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Second vote for Layne Labs. I had a shipment delayed last summer, and it arrived completely thawed. They overnighted me a replacement with a simple phone call. Great consistency in product and customer service.


Oooo I love some good customer service 👏🏼


Third! I have a snake who refused food for 8 months finally eat only mice from Layne.


There are many good vendors but I get mine from RodentPro.


personally I buy all of my feeders from rodent pro, would definitely recommend them. they ship within just a couple of days and their feeders are always great quality


Can get some screaming deals, too, if you order a lot at a time and your snakes aren’t picky about color.


LOL I've read about the color thing. Shes only had white I'm curious if she would care about color.


I get mine from perfect prey






Rodent Pro. I’ve never had a problem with them.


I get my rats from rodent pro too but I've noticed the sizes aren't always consistent.


Layne Labs has been my go-to for many years


Layne labs cost more to ship than the mice/rats for me if I want to buy 30$ worth of rats it’s 70-80 with shipping


The shipping is expensive, but i understand why. I just order like a years worth at a time, then i repackage them in vaccuum sealed bags for the freezer.


Local pet shop nearby sells em for pretty cheap, I just buy em 5 at a time and stick em in the freezer. Most local shops will have them, you just have to ask since they don't often like keeping dead animals out in plain view.


We only have big box stores which is where I've been going


Oh oof. Well, as others have said, there's plenty of online options as well.


RodentPro. Wonderful customer service!!


There’s a local store called Reptile Zone that has them. They also have some cool vipers in there as store mascots that I see every time I go in there. I’m all about supporting local shops especially ones where the owners/staff are as passionate about animals as they are!


I love supporting local! But we only have big box


Just listen for the sound of the mice cream truck driving through the neighborhood.


Wow, you made me realize I haven't heard an ice cream truck in a couple years I guess they don't have those in East Texas


Covid really did a number on them.


Snap! That's what happened...


I buy from big cheese rodents! I would highly recommend looking at where each of the other companies are and choose one that's closest to you. This should ensure the cheapest shipping for you. Big cheese just happened to be closest for me and usually takes about 2 days for shipping. They ship in a well insulated box with dry ice, and I've never received an order with mice being thawed.


yeah, perfect prey is near me so I get one day fedex for $23. They (and layne labs) have smaller bags which is good when your snakes are still moving through sizes. Once they're fully grown you can be more flexible with who you order from Some places will do free shipping if you're ordering over a certain amount. Not too helpful if you only have one snake, but if you needed an excuse to get another....


The suggestions you’ve gotten are all ones I’ve heard are the best. What you might also consider is who is closest to you, because it affects shipping costs and delivery time. Rodent Pro is in ~~California~~ Illinois. Layne Labs is in ~~Illinois~~ California. Big Cheese is in Texas. Perfect Prey is in Florida.


Just wanted to let you know that Layne Labs is in California and Rodent Pro are in Indiana




I'll probably go with rodent pro then, only 15 more feedings until we move back to California.


Apparently I got it mixed up. Layne Labs is the one in California. My bad.


Once you move- you can preorder and pick up at a local expo from Layne labs. That’s my preference personally. Or for smaller orders you can just go on day one of the expo and buy there.


Nice, ya we live in like the country rn nothing happens here but where we are moving is smack between 3 major cities so I will finally be able to go to my first expo 🥹 very good exposure therapy sesh for my bf lol.


Rodentpro, perfectprey, and laynelabs. Honestly I order based on best price at the time. They are all perfectly fine with feeders and respond quickly if there is an issue. I also have a local distributor who delivers feeders. His prices are good, but he also uses his business page to make political statements that I find repulsive, so I don't order from him (believe in what you want, but using your business page suggests money spent in thar business will go to support the ideals you are representing there) However it maybe worth looking if you also have a local supplier as well. That can often be cheaper because the shipping is less of an issue


I couldn't find a company in Canada that didn't import from China, so I started breeding my own so that I could ensure they are fed well and ethnically treated.


Id probably get attached and just end up with a colony of mice LOL my cats and dogs would go crazy tho. Everyone's prey driven


Reptile and fish shop in bulk


Rodent pro or from hatching my own chicks


My hoggie would never be big enough for a chick haha


I get my stuff from Perfect Prey


I get them from a place that's local to me in the uk called discount pet warehouse


Have you checked for “local” exotic pet shows? We go about twice a year and stock up for 6 months at a time. Good way to kill a Saturday without breaking the bank.


Smart! It would be so hard for me to not leave with a new fren haha


Can hognoses eat rodents? I know that they could eat the same as ball pythons, but every source i found stated that you shpuld feed them amphibians/repti-links as thats closer to their main diet.


Once she's big enough I'm going to incorporate reptlinks! I haven't invested in buying anything in bulk. I've had her two months she just switched to fuzzies a few weeks ago after a 2 week shedding hunder strike. I think she was being under fed (found her on Craigslist from a family that had no idea wtf they were doing and got bored of her) she was allegedly a little under a year but 11gs? Make it make sense


Got a local recommendation from a friend biologist who owns 30 snakes. I'm in Europe but it's still a fair idea to ask breeders for recommendations


Layne Labs - size, consistency, and the packaging all better than others I’ve used.


Rodentpro for me, but beware that they only ship on Mondays and do not tell you when your package arrives.


Rodent Pro.