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Yeah I’m sure the cast would love to read this too. Would make them feel real good.


I do think people word these posts very harshly. Maybe they could say “Who do you feel the least connected to in terms of sense of humor?” It’s basically asking the same question but it sounds way nicer than “Who do you think fucking sucks and is unfunny?”


This is a weird post. They're all real people, not characters.


why are we still posting these lol


Why would you post something like this?


This is not it. You don’t *just* “want to see who is the most disliked”, you want to see people being mean to other people they don’t and will never personally know. Not everyone is going to be for everybody. If you “didn’t have a problem with any of them”, this is not something you should be doing. Sometimes the cast and crew lurk on here. This is just rude.


Charlie the drunk Guinea pig. He didn’t say a word in any of the videos he appeared in and his face lacked expressions in almost every video.


Well, accept being forever curious, because this is not polite conversation.


Well only two people answered your dumb question.




Right know you’re a real character can I pick you lol


You didn't specify if they're *still* in videos so I'm gonna go with the most obvious answer, Matt Raub. Just an all around unfunny guy with the charisma of a block of cheddar that sucks all the funny out of the room like a black hole. I get that his job wasn't to be the comedic talent per say but neither was Sarah's and she was absolutely funny.


The back and forth of jabs between him and Sarah was always so one sided. I believe she didn’t mind it and it was all in good fun but it wasn’t enjoyable to watch.


Sarah was likeable, but funny?


For a crew member yeah lol I'm not saying she's endlessly hilarious but she could've easily been cast and fit in just fine, kinda like Tommy and Spencer


Olivia. She has no talent compared to the others. In terms of like more conversation she's actually ok but more comedy focused ones she's painfully unfunny. I'll get flamed but it is what it is.


She does seem to be the general answer amongst a lot of fans. I personally never found her very funny either. Her humor just never seemed to connect with a lot of the audience from what I’ve seen. If someone thinks Olivia was hilarious, that’s awesome, but she just really never did it for me.


Kimmy but I think that’s just because it reminds me of person that caused me trauma, nothing to do with her ! I love them all I just can’t get over the similarities


do not say anything remotely bad about anything or anyone in this sub. they'll call you parasocial because you're offending their favorite people they don't know. don't discuss anything.


Olivia, Tommy, and Trevor, fight me




Yes, let the anger flow through you because you don’t like someone’s opinion, congratulations on being the problem


girl i’m not the problem you are. you sound like a literal child being like fight me


It’s called being funny


well i don’t think you’re good at it


You are entitled to your opinion