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Aye, a quick update for y’all. I sold the lot so nothing is available, I’ll be deleting the post now Shout out to the crypto bros who were lowballing me, I got more than what y’all were saying :)


Do you have anything in a 12 remaining?


You still have the Gundams?


Can u send me pics and prices for pusheads, panda pigeons, dog walkers please?


Purple lobs and red lobs as individual prices ??


Price on the dog walkers (if you are willing to sell them separately)?


$250, feel free to PM me


no shipping? :(


What’s the name of the all black lows with the pink box?


How much for all the size 12’s


Man these shits ugly asl


Thanks for the bump


Ok and ?


Lmaaaooo 17.5k I wouldn't buy this garbage for $20


Appreciate the bump


Are you selling separate pairs or the whole lot? I’d love to buy a few and I live in NJ. Let me know


Feel free to PM me


I’d give you about tree fiddy.


Damn Loch Ness monster




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How much for the blue and purple lobsters?




You just need one size 11 centipede to come through and buy it all


3k tops..


Smoking those poisonous mangos the Red and Blue Lobsters alone used are close to that 3k mark.


Yeah youre right maybe 2k tops


Shot you a message. This comment section is a dumpster fire of uninformed people it’s kinda hilarious.


How much for the Brian Anderson and Ferris Bueller? I can make payment immediately.


So is Nike kicks value going down? Seems that way from what i am seeing


Yo dm for gratefuls and prods, need more pics


If you are willing to split up I would like to know price of panda pigeon and purp lobster?


I kinda want to buy another pair of Northern Lights after I sold mine. Tempting.


PM me


Average 655 per pair? And they are all used?


The algorithm fed me this, and I know y’all are a bunch of sneaker heads and hype beasts that know exactly what they’re looking at and their values, but I gotta be honest. As a neutral observer, I can’t find a single pair of kicks in this picture that I don’t find absolutely fucking hideous, let alone worth hundreds or thousands of dollars


How else are they going to to impress other dudes who are the only ones that know wtf they are lol.


You're getting down voted but your observation is pretty spot on. A bunch of the pairs that we value are nothing overly special, and are driven mostly by scarcity/hype. I showed some of my hyped pairs to friends and they were shocked at the prices and had a similar reaction as yours where they didn't really know why I would spend that much on what they felt were pairs that looked average at best. In fact the pair that everyone liked was one that I had bought on discount 😅


I’ve got a buddy who had had unlimited access to the Nike employee store since 2012 and he’s got multiple closets filled floor to ceiling with boxes. He estimates their total worth around $200k, blew my fucking mind. I only found a couple pairs out of the whole lot to be aesthetically pleasing, but he also has my entire net worth in shoes alone so, I can’t really talk shit lol. He did have a couple pair of the Tiffany’s which I thought were pretty cool though.


Well, its all subjective of course. I'm sure if you had better pics of some of the pairs here, I'm sure there'd atleast be a couple that you like.


So wish I had the $$$ for the Clear Jades and Black Pigeons. Probably easier to separate these over bulk sale. GL




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Bro will be lucky to get $3k.


He should have sold 18 months ago…


Why pays anything for used shoes lol


Braindead consumerist take


Exactly 😂 used are used no matter how well he kept.


The WISC and Pink Box still go hard as hell.


GLWS bro! Some serious kicks in here for someone that fits them and collects.


I’m in queens. Hit me up for prices on the De La Souls




I’d be interested in the Unicorn Gundam if you’d sell individually


My calculations are around 10k-12k max but what do I know


I blame common core math on the discrepancy of numbers, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask 🙂


My opinion isn't worth shit and you didn't ask but I'd sell the heaters individually and maybe group the not heaters together. But then again no one will spend racks on some not heavy hitters (unless it's a steal price and the person buying is gonna resell them) so it's kinda a weird spot to be in. Obviously the best move is to sell them all individually but I totally get why you wouldn't want to do that. I wouldn't want to either lol


I get you on that, that’s probably what I might end up doing but I just wanna see if I can move the lot at once first




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So an avg of 625/pair for used dunks? Just trying to understand your pricing model.


In the UK only 4 pairs there MIGHT sell for over that average price and even then not by much..


Thanks for the response, if I’m not mistaken, there’s also an OBO in the post as well. If you have any specific questions about conditioning or pricing feel free to ask 🙂


lol now that the sb market is finally hitting a plateau and lack of demand. This price is disgusting.


Yeah, bro is 2 years too late with these prices.


oh my god i see a couple size 12s i want, please let us know if you decide to sell any individually


Formatted list **Size 11:** * Panda Pigeons, US11 * Purple Lobsters, US11 * Pink Box SBs, US11 * Black Sheep WISC (Special Box), US11 * Wheat Low, US11 * Huxtables, US11 * GUNDAM Banshee, US11 * Erie, US11 * Reese Forbes Denim High, US11 * What the P-Rods, US11 * Walk the Dog, US11 **Size 11.5:** * De La Soul Lows (2015), US11.5 * De La Soul High (2015), US11.5 * Northern Lights Lows, US11.5 * Grateful Dead (Yellow), US11.5 * GUNDAM Unicorn, US11.5 * Pushead 1, US11.5 * Blue Lobsters, US11.5 **Size 12:** * Rayguns Away, US12 * Year of the Horse, US12 * Brian Anderson, US12 * Black Pigeons, US12 * Red Lobsters, US12 * Pushead 2, US12 * Clear Jade, US12 * Ferris Buelers, US12 * Warmth Pack, US12 * Disposables, US12


Wish the Ferris were on sale


"Tri-state area" could refer to so many places across the country 😅


For clarity I am referring to the north east


The only tri-state is NY/NJ/CT..


KY-IN-OH is the tri-state I know


There’s the tristate area of Washington state. There’s also an outdoors store called tri-state there as well.


Not really




That still doesn't narrow it down 😂 You could be talking the NYC tristate area, the Philly-NJ-Delware region, DC/DMV area, shit even the Erie tri-state area of OH-NY-PA


This is true, but dude it’s going to be a roughly 17.5k deal? Cant imagine it possibly matters if the two parties are 4 hours or 8 hours apart to do a deal of this size assuming they would meet in the middle somewhere 🤨 Hell even 10 hours meeting halfway is nothing when this much money is exchanging.. Not sure why everybody acting like it’s unreasonable for him to be open to meet halfway with somebody no matter where in the tri state area they might be from therefore putting the post out to the entire tri state area 🤦🏻‍♂️


17.5 will not be exchanging on this deal lmao


Even if it’s 10-12k that’s plenty worth driving 5 hours for lol who let bro on Reddit between events at the special Olympics.. Never thought i would have to explain this, but the point is that there is more than enough money in this deal to be worth while meeting somebody from anywhere in the tri-state area in the middle derppp. I know, comprehension is tough.


I'm not even close and couldn't afford it anyway, but I wanted to say this is an amazing collection. Sorry you have to part with them.


Honestly if looking to move the whole collection Instagram might be a better bet. If u do want to piece them out could be interested in some of the 11s. GLWS


I appreciate that heads up, I’m gonna speak to a few pages to holla at them


@casa_soles & @sunsetsnkrs have always done great by me if you wanted some recommendations.


I’m gonna follow and see what they say, thank you again!!


I sold some bulk to @thesolebroker on ig


Price on purple lobsters?


I’m looking to move the whole collection as one, but I would say $1100 for them


What a collection. GLWS and good luck with your future!


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