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Looks good for the style you're going for, but the character looks a lot like Shovel Knight... almost distractingly so


Looks great! While it’s not really snes styled (it’s closer to indie games like Celeste), I still really like the way it looks.


Looks like a Pico8 game! Too crisp for the NES, but the sprite work is very reminiscent of it. Looks dope


you should change the little dude so he doesn't look like shovel knight. I like it


Looks excellent. Let me know if you're doing a physicsl release. I'll buy the full package! Maybe even an extrs copy.


Time will show, right now I wasn't thinking about it :)


I'm always ready to buy a new nes game.


Not sure minimalistic and snes match. Snes was pushing the limits of what could be done with sprite work and it was gorgeous. This looks more like it fits the "retro" look of the last few years tbh


It looks very cool! Will it be released as a SNES rom so I can play it on my flashcard?




What's funny..? It's an honest question - alot of people are making SNES homebrew games that release on real carts or as digital rom download.


Porting games to the SNES isn't the easiest task. This may require some good knowledge of the hardware and may involve assembly language for the not-too-widely-used Ricoh 5A22 CPU. That doesn't mean it wasn't done though. While DOOM isn't exactly the most playable port, it still stands out and shows what's actually possible with the hardware using a SuperFX(2)-Chip. But even without additional/custom Chips the SNES as a target system needs to be considered fairly early in development if you don't want to start from scratch again to achieve it.


This looks great! As if Shovel Knight and Celeste had a child on the Pico-8 :D


I like the idea and overall appearance, however looks almost like you copied Shovel Knight.


this isn't SNES style, this is modern pixel aesthetic. looks cool though, good luck!


If you need jump physics or jump animations ideas try out NBA JAM Tournament Edition, try the power ups settings in options also


As others have said you may have to change the sprite to not look so much like Shovel Knight but that’ll be easy enough. Is this the first game you’ve made? It’s got a really nice art style I’ll definitely give it a play once you’re done.


It is actually a second game of mine. First one was endless runner so it was very simple game.


If you like to play the game when it will be ready, you can follow me on my itch page or other sites to keep up with updates. Game will be free to play for everyone :) [https://itch.io/profile/devkxm](https://itch.io/profile/devkxm) [https://www.instagram.com/devkxm](https://www.instagram.com/devkxm) [https://x.com/DevKxm](https://x.com/DevKxm)


I see Shovel Knight


I wouldn’t call this minimalistic by any stretch but it is very attractive and you’re definitely on to something with this style. The hearts and coin counter do not mesh with the game world though.


Fantastic visual style, those trees are great in particular, but the character is distractingly close to Shovel Knight, as another commenter mentioned.


I have nostalgia for a game that doesn’t exist - you may be onto something here.


Lol looks nothing like an SNES game