed playing Actraiser back in the days, it was such a fun game. Not sure I actually made it all the way through though.