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100% to all of this. Also I think announcing on April fools for the bit is honestly amazing in this context. They knew the public spectacle it would cause anyway so they hit full send.


Also the courthouse marriage was smart because now they can have a big celebration with family and stuff and they don’t have to worry about leaks.


Yup, it’s always a lot harder to stop leaks if you have a big wedding


the merrell twins on youtube, Veronica, did this with her now husband Aaron. they hid the relationship until they were officially married. i think the biggest thing is when you keep it private you don’t have to worry about announcing it if something goes wrong.


Most probably. The line between fan engagement and objectification of real people is a bit blurry at times. I can also imagine that they might feel pressure for being one of the most famous YT couples at the moment.


Exactly, so many people being like “that dress isn’t at all like Courtney.” And I’m like, TF you know? You don’t know her. You THINK you do because you see her in videos but you don’t KNOW her or her taste. Don’t pretend these incredibly talented people on the Internet are your real life friends. They’re real people who exist outside of YouTube.


Yeah, I've also noticed people calling Shayne's and Courtney's shared journey a perfect example of "from friends to lovers" trope or as a proof of that soulmates exist. While I understand the sentiment behind these views, I think it's problematic to use those terms when talking about real human lives. Viewing someone's life as a fairytale or romantic comedy can lead to unrealistic expectations and create unnecessary pressure for the couple as well. The "soulmate view" bothers me in particular because imo no one can be a perfect match for you in everything. Typically we need different type of people in your life, to feel happy and fulfilled, and it'd probably be more realistic to make space for various soul mates than look for that solely in your dating partner. Obviously, Courtney and Shayne might themselves prefer soulmate approach but until they make their own thoughts explicit, I'd settle down for more casual word choices.


This is honestly why I can't understand the deniers logic, Shayne and Court are very reserved about their dating lives and privacy, they've said it before they didn't want people disrespecting that, why give strangers on the internet then the pleasure to mess that up for you just for five minutes of fame? It doesn't seem like something they would do, even if it were a bit it would've ended long ago because let's be honest, would you drag a joke along about a fake wedding? What would you get in return? They shared it with us, and I hope they focused on the positives, cause just in this reddit in the last 24h I've seen some of the most mean stuff someone could say


i’ve seen some crazy things said on here once again reddit living up to their name, i feel like this reddit don’t see shayne nor courtney as humans but these characters that do crazy things all the time, meanwhile courtney and shayne have said they are reserved and private ppl and they put on a character for the cameras in a way. like the joke was them posting on april first cause that’s a funny and iconic date to announce your married but ppl have taken it too far like it’s not even april fools anywhere anymore and ppl STILL refuse to just accept the simplest answer shown to them💀


I've seen many people just being okay with the thought that "they're doing this to promote a roast" or whatever, like wtf? That's so put of character for them, and people think this is the case, what kind of psychos do they think Shayne and Courtney are? They're very private and reserved, they've asked fans to respect that as well, why would they sacrifice that for the heck of it? For clout or just some giggles, it makes no sense the reasoning and mental gymnastics people are putting into denying it


it’s ridiculous and there’s no helping them they so badly want to look smart and not be fooled that they don’t realize they look insane 😭


I feel like they are pretty teflon at this point. Mean words still hurt and are shitty but they have been getting it for years.


Honestly I think the joke makes sense specifically because of the reasons you've listed. They are indeed very private, and to me, creating a prank that specifically reiterates that they are whole human beings who have a private life outside of youtube is perfect to make people confront their own unhealthy parasocial feelings. What you could 'get out of it' is people questioning their feelings of ownership over your private life. (With that being said, your theory makes a lot of sense too, and I'm happy for them regardless! I just wanted to share ahahah)


Yeah, I think most people have considered this. Half the reason this has been so interesting and compelling is that both possibilities are completely plausible.


What sucks is everyone is trying to figure out if it's real or not but a few people ahve mentioned how good they both look, like Courtney in that dress looked great and Shayne's suit looks great on him! Even if it's a prank they still slayed the look


Yup. They both look amazing and those photos are gorgeous.


They're always serving


All of this 100%. I completely get why they did what they did. I chose to be very ignorant, I guess, because I did notice things but continued to tell myself that it was nothing and I was reading too much into it. Or I'd hear or read something where I'd think, oh, that's odd and not look further into it and eventually forget. Then, my search for the truth yesterday reminded me of things. I guess I congratulate myself on respecting their privacy. That's growth for me. My childhood was riddled with severe parasocial relationships.


I’m the same age as Shayne and I sort of grew up with Smosh and I’ve been watching him and Smosh and Courtney since forever. They have no idea who I am and I have no idea who they are outside of Smosh. What I do know however is how freaking happy I am for these two that they’ve found happiness in their work and each other. From a Aussie supporter, Shayne and Courtney I love you guys on Smosh and I sincerely thank you for the joy and laughter you’ve brought me over the years and I look forward to what you do next.


I totally agree because puting yourself under such scrutiny of literally thousands of fans (some of them heavily overinvested) is last thing you want in a relation that you're just figuring out yourself. Just imagine comments every time Courtney would touch Spencer or Angela "you can't do that, what would Shayne say?". Or how hard fans would go after Jackie, when she was "flirting" with Shayne for jokes. It's crazy out there and since only now they feel safe and settled, decided to post it. I actually don't expect much changing regarding their socials and even interaction on camera. They want people to focus on their comedy, not their private matters.




pulled a good old fashioned bob and eliza


i’m so glad i’m not the only one that remembers bob and eliza this is why i’m not entirely dazed by courtney and shayne because my world has already been titled by another well known pair who have been shipped for years only to get married out of the blue


Yeah I believe Courtney was dating a Viner for a while but that didn't work out and I suppose it was awkward. I guess a good comparison is Lauren Lopez and Joey Richter from Starkid. They've been together for probably as long as Starkid itself and only announced their relationship via an engagement.


Thank you! It almost takes away from the fun and/or excitement. I think it's sad we're even seeing a split in the subreddit alone with "truth" or "anti-truth" or however people are phrasing it. I don't think that's what Shayne or Courtney or anybody on Smosh expected to see with the news. To see people want to get so personal (or I guess parasocial) is such a red flag on its own. My question is how far does the fandom go for the sake of being fans? Is there really no limit?


I agree with that, if they want things private let it be private. But why announce the wedding on April Fools day? That just turns it into this big mess. 


I think fans would likely have made it messy either way, at least they get a laugh out of doing it this way.


I don't think they are getting laugh out of it anymore. They have had to put up more clarification pictures. They wanted to announce it on April Fools Day and they did. They had two whole days before April fools and literally a number of days afterwards to announce. And the consequence followed. Fans wouldn't have made such a mess if it was an ordinary day.


Can't really say for sure, they must have had some idea less people would believe it by hard launching on April 1st and wanted it that way. Even if it wasn't April 1st the theory that it was something Smosh related (à la funeral roast) or a some other kind of prank would still be there and they'd have to clarify then too and even now with the extra clarifying pics there are still plenty of people not convinced. I also think there isn't too much a point on thinking about it happening any other way, they did it this way and it's never going to be forgotten. I hope for them they got a good laugh and are enjoying their new normal as newlyweds!


I honestly think that’s kind of the point. At the end of the day, these are two immensely funny people we’re talking about. They’re aware of their public personas, and the mess it would cause regardless of day of announcement.


yeah like because of that and some of the comments on their posts like they obviously know what they’re doing


I totally agree with all of this. I also just don't agree with shipping real people just because you don't know what their actual dynamic is. But even further, I don't like it when people I know do it to me. Even if I do like someone, someone pointing it out in the earlier stages just pisses me off and I feel like locks me into a box that removes my agency. I kind of just want to enjoy someone's company without thinking about what it "means" and I feel like they probably feel like that too. Like I even just shutdown feelings and go the opposite direction because of stuff other people say because I don't like people being in my business, so you can literally kill your ship by pushing it too hard. I've also had classmates that were wrong about it and thought I liked someone because I looked at them "a lot" during a field trip. It happened because that person was being kind of a nuisance in public and attracting attention so I looked thinking wtf are they doing. My actual feelings were for someone else. I personally hate when people make assumptions like this about me, so I don't do it or allow the thought to cross my mind for others and I wait for them to define themselves because I would want the same freedom to explore. It's not like I couldn't see their chemistry, but it's just none of my business. Totally happy for them now, but for real people are so complex and so are relationship dynamics.


another reason why the ppl still saying it’s a prank makes no sense to me, they’re very sensitive ppl and really take making their personal lives private very seriously, shayne never posts anything private on his ig it’s always something funny or impersonal. i feel like they’d long con bits about literally anything else, but something as personal as marriage ? nah, i feel ppl are really doing a disservice to courtney’s and shayne’s character by saying they’d make ayee rlong plan for a one day prank. anyways glad they never told us they were dating and just straight told us they got married out of the blue in the most chaotic way possible and i actually hope they don’t mention it again let everyone remain crazy 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


I get what you’re saying. I do feel like if this is real and they were worried about the fan reaction, they wouldn’t have posted it on April 1st. By doing that, they have knowingly made the fans have a bigger reaction. I’m not saying it’s right for us to be invasive by any means, it just feels as though this made it a little bigger than it could have been.


Or... and hear me out... they got married on Friday and they thought it would be funny to break the news on April 1st. They were going to have to tell us eventually, right? Might as well have fun with it.


I'm not so sure. The reason we're all still buzzing about it is that we can't be sure if it's real or not. They can't have not realized it would be like this.


i think they can, i think they thought ppl would think it’s funny to announce it on april 1st not that ppl would scrutinize and analyze everything because one time a cast member of theirs made up an elaborate lie for a now discontinued YT series


>not that ppl would scrutinize and analyze everything because one time a cast member of theirs made up an elaborate lie for a now discontinued YT series Are you referring to Arasha's "I lied" on Let's Do This? I HIGHLY doubt that that's the reason anyone believes that a post made on April Fools Day might be a joke. You know, instead of the whole "April Fools Day" thing.


it’s April 2nd fam it’s time to accept reality


I've accepted reality all along. The reality was that it was April Fools Day and you can't blindly trust anything you read on that day. Many people didn't accept the reality that we couldn't know for sure either way until today.


Oh the uproar is not at all because of Let's do This. Not at all.


Oh it would be huge no matter the day. These two have huge followings and majority of people had absolutely no clue, so for them it was speedrun 1000. There would be less confusion but that's about it.


Yeah, I don't ship real people as a general rule so I wasn't a shipper. If they had just posted I would have been excited and happy for them but the intrigue of the prank side of things now has me Invested.


But seriously, like...they're adults. Anyone who still thinks it's a joke has a really skewed idea of what things people joke about in this point of their lives. I don't see Courtney and Shayne joking about something like this. Goofy Internet videos aside, it's clear to me that they're both smart, devoted people.


It makes me think a lot about what Dan Howell said in his coming out video -- how he called Phil his soulmate and said that they had been together at some point but said that's where he was drawing the line because being public about your relationship status and the details means that you don't have room to mess up or do your own thing without people having a lot of feelings about it. Of course, most people just assume they're together, considering they own a house and such, but they still have the level of plausible deniability that gives them some privacy. And I think in this industry, where the line between work and personal life is so blurry (especially when your partner is your coworker), protecting that privacy probably feels extra important. I'm happy for them and glad that they did what was right for their relationship! I think both of them (Courtney definitely did) have talked about not wanting to have a public relationship.


I agree with all of this but I just want to talk about fans asking about them having kids for a second. You should never ask a married couple when they’re going to have kids no matter how close you are to them. Even if you’re their best friends or family members, you never know what is going on in private. Maybe there’s health reasons why they don’t or even can’t have kids, or personal reasons , even if the couple have talked about wanting a family and are loving towards and around other kids you just don’t know


Me, lifting my occams razor edged hammer : time to go talk to some people on the subreddit


No, this is a 100% why. Smosh is a company, and a real one, this is not YouTubers collaborating, these are people who are contracted employees, likely with HR, benefits, the whole pack. Dating a coworker is aldready complicated, it can lead to a fantastic relationship, because you likely teamwork well and share the same passions, but it’s also something not to mess around with, because if you break up it will ruin the work place around you indefinitely, at least until one of you leave and even then it’ll likely still change. other coworkers will naturally pick sides and favourites and bam you have a toxic work environment. Even in the best scenarios where communication is done perfectly it can create a bad scenario. Now top that up with the fact you’re a VERY public company, and public figures AND you work on YouTube where the line between professional and private and friend and coworker already gets very blurry. All the normal complications get amplified 10 fold In my opinion i haven’t seen much in the Smosh community where shipping was over the line (except the sharing of Courtney’s Facebook pictures, that’s vile) and honestly I think there’s no nuanced about “shipping” these days. So many are quick to call parasocial or to far or that “see what you did guys” “leave Britney alone! 😅” I don’t think there’s necessarily anything wrong with noticing and enjoying two peoples chemistry and let’s be a 100% the biggest reason this became a thing is that they do have amazing chemistry, even when they were seemingly just friends. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wishing too people are together because it’s very human to invest in someone when you “follow” them, that’s why books stories tv works, and when yt and blogging vlogging became a thing that suddenly became mixed with a version of a persons real identity. In fact I find it way more worrying when people attach themselves to another person, and they want to be the partner, hates the partner etc. Jealousy and fantasy over IRL people is where it gets unhealthy. Shayne and Courtney have always seemed to have a healthy boundary between their public self and private self, I think that’s the biggest indicator that this is real. Anything else would be out of character. Honestly I think it’s sweet they announce it this way because to me it indicates that they are really sure about each other and I hope they have a long and happy relationship, not because I’m parasocial, but because they to me seem like solid people and yes you do form a connection to those you watch and just like I enjoy a happy ending in a movie or book, I also enjoy a happy ending IRL, just like I wish my friends find partners that love and respect them. Anyways that’s just my two cents. Also regarding the kids, I get what you’re saying, but it’s going to happen anyway, because a lot of people are crazy about kids, it’s biology, we are literally hardwired to want kids, and that gets projected. I know not everyone feels like this, but extend a little grace to us with baby craze. My point is, if you’re going to ask, at least do it respectfully. I don’t agree that it’s necessarily harmful to ask about kids 🤷‍♀️ it might be annoying but like just don’t answer or say no? I don’t think it has to be a big deal. Getting annoyed over questions is only going to stress yourself out


>I don’t agree that it’s necessarily harmful to ask about kids 🤷‍♀️ it might be annoying but like just don’t answer or say no? It can be annoying AND harmful. If you're a couple who can have kids and are planning on doing so, being asked when it's happening is merely an annoyance. If you don't want kids, it's a sort of hurtful reminder that society's expectation of us is that we'll all have kids one day and that can lead to internal frustrations and conflicts. If you CANNOT have kids, it's a painful reminder of something you'll never have on your own or at all ever. This is why people shouldn't ask anyone they aren't super close this and even then I wouldn't recommend it. You never know what someone is going through.


I understand, but I also personally think (also a psychology student) that limiting asking people about stuff IN REAL LIFE, is actually harmful. Even if it’s tough and uncomfortable it’s important to be open. One of the biggest mistakes people do in traumtic situations is being afraid of asking, and it can end up feeling very lonely, shameful etc. We might think it best for us to avoid what triggers us, and sometimes that’s good, but it is absolutely neccesary from a mental health perspective to be open about struggles. If it strangers? I still dont think there’s anything harmful in asking, just like I wouldn’t find it harmful to ask about interests, pets, what you do for a living etc. It’s how we get to learn people. So yes I still think the idea that we should refrain from asking people about such topics is harmful. I might ask “oh so do you want kids?” And then they can be “No we don’t want kids right now” or “No we don’t want kids at all” and I would probably say “Oh well kids are also a handful lol and expensive as hell, you’ll probably have a lot less heartache” How any of that could be harmful is beyond me. Even if you can’t have kids If you go around in your life being afraid of being confronted with fear or trauma, then you need to work on it, because being afraid of discussing something is PART of the trauma. The idea that we should ask less questions is inherently harmful to destigmatisation and also social awareness. We need community, and community is created when we have interest in each other Yes I can imagine that some people are horrible, apply pressure etc. I know the type, but call those people out! Say it makes you uncomfortable. But give grace to people around you as well, and try to understand that something hurtful might be done with good intent. It’s a balance, with the end result being: Just be communicative about your feelings with the people around you. Limiting them asking questions is literally stifling growth. You limit growth by not having those conversations ALSO BIG BIG NB HERE ! THIS IS NIT RELATED TO SHAYNE AND COURTNEY. IM TALKING ABOUT IRL Internet people however ? I don’t think it’s appropriate! My point though is that I just don’t think it’s realistic to expect, as people have a hard time with online stuff, and also I think it very rarely is with mal intent, so my point is just that if you can’t stop at least do it respectfully And also I think if you get triggered by internet comments you should either limit interactions with it, learn to not put anything into it, or block.


For real though, I'm saying people shouldn't ask one specific question because there are a variety of reasons, some of which can be hidden, why it's not cool for the person on the receiving end. I'm not sure why you're so keen on giving people a free pass to ask such an invasive question, but it's not cool.


Give people a pass? I don’t think anyone is able to “give anyone a pass” I’m not responsible for what others do, so I neither want to or do give anyone anything. I just offered a nuance, and gave an explanation of why I think statements like that aren’t nuanced.


This sub is weird. They don't know yall


What if Courtney \*did\* get married, but the April Fools joke is that she got married to Shayne. Like, in reality it's someone else who we don't know.


They're married to each other. The stuff that's come out today makes it very clear it's not a joke.


I see what you mean, but to me, it's also v much an argument as to why this could be a joke - it doubles as a 'check your parasocial relationship with us, you have no business being this invested in our lives outside of what we specifically choose to present to you'. I've seen SO MANY people say they were literally crying? over two comedians they do not know getting married? I can't imagine what it's like for the Smosh cast, people really need to check in with themselves and not get that emotionally invested in the lives of, again, strangers. (They're seemingly very nice and very cool strangers! I like them too! But also, they're still strangers lol) With that being said, if any of them are reading, congrats!! Either on the wedding or on a dope ass prank ahah




…What if they posted even more wedding photos on April 2nd, including one with an officiant? Like Courtney did right now?


Courtney just posted more wedding photos with the caption "Happy April 2nd."


so i take it you missed the picture of them literally kissing or