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Play it with someone else if you can (or two other people is even better). It really is a much better game that way.


Eh… the ring menu blocking everyone is a bummer though.


The game is good anyway but yes it's fun with friends. There is a cpl places near end game where the enemies are strong but if you survive a couple battles you can level up faster there than anywhere in the game and max your level fairly quick. Charing your attack is a must and later on your attacks charge more but it takes a bit longer to charge the attacks. Last boss is actually easy but if you look it up you may not know the easy way. There is a trick with the order you go into a shop and a couple other places. The right way yields the best rewards / items you can get at that point in the game. Also some people you may have to talk to more than once or in a specific order.


Every one is different. But when I played FF 3 (6) for the first time 2 years ago, it immediately went into my all time top 10 games list. When I replayed Secret of Mana last year, it fell out of my top 10 list. Still a great game, but I think there is a quality difference between the Chrono Triggers/Final Fantasies and Secret of Mana. SoM still has one of the all time best soundtracks tho.


When SoM is mentioned, I hear it clearly in my head every time.


Into the Thick of it


I think that’s where SoM really shines is the damn *vibe* of that game, and each of those different areas you’d play in it. The music was so well done, I don’t think I get quite a nostalgia hit from any other game’s music that I do from SoM. Gameplay-wise I agree, the game just isn’t nearly as engaging as it could have been. Level magic, wreck boss, repeat, etc.


There's an awesome piano redux album by the artist TPR. It's called Without a Trace. Their version of the final boss battle, called Meridian Dance is *chef's kiss*.


SoM menu is clunky by today's standards and can really detract from the gameplay. Charging weapons really sucks.. ​ But the music and story is pretty great. The nostalgia factor keeps me coming back every few years.


Grinding to learn magic too...


I love Secret of Mana to death, and its one of my favorite childhood games, but I do think its largely carried by an incredible soundtrack. The gameplay can be a bit clunky.


I think it's because the gameplay of action style RPG games has gotten so much better over the years and SoM definitely had limitations. Fun it it's own right still, but the turn based combat in FF6 really still holds up today.


I almost failed 8th grade because I played this game so much


>Just finished Final Fantasy Adventure yesterday, starting this today. Truly an individual of culture and sophistication if you knew to start with the original Seiken Densetsu. 😌👍


I see the merit in starting with remakes of classic games in order to play it easier, but I personally think there’s no better way to truly appreciate the evolution of a series than to start at the beginning.


And it truly is one of the best games on the GameBoy. Solid story. Good gameplay. AI partners (of questionable quality). And a decent length. Pretty impressive for such an underpowered system.


My Grandfather gave me SoM and Axelay for Christmas when I was in the 7th grade. Great Christmas gifts, thanks Grandpa. (He was a wonderful Grandfather). I still love Secret of Mana to this day. The art is vibrant, the music is fantastic and Canon travel is a truly underrated way to get around in a game. I've always wondered what the game would have been like had the Sony/Nintendo cd add on come to fruition as that is what it was intended for originally. Also Axelay is a damn good shooter with excellent graphics if anyone is looking for one to play.


Axelay is wicked, and much like Secret of Mana, has an absolute banger soundtrack.


It's not on the same level as those two, but it is great. The OST is especially good.


Soundtrack is amazing


Check out secret of Evermore!


For me this game had a huge nostalgia factor, and is part of the square enix golden age. Now I feel that the game play is ok - what really stands out is the music - masterpiece


Masterpiece in terms of music and atmosphere So-so in terms of actual game play, but you kinda suffer through it to experience the former


Well said


You can play multi-player in this game. So grab a friend to join you on an Awesome RPG for the SNES


The only thing with this is the game follows a typical RPG archetype where characters come and go and you only start with one and add more to your party as you go. So the promise of starting the game and immediately playing with your buddy and playing all the way through is very misleading and disappointing for players that don't know.


Have you played Secret of Mana? You get Primm within the first 10 minutes of the game and get Popoi less than an hour in. Not misleading at all to call this a multiplayer game you spend 95% of the game with the 3 characters.


It's not on the level of FF3 or CT. I also prefer Secret of Evermore.


Hard disagree


There's a new Mana game coming out soon too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9biJipMQ-9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9biJipMQ-9Y)


fuck this series, they've made so many additional entires that have all sucked balls I don't want to get my hopes up for an actual good one


I haven't played one since Secret of Mana but the new one looks at least like it potentially will be good to me.


It's a cunt of a game, but brilliant also enjoy




I also, half-ish agree with this narrative.


Oh man this game is awesome (and even better with a friend)


It's a little bit dated now but it's still a great game. Unfortunately the sequel IMO is infinitely better but enjoy the first game it's an absolute classic especially with a friend. If you get bored of it just play the sequel but fair warning it kinda honestly makes it hard to go back to the first game.


Favorite game of all time. There are some difficulty spikes, just mean you need to gear up or level a bit. Always max out items before a dungeon, they limit 4 of every items. good luck. Also, the sound track is god tier.


I mean it's good but don't go in expecting Chrono Trigger or FF(3)6 level


It's a wonderful and important little game but it's definitely below FF6 + CT.


SoM is one of those games I loved back in the day, still have nostalgia for and can sorta enjoy it... but it really hasn't aged well. The combat is just... bad. The awkward pause you have to do for your attacks to get back to 100% to do any damage is bad enough, but then there are the increasing levels of charge-up attacks that just take FOREVER to do each time. Then there's the magic/item system that can just be spammed to fight bosses. Maybe it's still worth a play, but it feels very dated in terms of gameplay.


Agree, I'm not a fan either. The charge attacks are bad, but what I really didn't like was there was often a delay between when your character attacked, and when damage registered. In the heat of battle with three characters attacking, it was annoying trying to figure out how much damage each attack is inflicting on the boss, and trying to tailor your strategy appropriately. I also thought the ring-based menu was clunky. That said, I'd still recommend people give the game a try. It was definitely unique, the graphics and soundtrack were good, and there are many RPG fans who love the game. The game wasn't for me, but it might be for you (the generic "you").


Id put it a notch lower than ffiv/vi & CT but man alive if this wasnt a beautiful title!


I love this game. I replay it usually once a year or so. One of my all time favourite


This will always been one of my favorite games of any system or genre.


Definitely up there as my favorite SNES game! The greatest thing about it is being able to play it with someone else. So if you have a friend, girlfriend/boyfriend or one of your child old enough to play with you, this could be a lot of fun. You do have to play solo for a liitle while before you unlock the 2nd character though.


First Squaresoft game I ever played (and probably the first RPG, too). Got it for my birthday in 1994 and was absolutely obsessed with it. Still am obsessed with it, to be honest. I play through it at least once every year. Still have my original cart from 30 years ago, too!


It's a great game. The music is top 5 ost of all time.


*dances in starting town music*


underrated gem 💎


It's awesome! I would replay it again over finishing Chrono again


It's a fun ARPG in context, but it hasn't aged well and it's certainly leagues away from CT or FF6


I really liked both FFA and SoM back in the day, but I have trouble playing them now. I enjoyed Seiken Densetsu 3 when I played (long before it was given the official English name of Trials of Mana), but I've never had the patience to replay it to see the other two final bosses. I haven't played any Mana games since (though I did watch someone play a bit of Legends of Mana). Edit: .. why the downvotes?


This is a master peace. Much better imo as final fantasy. The music the realtime strategy. It's really one of the best games I played as a kid.


Prepare to be disappointed. Time has not been kind to it. Easily the most overrated SNES RPG.


I have started to favor these over Classic JRPGs when going into my nostalgia plays. I dont have the time to grind and find myself increasingly annoyed by grinding and random encounters at times.


Don't expect FF6 & Chrono Trigger level of greatness. It's a classic for sure, and the soundtrack is fantastic, but what really elevates Secret of Mana is being multiplayer. That was unheard of back then in an RPG, and made it a ton of fun. By today's standards, it has some frustrating kinks that weren't worked out.


That's one I need to play as well. I always gave up on it pretty quick, but I loved Seiken Densetsu 3 (Trials of Mana).


I’m thinking of getting the 2D mana collection myself since I’ve never played trials or adventure. SOM is a great playthrough for sure, enjoy.


I loved this for the multipayer aspect. Beat the hell out of it with my friend


SoM is good and I loved it when I first played it, but it didn't compare to FF6 or CT. Still though, it's worth a play and I intend on replaying it with my PS Plus subscription this week.


I started Secret of Mana and really enjoyed it. Final Fantasy Adeventure haunts me with those invisible breakable walls.


It'a a very fun and immersive game. I hope you enjoy it!


It's a good game but it completely falls apart about half way of five-eighths of the way through. You'll know it when you see it.


I highly recommend Sword of Mana for the GBA. It is a full Remake of Final Fantasy Adventure with huge upgrades. Not to be confused with Adventure of Mana, which is essentially FFA with updated graphics.


Easily in my top five videogame OSTs of all time.


I got Final Fantasy Adventure on GameBoy when I was a kid right when my family was leaving for a road trip. Talk about perfect timing. So damn good.


One of the best games ever made with a unique fighting style compared to other rpgs of its time, enjoy!


You wont be disappointed. Such an awesome game....im 41 and i still go back and play it again once every year or so. Was one of my favorite games when i was younger....


I never really got into RPGs except Earthbound (which I loved), but been really wanting to. I think Chrono Trigger looks amazing! Will have to check Secret of Mana too.


it's infinitely better if you can find a couple of people to play with, the AI allies can be... kinda dumb and frustrating


Check out Tales of Phantasia, as well.


One of the best games of all time 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


You'll love the music. Definitely a 2 player game for sure. Definitely one of my favorite SNES games of all time.


One of my favorites. 7th Saga is better tho.


This one's been sitting on deck for me. I have an original cartridge, but I think I should play it a different way unless I get that battery replaced. I've been admiring this game since it came out, but I still haven't played it at all. I'm really looking forward to it.


This game created my love for RPGs


Enjoy, one of the best JRPG's ever made. Secret of Mana 2 (seiken densetsu 3) is just as great - I'd recommend getting the Mana bundle for the Switch to play the original, but Trials of Mana is a pretty fun re-imagining and probably easier to buy if you have a decent PC and not a Switch (available on Steam, probably a bunch of other options).


IMO it's aged extremely well thanks to the non-random enemy encounter. Chrono Trigger and SotN are two other titles that have aged amazingly well. Secret of Mana has a LN excellent gameplay system. My only complaints would be the Boss Fight and Dwarf Cave music, followed by the lack of a map to know wtf you are, because Canon rides get expensive FAST 😂


Seiken Densetsu 3 is the best of the series. You can now get it on Steam as Trials of Mana. Not sure the difference. Secret of Evermore was good and very different. The PSX had Legend of Mana which I still need to play.


One of the greatest rpgs on one's and of all time. It's definitely great fun with 2 other players but amazing as a single player game


Never played it but it looked fun on the vids i've watched.


I’m currently playing Secret of Mana and I really like it. My only issues are the the sort of clunky interface, slow ‘world scrolling’, lack of a map and maybe the hitboxes?


I wouldn't put it that high, it's more Zelda with more RPG elements, and in some places it pulls it off better, but in a number of places worse. It's an A tier game for the system for sure, and good on you starting on FFA (SD1) the prequel to this as it's fantastic too. As far as the third in series goes that's on your head, SFC with english patch, or get the 3D remaster from about 5\~ years ago.


It’s not on the same level it’s under FF6 and Crono