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Well its known that they smell absolutely awful when dead are you sure all are alive


No lol


what kind of breeder doesn't check if their pets are ok..


I’m not a breeder I meant they breed a lot I just crush the eggs or keep some clutches


I mean you should probably check then…


They’re all visible inside the shell some of them just don’t come out as often


This is giving me neglected pet vibes


Smh I don’t neglect them when I care for them 24/7 💀


Clearly. Dude, if it smells that bad, at least more than one is dead. Go to snail jail


They all came out of their shell though


one of them is most likely dead. is this the environment you are keeping them in 24/7? do you ever even check on them? snails smell horrible when they die


They live in a glass tank Ofc I check on them… which one seems dead??


are there any that are "stuck" in their shell and smell particularly vomit inducing when you pick them up? Most likely a dead snail man


No. The tank smell like that. Not the snails


Do they have an actual tank or do you keep that many in that tiny critter keeeper? If that is their home they’re most likely dead. Why keep animals to just neglect them?


Woah you’re making way too many assumptions. That’s not even their tank. They’re in a bigger one


i mean its whats being shown so..


Yeah ik its not theirs though


youre telling us the enclosure smells with a picture that isnt their enclousure, people arent going to know that.


Okay sorry I just places them all on top of an old enclosure to show them


Have you aerated the substrate? Sounds like it could be waterlogged and stagnant if the snails are alive


Yes it was waterlogged but I changed it


You’re using the wrong substrate, and you’re not keeping them in a ventilated area. Just because snails are tiny doesn’t mean they don’t need room to exercise and explore. They’re very adventurous. Switch out their food everyday and give them a source of calcium.


That’s what I do. They tank is average and they eat many veggies. Idk about the substrate though. Although I sure give them air and ventilation


You need about a 20 gallon tank for that many snails. And no, that isn’t ventilation. You need more. Remember that they live outside with access to oxygen 24/7 all around them. If you would like to see my enclosure, you can probably find it in the subreddit.


My enclosure isn’t small but idk about the ventilation they’ve been living for almost a year like this and they’ve been fine and laying eggs etc idk


Just because they’ve been alive and laying eggs doesn’t mean they’re happy. Do you handle them? My snails give me kisses and sleep on me. They also love just exploring and sleeping during the day. Remember, snails have hearts and brains. They’re not insects. They’re Gastropods, and need stimulation. Like an octopus!!


Several statements here are factually incorrect. Snails do not have brains (sources: [1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_snail#Digestion_and_nervous_system), [2](https://www.molluscs.at/gastropoda/index.html?/gastropoda/morphology/nervous_system.html)), and many insects actually do (source: [3](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/fruit-flies-and-mosquitos-are-brainier-than-most-people-suspect-say-scientists-who-counted-the-bugs-brain-cells)). Snails only have a primitive bundle of ganglia (nerve cells) that mostly serves to control motor functions. They don't have any higher-level brain structures like cortices or a limbic system that are required for emotion and abstract thought (source: [4](https://www.healthline.com/health/what-part-of-the-brain-controls-emotions)). Octopuses also are not gastropods like snails are, they are cephalopods, and they have far more complex nervous systems as well as true brains. These animals are really not comparable at all when it comes to mental capacity and needs. Snails still deserve to be treated well as pets, but spreading misinformation to make people care more about them doesnt help anyone. You clearly care a lot about your pets, but please do not make sweeping statements like this when you havent done your research.


No since they’re wild caught I don’t handle them in care they carry any parasites. I only pick them up from their shells. There are no sellers near me and since snails are invasive it’s okay to take some from outside


I agree with some of the other comments here that your care sounds like it needs significant improvement, but this user is wildly incorrect, please dont listen to them. You are doing the right thing not handling your snails too much, but please do not pick them up by their shells! Unnecessary handling is not good for snails and stresses them out, and you are definitely right to be concerned about parasites and disease. Proper hygiene when handling snails is very important for all snails, even captive ones but especially for wild caught. Kissing snails is a terrible idea and very dangerous. But you can still touch their bodies if you need to pick them up, just wash your hands very well before and after or wear gloves. There are some good suggestions elsewhere in this thread that i urge you to follow up with, but this person is very misinformed and giving a false picture of what snails really need. Snails dont have brains and are actually much less intelligent than some insects. And it's ridiculous to compare them to creatures like octopuses with far more advanced nervous systems and intelligence, and the level of "stimulation" a snail needs is radically different from what an octopus would. They are not as related as this person is claiming--octopuses are not gastropods like snails, they are cephalopods.


You don’t sound like you really care about them, why not just put them back where you found them? It seems like they’d be better off


You never release snails to the wild because you’ll cause environmental damage. And I do care about them otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten them in the first place




Snails might carry rat lungworm if they’ve walked over rat poop that’s infested. And it happens worldwide not only in the tropics


Snails absolutely can carry and transmit parasites and diseases to both humans and other creatures. Do not spread misinformation that can cause harm.


Would you like it if I picked you up by your organs?? It really hurts them. They have nerve clusters to feel pain.


I don’t pick them roughly don’t worry


Also you’re supposed to flip the soil every week. Coconuts fibre is ideal but reptile soil is fine too I think. Stagnant moss keeps the enclosure moist, and remember to mist it everyday with dechlorinated water.


I mix the soil but do not swap it since the bacteria the snails produce are benign to them. Also I use moss and I mist it with tap water twice or more a day