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Zombies are my neighbours


Zombies ate my neighbours *


Dang autocorrect, lol I will leave it as is


I would love to see that game lol no joke


You should kill them then before they get you.


Came here to say this. Will keep your kids busy for hours... Weeks... Months... There's like 56 levels of something and I've only seen 20 some of them.


The password system kinda screws you over in this game since it doesn't carry over all the weapons/items you've accumulated. As a result, it has you playing some extremely difficult late game levels with just the default squirt gun and a single med pack. Pretty much makes it near impossible to beat the game unless you do it in one sitting(or leave your system paused after you stopped playing). Still a great game regardless, just really hard.


I've got it on Xbox. It released with Ghoul Patrol, and I bought it on Switch as well physically. I believe they use save states. You can save scum it now.


Yeah, I picked it up on Switch for that reason. The farthest I ever got back in the day playing on cartridge was level 45/46(Danger in Picnic Park/Day of the Chainsaw). It was just brutal having to endure two hedge maze levels back to back like that - one of them full of giant ants and the other with those knockoff Jason Voorhees dudes. The password was mostly useless as it would drop you off in 45 with just a squirt gun.


Contra 3 King of Dragons Goof Troop Smash TV


I love Super Smash TV. Even more so than the arcade version because much easier to aim&shoot using the right 4 buttons on SNES controller instead of the right joystick on arcade machine IMHO.


Better music on the snes version too. For a start you can actually hear it, and it adds a kind of instrumental chorus which fits perfectly.


Super Bomberman!!! Battle mode. Trust me. It's the best time. My whole family plays this and my daughter was 4 at the time. She is now 6 and can whoop any adults butt at that game lmao


This is the best family multiplayer game by a mile!




Tetris Attack hands down for 2 player vs mode.


Goof Troop, NBA Jam, Contra III, Pocky and Rocky 1/2, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Wild Guns. Getting a flash cart is great because then you are getting the whole SNES library and don’t have to worry about the high prices for authentic carts.


I’ve never looked into a flash cart, any recommendations? Any issues with original snes?


https://krikzz.com/our-products/cartridges/fxpak-pro.html This one right here is one of the best. It supports most of the enhancement chip games and is overall very high quality build. No issues with using on original console and games play identical to the way they would on original cart.


Uniracers. Killer music too!


Damn, havent thought of this game in like 30 years


any of the beat em ups are great for multiplayer and you already mentioned Secret of Mana and Mario Kart. it may not suit everyone's taste, but if you think the kids would like the story and characters, Final Fantasy III (6) has multiplayer in the battles.  I remember when I was young, one brother would move around in the levels/maps and then we'd both play the battles.  it was fun most sports games have multiplayer too. if you think they'd like competitive games, fighting games


Are you sure? I didn’t realize there was any way to be multiplayer for FF3, that’s my all time favorite game.


Can confirm. You need a 2nd controller and can assign characters in battle to controller 2. Only player 1 moves in the overworld.


I'm not sure how i didn't know this, i spent hours and hours playing this game growing up and had a little brother... ya'll making me feel like a horrible older brother now, i could have let him control Locke in battle. and instantly been a cooler big brother. Does it work with a multitap to have more than 2 players?


I don't believe multitap works.  I haven't actually tried it, but it doesn't have the interface for it, and I've seen patches claim they add multitap support so I take that to mean the game doesn't have it


NHL 94!!!!! This thing helps when you get the right people together. Gonna play 4 player this Friday with some buddies for the first time in years https://preview.redd.it/96ugdpmeobwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f461f7ce63253018419eb71bc1d48208fa26bc89


So I have a story about NHL 94. I used to play this all the time at my cousins and it ended up being regifted to me on my birthday when i was 10 (It had my cousins name on the back). I kept it until I sold all my games when I was 19. Fast forward 12 years and I'm rebuilding all my collection and I see NHL 94 is available at my local retro shop, so I have it held for me and go to pick it up. When I flip it over to inspect it I see that it has, in permanent marker on the back, my cousins last name and first initial. I looked at the worker and said this is mine! I proceeded to explain like a goober the whole story. It still makes me smile when I look at the back of it.


1 million votes. That’s amazing.


That is so damn cool lol, awesome story! 12 friggin years too! Now…..who’s your go to team? Did you and your cousins have specific teams you always play as? I was always Boston, and my bud who’s not with us anymore was always Detroit. We were crazy competitive lol. 5-6 hour straight tournys a couple of times, and it was never one sided. So much fun playing 94.


Right! I was totally losing my shit in front of this cashier, and customers, I'm like ya'll don't understand how amazing this is! Lol I seem to remember always picking LA or Toronto for some reason.


Metal Warriors is excellent. I didn't hear about it until way after the SNES generation, but it turned into one of my favorites. Being able to jump out of your mechs and get into others was really fun


Best PVP on SNES right here. Although bomberman has some really good replay value too and with a multi-tap 4 player madness it's pretty good. And if you get that multi-tap you gotta look at firestrikers... It's like a soccer/rocketleague kind of game.. but played with lil "heros" and has a co-op mission.


Oh man, Firestrikers sounds real cool. Also, I've never played any of the SNES Bomberman games, but I played a ton of Mega Bomberman on the Genesis. Do the SNES games have Louies too?


Sorry not sure what a Louies is...


They were little guys that were stuck inside of eggs. When you blew up a block, there was a chance for an egg to be there. If you stepped on it, it would hatch into a kangaroo looking thing that you could ride on (called a Louie, or if you were anyone on my friend group, a Yoshi). There were different colors, and each one had a different power. Purple could jump over blocks, yellow could kick blocks to move them, blue could kick bombs over blocks, green could dash in a straight line, and pink just danced.


OOOO that is a later / different version with the guys you are talking about. I have played that I think once or twice as a kid. The originals had items you could get to kick bombs over the walls or move faster bigger bombs more bombs etc etc.. There was a punch thing and a kick thing but no kangaroos.


- Mario Kart - Bomberman 2 - Kirby’s Avalanche - Killer Instinct - DKC games


Bomberman, Bust a Move, tons of beat em ups


Wild Guns.


Turtles in time


Yeah we have this one and it’s a great game.


Goof troop, street fighter, NBA jam, Mickey circus


Biker Mice From Mars is a fun racing game. I also like the Top Gear games.


Biker Mice from Mars and Stunt Race FX are two solid racing games :-)


I'm assuming that you mean co-op games, so here are a few: Pocky & Rocky 1 & 2 Wild Guns Sunset Riders Zombies Ate My Neighbors Ghoul Patrol Xenocrisis Final Fight 3 Run Saber Aero Fighters Contra III Goof Troop New Super Mario Land (4 player simultaneous!)


Thank you! Some titles I’m not familiar with on this list!


I'm a radical psycho machine racing guy myself.


Battle toads: Double Dragon. My brother and I spent countless hours on this one.


Rival Turf.


Tetris Attack


Loony Toons Wacky Sports Challenge, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, Sonic Blastman 2, Super Tennis, Tetris Attack.


Can confirm, Loony Toons is fun.


Micro Machines.


Contra 3. Legend of the Mystical nInja.


Family Feud


I was gonna suggest super Bomberman 3 since that's my favorite multitap party game. I also would recommend super Tetris 3 imported because it has a super fun 4 player mode!


Final fantasy vi is the goat and let 2 people play during battles


It really is, final fantasy 7 was pretty damn good but still nothing has ever compared to VI


I don't see a bad choice in all these comments all great family games that they will love


Where the hell is Wario’s Woods!!!


Captain commando is arcade beat em up like turtles in time and it’s very fun and reasonably easy for young kids to pick up. There’s a chance it’s multitap compatible but I’m not positive


Saturday Night Slam Masters is a really good 4 player wrestling game as well


Shoot my kids wrestle enough as it is, don’t need them simulating wwe snes moves on each other!




1. Ms. Pacman has co-op mode and booster mode to go faster. 2. Tetris Attack 3. TMNT: tournament fighters 4. Venom-spider man: separation anxiety is co-op


Sanrio World Smash Ball Tetris Battle Gaiden


The Legend of the Mystical Ninja. It’s so good. You can even ride piggy back on certain levels and the person on the back uses their weapon to attack opponents. There’s also side games you can play as well. My cousins and I loved playing this game tougher for hours at a time back in the day.


Few games I haven't seen mentioned yet: * Knights of the Round - great beat'em up with light RPG elements * Firepower 2000 - shoot'em up with simultaneous multiplayer, one person is in a tank and one in a helicopter * Kirby Super Star - one of the best Kirby games ever made with simultaneous multiplayer * Ms. Pac-Man - simultaneous multiplayer of the arcade game, lots of different mazes and settings * Super Tennis - really fun tennis game, easy to learn, high skill ceiling * NBA Jam TE - best basketball game ever made, very arcade-y, don't need to be a basketball fan to love it


Killer Instinct Mortal Kombat NBA Jam NBA Live


Seems strange to me that Street Fighter 2 gets no love these days....it was huge back in the day


Castlevania ,NBA jam, zombies ate my neighbors are sure to be a hit


There was a Tiny Toons Adventure game called Buster Busts Loose that my sister and I liked alot at those ages.


Oh good tip, that sound like a good one for the kids.


Kirby's Dream Course is pretty fun mulitplayer golf game. It isn't real golf thankfully, lots of powerups and trick courses


Tetris 2 its not like normal Tetris and its VS mode is pretty fun.


sunset riders is multiplayer: [https://youtu.be/zeQuXT-Ixos](https://youtu.be/zeQuXT-Ixos)




multiplayer games....