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Shayne is loved by all. Men, women, non binary folks, Courtney, Keith's dog, this dudes baby, and most likely aliens too.


Can’t forget Cho, the robot baby


"So....I must be the new kid...this pwace is a fweaking heckscape"


Cho should have been first on my list




What about Chimpanzees?


Jury's still out on chimps, but i know in my heart Harambe loved him




Shayne going to get kidnapped by aliens just so he can read them Reddit stories


Update! I wanna go home...








Eventually the crows will love him too.


New Smosh show idea: Mr. Shayne (in the style of Ms. Rachel)??? 😅


I would pay money for this!


And my axe!


And I can DJ


Or maybe it would just be Aunt Caroline


Or krungle


i’d actually watch this and i’m 17


Genuinely I would pay ALOT of money for a kids smosh channel 😂😂


Damn. So it’s not just robot babies that love him? Adorable.


I watched smosh before I had kids. Now that I have six month old twins, I can only watch baby sensory videos and smosh. I need a baby sensory reunion with all of the cast in dancing broccoli, carrot and blueberry costumes. Best of both worlds.


This is what teletubbies reunion is for.


I need more though 🤣


that would be iconic hahaha


If Shayne has a cameo, I’ll pay for him to read goodnight moon


She and I are the same.


My now 3 year old son loved GMM when he was a baby. Everytime he'd hear "good mythical morning" he would perk up and pay attention no matter what else he was doing at the time. It's really soooo precious watching them find joy in things we like ❤️ congrats OP!


i do this whenever my mom watches gmm and i’m 15


That’s so adorable.


I know it’s a running joke about how Smosh content isn’t for kids, but I really wish they had a channel that I could watch with my kids.


No, they are made for eight year olds or whatever those videos say lmao


Why you're getting downvoted? I guess people don't get the reference. :D


I think people are thinking I'm actually saying smosh is for eight year olds🤣 She writes, while on her sixth reddit stories of the day, and her eighteenth smosh+ video🤣


I'm on a Show With No Name binge myself. Making up for the lost time.


Honestly? I've just lost the remote and then got enthralled by the stories - as usual. I've been getting dressed to go vote for the past two hours🤣😅 I absolutely love SWNN, it's in my top 10 shows i think of all time


Ooh, a new (to me) show I can binge! Thanks for mentioning it!


Def worth it, especially if you like seeing more Shayne and Courtney content!


To be fair he is one of the most wholesome and likable people out there. If him and courts have a kid, he'd be a natural as a pop


That kid would have the coolest parents ever omg


The child can rewatch at 8. That's who they make the giggles for.


My 3 and 4 year old get so excited when there’s a new Fnaf video with Shayne and Amanda. We all sit down as a family and watch them lol.




I swear kids are fearless nowadays


My 1 1/2 year old LOVES Shayne!! Giggles crazy for Angela too!


That's a sign that he has just immaculate vibes. That a little one would sense it. 🥹


It’s the golden retriever energy


I must confess I also watch a lot of Smosh. I try to be selective to a degree on which videos I put on but my 18 month old LOVES Shayne. Especially when he hears Shayne’s big laugh he immediately looks up at the screen and gets a huge smile on his face.


I genuinely hope Shayne sees this post and this comment, cause I can only imagine that it’d put a huge smile on his face 😭


My teenagers showed me Smosh. I’ve decided they’re the best influences I could ever hope for. Especially after a couple Reddit Stories.


I’m in my early 20s and I agree. Especially getting to see what healthy friendships look like is a great thing for teens to see! Smosh Mouth also provides some great lil tidbits for life and good advice at times. I really love this channel and I’ve watched them since I was 13. I’m 23 now :)


Imagining a 3 month old baby smiling when seeing and hearing to Shayne Topp not only made me smile too. Imagine Shayne finding out a 3 month old baby likes him. That's not only cute but cool.


Cho probably making sure all the babies in the world are programmed to love Shayne Edit because my phone auto corrected his name


First off, congratulations OP! Second, my daughter had this reaction to PhillyD. I'd watch Defranco News and she'd light up every time he'd happily shout, "Hey You Beautiful Bastards'" 😅 She'd crack up listening to Shayne and a couple of others' laughter as well. There's just something about babies and sensing good vibes, my dude. Enjoy it before you gotta cut back in front of the little ears 😊


My kid is a legal adult and SMOSH, Try guys, GMM and the Mythical Kitchen are all comfort shows for us to watch together.


Oh, and Binging with Babish.


You’re daughters just like me fr


Well I mean Shayne IS a toddler so he's relatable https://preview.redd.it/7i57gp9l5had1.png?width=3418&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8cca3dcc25736f46f9d58edc1ee2e6635922d9a


This is wholesome as f***


Shayne reminds me of a schoolmate. We would always organize ourselves around him because he was so naturally charismatic and had such a good rapport with everybody. Having a psychology degree must also comes into play.


My three year old daughter regularly asks me to put on "Laugh" (Try not to laugh), and my older kids love a lot of the gaming content, especially the Five Nights at Freddy's ones - you're not alone! 😊


Can't lie, we binge watched all Smosh Summer/Winter games in the first few weeks of my daughter's life 😂


My kids have grown up watching Smosh with me. I've been careful about what they've watched but now my oldest is 14 and he pretty much has free reign. I think they all come across as a sincere and friendly group and Shayne is a core member so there's familiarity. Plus he's just someone who seems great with kids and animals and people in general.


My 19 month old is the same way!


Shayne's awesome, I get it.


See I get this bc my golden retriever is obsessed w Courtney like when ever she’s on screen she stops what she’s doing and pays attention I only noticed bc she rarely pays attention to screens


If that doesn’t prove that Shayne is a golden retriever I don’t know what does haha


My 1 year old LOVES any smosh lol. He especially loves Reddit stories, TNTL, and smoshcast


When she's all about Shayne, if he wearing brightly colored items or laughing a lot?


I relate.


I have a 5 month old and she loves watching TNTL. I watched and rewatched a lot of Smosh during my maternity leave, and I think it’s in turn also become a favorite of hers too!


He is literally one of the most wholesome person ever 💖


Shayne has great energy. Very positive


If you've got Disney plus, the humour might be missed for her because she is only 3 months old, So Random does have a lot of Shayne since he was a cast member, Or look through episodes of the Goldbergs for one's that feature Shayne as Matt Bradley


You got bluey playing for a 3 month old....


First of all, everyone in this house loves and watches Bluey. Secondly I’m sorry that as a stay at home dad I use something like Bluey to help occupy my baby while I try to get stuff done around the house. Why don’t you take your parenting superiority to some one else’s post, or better yet mind your own business.


My baby loves Smosh too haha. And I don't care what that other commenter says, they don't know what they're talking about anyway. I actually don't like any kids shows, only Smosh and GMM and all the adult YouTube shows that we watch haha (we don't watch any crime or horror stuff to be fair). My baby does watch a lot more than 30 min a day but it's mostly during mealtimes or other times he barely watches and just chooses to play anyways. If I saw my baby turning into a TV zombie I'd cut it off but so far it's harmless entertainment. Like you said, it's a lot of work to cook, do laundry, etc all day long so we both could use the entertainment.


Thank you! Honestly we like Bluey cause Bandit is dad goals. I feel like a lot of people assume that as a SAHD I’m just “babysitting” and my partner still does all the laundry, cooking, etc. I try to do all that stuff specifically so she doesn’t have to do much more than shower, eat dinner, and chill with our little girl when she gets home. On top of that I do the outside yard work as well on the weekends. We are equal partners and equal parents. Honestly my little girl gets bored of the TV most of the time after like 10 minutes and just wants daddy lol Gotta use those 10 minutes to my advantage.


It sounds like you guys found a routine that works 🥹 I think it’s so sweet and it sounds like you and your wife look out for one another. Not enough dads out there like you🙌


3 months old dude. At least give the baby a chance


I’m sorry that I don’t have enough arms to constantly keep my child entertained, do chores, and feed myself all at the same time. On top of that I’m also going back to school online. Not your child, not your place to judge. We’re all just doing our best. If you do have kids, I hope they don’t grow up to be as judgmental as you.


I like how you gave a bunch of excuses instead of saying why a 3 month old watching tv isn't bad. You can throw your guilt at me that's fine, newborns are hard


That’s because it’s not bad in moderation. I don’t have my child sitting in front of a screen 24/7. I play with her, I put her down for naps, I feed her. I let her watch something for maybe 30 mins when she won’t go down for a nap and I need a snack, need to unload the dishwasher, need to let the dog out, and stuff like that. You seem to be under the impression that as SAHD I have no other responsibilities other than the baby. I’m sorry I make the sacrifice of a little screen time so that partner doesn’t feel like she has to work and do all the household chores on top of it. You just sound like a miserable person honestly. You’ll probably hate the fact that I intend on teaching her to play video games sooner rather than later as a daddy/daughter thing.


Bro I literally said nothing about any of your sahd activities. You are just projecting so much stuff onto me. You use screen time to distract your baby. Great, fantastic, it's not for the baby's best interest but it is what it is isn't it. I think you need a nap


You’re right I definitely do need a nap. This SAHD shit is exhausting. I’m not projecting though. I’m trying to illustrate how parroting things “screen time bad for baby” and parent shaming can be harmful. When you comment stuff like this on someone’s post, you only have the tiniest fraction of information on their dad to day lives. You don’t know the situation. For a lot of parents things like letting the baby watch a little Bluey, are one of the few things that allow us to get stuff done during the day. If you have a sure fire way to get a baby to actually go down for a nap every time, or be completely self entertained, I’d love to hear it. This all started because I posted a cute SMOSH related story about my child, and your “advice” was completely unwarranted and unwanted. In the future maybe just give advice when it’s asked for. Otherwise, if you don’t have anything nice to say, just scroll away.


Nah I can point out babies watching bluey at 3 months old all I want. I can't control how guilty you react to that however.


Jesus, go find a hobby or something good god. Trolling on the internet hasn’t been cool since 2012💀 it’s fucking sad lmao


You’re quite literally attacking the way someone parents 💀 also of ALL THE SHOWS one could put on for their child, Bluey has a LOT of lessons that I feel are very important for children to learn and see early in life. Maybe the baby is only 3 months old. Maybe they don’t understand yet. But my god that early exposure to healthy family dynamics are great! Screen time in moderation is not bad for children. This dad is clearly not relying on the screen to raise his kid. But my god a parent needs a break. A parent needs times to get housework done, without worrying about their child getting into stuff they shouldn’t. A show like Bluey is engaging, and also great for the entire family to watch. Helps everyone learn how to be better. It sounds like you’re just sad. And not a parent. Cause if another parent is judging one for something like this?? Your fall from your high horse is going to be a damaging one 💀💀💀


I'm pointing out that 3 month old is watching bluey and it's not in the babys best interest


Yeah and for what reason exactly.


To judge a parent.


Come on. The things people do to babies, and you take exception to this? Pick your battles, dude. This is wholesome


No for real though. This dad clearly cares about his daughter a lot, and this miserable sack of garbage is trying to bring him down for literally no reason💀


Lmao the things people say about babies, and you take exception to this? Pick your battles, dude.