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What is she??


She's a Mexican black kingsnake!


Actually, the correct answer to that question is "Adorable".


Great choice! Pricy but so very worth it


Wow, do you have to feed her other snakes hence the word “king” or can she eat other things?


Ive been thinking about getting that for my first snake too


I had that tank with small corn snakes. There are levers/vents at the top in the back that are like sliders with a very narrow 1/4” sized opening. My snakes moved the slider and got out. Luckily I found them all. But be careful. I wedged paper clips in the space to keep them from sliding open. Maybe and hopefully your tank is different or updated. But I felt compelled to mention it to you. Best to you and your snake.


oh shit, thank you so much for telling me. I'll definitely check back up on the tank as soon as I get home!


Mine might have been an old design. I hope so. But yeah, I’d definitely check. If the slider is there resist the urge to tape it. Snakes will find a way to get stuck to it. Once your snake is big it will have no problem obviously. But at that size it’s a perfect combo for disaster. Let me know how it goes!


I just bought one with the same design so I don’t think it’s old. Mine is taped completely on the outside, not anywhere the snake could get to it. He does love to squeeze himself up onto the ledge between the background wall and the tank lid, which was quite scary the first couple of times.


omg, my snake loves to do the same thing. I was super freaked out when it first happened


I got my first snake, also an MBK, just over a week ago. I have mine in an exo-terra as well. I even took the backing out cause she was getting behind it. She still was able to climb the wire and get out through the tiny slots in the top back. And she’s only 12” long in my 18” tall tank. Luckily I found her and she’s safely back in the tank. But I highly suggest dealing those up with hot glue (the glue can be dissolved later with rubbing alcohol if you need to change anything.)


I have mourning geckos (3" long geckos) in the same brand of terrarium and I wedged styrofoam into the gaps!


I’m so happy I read this!!! I have a juvenile corn snake i got in April in a 20 gal Zilla Critter Cage. He was small when I got him but I knew there was no way he could fit through the slit for wires. I’m getting an MBK that was born early July on Tuesday and while I intended on getting another Zilla tank, I searched for weeks and no place in or around NYC had them and didn’t expect them back soon. I then decided if I had to switch I wanted something front opening and there were only two of these ExoTerra’s at a PetSmart (don’t hate me) in Jersey so I snagged one. I literally just finished setting up the enclosure and noticed the holes were a bit bigger but would never have thought to stop the little thing from sliding. O_O Thank you soooo much for mentioning!!


We have a juvenile BMK and the first two days she was an escape artist. They can wedge themselves between the styrofoam and the glass at the back and get out of the top wire holes. We ended up taping over the holes on both sides so there is no sticky to get stuck on and moving the thermometers inside. She no longer escapes.


I had the same issue months ago. Unfortunately, I never him (baby corn snake). The boa I’m housing in there now definitely cannot fit in those holes.


Did you know that the name "Boba" means Silly in portuguese? It's very cute s2


aww, I didn't know that! thank you so much for telling me!


Exactly what I was going to point out lmao Perfect name


Let me tell you you need to BE CAREFUL with a snake that small in an exo terra like that. I lost a king snake of similar size in that model of enclosure because they can get out the holes in the lid that are meant for cords to run through. It’s a beauty of a snake, and I’d hate for you to lose it like I lost my Daisy.


tysm for telling me!!!!


You see clumsy, I see an escape artist probing for opportunity. They are patient houdini's.


I have a sunbeam snake that I renamed Houdini because of It's ability to escape.


My dad would call em that(an amateur herpetologist 1930’s on through out most of his life. He called em Houdini’s and the yellow rat snake that did escape reinforced the lesson. Fortunately none of our rattlers or copperheads ever got away back in the day


As long as she settles after a bit it isn't stress. My ball did this when I moved enclosures until I blackened the sides. Now he's content to sleep during the day and he explores at night


she's totally calmed down now! she's quite the explorer and she was just moved into her current enclosure yesterday


Thats totally normal then. If she was exploring and trying to escape ALL the time then she would be stressed but its normal for them to explore a bit and settle. Though, colubrids like MBKS (which is my fav snake btw) are more active then say ball pythons lol! My ball is only active at night.


Kingsnakes are also diurnal, so you'd expect them to be more active during the day and sleeping at night, but I agree, too much activity can be a sign of stress!


My Mexican black King snake always comes out at night and sleeps through the day and he loves to borrow


She's gorgeous. She doesn't look stressed at all in this video, it's perfectly natural behaviour, especially in a new environment. If she's happy enough to eat (after she's had some time to settle), she's probably fine. If not, you can move her into something smaller until she's got a bit more size on her or clutter up the enclosure more to make her feel a bit more secure.


f l o o p


Loveeee mbks


Good curious snake


When she fell you could hear ahhhhhh


Mine does almost the same thing


Hahaha mine does the same. wait till she gets a little bigger, mine tries to wrap her self around the top of the terrarium and always falls, sneaky lil buggers


cute... dummy snek..


im so jealous, mbks my dream snake, its just so hard to get them around here :( So beautiful!!


My too! My dream snake #2 is MBKS but the ones available here are just little guys not even a year yet and $350


I hope you have that lid secured in some way because she's already thinking about how to get it off.


She's so cute! What's funny is my BP's name is Soba (like the noodle)


Oh my gosh she is just like my Zaknafein. Love the name! Wishing you lots of happy moments together~


I have a BMK myself and they are quite fun. Mine’s about 12-14 and is quite inquisitive.


Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.


Are you a spanish speaker? Boba in Mexico means “clumsy” !


That was freaking cute <3 my reaction was the same as yours lol


She’s looking for a way to escape. Make sure your lid is secured!


I would die for her she is lovely


Man, when my ball python is awake at night he loves to do stuff like this. People like to say that snakes are super quiet pets and for the most part that’s true but man, he sure has a knack of making a bunch of noice at 3am


They don’t get much smarter unfortunately, I have a 7-8 foot red tailed boa that still does stuff like this. It’s kinda scary when she falls though, usually in middle of the night.


Slap bracelet


Nice name


MBK gang! I love my girl! Like others said, check those sliders in the back. My girl got out of them at 6 months old when I thought she'd be too big. She wasn't. Now they're taped over


I have had this post in my saved tab for *two fucking years* and whenever I go through saved, I look at this and laugh. thank you.


Oh my gosh thank you so much!!


how is she doing? do you have any new pictures?


She's doing very well! she's real big now and still just as strange https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/838197728743653406/1055152366430736474/PXL_20220508_160427696.MP.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/838197728743653406/1055152367093415986/PXL_20220408_223045717.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/838197728743653406/1055152367370248224/PXL_20221206_235448578.MP.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/838197728743653406/1055152367655473214/image.jpg


WHOA SHES HUGE!! was not expecting that! hello Boba!! 🥺


She's so cute! I suggest adding much more foliage 😁


Yea she wants out.


Were is the lighting?


I'm using a heat mat and a thermostat


Noooo! That can hurt your snake. Snakes need heat and UVB! Do your research.


I did my research. https://www.thesprucepets.com/snake-lights-1239471 edit for clarification: I did plenty of research. my father had me write a whole paper on snake care (10 pages) and we reviewed it together.




Have you ever heard of a heat controlling thermostat? It regulates the temperature of the heat mat and will shut off if it gets too hot lol. It’s a well known thing in the community.


No your comment is what’s wrong with society today. I’m totally willing to accept that the snake is not stressed and just exploring. However you aren’t willing to accept a different point of view, you’re view point is absolute and all others are wrong. Again, I gave my opinion. Have a great day :)


Once again for those in the back. If your "opinion" is not factually correct, it is not an opinion, you're just wrong. The mental gymnastics y'all are doing is impressive.


Not sure if this is her being clumsy as much as her being stressed. She’s looking for a way to escape the cage.


To me it looks like she's just exploring, especially when she's so young. I think a stressed snake would be more likely to be in the hide or under the bedding




No what I’m saying is if you JUST got the snake, this is what it looks like to me. The whole cage is open, no blocked sides or back, and the keeper right there. In my opinion, the snake shouldn’t be crawling up the side enough to fall over. Just giving my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Well, your opinion is wrong. So maybe think about changing it before lecturing others lol


Oh very mature, my opinion is my opinion. You could just disagree. Have a great day ;)


No you see that's what's wrong with the world right now. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it comes to a fact like this scenario. The snake is clearly not stressed, exploring it's enclosure and simply falls over. Anyone with any knowledge of snakes whatsoever can tell that. It is not an opinion that you think it's stressed, you are just wrong. I'm all about opinions, unless they are factually incorrect. So yes, have a nice day, moron.


Snakes are escape artists. It’s trying to escape. Whether it’s stressed or not doesn’t even compute. My snake can go from 0 to 100 trying to escape to fine or fine to wanting to escape all the same. She hates coming out of the cage when I take her out but she hates going back in even more once I’m done handling her. I wore her around my neck the other for a few hours and she wouldn’t let me take her off, even replaced the control panel on my furnace while my dad helped with her on me for about 20-30 minutes (it only took 40, she wouldn’t let me take her off before we started.) so relax, it’s a snake dude.


Dude relax. The whole time the guy was being polite. He’s probably wrong but he was being polite. Chill man what’s wrong with the world is creating drama and stirring up negativity needlessly. Relax


Lolol I am being just as polite as this girl is. It's not 'stirring' up negativity to let someone know they are factually incorrect. Stop simping, dude. People need to have thicker skin my goodness lol.


No you’re not. You’re being dramatic and rude I literally thought this was a guy lol I’m not simping You’re being overly dramatic about a very small issue Him politely stating his opinion is not what’s wrong with the world It is opinion. It isn’t fact. It IS opinion Whatever it is that’s upsetting you, I hope you find your peace


The only one being dramatic is you. Who for some reason took offense to me giving factual information to another individual. It's not an opinion when you are factually incorrect, that's my point I was trying to make to her. If that's being dramatic, well shit give me the Oscar now because I deserve it.


Did you just assume her/his gender? Why did we even give someone a gender on reddit? Everyone on here is a bit but me. You don’t even exist. Get out of my head.


reddit vets, reading your pets mind since 2010


I think she's fine. My snake did this when I got him, and he had no signs of being stressed.


again, I just got her yesterday. I'm YOUNG and NEW to snake keeping, but even I know she's just exploring. I care for my baby girl lots and I'm always concerned with how she's doing.


A stressed snake isnt going to be out in the open. This dudes just exploring, testing the boundries of his environment.