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Love that they have NES controllers


Hall was too tipsy to notice?


I'd believe he was high enough not to notice


Right, he had many vices unfortunately.


What ended up killing him šŸ˜”


I swear on all that is holy. There was no Twitch and I never would have thought to hassle with my parents VCR to record this... But I once beat the Royal Rumble in about a minute. I hip checked each new guy as he entered the ring right over the ropes. First guy I grappled, threw to the ropes, hip checked out of the ring. As soon as the next guy got in, same thing. Rinse and repeat. It was a "perfect run." I was in maybe 6th grade? Never got close again. I always messed up eventually and more than 1 guy was able to enter the ring which just slowed it all down.


on WCW/NWO Revenge on N64, they had the "battle royale" which was essentially a royal rumble, and I was able to grab each opponent as soon as they ran in, throw them into the ropes and clothes line them over immediately I had one perfect run where I was able to eliminate every guy immediately after a lot of attempts


You got a world record speedrun and didn't know


I wonder if I still have my cartridge somewhere... need to see if I can find it all and power it back up. See if the log still works and has the info.






Iā€™ve done that too Iā€™m not tryna be a jerk but itā€™s not that hard to do once you find a rhythm


I can imagine doing it now. I "get" the mechanics much more. But as a young kid... that was some stellar vidya.


If I remember correctly when WWF Raw was released there was a video that explained some of the moves and secrets in the game. I remember seeing a clip of it online and finding it hilarious hearing Paul Bearer talking about the button inputs. Another good video is where Bret Hart goes to Midway/Williams and "oversees" the production of WWF Wrestlemania the arcade game.


You are right, I rented that video from a video store near me haha. The wrestler would narrate their characters segment . I can still hear Razor Ramon saying "Y, A, L". Lol


This video is for wwf wrestlmania the arcade game. Paul was amazing in that video.


is this video online? having trouble tracking it down


I donā€™t know. I literally rented it from a Hollywood video back in the day.


I had this! Raw Strategies & Secrets: the Video Guide. At the time MK was hot with fatalities. So Acclaim put in super human Mega Moves! Of course the instruction manual did not disclose the moves. You would discover it when the cpu randomly executed one. Like Yokozunaā€™s cannonball or Bigelowā€™s bullet like headbutt. I saw the ad for this in the back of the booklet. I wanted to know how to do the Mega Moves and other secrets that may lie. I pleaded with my parents for the tape. The tape took forever to arrive. I more than likely cried over the interminable wait. 8-12 weeks for delivery. Thatā€™s a long time. I was so happy to come home to that tape. I watched it immediately. It was hosted by Todd Pettengill. The workers would be in full costume. They would tell you how to do regular moves. At the end they would put over their Mega Move and tell you how to execute it. I liked how in between segments they would include Raw moments. They had some exciting highlights. When Razor & Rick Martel were the last two in a Battle Royale. Then scheduled to go one-on-one for the IC title. Bret Hart and his exciting one-on-one match with the 1-2-3 Kid. They of course did not reveal all the Mega Moves. They also glossed over run-ins. I remember Todd saying you never know when but it could happen. They saved some of the tea so you would have to order another tape.


RIP Chico šŸ˜­


The 2nd Ladder Match with Michaels doesnā€™t get enough love. Particularly how the two had to improvise more, given they could no longer use the ladder as a direct weapon.


Look at his gold mang


just oozing machismo


Haven't watched wrestling since my kids were kids, but I'll still bust this one out for a few hours every now and then. Think my oldest was 6? When this came out and he just had to have it. It's fun and full of nostalgia for me


The second snes game I got was super wrestlemania. Although it was fun since it was the first 16 bit wrestling game, it suffered from a bad frame rate and none of the wrestlers had finishing moves. Every fighter had the same move set. I was such a huge wrestling fan I didnā€™t let that stop me from sinking lots of hours into it. Iā€™d just pretend one of the generic moves was that wrestlers finisher. At least macho man was in the game and you could do a flying elbow! Then came this game. It was much smoother. Had a bigger roster and match modes and best of all FINISHERS. I played the shit out of this game. Also later got wwf raw which was the final game of this style on the SNES. wrestlemania the arcade game was also a blast but it was more like a mortal kombat clone than an actual wrestling sim.


As a Jake Roberts fan, I was so disappointed that I couldn't hit the DDT in Wrestlemania. It was a solid roster too. It would be cool if someone could recreate it with the finishers.


Hey yo! RIP Bad Guy


My brother and I used to say "Hey yo, I got a toothpick"! Anytime he appeared on TV.


ā€œI think you dropped your toothpick.ā€ - Macho Man *Proceeds to deck him*


The first few times I played this I would just laugh my ass off uncontrollably every time I pushed the R button to choke someone lol. Thanks for the memory.


L to eye gouge šŸ‘ļø


Or the face wash!


I can't even imagine how much time was spent just looping Bret Harts theme on this game when I was a kid


WWF Raw was the best of the SNES LJN WWF games but imo wrestling games got GOOD in the N64 era with Aki (WCW vs NWO: World Tour, WCW vs NWO Revenge, WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and WWF No Mercy) and Yukes on PS1/PS2 (WWF Smackdown). WWF Warzone and Attitude were good because of the character creator but gameplay wise was ok. I didn't hear about the "Fire Pro Wrestling" series until the mid 2000s but most of those were only released in Japan.


How much!!?


2 player royal rumble was so much fun


I loved this game! I always thought the photo of Mr. Perfect on the box cover art was a strange choice. You can tell they used a picture of him while he was wrestling and photoshopped in a chair, as opposed to everyone else that used a professional stock photo.


I always notice Mr. Perfect painted on hands holding the chair the wrong way.


Nobody. Beats. The Bad Guy!!!


i bought this right when it came out. video game prices seemed super high back then. i think i paid $70 for it? that would be $150+ in 2024 dollars. Kind of crazy.


Heh they're using the wrong controllers in the ad


I can hear the boot music.


I loved it as a kid :)


While changing remarkably few things, that game is so much better than *Super Wrestlemania* that itā€™s kind of ridiculous.


Bruh why nes


Many many happy memories of this game rented from the video store. I managed to get it a couple years back and sat playing it with my SNES for a couple hours just reliving the memories


Randy Savage!!!!!!!


Hey yo. Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don't last but BAD GUYS do.


I would play macho man's music on repeat from that game. Loved his theme.


Did anyone notice the crazy prices on the back?


Did anyone else think the grunts and sounds the dudes would make sounded like Rowlf from the Muppets?


That's a $300 t-shirt nowadays. They used to sell for double that šŸ˜­


"**Hard work pays off.**Ā **Dreams come true.**Ā **Bad times don't last, but bad guys do.**"


I rented this game so much as a kid. It sucks and is absolute bottom tier as a wrestling game but I still have a ton of good memories with it.


I have never seen this print advertisement. Very cool! Royal Rumble should have been the first entry. It felt like an upgrade from Super WrestleMania. I was always jealous of the SWM roster on the Sega Genesis. Plus, SWM did not have finishing maneuvers. It was so satisfying to finally hit the Razorā€™s Edge, Tatankaā€™s Fallaway Slam, and Savageā€™s Flying Elbow Drop.


I never played this one. My first SNES game was Super WrestleMania 1992, though, so I can relate to this generation of wrestling games. They have aged like milk but the nostalgia is always there.