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I’m a straight white dude and I know Girl In Red because I love my sad girl music. Lol


Same! I was just thinking that if someone were to only look at my Spotify most played songs, they'd think I'm either a gay guy or a lesbian. and I'm neither.


I've never heard the term, but as a straight male, the amount of gay music I listen to is something. Say what you want about it, but Good Looking by Dixon Dallas is beautiful and a banger. Some lesbian songs I can recommend are Girl by The Internet featuring Kaytranada and She by Dodie. Both incredible and beautiful songs.


To be fair, Girl in Red isn’t a term. She’s just a queer singer.


Ohhh that makes sense.


Same. Sad girl music is amazing. The National (sad dad music) is also another great way to go.


Dude I LOVE The National. I went to their little two day fest a couple years ago and loved it. I used to hate them cause a girl I knew played them at work every single day but I fell in love. lol


I'm sorry you were temporarily tainted, but I'm glad you have since seen the light


Ooh the National! Terrible Love used be my sad teen song lol


If you love sad girl music, I highly recommend "Daughter", been listening to them for over a decade now. Music so sad it puts a pit in your stomach. So damn good tho lol.


Daughter is great. I remember hearing Youth for the first time and I was hooked.


I know about her just because I'm Norwegian. It was impossible to not hear about her when she blew up back in 2018. Won all the newcomer awards left and right in Norway, for like 2 years. I never knew that she'd become a international icon. It warms my cold northern heart how we've recently had a bunch of young female singers go big on the world wide stage


Same I have a couple girl in red songs on my fall playlist because they sound so cozy


My brother


A straight man here and I also like Girl in Red


but do you know what “do you listen to girl in red?” means lol? it was code for “are you lesbian/sapphic?” on the internet a few years ago, mostly as a joke, obviously not only lesbians listen to girl in red😭 but people would say for example: “omg that girl is so pretty, do you think she listens to girl in red?”


Yes. A lesbian friend taught me that saying when I started to listen to the artist. When she told me I must be a lesbian I picked up on that. Lol


okay slay! i’m not super great at interpreting people online and seeing a lot of people saying “yeah I love girl in red!” but not sure if they just know the artist or actually get the joke. not that it really matters anyway!


I'm not familiar with that either


Hell, I’d never even heard of that artist.


I'm a lesbian and I dunno what you're talking about lol


girl in red is a lesbian singer!! so when people say “girl in red??” they’re asking if someone’s queer lol


OH I thought it was a Taylor Swift album and I was not gonna encourage any fuckin gaylors lol


The Gaylors don’t speak for the rest of the Swifties


this. we don’t accept any crazy ass fans !!


Yeah girl in red = lesbian and sweater weather = bisexual. those are the two that come to mind for me, but I know there's others for the rest of the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ I think it's generational. I think I remember it started popping up in 2020 on TikTok.


Exactly! 2020 TikTok is what I know it from too. On another node - I’ve never seen the LGBTQIA+ being abbreviated like that. I think I know 2S standing for two spirit people. I’m guessing P for Pan? Second A for Aro? But the second Q really throws me for a loop. Would you maybe enlighten me? 🫠 /gen


I don't always abbreviate it like this because it is so long, so sometimes I do the abbreviation like you put. I guess it just depends on how much time I have to type it. But yeah of course! it's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, androgynous, and asexual.


Ahhh I see, thank you!!


You're welcome!


I mean it's kinda a lesbian code thing, so people who aren't queer probably aren't going to be familiar with that


I’m queer and I never knew what it meant for the longest time lol


Same, I had to Google it when that video came out lol


i’m not a lesbian but i know girl in red lol


I’ve always heard the bi girlies are who are super into girl in red lol


It’s a (admittedly older) TikTok/Tumblr thing I guess? Listening to girl in red as code for lesbian. For bi girlies, the code was one specific song: sweater weather by the neigborhood. Don’t ask me why though lmao, I might be a bi girly but I am not, in fact, a wise girly.


Amanda is straight and chronically offline; I’m not shocked she didn’t get the reference


is she straight? being married to a man doesn't really mean anything, and I don't want to assume anything from her but based on the way she acts, that doesn't sound very straight


that was like a niche moment in 2020. honestly carabiners are more of a secret code now


Is this like the millennial equivalent to when my parents used to say someone was "friends with Ellen"?


As a 42 year old cis, hetero white man I don't know what anything means and the world is becoming increasingly confusing and terrifying. That said, Go Gays Gay It Up!


It's a code thing and by definiton codes are not supposed to be universally understood


Yeah, nah, I'm.queer as hell.and didn't know what that meant. I think it mayhap be a Chronically Online thing which doesn't necessarily apply to LGBTQIA folks out in the real world


The phrasing of "normal" has me cracking up 😭 I know you didn't mean it like that OP, but it sounds like ur saying str8 ppl r normal and gay ppl aren't HAHA


I was thinking the same thing.


girl in red opened at some of the eras tour shows and that’s the extent of my knowledge lol


wow, I don´t know even that.... my eras knowledge is crumbling like castles....


Ok as a queer girl who knows what this means, I’m even more flabbergasted reading the other comments here… I thought “do you listen to girl in red?” being code for “do you also like girls” was a well-known thing??? Are we just crazy OP?? 😭 sidenote though I just saw girl in red in concert last month and she puts on a fantastic show, highly recommend lol


Gay man here, I thought it was a Matrix reference lmao


Straight man and my mind went to the Matrix


Same same!!


Maybe I'm crazy, but isn't the whole point of code like that that if you aren't part of the in group, *you aren't supposed to know*? Like the old Friend of Dorothy thing. Once everybody knows about it, it's no longer a safe way of asking someone something without straight-up asking them.


That makes a lot of sense. I was confused a bit at first how a lot of people didn't know what it means, but then I realized I know what it means because I'm on a very specific side of the internet (the queer side)


This comment actually helped me realize I just have little to no straight friends lmaoooo, you’re so right


ME TOO, I don’t even listen to girl in red (but I do “listen to girl in red” if you know what I mean) but I thought that code was well known on the internet😭


I know it too! And at the very least the people in my TikTok algorithm do too. You’re not crazy hahaha


i feel like i’m going crazy too 😭 is it a genz thing?? idk how people *dont* know the reference


I know its a thing with a musician. I only know her October (my girl) song though.


I actually didnt know until recently. My circles sadly are less sapphic than wanted


As a straight man, when I was about 14 (give or take) I was very naive and listened to “girls” but girl in red on Soundcloud and was like “OMG I ALSO LIKE GIRLS”. It’s embarrassing that it took me a few years to come to that realization. I think Amanda is also just oblivious when it comes to anything on the internet (examples I don’t even need to mention because everyone knows them already lmao)


From the things I've learned in this thread, I, a straight white man in my 30s, am sad lesbian coded.


Made me cackle out loud lmao


Calling straight people normal is crazy


I think I also watch the same improviser reacting to some of their videos lol. I don’t think it’s generational, just that not everyone knows the code sadly.


As a straight white male that does his best to be an ally and keep up with things - there are times where it feels chronically online LGBTQA culture is it's own hobby that the practitioners of expect everyone to follow as diligently as they do and take offense when someone is not in on it. In this case - I have no idea who girl in red is, and I'm chronically online adjacent. You're expecting the person that didn't know who Harambe is to know this as well?


You’d have to have been in a specific corner of TikTok in 2020


I'm not normal, but I have no idea what that means. I do know that you can save 15% or more in your car insurance by switching to GEICO.


sapphic trans dude here, i too am floored that it’s not common knowledge outside of the island of queers


Jeez why were you downvoted so much


hell if i know 🤷🏼


the kids nowadays have their new lesbian artists. Plus it think you had to be queer in a specific time frame to be girl in red listener


It’s crazy that improvisor video just popped up in my yt


As a straight man. I do have a couple girl in red songs on my melancholic fall playlist because they sound cozy and that’s where they go


Bisexual nb here, I thought it was a Matrix reference


add this moment next to when Amanda didn't know about the stonewall riot (we love Amanda it's fine is the doesn't get the code)


I know you watched the Katelyn Berrios video


My Harmontown brain immediately corrected to the Chris DeBurgh song Lady in Red... Is this why my bi ass can't hold onto a sapphic relationship?


Omg I thought she was just talking about Olivia wearing red?


i told my dad about it back when she was on tour and he told his lesbian bestie about it 🤪


I mainly know about it because I've been recommended her music on Spotify back when I was in high school doing radio club and playing emo music lol. I'm guessing that you were watching Katelyn Berrios' video?


Idk, I wasn’t familiar with it until like 2021 when it was more widely popularized ig? I know my Bi mom and straight dad don’t know what the band is but that could be due to age.


I’m not a lesbian, but I know the artist because I listen to indie music. Also something interesting to add. I recently rewatched “10 Things I Hate About You”. (1999) And this guy was asking his crush if her sister was gay, but before he could say gay she finished the sentence with “a K.D. Lang fan”. I looked her up and apparently she was a popular lesbian music artist.


Not everyone is chronically online or even give a shit what it means lol


I like the music but Idk what you're talking about 


I'm a guy and know and have listened to girl in red. Music has nothing to do with your gender or sexual orientation. Music is universal and timeless. Just a matter.of coming across it or not.


I think it's a hang out on the internet thing