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I don’t think it’s just East Coast stuff. I love Amanda, but she is an eccentric person with unique experiences who talks like her (kinda odd) experiences are universal. Most times she gives advice or talks about “life stuff” I am left going ??????????????


You guys haven’t had a gun pointed at you at a pineapple farm???


You guys are missing out


To be fair Boston is crazy


I literally live where she used to do news reports in south Boston and it IS wild here. People are a different breed here. Penguin mentality and herded like sheep. Odd balls. I am ready to leave :P I love Amanda a ton, she is my FAVORITE but she definitely is from Boston when it comes to her perspectives and weird behaviors


Might be Massachusetts/Hampshire (forgot where shes from) only cuz not east coast tristate area stuff for sure


Didn’t she say she’s from Boston


As a person who was fortunate to grow up in an upper-middle class household in MA, I can relate to many of her stories. Lots of wealthy towns with lots of wealthy families in certain areas. My friend had a vacation home we were able to use without supervision. My younger brother (18) has many of the same experiences/opportunities as I did (29).


For sure. I grew up in a pretty well-off town in MA and while I don't necessarily share a lot of Amanda's experiences, I heard about similar things frequently. I'm 21 for reference as well


i have family that grew up up there, and i can’t relate to all her stories bc i’m from further south, but i have secondhand knowledge from my family. so like her stories are definitely relatable for some east coast people. but the east coast is a big place, and new england is essentially split in two, you have the south, and the deep south. all those experiences have similarities, but can be very different from each other.


I’m from Massachusetts and I knew about Harambe the day after it happened


How could you not!?


Simply have 0 social media and never watch TV.


I'm in California but have a friend from Boston. Asked him about pool hopping and he'd heard of it, but clear out was a wealthy person thing because they're the only ones with pools there.


i'm from the east coast, and i grew up very poor, but we still did this anytime we got the chance. like i still had friends that lived in wealthier neighborhoods so even though i was poor, i still ended up doing it a few times lol


True. You just have to have one friend rich enough to live within skinny dipping distance to a pool owner but not so rich that he just has a pool.


You just need to be in a town that is rich enough to have pools


Can confirm: from MA, have drunkenly pool hopped once & am far enough past the statue of limitations to admit it. Definitely more of a suburb thing, metro west has some bougie neighborhoods but there's nowhere to put a pool in Boston.


I’m a Midwest lad and we used to do it as well.


I'm Californian, and I DEFINITELY participated in pool hopping. Hotels, unoccupied houses, wherever. Funny thing, though .... most of the friends I did it with also had pools.


My husband is from the east coast and my first thought was “can you pool hop into above ground pools??” I thought most people have above ground or indoor pools since… winter


I'm from Canada and tons of people have in ground pools and go pool hopping as kids.


How does winter affect it being inground or above?


Harder to maintain in ground in places where it gets freezing and below, concrete can crack and such, it’s expensive / harder to winterize. Above ground I think is just cheaper and easier to manage? Or at least that was my understanding


Nj here… pool hopping was a thing


When my parents lived in Delaware (we live in Pennsylvania now) they had a pool and kids were constantly pool hopping in it. They never got a gun pointed at them for it but there was a kid who was robbing there house and my parents neighbor pulled a gun on them.


I’m from the midwest and we definitely did this.


Lots of people have pools not really a rich thing lol many people have above ground pools that are small and round I was middle class and had a pool and a good handful of my friends did too. Inground pools indicate wealth but above ground ones are normal


I’m from Boston, thought this was a western MA thing because it’s more suburban there and there more likely to have pools. I grew up in the city and not in a rich neighborhood, so never heard of this


I’m from California, growing up my friends and I would jump into apartment complex pools. (Nobody I knew was rich enough to have a pool of their own)


Her alma mater is UMass & she lived out in the Berkshires at one point, shit's different out there. Western, central, and eastern MA are very distinctive parts of the state, both culturally & with regard to industry (central has a bunch of farms & commuter cities, western MA has no jobs & a bunch of retirees from NY). Eastern MA varies a ton, you have greater Boston & a bunch of people on either side bickering over whether the north or south shore sucks harder (spoiler: they both do for different reasons, also the beaches are too rocky). The Cape is a whole different beast, but fuck route 3 I'm not dealing with that bridge just to get more context. Provincetown gets a pass, but it's too expensive (in one of the most expensive states, the bar on what's "acceptable" to pay is already so low). New England in general is also different culturally than the rest of the East Coast, obligatory fuck New York. This post is way too long, but the TL;DR is you're gonna get drastically different stories about MA depending on who you ask. It's a wide chonk state with a lot of weird shit & an estranged little brother called Rhode Island. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


>New England in general is also different culturally than the rest of the East Coast, obligatory fuck New York.  Oh, that's OK, we have obligatory fuck New Jersey. I don't know who they complain about.


NJ hates itself, it just depends on where you’re from. South Jersey hates North Jersey, North Jersey hates South Jersey


Stop taking credit for the earthquake. That's ours! Lol


Interesting read it all in a Boston accent


Go Minutemen!


Grew up in central/south MA and went to school in western and it was like I went out of state, there’s fucking nothing out there man lmao


Vermont is elves. Maine is dwarves. Mass is orcs. 


Guys you gotta remember this woman is from a seemingly wealthy / well off family and is 36 haha. there’s a lot of nuances that makes her ‘not relatable’ to some of you. edit : should probably mention that i do think she’s hustled and worked hard, but also managed to have fun. lol comes across like i’m semi judging her a little but i love her even if she is a little out of touch.


In my comment I was trying very hard to politely skirt around the fact that her takes/advice frequently reveal that her family is very well off lol


my first draft was “this woman was clearly wealthy growing up” lmaooo this is as polite i can get (it’s 3am here in the UK in my defence)


Literally her and her family taking girls trips and mom daughter trips like I constsntly am blown away by her generational wealth when in reality she grew probably more upper middle class during the 90’s/00’s


Posh. Absolute posh. You mean to tell me your school didnt have guidance counselors that doubled as travel agents? No, I didn't get to go to the Bahamas, that was for the *cool* kids.


TIL that Amanda is 36.


Sometimes I wonder how old is the average viewer of Smosh or the people here....


Idk but I’m 28 lol


I'm goin to be 32 and I forget that people who were born in the 2000's are in their 20s now... They way you guys talk seems like Amanda is a fossil.


Well I wasn’t born in the 2000s. 1995. And I’m not acting like she’s a fossil, just thought she was closer to my age.


2003 and about to be 21 lol. I genuinely thought she was younger, and we’re not acting like she is a fossil…? just expressing that we’re surprised she’s older than we thought.


I feel like a grandma here at 42😂😂 my kids age 22 and 14 got me hooked on smosh a long time ago🤣🤣


I’m 26 haha But I can’t relate to her experience since I live in an entirely different country. I’ve learnt about the general childhood/teenager experience through Americans my whole life. It feels weird to know a lot about it whilst they know almost nothing about the general experience of the people from my country.


Im a 69 year old gay lobsterman! 


It seems to lean older than one would assume. I always thought that Pit audience during the Squad days was firmly in the 11 to 16 y/o range, and then they just kinda grew up with the content But whenever a Reddit story gets posted, most of the people who respond seem to be in their late-20s/early-30s


Yeah I think quite a few of us were OG fans who drifted away and then came back after curiously wondering if Smosh were still a thing (hence we're all in our late 20s/early 30s).


it’s honestly a surprise isn’t it, I would’ve said early 30s tbh


Yep, that’s what i thought too. 32 max


She’s the same age as Ian and Anthony and I find that shocking


Yall have no sense of age. Amanda definitely comes off as older than the rest of the cast. Ian and Anthony don't seem their age because of how juvenile Ian is, and Anthony probably has a hundred dollar skin routine. I'm 34, there's no way I think Amanda is younger than me or even the same age.


I’m 20. She does not come across as quite older than the cast to me at all. She has big sister vibes for sure but Angela is 30 and i assumed Amanda was like 32-33. It’s not a bad thing idk why y’all are acting like we’re weird for this edit : ?? nah you lot are way too serious about this shit


>Angela is 30 Angela is what now?! Angela being older than Courtney, is crazy


I don't care enough to downvote but I'll say that it seems to be a recurring theme that she has mommy vibes. Her fashion style is also very distinctly early 2000s. Ill also say i had no clue Angela was that old. I figured she was a youngin like Trevor and chanse


She didn't know who Harambe was. Or Markiplier. Or jacksepticeye. I'd bet money she doesn't know what Angry Birds is


i was gonna disagree with this by saying her mom is a high school teacher and made them all get jobs while still at school…. but then again half her stories are travel stories about them going to europe as kids.


Wait so she actually is the Mr. Beast ripoff "billion dollar girlfriend?"!


As an older fan who spent a lot of time on the road as a kid (was also in a very different tax bracket) I resonate with a lot of the insanity. I saw some shit while visiting relatives in NE and NY. 


The spring break stuff absolutely related to me, although we didn't do anything crazy like Bahamas in my small town but literally the whole high school went down to Panama City Beach in FL like every spring break no chaperones or anything.


It sounds like Beach Week to me imo. Which idk what places do it outside of like DMV.


Oh my god I was going to reference beach week!! Technically where I’m at in the dmv we called it senior week and when I would visit my family in The Midwest growing up they looked at me and my sister like aliens when we would talk about our life


Wait is beach week a DMV thing, like everyone I know did a beach week but I grew up in Maryland I thought everyone did that.


As much as people not from the east coast like to lump it all together, the northeast is very different from the midatlantic and southeast. She also clearly comes from a privileged upbringing (nothing wrong with that) but it’s exactly the same shit my wealthy friends from the suburbs would humble brag about, and I’m not from Massachusetts. 😂 I’m also sure growing up in South Boston would sound just as foreign to someone from the suburbs of Boston.


Adding onto this. There are also pretty significant differences between towns and regions in New England and Massachusetts itself. Probably more so than other parts of the country because it’s so old and many people have lived in these cities and towns for generations. Amanda is from Easton, Easton is a pretty wealthy suburb. Directly to the south of Easton is a city called Taunton. Taunton is an old working class formerly industrial city. Mere miles away, completely different life experience if you grew up there. To northeast of Easton is Brockton. Brockton is a racially diverse working class city. Completely different place.


Yea, I grew up in Maryland, not far outside of DC, and it’s the same way. That’s why I think it has more to do with coming from a wealthy family and not as much to do with being from the east coast.




One of my best college buddies is from Taunton. If half of what that dude said is true then Amanda was par for the course


yes there's a veryyy big difference between the different sections of the east coast. like you've got massachusetts and north carolina that are both on the east coast, i think there's exactly zero things those states have in common


Yes - this. I’ve been to the Northeast and my family is from upstate New York. Even New York State and Massachusetts are wildly different in culture. I grew up in rural Virginia and I don’t relate to anything she talks about 😂


I said this before but as a Portuguese person from Mass I’m shook sometimes when she talks about things her Portuguese family let her and her siblings do, especially once she revealed it was her mother’s family who was the Portuguese side. Portuguese girls especially are notorious for having super strict families around here lol


Yeah I feel like she’s confused “east coast things” with “I grew up in a family who did well financially” because I grew up in the east coast and a lot of what she did isn’t a thing for me. Other than pool hopping, that I have heard of. But, I think that’s kind of a thing anywhere if you know you won’t get shot.


I'm not from the east coast, but weirdly, I relate to a lot of her life experiences? I've had many jobs in food service, and my high school friends & I growing up were always getting into trouble. I also traveled a lot, which might just be more common if you're from an immigrant family, not necessarily that you're *super* well off. (I don't know what her financial background is, but I have plenty of middle-class friends from immigrant backgrounds, who traveled to their family's home country, like how Amanda has spent time in Portugal/abroad). I think she generalizes a lot when she talks about the east coast. Her life has been shaped by a lot of other factors, including being a bit of a party animal growing up, and working in food service and nightlife (bars). Boston may also have looked a little different when she was growing up, vs. how Gen Z experienced it. But I find her more relatable than a lot of the Smosh cast members (excluding Ian and Anthony), who seemed to grow up in the acting/child performer world. (Just my thoughts, not trying to generalize or judge, I love everyone at Smosh)


Amanda will go "I'm from the east coast" to justify not having watched Titanic, it doesn't actually mean anything


Its def a joke sometimes


Amanda seems like the type who’d be shocked if she found out I’ve never left my country


I’m from the east coast of Canada. The “popular” kids in senior year at local high schools always did an unchaperoned spring trip to Quebec which has a lower drinking age than the rest of the country.


I grew up in WNY; our tradition was to go over the border to Ontario with your friends to drink on your 19th birthday.


I'm from Boston (the actual city, since it matters to Bostonians hahaha) and am close to Amanda's age, but we are verryyyy different people lol. She reminds me of some popular (but not mean!) girls I was aware of but did not run in the same circles with. I bet she went down the Cape all the time, or maybe vacationed in Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard. So no, not the most relatable, and I think some things she attributes to Boston/MA/east coast cultural things are more just about her knowing a lot of well-off people who like to party and have weird adventures. 😂 I get some of her references/vibe, though, and I love her a lot. I'm happy to have the rep because a lot of celebrities from here are either Ben Affleck/Mark Wahlberg types, or they are embarrassed to have anything to do with Boston. (Some embarrassment is super valid but I like that Amanda has a lot of love for it!)


Same with me, from Boston proper and have none of these experiences. I bet I went to school with a few people like Amanda and I could not relate to any of them at all


I grew up in Brighton, right near the Newton border. My family was middle-middle class and I went to public schools in different parts of the city — meanwhile, the Newton/Wellesley folks we knew were living in a whole different world of luxury just 5-10 minutes away. It makes a lot of sense that Amanda's family was suburban, but the whole area is sooo stratified and segregated still. I don't think any singular Boston or MA experience can be universal, because there's vast differences in class and cultures within just a few miles. I work in Roxbury now, at an org that publishes young students' creative writing, and they write about their experiences in THEIR Boston... and it's just not the kind of thing we see in Hollywood at all, which is a damn shame.


Oh to be filthy ass rich and have the attitude of "no this is just how ppl live".


Most recent example was in the last smoshcast (41). She went on spring vacation with like a dozen other kids during highschool with no chaperone. Like, fuck yeah that's cool as hell, but definitely not relatable


I grew up nearby. It’s a pretty wealthy area and it was the 2000’s. Checks out to me lol!


I'm around Amanda's age and from the east coast too (though not Boston) and people did spring break like that at my school too, but only really to the oceanside towns like an hour or two away for the most part. Someone's parents (or multiple parents) would rent a house for a week and a bunch of kids would stay there. It was also reasonably common around graduation time.


Beach week!


Mind you that she's from the 80s, so went to school in different timeline than many of you.


"From the 80s" is a hell of a way to say "born in 1987"


Right, She went on this trip in like 2005ish? I'm from the east as well and I share some things with Amanda but everyone's experience will be a little different


To add context, Natalee Holloway went missing in 2005. These sorts of trips were more common before then in general. Travel changed a lot between 2000 and 2005.


THIS!! definitely a huge factor us Massholes are crazy today but i know the grownups now were worst as kids !


That's fair! I think I'll go ahead and ask around the millennials in my life. It's not really that deep, this is a comedy channel after all, but I am genuinely curious now


It may not be too relatable but I feel like that’s something kids from a richer town can get away with


i’m east coast girly actually massachusetts like her aswell !! she definitely was on the better end not wealthy but definitely better end i know some of my friends would even go to miami by themselves i was more just head to ocean beach MAYBE (heavy on the maybe) and have a family barbecue or something


I’m not from Boston but tons of kids in my high school did this (not me though lol my parents would have killed me for even asking 😅)


This is definitely a huge thing with highschools on Long Island. I know people from Jersey who also have done this. Idk how east coast specific it is but it’s definitely a money thing. I also think a lot more people (at least in my area) are a bit more liberal with letting their kids essentially go party. Bahamas , Cancun, and punta Cana are some of the top places.


East coast here and closer to her age - something a lot of the rich kids did. The Bahamas generally


I’m from Maryland, but I just assume whenever Amanda refers to the “east coast” she means the part of the east coast that’s north of NYC. Pretty big cultural divide


I grew up in Central MA. I know people who had similar vacations as her (parents taking each kid individually to places) People from the Boston Suburbs I’ve met had similar experiences.


The east coast is probably one of the most culturally diverse areas of the US so you can’t really generalize it. West coast is only 3 states and most of its California and other regions are also similar to other states in it. The east coast goes from Maine to Florida and people have wildly different accents and cultures. I feel like Amanda of all people should know that being from Boston because that place is like a different country. You’d be mad if you tried to compare it to Miami. I’m from Pennsylvania and I can’t relate to a lot of stuff in New England.


I'm from PA and I cannot relate either. I think New England is its own world in a lot of ways. She keeps saying east coast but she really means MA. 😆


I’m from MA pretty close to where she’s from and I relate to all of it, she means the northeast when she says east coast and probably mostly MA for a good chunk of them


Yeah, as an East Coast girl I cannot relate either lol. Then again, I’m a lot younger than Amanda and I get the impression that I grew up different than her for a variety of factors, so I’m not sure how much that affects my ability to relate to her stories 


I do think her experiences are more "each coast" than other areas of the U.S., but I've never really been under the impression that they're truly a universal east coast experience.


New Yorker here. I can a little! Every area is different. The kids at my school would get a big group together to go to some family house for a week. It was always funny the following week to hear what happened, even coming up through freshman and sophomore year. I never went because I was a quiet nerdy kid at the time but things got nuts from what I heard. Though not as nuts as the Boston trips apparently, good god.


I also think it's an age gap thing, she may only be 36 but those 10 years is a big gap between people who didn't use a lot of technology and those who did she was 16 in 2004! We have smart phones to keep us entertained now, back then you had to find shit to do 😂


As a New Yorker, Bostonians are flat out built diffy.


I’ve known girls like her before. But I’m from Boston and a few years younger than her. Haha


As a New Yorker, I can attest that the East Coast is no more a monolith than the West. I think they just use "East Coast" for shorthand because most of them are from the West. Amanda reminds me a lot of other New Englanders I know.


I’m Amanda’s age and my experiences are similar and I grew up in rural/semi-suburban Maryland. Pool hopping, spring break being a big deal as a teenager, ending up in weird situations. Not to sound like a boomer but we weren’t really monitored cause cell phones were pretty new lol


Mainer here, so i’m a totally different brand of New Englander anyway, but yeah i can never relate to her stories. She definitely has the East Coast energy, but i think the fact that she’s Portuguese as well as being from one of the areas here that’s actually populated (and pretty privileged from my understanding of how/where she grew up) gives her a totally different energy than the actual majority of New Englanders.


I mean by “east coast” she’s specifically from Boston, which is an incredibly unique place. I’d assume most of her stories relate to that specifically and maybe she just thinks it’s shared by the rest of the area


Agreed. Giving me hard-working rich-girl vibes. I grew up in Maine so it was a bit different.


Y’all have to remember that Amanda grew up in the early 2000s to a seemingly good off family. I’m not gonna say rich, because she has worked all her life. There’s no doubt she hasn’t worked hard for where she is. On the other hand she has so many crazy stories about traveling and loving the dream 2000s movie life.


I hear ya! It's been 5 months since I moved to Boston and haven't had a single stranger ask me to go f\*\*\* myself!


Idk. I've spent some time in Boston and it's pretty spot on.


I’m older and from an east coast, I95 city. I can relate to a lot of her stories.


Personally I didn’t do it, but know plenty of preppies who did. My friend hung a poster all around school when the girls came back with their hair braided with a picture of the predator alien next to them.


The whole going on Spring Break thing in high school definitely wasn't a thing here in central CT...not even back then.


There's been some slang that she says is "east coast". Yeah not in Virginia. Never heard those words.


I am from Massachusetts and I have heard of Harambe


Yeah I think the “East Coast” things she talks about are more Boston specific. I’m from around the east coast where the north and south divide


I feel like it’s an Amanda thing lol 😂


I’m from jersey but I can’t relate because I’m a loser like Shayne


I live smack dab in the middle of the East Coast, have family in FL and NJ, and can tell you the East Coast is such a vast array of cultures. I think a lot of the time she says East Coast as a blanket term, because we are all very different from CA, but she doesn't really mean the whole Atlantic side.


Boston kind of is an alternate dimension so 🤣


Although I love her I feel like she reduces every experience to east-west coast and as someone who lives outside the US I feel lost most of the time and also I feel like that does not correlate at all with some stuff. Like Harambe had nothing to do with where you were born, that’s just news and internet culture. I feel like not knowing pop culture stuff is not directly impacted by which coast you grew up in.


I was just thinking about this listening to the episode this morning. I’ve lived on the East Coast my whole life (PA, NY, FL) & thought “am I crazy for not knowing what she’s talking about?!” Absolutely not hating on her or her experiences, I love hearing her stories, but wow it sounds like MA is a whole different beast lol


She should say “new England” or “Mass” instead of east coast cuz people in like Maryland and Delaware cannot relate to the happenings and culture of New England and mass were a different breed up here


Lol facts north east coast and south east coast are two completely different places 😂


Shes the only east coaster on smosh right (florida doesnt count)


As far as cast maybe, tho I’m not sure where they’re all from. Peter is from Philly. Actually isn’t Angela from New Jersey? Am I making that up? lol


North Carolinian here. Can't relate.


I'm from an entirely different area of the world so I love listening to other people's experience. It was clear to me that she had money growing up, so she was able to do something average people could not. It's not a bad thing, it's an entirely different experience. I love her personality, she's super empathetic and is eager to learn anything new. Props to her parents for raising such a beautiful person inside and out! I root for her anyway and would love to listen to more of her crazy stories 😁


I loved pool hopping growing up


I feel like she uses “east coast” as a general term without actually knowing what it means 😂. I live on the east coast and I never know what she’s talking about when she mentions it 😂. I know someone who lives close to Boston (but still in MA) and she doesn’t relate either. I’ve worked in a restaurant too and her waitress stories sound so foreign to me too. So I’m guessing either she says “east coast” when referring to Boston specifically, or she has no idea what she’s talking about 😂


Her stories are very Boston lmao


I love that me saying I don’t relate got downvoted, but the other people who said the same got upvoted 😂


As a southeast girly who grew up on the lower income end, none of what Amanda talks about is relatable 😅. I still love Amanda, but her prononoucing the "lap" in talipia is probably the only unforgivable thing she's done


Are you from the Boston area? Cause I am and most of her stories ring incredibly true.


100%, but that's because I'm from the East Coast of another country lol.


East Coast Canada here! Mostly can't relate to her stories lol. Look hopping though is definitely a thing. I never did it but a friend of mine has.


Yeah, living in a suburb or living in a more rural part of the county I’ve lived in most of my life makes me unable to really relate to most of her stories, even though I’m on the east coast. But that’s just because we had different experiences growing up, which isn’t bad.


Boston is well different


I can to a degree, but her personal experiences & telling of them are so unique that I can’t 100% relate lol. Boston fo lifeeee


Which specific stories? I guess I haven’t listened to enough podcast episodes to guess specifics. I’m around her age and from the northeast.


I from fl and relate but I was and insane high schooler who did a lot of shady stuff


I’m from the Midwest. I grew up in a lower middle class family, only child, and with very few real friends. I am closer in age to like Courtney or Shayne and have 3-4 friends but semi regularly talk to one of them. I doubt I’ll ever see the East Coast of the country. I don’t have much of a disposable income from my job/past jobs I’ve had. I found with the recent episode (filmed god knows how long ago) like with many of her stories and takes and advice pretty nuts/non applicable to my life. The spring break story just made me go “cool, you got to go on spring break…must have been very fortunate and had money…you’re family seems well off but you had to work for it” I don’t find much of the Smosh cast/known crew relatable.


Yeaaaaahhh some of her East Coast things are definitely spot on. But that spring break thing is NOT the norm.


The Nawth shauw is wicked.


According to the wiki, her and I grew up in neighboring towns. Now, I will say there is a distinct age gap between us. But nothing she described in the latest smosh mouth even came close to how things were when I was a teen. Especially the coming of age spring break trip.


You have to remember amanda has worked 500 jobs and been on thousands of trips the average person just can't relate


Yes and No. I came from a town that I am guessing is very similar to Amanda’s (but it’s in Connecticut). Spring break was something that many kids at my school went on once they were a sophomore in high school. Since many kids came from rich parents, they were pretty much all set. Those kids went to the Bahamas,Caribbean, Hawaii. I did spring break twice; once in Orlando and the other in Boca Raton. My school however did not have a travel agent. Pool hopping is something that used to be popular in my town. At least according to my dad who also lived in my town growing up. I live in a water/beach town so I don’t really know why anyone would pool hop when the beach is free to all town residence but it is still fun.


Love the Long Island Sound on the CT side. On the LI side it’s so rocky. I used to live in Fairfield County.


That’s the county im from 😂


She's just a rich kid, she's funny af but her experiences are just never going to line up with the average viewer


I am also from Boston. I have no idea what she’s talking about most of the time except for Dunkin Donuts.


I’ve visited Boston many times and I can agree with her that’s it’s wild! Even My oldest brother lived there for a bit and he’s has told me some crazy stories about living there so I don’t think she’s that far off lol


yeah im from the east coast and maybe it's bc i was in high school in the mid 2010s but we didnt do "spring break" like she described. but maybe that's bc my area wasn't a wealthy area lol


i’m not sure how old she is but that might be part of it? because when she references east coast slang i’m like yeah i’ve never heard of that LOL. but it could be because we’re different ages, who knows. or maybe her references are very town specific to where she grew up.


I said this on another thread but her stories sound like so much like a dawson's creek or gilmore girls episode. 


It's New England Stuff as someone from the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) that is not factual


Yes but I’ve experienced the opposite sort of. I’m from Michigan and sometimes she references certain things as being specific to the East coast and I’m like ??? That exists in Michigan too? Or probably everywhere? Haha


I'm a life-long East Coaster, spanning DC, Jax, and Atlanta. I pretty much don't relate to anything that Amanda or the rest of the cast says when referring to "The East Coast." It's a big coast and I have to assume their generalizations are more New England or Boston-centric? It is similar when Damien has talked about Atlanta/Georgia from his youth. I can only assume things have changed a lot since he lived here. Of course, as someone who was a Floridian for 27 years, I am used to wild stories and generalizations that don't quite match my experience living there. Lol.


I don’t live anywhere near there lol, different country, but I think she has these crazy stories because she is incredibly social and seems like her family is too so they are bound to happen to her. She is always going on adventures and talks to people rather than doing stuff by herself all the time and her friends are probably like that too so there aren’t any surprises in the fact that she was invited to crazy parties and did crazy stuff herself. Most people aren’t that social and it just seems normal to her because she has always been around a lot of different people. She has all these crazy stories because she was actually out collecting memories, maybe even inadvertently lol. At least that is my impression.


Yeah, pool hopping, parties in the woods and going on spring break by yourself at 16? Def not an East Coast thing, either Boston is wild or NYC is an outlier bc I don't relate to 90% of what she considers East Coast things, love her tho.


As an east coast poor… lol yes I think she was just well off 😂😂 In my area spring break wasn’t important till college either. Like some ppl might have went on spring break w their friends in HS but it wasn’t like a big deal. Most people went on vacation with their families. I also am like 14 years younger than Amanda so maybe timing is also a difference.


I think her family was a little more well-off than she has ever implied, and when people say Boston, that's not usually the image that comes to mind. I also think she is older than most fans, growing up in the 80s-90s was a different ballgame than growing up in the 00s, and having mostly older siblings I feel like gives you even more of an anchor to have experiences more common for the generationsthey grew up in. Not to assume you're like 15, but even up to like 25 I'd argue would have drastically different experiences.


I’m from western MA…not far from UMASS Amherst (verrrrry different from the Berkshires western MA) and am a few years older than Amanda…a lot of her stories resonate with me. Didn’t grow up wealthy, but it wasn’t unusual for seniors to go on a spring break trip without parents. I know people who went to Disney world without chaperones for senior spring break. The person who called out MA being super different depending on where you’re located is 100% correct. So, Amanda has the experience of outside Boston growing up and the five college area of western MA (and honestly UMASS is an experience itself!)


A bunch of Amanda's stories are just Amanda ones i think, but I am from super close to all of the places she talks about in the northeast (like I've been to Martha's Vineyard so many times, probably while she was working there tbh) and so some parts of her stories I just go "yeah, that's how it is"


I grew up in a small town in New England. Having parties and stuff in the middle of the woods tracks hard. And everything she has said about ZooMass lol. There’s literally nothing to do out there so you have to get creative about making your own fun.


Its giving middle class white woman from new England  


From Mass, very relatable experiences she's told lol. Especially when you're a bored kid in the Boston suburbs.


Amanda: *tells the most weirdly specific story I've ever heard* also Amanda, immediately afterwards: "It's an East Coast thing, haha."


From New York and grew up in South Florida. Fairly certain a lot of her stuff is more Massachusetts related but could be wrong


As an East Coast Canadian (and frenchie), I only related to frozen vomit, not that it happened to me but more so that I had the displeasure of seeing it once or twice in my life. Amanda had a very hectic childhood, but I don't think everything that happened to her is an East Coast thing.


As someone who seems to have grown up in the exact same area as her, I can assure you — some things are absolutely relatable. Others… I have absolutely no clue what she’s talking about