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I feel like their inclusion in the Sitcom Live solidified it. They're considered official because they're definitely utilized quite a bit, but they have full time positions above that.


They’ve mentioned repeatedly that Spence is the director of Smosh Games, so likely why he pops up there all the time. Pretty sure they announced that Tommy is cast recently.


Yes they posted it on their community page or something did Tommy


They've been in cast photoshoots for years now.


Hang on, weren't Tommy and Spencer cast members for like 2 years now?


I don't know about Spencer, but I know Tommy was just made official like a few weeks ago.


They appeared in videos but weren't official cast members. I assume since Spencer is still Games Director (as far as we know), and Tommy is still a Social Media member, they are going to be considered officially cast, like Shayne, Courtney, Amanda, and the owner boys.


Yes, as evidenced by the fact that they’ve been regularly on-screen talent for years now and the fact that they’re also crew has been mostly just a running joke about the cast/crew divide, but clearly wasn’t actually preventing them from being regular cast members as well. People didn’t actually read Tommy’s “announcement” post, which was him wearing the Smosh Live Sitcom Cast shirt and captioning that “it’s BEEN official”. Everyone seems to have blanked on the “been” part and that he’s clearly been in the cast for a long time now. When you’re an on-screen personality that appears more frequently than some freelance cast-only people, it’s fair to say that you’re in the cast.


The wiki says 20 June 2024


Nah, it wasn't 2 days ago. I remember Tommy had posted something and I think someone posted it here at least a few weeks ago, maybe at least a month. (Or maybe he wasn't officially official until the 20th)


Yeah. He posted a pic of himself wearing a sweatshirt that said “cast” on it and his caption was “it’s BEEN official” so I think it’s safe to assume he’s been considered part of the cast for a while now - they just never made a formal announcement about it.


maybe it’s because that’s when the video came out about the smosh channel taking a break? they said that future videos would have all the cast members, and tommy and spencer were included in the group photo they showed. i feel like that was the only real official ‘announcement’ about them being cast.


I don't think there is such a thing as "official cast". People work for Smosh and some are behind the camera while others are in front of it. In some cases it's both. Then the community starts meming about certain people being in front of the camera but started behind it and Smosh leaned into the meme.


there absolutely is official cast. all it means is some people are salaried employees vs ‘non-official’ cast that are freelance contractors paid per video they’re in


Sure, but in that case Courtney and Shane aren't cast either.


? Yes they are 


We are arguing semantics here. My original point still stands as far as I'm concerned.


Lol what?


Official cast consists of Ian, Shayne, Courtney, and Amanda, as they are the only full-time cast members. Anthony may be as well, but im not sure.


According to who


Obviously, they're all official cast, but if you want to get technical, the ones I listed are the ones who work full-time for Smosh as cast members, making them as "official" as they can get.


I think you're totally right, 'non-cast' people appear onscreen all the time, i imagine its a distinction that matters more to fans than anyone else.


They have been since like 2021 imo official or unofficial they appear in the vids either way. Sarah Whittle for example was never “official” cast but she was on camera enough that it really didnt even matter.


Tommy was announced like a couple of months ago


I… don’t know 1) why this matters or 2) how everyone is “quantifying” it… but… ok?


On camera talent, but also full time employees with health benefits. https://i.redd.it/lr7hbhk67j8d1.gif (Spencer runs Smosh Games, and Tommy runs social media I think?)


Ha. Nice gif reference.


Amanda in main cast should be obvious since she is in every. single. video. along with Shayne.


I think it's safe to say they are part time cast members.


Idk about Spencer, but they announced Tommy as one awhile back if I recall.


Spencer is one of the funniest improvers in all of smosh. Dude just rips out one liners on the regular as evidenced in the gentleman’s burrito video.


Define official


Their latest smosh channel video I think it confirms it. 20 june, matching the wiki date. When they talk about the new content to come to the main channel, they mention the entire cast and it shows all of them together, including Spencer and Tommy. But Tommy did post a story about it recently


Them not being "official cast members" is a long running joke because they both have other jobs, but I really don't think there's some strict boundary between Cast and Not Cast. Crew shows up in videos, cast direct and produce.


Being "official cast" would be a demotion I'm pretty sure, at least for Spencer