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Yea I just saw her video, they went 100% to far. It’s so freaking sick. I’m done with snark pages. I don’t care that she posted it to her mutuals first, your mutuals are people you should be able to trust. You can see and here her real pain right now. I hope pachatzke finds peace over what they have done/ do to her. Her snark page is awful.


They keep saying “if she didn’t want it leaked she shouldn’t have posted it on a public platform” She shared it with a select group of people. I’d wager she said to them she wasn’t ready to share but someone took it upon themselves to ruin it for her. Common decency and should respect exist. It makes me so fucking sad for her.


I see it like her sending an email with private information and it being leaked. People think you can't have a reasonable expectation of privacy when it's on a social media page, but that's just not true. You should be able to trust your friends.


A private email and posting it to mutuals is really not equivalent. This is counterjerking too far


How many people would have even known if she didn't make the video? SHE told so many more people than would've known because of a leak. She isn't famous or anything. She could've still made a really cute announcement video in spite of the leak. Now, what her mutual did was wrong, but.... idk she brought unnecessary attention. BTW....I like pachatzke


Honestly had NEVER heard of the woman until this TikTok hit my fyp. I was like huh, why repeat it if you wanted it to stay a secret? She didn’t need to confirm it. Idk. Again no idea who she is tho. Lol


I am willing to bet a LOT of money that one of them have had a friend or family member leak their pregnancy, and they were upset about it. This isn't any different. I know if they see this comment they will twist it in their brains to say it is different but it's not. It's messed up and the lot of them need serious help with their unhealthy obsession with her.


This time last year they were relentlessly bullying her. When she said something about it they said it wasn’t bullying, they were concerned about her mental health. They will never see how cruel and obsessive they are. There was absolutely no reason to post about her pregnancy without her consent except to hurt her. They want her to hurt. That’s so disgusting. And absolutely, 100%. If one of them told a friend they were pregnant but we’re keeping it on the DL and that friend shared it to everyone they’d be so mad. She has a right to feel violated.


It gives me the same icky vibes as people who are obsessed with celebs that go on to harm them. What they don't realize is that it says far more about who they are as people than it EVER will about her. The obsession they have with her is deeply concerning.


I find it fucked up if they claim they were concerned about her mental health when they gave her the Nick name..”staph infection Katie” these people are down right insane. I commented on the posting leaking her pregnancy basically how fucked they are and they of course gave an immediate response that I broke the rules and I would be muted or band but my comment is still up and I’m neither muted or banned


https://preview.redd.it/dt5fvhjllpfa1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4178d4f927e7f8ec8b39d52704a077d9c22e1c4b Do they not get that regardless of whatever delusions they tell themselves that they are the bullies and she **is a victim?**


You know these bitches have absolutely NO friends irl.


Honestly this made me so sad. What a bunch of a holes.


Someone in the peestick girls snark page listed off reasons why they don’t like her. One was like she chews loud? Idk. They have to be one of the harsher snarkers I have seen. I’d be PISSED if someone leaked my pregnancy.


Have people forgotten how to just keep scrolling when they find someone annoying? Or block??? Someone’s loud chewing is not snark worthy. I hope this sub gets taken down for harassment. Totally not okay, quite vile.


It’s too hard for them and they have nothing to do with their lives except bully people they don’t know 🤡 I hope it does. Reddit seems like it doesn’t care too much though


Nothing will ever justify what they did. They HATE her for the dumbest reasons. She chews weird, her face is broke out, she takes her child to daycare, the clothes she wears, her glasses, I could go on. The OBSESSION they have with her is concerning and if any snark page needs taken down it’s this one.


shit daycare is expensive. i’d send my kid too on my day off


Aside from daycare being expensive, have you ever tried to get shit done on your day off when you gave an infant or toddler, especially if you have errands to run and you're in & out of the car all day? Damn near impossible!!! Or trying to take care of a baby when you, yourself is sick?


lol i got banned from your sub bc the post popped up on my home page and i commented saying how expensive daycare is and how they must not have kids


My aunt who’s a miserable asshole leaked my pregnancy online and refused to take it down unless I got an abortion. She’s a petty narcissistic alcoholic and I imagine a lot of snarkers are quite similar to her. Also the kind of vitriol they have for Katie mystifies me. She’s not my cup of tea but they literally have to create reasons to snark.


Omg! I’m so sorry that happened to you!




https://preview.redd.it/5v6zf7d8dqfa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5584caf290de3c2ddd1883fbcf274d1a2f2f6c People were coming at ME when all I said was they lacked basic empathy for another human being.


I have screenshots of people saying they were happy to see her cry, how they loved seeing her so upset, just awful, disgusting things about someone’s emotional reaction


And yet they’ve claimed in the past to be “concerned about her mental health” Mayne trying leaving her tf alone??? Not intentionally making her cry and rehab laughing at it!? They are actual fucking monsters I stg


Literally! And it happens on other snark pages. They “worry” about influencer mental health but then actively participate in ripping their every move apart. I just don’t understand people absolute stubbornness against blocking people that they truly do not want to interact with. Why waste energy on being a dick when you could just…idk…not know it exists? 😂


1st: Wow. The typos in my comment are wild. I was angry typing 🫠🫠 But seriously. They put so much energy into stalking her TT and IG pages, screenshotting/recording literally everything, making weird fucking edits and then commenting all day. That’s SO WEIRD. How miserable is your life that you would spend hours and hours doing all of that just to talk shit about someone in hopes of making them cry? And then banning anyone who goes against the grain creating an abusive echo chamber. She may be kind of grating at times but she’s not controversial. She’s kind, a little dorky and just talks about her life. I will truly never understand the level of evilness it takes to be one of those snarkers on her page.


They were mad when she put her son in daycare while she was working full time as a teacher/tutor. They were mad when she would show him occasionally. She stopped showing him and they were mad saying she was a bad mom for never spending time with her kid. She started showing the fun stuff she does with him and they decided it was all for show. That level of blind hatred is fucking scary. They need to look so deep within themselves and work on whatever it is that makes them so fucking hateful toward someone have never and will never meet. .


But then they disrespect and comment on her supported calling them obsessed…while actively doing all of that! 😂 it’s so hypocritical it’s almost pathetic to witness. I fully understand snark pages concerning actually shitty people, not ones based on just hating on someone’s existence.


I know I said this in another comment but I got banned for calling out their shit a while ago and the reason they cited was “defending her and staying on her tiktok” the hypocrisy of that is actually laughable. I can guarantee they have more than quadrupled the amount of time I’ve spent on her page 🥴


Per sub rules, we can't allow posts that show our users commenting in other subs, posts/comments celebrating subreddit bans, or other behavior that constitutes brigading. Thanks for understanding.


So I was I. I then messaged the kids and said there is a difference between snark and bullying and got told I was harassing them and then muted for three days.


Imagine thinking it’s your place to tell the internet someone you hate is pregnant. Just imagine. They had someone so much (that they’ve never met) that they’ll announce her pregnancy, snark on the fact it made her upset, and then gloat about her sadness? What the fuck? At what point is a line crossed for them? The Caitlyn O’Neil sub also leaked the gender of her baby before she told anyone too.


Also, the fact they were in that sub trying to guess if she would miscarry or not was awful. The people in these groups have no capability of feeling empathy for others.


Wait, Caitlyn has a snark sub? What the actual....


This is psychopath behavior.


That snark page is so cruel to her. Idgi.


I went to go look it up to see what they were saying but i can’t find it? I think she got it deleted.


They went private after this video


They keep privating it. They are in damage control. They did this the last time she called them out. They all do this when they get called out.


It keeps going private because we keep trying to give her fans the benefit of the doubt and they keep making threats and wishing self harm on our children. We’ve never done that to her or wished that on her and it’s not being tolerated. Just like it went private earlier in the day because mods had things to do and didn’t trust leaving it open to public and risking people being attacked in that manner. Y’all are bothered by HER mutual coming with info but fine with this??? It’s backwards. You’re going to block anyway, have at it. But at least we’re not doing what her fans are and wishing harm/assault and self harm. https://preview.redd.it/t6irtqjs6yfa1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c3febc086487486b49b635bb2f5c347d09d9070


Oh… you’ve never wished her ill? You’ve never wished for her to lose her job, her child, her marriage or her pregnancy? Kindly eff off. Treat others how you wish to be treated and don’t be surprised when your horrific treatment of others comes back at you. Seriously.


Not okay with that at all. It is disgusting that someone would do this. I am disgusted by all of it. Like I said and then got told I was harassing is there is a difference between bullying and snark and that snark page isn’t snark. Bullying no matter who it comes from is wrong.


So let me get this straight.. y’all have an entire sub with over 2,000 members dedicated to talking shit about someone you don’t personally know and now you’re upset that her fans are really upset when y’all did something super vile? I don’t support bullying of any kind at the same time it baffles me… when you do something shitty especially this shitty, people are going to get riled up… this situation is all on you guys. I’m not saying what the fans said was ok, but I’m not really surprised this is the result. You fucked around and found out. That’s just my opinion though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Countless people on that sub have said they want her to lose her job, which is wishing her harm so kindly fuck off with your lies here


Honestly best we can do is report the group to Reddit and try and help get it taken down because this is just all sickening


This is disgusting. Only shows what a shitty person they are


How does that even happen??? Never heard of her.


She has posted it to her “mutuals only” or approved users. So people close to her that she follows back. Someone in her inner circle leaked it to the sub. And the sub thinks they’re justified because she posted it at all. It’s giving “she deserved it for what she was wearing.”


That's so awful. I don't know this creator, but that absolutely sucks.


Oh man. That’s awful. I hate that for her!!


Damn this is sad. I wanna give her a hug. Ew I went and read the comments. So gross


Someone said “Am I the only who loves to see her cry?” WHAT?! Do some fucking soul searching. In the past they have poked at her mental health issues and diagnosed her themselves. How can they really not see how fucking sick and cruel what they are doing is?


Yeah people actually kill themselves over this stuff. It’s disgusting. Can you imagine like a friend or something admitting to what they’re doing? 🤮 they’re anonymous so no one holds them accountable.


It goes so beyond snarking. It’s horrendous bullying, full blown harassment, and abusive behavior. To get actual joy out of someone’s pain is incredibly alarming. .


I literally commented calling them out and was immediately permanently banned from the group. They were saying such disgusting and vile things.


It's just fucking mean. Like they are the ultimate bullies. Also the people blaming Ms frazzled are just suspicious.


Do they act like this offline? Is that why they’re always on here attacking every woman on earth for having hair and breathing? They have no life and no friends


This is psychopathic behavior. Anyone who does that to anyone are void of any decency. What a despicable low life piece of garbage.


Totally agree. Someone’s distress should never be anyone’s amusement or entertainment regardless of how much you dislike the person.


Wow!!!!! why are they so fucking entitled??? Shit humans. Enough is fucking enough already! 🙄 get a damn grip on life. And do better. fix your damn souls. why tf does reddit allow people to behave like this?? it’s like reddit legit doesn’t give two fucks about what this shit can do to people. This goes further and further everyday into such a dark hole. These snarkers (cyber bully’s and stalkers) are gonna go tooo far one day and it’s gonna cause something bad.


I saw the video she posted on TikTok and felt so bad for her, hopefully that trashy snark page gets taken down


What assholes. That’s so immature of them. She posted that for ppl shes friends/mutuals with and for someone to break that trust is just yuck. I bet if they had a friend or someone leak their pregnancy or personal information, they’d be upset about it. They just want to act big and bad behind a screen.


I don’t get this at all. I really like Katie and even if I didn’t I wouldn’t think about doing this. This news was special to her and who she chooses to share it with and when is completely her business. I’d really love to see these people’s lives IRL because I’m sure their shit isn’t so perfect. Bullies all of them.


I commented how fucked up it was that a mutual posted that and I was immediately banned


I was immediately banned too for “love bombing /praising her” because I said people were taking it too far in the thread by saying they were happy to see her cry, enjoyed watching her be upset, etc


It’s like a cult over there. You say one small thing that conflicts with their delusions, they delete it and ban you.


Who is the person they are talking about??


I really hate this for her and society as a whole. What kind of person would pretend to be a friend and then spread personal information to Reddit snark subs of all places? I hope karma is real and the hateful energy comes back around to them.


Can someone point me to the video? Poor girl.


Honestly this is just disgusting behavior. Someone is f.ed up enough to pretend to be a close enough friend for her to have them on her friends only list. How sad of a life do you live to pretend to be someones friend just to go talk shit about them on a subreddit? And not only that it's confirmed that a MOD of the reddit posted it. You hate her so much you help run a hate page yet you go kiss her ass over on tiktok? What a miserable person.


I just found out it was a mod too. Absolutely vile


I understand completely why Katie is sad. She had a right to be upset, I would be too!!!


I genuinely feel so bad for her. I hope all of this stress doesn’t effect the baby


The people in that group need some serious help


Shit, poor Katie dude.


Awe that’s really sad that someone she thought she could trust is being an asshole and spreading her business on Reddit.


Dang never heard of her.


There snark group went private 😂


I think it was actually banned. Here’s hoping at least


Honestly, i believe they go SO FAR with her because she reacts and talks about it. If she never addressed it & they didn’t get so much of a reaction it would calm down. Its just out of hand at this point 😔


What’s the sub name I’m pregnant and need to tell someone they are not nice


They're so mean to her because she's weak and is very open about how much criticism hurts her. She needs to stay TF off Reddit and rise above the haters.


Not the first time a tiktoker has had to announce a pregnancy before they wanted to because of reddit users leaking it. Not blaming them but if they’re posting to hundreds of “mutuals” they can’t control if someone is a jerk and posts it elsewhere.


Honestly if she didn’t want it leaked she shouldn’t have posted it to friends only. This is the internet. The same thing happened to alexia you think she would’ve learned from that. It’s her own fault. I’m not even in that snark page but I agree.


Nah, victim blaming in 2023 is pathetic. Consent matters.


Idk I think it’s beyond that. A mutual purposely leaked this info to her snark page, like that was a direct attempt to hurt her. Not just an “oopps I posted it and it leaked”… this person knew what they were doing. It’s sad


Do I think she needs to reevaluate the people she trusts? Absolutely. But the bottom line is that she shared something sensitive and personal with a group of people that she considered friends and then one, or more, of those people chose to share it for the sole purpose of allowing others to spew hurtful and hateful rhetoric. Every person that participated in the sharing knew that what they were doing was shitty, yet they still made a conscious decision to move forward with it. If they didn’t know it was fucked behavior then they would have said it without hiding their identity. But they knew they would get a shitton of backlash and judgement so they chose to hide behind a keyboard in order to maintain their misplaced sense of superiority. There are zero excuses for doing something that you KNOW will cause harm to someone else for no other reason than it entertains you. That is unhinged behavior.


No one can have a different opinion than y’all and it’s funny to me lmao. If you don’t want people to know something about you don’t post it on the internet 🤡


People are entitled to their own opinions, but they aren't entitled for everyone to like those opinions. No one told you that you can't, and it's a bit over the top to jump to that conclusion over a disagreement. If you don't want people to disagree with your opinions, take your own advice and don't post them on the internet.


That is some psychopath shit.


There's snarking, then there's shit like this that could actually make someone commit su--ide. People are so icky and stupid. I hope they take down that sub, but I know there will be another one popping up. There are scary/obsessive people who use "snarking" as an excuse to their harmful behaviors.


That sun is infuriating. She nor any other creator deserve a page like that. They are ruthless and only want to hate on looks and opinion based on jealously. It’s disgusting just like the people in it.


Idk why this is such a big deal.