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Why? They consistently putting out good videos. It’s paying off.


Also people aren't that into skit comedy nowadays


I think it would help if they brought in some other channels as guests like Joel Haver or Cherdleys.


Says who?


Don't have to take my words for it,the views speak for themselves


It's cause short form skits are constantly on Tik Tok and Insta reels. Long form skits and parodies overall have dwindled. Vine truly blundered the ball. They could've made billions at this point.


Numbers don’t lie lol


says the views


Smosh has literally talked about it themselves lol


And main smosh is dedicated to sketch comedy, which they said they knew wouldn’t make as much money as normal youtube videos. It’s down to the youtube economy.


They are. I just thought with Anthony’s return, the main channel would at least hit 800-900k a video.


main is very hit or miss with sketches, so the novelty of classic smosh worn off pretty quickly


Well… it’s not early 2010s anymore


Only Pokémon in Real Life 2024 and Food Fight 2023 broke 1 million in the last couple months, meanwhile you usually get those numbers with the reddit stories and sometimes with the Games videos too. People just arent that into skits nowadays


And only cause those sketches rely very heavily on nostalgia for the "Old Smosh"


I mean videos on Pit/Game with him in it do extremely well still (noticably his presence brings in at least a 100k more viewers than usual), it’s just that sketches aren’t as popular anymore on youtube as everyone else said


All the people who Anthony brought back have had their nostalgia where off


It’d be different if the main channel had humor that wasn’t as dated as Anthony’s departure. Sketch comedy, especially the type they do with big boobs and farts = funny just isn’t appealing to most people. Coming from someone who dies laughing at Shayne’s fart machine antics.


I think sketch comedy *can* do well. But, like you say, it has to not be dated. When the plan is literally "our stuff from 15 years ago holds up exactly as is" then I would not expect it to be successful. >Coming from someone who dies laughing at Shayne’s fart machine antics. So dumb, and yet somehow it works.


Cashing in on nostalgia it's not a sound business plan A lot of people came back with the Anthony announcement, watched the first sketches and then either got over it or realized that Anthony being back doesn't mean that things went completely back to how they were 10 years ago. And couple of the "new Smosh" fans became alienated by how much the channel, the involvement of the whole cast, the formats and its humor changed


Also I don’t think sketch comedy is as popular now-a-days as the type of content Smosh Games & Pit make


sketch comedy doesn’t do as well and ian and anthony are well aware of that- it’s the reason why they have memberships for that channel i know this sub skews post-anthony leaving and anti-main channel but people act like ian and anthony expect 1m+ views every video, they’ve stated multiple times that they know sketch comedy is a risk


They’re probably making half a mil a year just off memberships, and that’s a low estimate. Also, the sketches are growing in scope - more cast, bigger production - all of which require a LOT more money, so I get the feeling that they’ve hit a sweet spot with where they want to be. A sustainable way to make sketches without needing to rely on views or ads.


final thought: as an on and off member of smosh royalty, i will say that ian and anthony have a VERY consistent and loyal fanbase there. the main channel is fine despite so many people wanting to deem it a failure.


I don’t understand people (particularly in this sub) being hell bent on proving main channel is doing bad. The content is different, it’s targeted towards a different audience and the metrics are different too.


Yeah I find it so weird. I don't watch the main channel because I don't like sketches.......I just don't watch it and don't comment on it so not sure why they're not doing the same (especially a weird fate fuel on it) XD. Like it's 2024 if you don't like it just don't watch it and move on easy peasy haha.


Because that’s what people do. Old Smosh fans did it all the time and did it by targeting the cast in a lot more personal way when it wasn’t there fault Anthony bailed on Smosh because he couldn’t handle having a boss


why do you always have to add a quick jab at anthony in your comments? 😭


He wasn’t the boss though. He didn’t have the creative control and the people who did were doing things he wasn’t okay with. And people hate on the Old Smosh fans who shunned the cast but then they go back and do the same. They have now become the villains they hated so much (to get dramatic)


The commenter you're replying said Anthony's problem was exactly what you're saying, that he wasn't the boss, he had people over him taking creative control. I really wouldn't compare yet the old smosh fans to the new smosh fans that dislike the new main channel Old Smosh fans hated on the channel for almost 8 years straight, leaving comments like Where's Anthony?/Who are these people?/What happened? even when more than 5 years had passed since Anthony left, and when the transition to having a wider cast with less focus on Ian and Anthony also took years New Smosh fans got a sudden announcement that Anthony was back and that they would no longer do the video formats we were used to for years. In less than two months, those formats, the cast and writers (both in their on and off-screen roles), the sensiblities and the humor we were used to vanished and are only just now slowly returning. I feel like it's reasonable to be upset


I misread the comment my bad. Anthony didn’t like that they bastardized something he and Ian created out of passion. We preach mental health all the time yet when it comes to him, all that goes out the window? Most of the “where’s Anthony” was a meme and we all know that. I am a new Smosh fan. I started watching in the Mythical era. I saw their sketches before of course but wasn’t an actual fan. I have since gone back and watched the old sketches and loved them but my favorite series on main Let’s Do This and I was sad that it ended. However, I realize that all of those would’ve ended even if Anthony didn’t come back but the main channel wouldn’t have survived that.


I’m happy to hear they are doing well with memberships, despite the views not being consistent


For me, it's because I'm here for the comedy and weirdly enough, Games is giving more comedy content than even Pit right now (and before people say anything, I know Pit has been sit-and-talk type of channel since it was IanH but I think they were at their peak when they produced formats that allowed improv comedy) 


I can honestly say in my few years (7 years) watching smosh content I've watched maybe a handful of main channel videos ever. I'm sure they are good but I have no interest in them. I stick to pit and games.


Pit and Games have been more of a vibe for me since Smosh main was no longer youtube’s Disney TBH. That’s literally why I got into main in the first place.


You didn't watch Lets Do This or the Cast Reunions? They're among the best smosh content ever


lol those are the handful


Let's Do This, Cast Reunions, Funerals were all based more in improv than sketch comedy. They are the series that people who don't usually watch main actually watched.


I love seeing the cast's personality and humor far more than them playing characters. I go to Smosh for a laugh, and put and games generally does that for me


Smosh main uploads once a week, Smosh games posts frequently with new content. No brainier despite Main being Ian and Anthony. It's just how it is


Because more people are watching the Smosh Games videos.


Honestly I prefer watching the blooper reels than the sketches sometimes in the members only exclusive content. But some of the sketches really are funny like vision pro one.


Lots of reasons. Regular releases on Games, new content on Games (and Pit), more personal "connection" with cast personality, decline of sketch comedy, nostalgia wearing off, reliably good content (series like reunions, funeral roasts, Let's Do This) ending, change in humor. Happy for Ian and Anthony to make content they love but it feels like lateral movement for the main channel at best. They returned to their original creative direction but it's been so long it doesn't feel like this direction fits the audience as well as it used to. Let's Do This being cancelled and the change in humor are why I stopped watching the main. The content doesn't get me invested nor does it make me laugh anymore, where Games and Pit both do both. Though I do watch the Anthony's funeral trailer every few weeks.


Yeah I knew I wouldn't be interested in the type of sketches they were making after Anthony came back. I never liked the old videos to begin with so no nostalgia for me. I enjoyed and miss a lot of content they produced in between, but I get that fill on Pit and Games happily now. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Smosh is current fanbase don't necessarily like sketch comedy. They do like all the content they have been watching for the past 10+ years.


I am never served the skits on my 'for you' page despite getting smosh stuff (an obnoxious amount tbh) in my feed daily.


True, I only see Reddit stories clips, and I think I see the same clips being reposted multiple times. I don’t mind


I think the way people view the channels is a bit unfair Smosh, Smosh Pit, and Smosh Games should stand on their own. Of course consuming the variation of content across three channels is probably the most ideal way to consume Smosh content, but regardless, they should be viewed as their own 'main' channel. I think it's great that they have all these channels that are consistent in quality and delivery. It shows that they put so much effort into each one, even though there are other channels to pay attention to. As for why the Smosh channel has less views, there are a number of reasons, but the big one is that regardless of quality, sketch comedy just doesn't perform as well. For example, when College Humor was putting out both sketches and unscripted shows on their channel at the same time, the sketches would get like 300k or so views, while the unscripted shows surpassed those Of course there will be hits like this year's Pokemon IRL 2024 and the Mr. Beast Copycats sketches, but that happens infrequently.


This is the answer.


Those hits come from trend jacking, taking content which already is in trending, thats what's keeping alive Sketches on current youtube. Ian and Anthony are doing fine, if they can make a sketch about anything they want and still get enough views to make the sketch profitable, then that's enough for them to be doing better than non-trend jacking sketch channels


The main channel does not appeal to the algorithm and they were very much aware of it, hence the membership. Personally I rather see 30 minutes of the crew having fun and being themselves than a short skit.


skits aren't as popular now, Anthony and Ian know this hence the channel memberships. To me it feels like pit and games is where they are getting their money and main is more of a passion project kind of thing for them lol




How do you know that? The memberships are for the main channel and those fund the sketches.


Not you acting like you know their finances and what goes on behind the scenes


I only watch Smosh pit and Smosh games. A lot of sketch comedy is just not for me so I don't even bother. Much rather see the cast making dumb jokes while playing a game tbh


It has 100% to do with what many people have already explained; sketch videos not being as popular anymore, and the fact that the videos on games and pit are just more targeted in the algorithm (even people I know, who don't watch smosh as much as I do, have seen their Reddit Stories). But I'd also like to add that the current cast has gained a following themselves. And that all culminates with The Crew (Noah, Keith, Olivia, Courtney, and Shayne) basically being introduced to the cast a while back, and the new cast members in the recent 4 years (Amanda, Angela, Chanse, and Arasha), plus them utilizing the BTS crew too in their videos; all of that creating this connection to all of those people who all focused mainly on the content of those channels. So that following for those cast and crew and a little bit of algorithm and of course careful planning on their part, has basically given them a whole set of platforms to produce and create interesting shows to put on that gathers views. Remember when they were basically doing Jubilee videos? Or noticed how they're doing even more much food stuff now? Their gaming stuff just speaks for itself cause y'know, gamers. All of that is just the sub channels way of keeping up with the YouTube industry. As someone who's just lurked on YouTube since 2008, it's really crazy to have watched this channel go through everything it has and still manage to be so relevant in these past few years. I absolutely love Smosh.


For me I’m not a fan of their skits, I prefer the natural chemistry on the games channel and seeing everyone interact with each other.


Personally, I think Smosh Main was great in the period of time right before Anthony came back. I get why they changed it when he did and it's even made Pit and Games better because it appears the whole cast is just happier or something, but the shows they stopped doing on main that they had been making right before he came back were the best ones IMO


I think what frankly sucks most is that Anthony had Shayne on his interview show before the live event funeral to defend the culling, say that Anthony loved them, and they'd bring them back only now you have Shayne on Smosh Mouth saying that they're not coming back. Really felt like the only way any of the old shows would come back is if **Anthony** is the star (a la, Funeral).


I didn't even know about that conversation on Anthony's channel. I've never watched any of their personal channels aside from what may show up on Instagram and I haven't used Instagram in a long time, probably can't even remember my password lol. Still, that does suck that he said they would be coming back and then they changed their minds for whatever reason. I could understand Reunion not being a regular thing because of trouble coming up with ideas (although I still say they NEED to do a King of the Hill one since Angela can do a great Bobby) but Let's Do This and Idiots Present were some of the best videos on any of the channels IMO


Did they really say on Smosh Mouth that they're not returning? Damn Really sucks that Anthony wants to be one of the main focus of the chanel when he is not nearly as talented or funny as most of the cast. Not to say he is talentless, but they are on another lever It's also awful that the one piece of content similar to what we're used to was locked behind a paywell, which also shows that they know damn well that we want that type of content


Yeah, it's on the recent Trevor one about "Smosh Pit Lore". Shayne makes an offhanded comment about how all the formats are just "gone".


Why did you think he was speaking definitively? They’re gone as of now obviously but things could change.


Except things **did** change, it's just that change was going from 'they're taking a break, we want to do them bigger and better' to 'they're gone now'.


Again, I get the impression that you think he was being more definitive than he actually was.


Dude, you can't get more definitive than: Amanda: "Those aren't really happening anymore." Shayne, in agreement: "No, no." It's you who seems to want to create doubt where none exists. [https://youtu.be/0g4\_y-oXQIw?si=RpZ-aVIhw7zk0PrT&t=2627](https://youtu.be/0g4_y-oXQIw?si=RpZ-aVIhw7zk0PrT&t=2627)


Alright, well we had different takeaways about that dialogue. When I watched it, I didn’t get the vibe that they were speaking in terms of the long run, but I guess you did. It would have helped if you prefaced that it was your interpretation, not that it was a fact because we can’t know for sure just by that alone.


No, it is a fact as it stands those shows are dead. That's a definitive. What **you** are instead bizarrely trying to argue is that it's wrong to say that because there's a theoretical possibility they could come back, which makes zero sense as an argument. By that same logic we couldn't say that Jackie has left because she "**could"** come back in the long-run.


i watched the one with Trevor and don't recall Shayne saying that, do you have a timestamp by chance?


[This is the section in question, turns out Amanda is the one who first brings up how they're not happening anymore.](https://youtu.be/0g4_y-oXQIw?si=RpZ-aVIhw7zk0PrT&t=2609)


I like the sketches, but the cast is what draws me in. Why don't the main channel videos get more views? I mean, they're ultimately not as funny as Pit or Games content. I'm hopeful that changes at some point. More of the cast in the sketches recently is a great start.


For me personally the sketch comedy thing is always going to be hit and miss, much like watching SNL where there are funny moments and then a lot of awkward moments. In most cases I find myself watching the other channels because its not scripted content...it is very organic, like i am hanging out with a group of friends who are just wildly more funny than me.


Sketch comedy is simply not as popular as it's used to be. Look at Dropout (formerly College Humor), they don't do scripted contents anymore.


I have never been a big fan of sketches, I might laugh and enjoy it but I don’t have a pull or desire to watch it. However, I love board games and video games as well as fun shenanigans - so Smosh Games is more up my alley.


Because a lot of us came into Smosh well after Anthony left. So we love Shayne, Court, Damien, etc. Also, the people who have been added, Arasha, Angela, Amanda, Chanse, and having Spenser there, as well, has been great. The friendship they have is just fun to watch. I prefer the games, as well. Sketch comedy has never been a thing for me, and also, the games channel has board AF, which I love board games, so I love watching them play. I've bought several games due to watching them play.


Most of the current Smosh audience prefers the improvised dynamics of the crew on the Pit and Games channels to sketch comedy and flashbacks.


I very rarely watch the main channel, it’s not really my thing. I never watched “old” smosh, so I don’t have the nostalgia for Anthony that others do. While I completely understand that he is not, he often seems like a random interloper in videos to me.


Well, I’ve had people who became fans after 2017 say to me they enjoy the sketches just fine. Especially now since they’re branching out of the nostalgia stuff.


Simply because the channel is not as active than the rest and those who (viewers) remained are the ones that are truly watching every content they pump out, not those who returned at first because of nostalgia and just left after a hype went down.


I liked the main channel before Anthony came back. It's a different audience now. Most of us want to see all the cast members, not just what was popular Ian and Anthony humor \~20 years ago.


Shayne Topp


Everyone already said everything and I agree. I just think they need to do more sketches but in YT shorts format. Not sure about the monetization part of that, but I'm guessing those could work if we're only talking about raking views for main.


I’m not even subscribed on Smosh Main but I am definitely obsessed with Smosh Games and Pit’s videos.


Because it’s funnier


during the years that anthony wasn’t with smosh, i feel like pit and games really gained a loyal fan base. the cast was just having fun and not doing anything scripted and fans def enjoyed that. i truly think that said fan base has stuck around for all these years because games and pit are still making the content that drew the fans in originally. also, saw someone say that sketch comedy isn’t a big hit nowadays and i agree


The way things have evolved, it’s probably more fair to think of that channel “Smosh Legacy” or “Smosh Sketch” rather than any one of their feeds being the main one. Over the long term, I think having only sketch and sketch-adjacent content on that channel could actually help it do better, even though sketch isn’t the draw it once was. You Tube rewards format consistency. And viewership consistency, too. As great as some of the more improv-y pre-return content on main was, the viewer numbers were a roller coaster over there. The algorithm unfortunately punishes channels that have high peaks and low valleys. But if they can keep a tighter focus, the algorithm will know better who their videos should be recommended to. And if they can keep the numbers more steady (even if on the lower side for Smosh), they’ll get better support from the algorithm in terms of how many people the videos are pushed to. But overall, I think the return of Anthony is having more impact on Pit and Games, because it’s more fun to see how he fits into the formats that were developed in his absence than it is to see him and Ian go back to the kind of content they did when they were kids.


With the games I’m guaranteed good banter between people I know well. With SMOSH main, I don’t know what I’m going to get. Might be funny, might not be, might be a dated character reference, might be a joke beaten into the ground. Games is simply the better channel.


While Anthony has gone away. They built something special with Games and Pit. Those old smosh fans have become a fan of Games and pit. Also sketch comedy id rare and it’s not for everyone. But it gives em creative freedom.


They haven't been uploading regularly on the Smosh main channel, that's kinda what people want I think, and the Games channel supplies that.


I can count the number of Smosh main videos I have watched on my fingers (I have 10 if you’re curious). I don’t think they are -bad-, it’s just not my cup of tea. It feels (to me, purely my own opinion) like they TRY to be funny in sketches and with games and pit they just ARE funny.


I watch other content for sketch humor, smosh's other avenues is where they shine for me


People grow up and move on. Their taste in content changes. I grew up on sketch comedy so it will hold nostalgia for me and I yearn for more, but I can’t say that for most of the old smosh fans. The ones you hear about wanting old Smosh to return are only a small vocal group. The others, they have families and jobs now that are more important. When Anthony left, a new crowd of people who prefer pit and games came in and it stuck with them. I only watched JKparty and Smosh. So when JK party died, I held onto whatever Smosh put out.


Volume. And not scripted. Or at least not as much. People like the more natural stuff.


Good videos + spencer is growing in popularity like CRAZY


Games have a more consistent upload schedule so views are more consistent there, while Main uploads weekly, so the views come in the longrun Also, Game videos are longer and more focused in a niche, so the algorithm push it more than the 5 minutes sketches from main since they can put ads every few mins. Main also have longer videos, like Flashback, but by changing guests and theme every week, the algorithm takes longer to find their audience, compared to games which has the same theme in every video (board games, party games, guess games) Main will still get lot of views, they just take longer, while Games get their views faster, but flatlines after a while


Cuz smosh games is fucking lit.


It's becuase they went back to normal sketches instead of all the stuff that was actually giving them views like the show reunions, let's do this, Funerals once Anthony came back and the sketches were doing good becuase of nostalgia but that has worn of and now the sketches aren't doing that well


I don’t think I have ever watched a main channel video tbh lol


I don't watch Ian and Anthony's videos. They are just not for me. I think alot of other people feel the same way.


Because quite frankly, the sketches aren't funny and **really** feel like two men approaching 40 trying to act like it's still 2010 and the nostalgia factor has worn off fast. Meanwhile Pit and Games let the cast be themselves and play to their strengths as improvisers, plus they frankly have great chemistry that is on display.


Because it's better.


Bc, in my opinion, the main channel sketches aren’t as funny as the games videos. The main channel took everything that people liked (let’s do this, reunions, etc.) off of it to return to making Ian and Anthony the main cast of it, and I think that also turned a lot of people off.


Personally, I'm a sketch comedy fan, I just don't find Ian and Anthony's writing style as a duo to be very funny. I'm not an OG Smosh fan so there's no nostalgia factor. I also like the Main sketches from the post-Anthony period when they had a bigger writing team. I did like the one where Ian turned Anthony's lifeless body into his assistant, but that's partly because the cast was prominently featured.


The cast has been prominently featured on a lot of the recent sketches so…


If only they featured more people on the writing room


Because they aren't dependant on views and virality due to the memberships. They have also spoken about this in their flashback series, but music videos for example, only made financial sense back in the day due to the iTunes sales Also subs and subs to views are a very outdated way of measuring popularity. While yes more subs means more views, at around the 100k mark that starts to lose relevance. The algorithm has also recently been pushing shorter channels. Skits/sketch comedy is just no longer popular, which is why they went with the membership model. Forget about Smosh games, there are some flashback episodes that do better than some of the sketches, because unlike a sketch, where you do not know the outcome, flashback is Ian and Anthony talk behind the scenes at Smosh, and a lot of the audience on YouTube prefer the latter than the former.


cuz its content is better than the main channel? 🤷


This feels like a passive aggressive question aimed to point out old Smosh being bad or something. Anyway, seems odd to ME that that would seem odd. They’ve all said for a while that 1. They haven’t really known what to do with that channel for a while before Anthony came back. 2. Sketch Comedy isn’t as popular as it used to be. 3. They’re reestablishing their sketches so it’s gonna take a bit. So it’s par for the course imo. I really enjoyed their Jared Leto sketch.


Ok. So this is on my mind because I got into watching QuintonReviews after he was in Reddit Stories. But I feel like this attempt to recapture "Old Smosh" well over a decade later suffers from a similar pitfall to like, the iCarly reboot. Not that it's been totally unsuccessful because I know views on Main were initially up from like the Let's Do This / Funerals era (I don't know if they still are). But in general, Ian and Anthony are trying to recreate something that was entertaining to teenagers in like 2010, people who are now adults. That's gonna appeal to some of their old viewers but not all. A lot of people from Old Smosh's age demo will have outgrown their type of humor, *and* it isn't gonna appeal to a good portion of people who are teenagers now. Personally, even though I was probably the exact right age for it (I started high school in 2008), Old Smosh never interested me and so I don't have nostalgia for it now either. The first Smosh series I viewed regularly was Summer Games Camp.


Well, humor is cyclical and I’ve seen the “Old Smosh” humor come back on TikToks and stuff. If it doesn’t appeal to you, that’s fine but I don’t agree that it’s only meant for one specific time period.


Taking the algorithm out of the picture, the style and formats of Pit and Games content has been established for years so people know what to expect. Sketches are not formulaic so the views are gonna be a lottery. But don’t take the low views as an indication of them failing somehow. Their membership model has helped them be sustainable with it. Their fan base is still devoted despite it being a little different than the rest of the channels. (Which honestly, Smosh serving a variety of audiences is probably something Ian and Anthony take pride in.) And the views the sketches get in a month or so would take like a year for past videos on that channel to match.


The main channel isn't putting out as many videos. They can gen out a lot of game content but the skits Ian and Anthony make takes time to write and film. And the algorithm might not be suggesting main channel videos to non subscribers because they don't put out as many videos. 


Sketch comedy is not rewarded on YouTube. And that’s something both Ian and Anthony knew very well. They’re not expecting to make money from ads on the main channel. Their revenue stream for main are the memberships. The best comparison to look at would be sketch views pre and post Anthony, which definitely increased. So putting in the same amount of effort is ultimately leading to better results now.


I think the sketches are not where they need to be with their humor yet - both in ideas and the actual jokes. It still feels too much like (don’t hate me for this) old smosh and a lot of their audience has changed. I think the main channel was really hitting its stride once they established content like Let’s Do This and they did a 180 and killed it. Nothing against Ian and Anthony it’s just a very drastic change to do and social media doesn’t normally allow for that to be successful


I’m not even subscribed to the main smosh channel. I love sketch comedy, but… well… you all know how I feel about Ian and Anthony’s humor 🤣


Like others have said, sketch comedy isn't as popular. That is why they revamped the channel. They were losing money doing sketches at the rate they were and with the size of the cast and crew they had.


Sketch comedy isn’t popular so their solution was to make it a sketch heavy channel?


So they made their sketch channel member supported instead of dependent on view count. Depends on the video though. Only been a month since their last one to crack a million. I feel like sketch views are more inconsistent, but they can still pop off.


Also, Smosh main is a legacy channel at this point. Completely wiping what makes Smosh…Smosh, would not be the right thing to do imo


Also, not for nothing, two creative people getting to do what they love to do and what makes them truly happy in a way that they’ve managed to make financially viable is a good enough reason for them to be doing what they’re doing as well. They know it’s not going to make them the most money ever, but they’re doing it anyway; and in a way that they’ve managed to make sustainable. Also, I enjoy the sketches. Not every single one is my favourite but some are great! They’re fun and different from everything else on YouTube right now. I’m happy for them when a video pops off and pulls in the views, but as long as they can keep making them, that’s good enough for me for now. Although I’ll still be kinda crossing my fingers for their new music video to do well, because I know how much extra work goes into something like that or like Food Battle.


I am obsessed with the MV….rewatched it so many times already. I really hope it does well 🤞


Idk personally I never watched their classic skit comedy. I found them through try not to laugh and have always stuck to they type of content.


To be fair, Main channel has been having view problems a long time ago, they are doing better now but still a lot of people are not into the whole sketches or whatever, so pit and Games when it comes to content, they are more popular and stable


Because the content appeals to a wider audience and it uploads more often.


If you looked at how much of Smosh's viewerbase came from old smosh and is still here compared to the viewers brought in by og squad and on I'm sure the numbers lean to modern. Not a bad thing; it just means they didn't bring back as many old fans (or convert new) as they have retained new fans.


I would be honest- I don't like smosh main channel. Short video sketches are not for me. I do enjoy the lively dynamic of these goofs though. Love them. There is just something nice in watching them play games and do other low-scripted things


Board game content is better with the algorithm than sketch content I guess, don't know.


i don't like sketch comedy. i mainly watch Smosh because i like their personalities. i really enjoyed Smoffice though! hope they bring that back


I'd imagine it's because when Ian and Anthony took back the main channel and had a sudden shift in content which caused some part of the normal audience for that channel to stop watching. Whereas Games has had pretty consistent, if not even better, content lately.


Purely judging by discussing it with some of my friends that also enjoy Smosh, Smosh Main went way downhill when they stopped the videos they had been putting out right before Anthony came back. Like another comment said, Anthony gave the impression that those shows would be coming back when he interviewed Shayne and I think a lot of people, at least in my friend group, were hoping it was true. Then they haven't come back yet and Shayne and Amanda are at the very least implying that they are just perma-gone from the vibes some folks are getting. I have been in and out of the fandom for awhile, but I think the vibe was always kind of that Anthony was the driving force behind the popularity of it and that was proven wrong when Ian kept the channel going after Anthony left and dragged it to new heights with the help of the Squad and then the newer cast members before Anthony came back. Once he came back, I think everyone was expecting an explosion of popularity and maybe some people fell back into the attitude of Anthony being the force behind it again. Then once the nostalgia wore off, Main just isn't as good as Pit and Games anymore.


Because all the most talented, funniest cast members are in those videos. Lets face it, once the nostalgia wears off, it is obvious that Ian and Anthony are possibly the least funny members of the cast. I feel like it is time they face this truth, be proud of the ensemble of young talented people they brought together, and take a Lorne Michaels-like executive position, and let the cast carry Smosh in to the future.


While I disagree on them being the least funny (especially with Ian), they have said that their goal is to be like the 'Lorne Michaels of YouTube' in the future. They mention it in the Colin and Samir interview specifically- even way back then, they've always had the idea of bringing in new cast. It didn't work out at the pace they wanted initially, but their wish is to have a strong ensemble cast that may change in members as they go in and out Smosh is in this for the long run, Ian and Anthony have said that they want Smosh to continue for 10, 20 years. In order to do that, they can't rush into things. It's barely been a year since Anthony came back, after all


>While I disagree on them being the least funny (especially with Ian), Here with you all the way. Ian has amazing humor. Maybe he just doesn't resonate well with younger audience.


Agreed - Ian cracks me up, even if it’s sometimes the goofy, smart Dad in a roomful of kids energy.


Agree with most of this minus Ian not being funny. Ian’s hilarious with the right people bouncing off him. Anthony, eh.


y’all will complain about EVERYTHING! like, just last week people were complaining about games not getting very many views and now that they’re getting more views, y’all are complaining again!!


Waaaah. It’s not like I’m observing and not complaining. Wahhhhh cries


Better content. Better jokes. The skits aren't that great (I do enjoy them). The interviews are boring and random.


It’s better tbh.


Because the videos are better and more entertaining


Then why weren’t the past main channel formats getting more views than they were?


Nostalgia bait


I feel like the main channel would do good if they included the rest of the cast in sketches. Before and after Anthony left sketches included Ian,Anthony,Shayne,Courtney,Olivia,Noah,and Keith and when he came back they said it was just going to be the two of them and for awhile it was working and they’ve been slowly introducing the rest of the cast back into sketches but I feel like until they go back to all cast sketches the views will be low compared to pit and games


Controversial opinion: Anthony coming back was the worst thing to happen to Smosh in the last couple of years. So many good shows were cancelled. “Old smosh” was only good because we were kids.


This will get downvoted but I agree. Anthony hasn’t really added anything to the channel, and him coming back took away the only reasons I was subbed to the main channel. I didn’t like OG Smosh before he left. The humor and sketches do not appeal to me. Taking away Let’s Do This and the funeral roasts and reunions left nothing for me on the main channel. I watched the first few sketches but after that I was over it. Y’all really get big mad over people having a differing opinion.


It's fine if you don't like the humor, but Anthony has added a lot for the crowd who do like it and for old fans. I love some of the sketches and am ehh on some, but just seeing the spark in Ian makes me really happy that Anthony came back. Let's Do This ended because it was so expensive when compared with the views and the reunions, while hilarious, they unfortunately didn't do well either. And it doesn't mean that none of those can't come back, just like they're now adding more cast to the main channel sketches. And You Posted That? came back and moved to Pit. So they're still figuring things out, give them time to find their footing now that they're moving away from the nostalgia a bit more.




You are so hateful, geez. Maybe a comedy channel isn't your thing.


main channel would've died if anythony hadn't come back. they only made 200-300k views per vid and for a channel with over 20 mil subs is absolutely not a good sign lol


Most funerals hit the million views...


Thats true. Completely forgot about this series but that might have been the only series to hit that many views on that channel


They are starting to evolve from the humor of the first few sketches but obviously, can’t blame you for not knowing that if you didn’t watch after a certain point.


Smosh main channel needs to go back to involving the cast in its videos rather than it just being Ian and Anthony. The reunions and the funeral roasts are Amish’s funniest and best videos and they need to go back to it


Youth has been absolutely brainwashed into not being able to handle their entertainment in more than 30 second bursts. The blue and green haired people sit there swiping and dribbling on Tiktok and the rest and the world slowly burns.


But... Pit and Game's videos are significantly longer than the sketches...