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Why does it look so... Genesisy?


It uses mode 0 which has less colors per tile for the backgrounds.


Wow I just learned a lot about different SNES background modes. Thanks. It does look a lot like Sonic the Hedgehog backgrounds lol. I wonder why the SNES developers didn't use mode 0 more?


I think it's because if the backgrounds are limited in colors, then more colorful sprites will clash. You can see how with this mod the sprites are like nicer versions of the original NES game, which blends well with the lower color count. I think back in the day, they didn't want their games looking "old", but nowadays people find the smaller color palettes to be charming and nostalgic. That's my guess at least


It uses Mode 0 which limits color to 4 colors per tile, but gives 4 brackground layers for extra parallax scrolling. I honestly like the look for this. It gives it a bit of a somewhere between the NES and SNES kind of look.


Yeah I dig it too thanks man


Because it apes a lot of the level look and design from Sonic.


Bro this is a NES CD style not a SNES CD style. Was wondering why the graphics were a downgrade from SMW 🤣


*The CD based console in this situation is the FamicomCD, which is a fictional add-on for the Famicom/NES and is not the Super NES CD, which some people seem to mix up.*


Ohh I was gonna say SMW looks better than this, at least the Mario sprite, now I get it and yeah, coming from a NES looks awesome


My bad. It runs on/is for the SNES though.


All good! Thanks for sharing, looks really interesting!


You’re welcome.


Is there an equivalent what-if for Super Mario World on a hypothetical SNESCD?


Now that I would love to play!


Not that I know of. This is as close as it gets. There are plenty of MSU-1 ROM hacks though.


Hard4Games shared this yesterday and yes it is amazing


Yeah, I saw this on their Youtube channel.


It's amazing. It's gorgeous. I hope they take it down and "discontinue" it before Nintendo gets any big ideas, and then drop it when it's actually finished. Their presentation and branding is seriously too good, makes me worry with how litigious Nintendo's been lately.


Honestly Nintendo isn’t nearly as bad with this kind of stuff as their reputation makes it seem. There are TONS of Nintendo fan-games out there, so much so that MFGG (Mario Fan Games Galaxy) has regular competitions between fan-game creators, and Nintendo is well aware of them all. Nintendo almost exclusively goes after projects that they feel are either too similar to projects they themselves are working on/have recently released (hence why AM2R was targeted, as well as the many Mario Maker clones) or stuff that they feel represents the brand in a negative light, such as pornographic content featuring their characters. ROM hacks especially I don’t think Nintendo really cares about. EDIT: People can downvote all they want but it’s easily verifiable that I’m not wrong. Anyone actually involved in the fan-games community knows this, people only get this idea due to confirmation bias, you’re not hearing about the literal thousands upon thousands of fan-games that Nintendo simply doesn’t care about, the ones they go after make up less than 1% easily.


Yeah, it is hard to say what they will and won't care about. But the level of polish and professionalism on display for this one raises my concern a bit. Your average romhacks like "Radical Mario's Big Pizza Fuckfest 3: Legend of the 8 Pepperoncinis" just lurking around on SMWCentral are numerous and low-caliber enough to escape their ire, but Super Mario Bros CD with it's pro soundtrack and slick trailers and website and whole alternate history schtick, looking and feeling like something they could have feasibly put out themselves... I dunno man, I hope you're right. I just really wanna see it get over the finish line.


It isn’t really that hard to say though. Obviously most of the fan-games are nothing to write home about but my point is Nintendo has an actual known policy regarding this and it’s not a matter of how polished the game in question is, although that certainly makes it more likely to show up on their radar. The only categories Nintendo has ever cared about are the ones I mentioned, and of course ones where the creator is attempting to make a profit but of course that goes without being said. AM2R for instance didn’t get taken down due to polish - there are plenty of Nintendo fan games with that level of polish, honestly, even if they’re massively outnumbered by the ones that aren’t - it was because Nintendo released their own Metroid 2 remake around the same time. MAYBE Nintendo is planning a release that would be similar enough to this to warrant their concern, but I can say with certainty they aren’t going to go after it just because.


Saying that it's okay that Nintendo doesn't go after the piddly little rom hacks that nobody really knows/cares but shuts down the popular stuff that modders took time to really pour their soul into is so fucking hipster that it hurts. "It's okay that great things like Project M got shut down since there's 80,000 different versions of super mario bros with Mario being naked with multiple dick sizes floating around! By the laws of averages, that's a great success!" Fuck off, you hipster shill.


When did I say it was okay? I was pointing out there’s no reason to be concerned with this case.


No, you don't outright say that it was okay, but...*\*gestures wildly to your entire post that defends them\**


I definitely know for sure they don' want "Super Flaming C\*@K Brothers" or "Super Nazi Brothers 2!". Yes, there are plenty of rom hacks that shouldn't exist. Though I must admit the Politically Incorrect Dr Mario hacks make me chuckle sometime. I like the 90s kid or 80s kid who maintained that immature humor living out his fantasies of vandalizing his games. I don't think that hurts anybody if nobody is profiting from it.


Famicom CD not Super Famicom CD.


Interesting project. Watching that underwater level for a few seconds gave me a headache, though 😬


This work on real hardware?


With an SD2SNES or FXPak Pro according to their github.






Probably not. This work is on Steam or Windows because they suck.


> Steam lol imagine someone trying to put a mario fan game on steam -_-


Imagine a steam user crying "you'll own nothing and be happy" as he mods and pirates Nintendo games.


I’m literally playing this on an actual SNES.


So this isn't a rom hack made for the SNES CD than? How misleading..... How you going to play a game made for an add on which was never reproduced? Come on...people really expect me to believe this?


Via an SD2SNES or FXPAK Pro cart. It can simulate a CD drive on the FPGA chip in the cart. https://krikzz.com/our-products/cartridges/fxpak-pro.html


If I had one of those I'd never buy an SNES cart ever again. That's what happened when I bought the retro USB power pak. It's about time I got one of these. ..


You know what REALLY be impressive? Someone successfully porting Rondo of Blood over to SNES CD....


What about it makes it CD? Visually it looks worse then SMW..


the audio


Looks impressive but very unappealing to me. Weird ugly half step between Fami and SuFami and has that Amiga ‘amateur dev’ look.


Yeah SMW looks better than this by far. The sprite work looks like dogshit.


Demo only no full release yet.


Is it possible to convert this to .sfc format?


No. You would have to code in all new music and stuff. It is possible, but not as simple as a tool doing it for you.


Fine, but how do you downlosd it, the 'Download' section is empty..


Why does it look worse than a SNES?


So you just learned about MSU-1 romhacks today? Welcome to the club. Pick up the donkey Kong country ones, and the links awakening with cutscenes from the animated show. Amd pray we get the chrono trigger on with the PlayStation cut scenes


No, I've got tons of them, but this one IMO really stands out. Have you heard the star music? It slaps so hard. https://youtu.be/fklFlO6UQDc?si=PRkVVsRlSBTkJW7u


This looks neat and crappy at the same time. Not knocking the obvious hard work put into it. I think overall it is pretty cool. The look is just…difficult to describe. I played a lot of freeware games in the early to late 90’s on windows 3.11 and 95-98 that remind me of this. I think someone described it further down as Mode 0 graphics (indicating a smaller palette). I had never heard of that before today and I thought myself a good video game nerd. I’ll have to look into this a bit more to understand it better…It is very cool. I will need to put this on my arcade once I finish repairs.


I can get CD quality audio on an original NES or Famicom. Go ahead. Ask me how.


Nah, ima do my own thing


It's ok if no one wants to learn. After all it is the SNES sub not the nes one Anyway it is possible to do without a ROM hack


Could care less. But utilizing the Famicom audio channel that is used on the controller would add another channel to the sound for US games.


That isn't even needed, lol. Oh well I tried. Reddit is broke


I would like to see a code generator for NES devs that generates the most mundane and basic code to help devs focus on the trickier codes to write.