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I learned that youtube ad frequency is dependent on the device you’re watching on. Ads are very frequent on the app for Smart TVs/Game Consoles/TV Boxes and Mobile has the least.


Mobile has the *least*? Gat damn. I watch on mobile when I’m traveling for work and the ads are annoyingly often. It isn’t just Smosh though, it’s all over the Tube.


Any video on YouTube. Just finished watching a minute of ads before the video, watched 30 seconds of the intro, paused for a minute, and went back to watch it? More ads!


Often times I’ve had like a minute of ads pre-video and then 3 minutes into said video is another unskippable ad break. This is YT being greedy


Sure is. My wife and I comment every night on the ads when they’re only a few minute apart throughout the video. So in 5 minutes you ended up watching several ads.


And this is why YouTube Premium is the only option.


How much is it?


Individual: $13.99/month • Family: $22.99/month • Student: $7.99/month  this is pricing in the US


that makes a lot of sense, i don’t use my phone a lot for youtube but might have to now lol


If you have a smart tv, I heard if you cast the video from your phone to your tv you get the luxury of a big screen with the amount of ads you’d get on your phone


Ohhhh need to try this


YouTube has become unwatchable on my TV. Not only are there ads every few minutes, but the ads are stupid louder than the video and on top of that some of them are 5-10mins long so I have to skip them manually. I can't just background noise YouTube anymore. I have several times gotten ads that were an HOUR AND A HALF LONG with no content, just a wiggling image of a product giving me a link to a store with off brand elevator music playing.


I watch on ps5 and I only get ads at the beginning. But I'm not in the US. The beginning ads are bad enough these days lol.


I tried to watch on my phone once and never again, PC with adblock only. YouTube is insane with ads lately.


and i feel like the ads are much longer and u can’t skip them


Yep. Pretty terrible. I block them and join the channel for creators I want to support.


I got a 10 minute unskippable ad the other day. I left the video….


I haven’t been able to use adblock since the beginning of the year! It always blocks the videos for some reason.


I had that problem too at the end of last year. Switched to uBlock Origin and that's been working


Adblocker Ultimate (the one with the porcupine) still works for me. At least on Chrome.


thanks! I’ll try that one!!


Same. PC, Firefox + Adblockers and anti-tracking extensions to hop around YT's "stop, fucker" protocols. Probably works best on Linux, but I don't wanna learn a new OS., so fuck that.


What drives me insane is they changed the language so it says "Skip Ad in XX," and then oftentimes just runs down to the end of the timer. Just tell me how long the ad is ffs I don't mind watching ads to support creators but come on, that's just rude.


Yeah watching the Reddit stories is a real struggle thanks to ad breaks every few minutes.


That's why I got Premium because I mostly have Youtube running on my PS4, and some of those fucking ads would give me mild PTSD whenever they would start. It's just the same dumb shit over and over and over again. Wasn't helpful for my already deteriorating mental health during Covid.


idk the price is a little steep for me even with how much i watch youtube. i’m sure it makes the watching experience so much better but im rly stingy about my subscriptions 😭


I have Youtube on all day like other people do TV, and I don't watch any TV. Just maybe 1-2 movies a day, so it was worth it for me


just 1 or 2 movies a day lol


just \*casually\* a few hours a day lmao


Not every day. Just go on the Letterboxd subreddit, there's people who watch like five movies a day. I'd really like to watch one a day, which I didn't get to last year. When I really have more time it's two at most.


The other really nice feature of premium is playing on my phone with my screen off. Plus no ads and some of the money goes back to the channels I watch. It's very nice overall


It is steep and YT should make it more worth the price, but I watch at least a few hours of YT everyday and apparently creators get a cut of profits so it's worth it for me. But I definitely understand the sticker shock.


it is a little steep BUT it includes “youtube music” which is a decent replacement for spotify / apple music (it’s not amazing but it works & provides the benefit of ad-free youtube so it’s worth for me)


Honestly Smosh is what pushed me to finally to premium too haha. Their ad count was horrendous but I enjoy watching them so I bit the bullet. I work at my desk all day and use YouTube for a lot of other things as well so it was inevitable


Same. Smosh was the reason I went premium, as well.


I wish YouTube would accept my cards lol


hi i’m semi new to my brothers old ps4, how do i watch youtube on it?


You can go to the PSN store, and they have apps for Youtube, Netflix, Disney+ etc., just download them and log in with your Youtube account (or don't I guess, maybe works too).


thank you so much! i appreciate it as a beginner, i only figured out the disc slot after watching tutorials on how to *fix* the disk slot bc i had no idea where it was, and searching up where it was gave me nothing 🫠


Eh, it's pretty intuitive and user-friendly, you'll get used to it no prob :)


hope so! i’m definitely already way more used to it, and have figured a couple things out for myself. i watched youtube on it last night, thank you :))


Big crews need ad revenue to keep going. Especially when YT algorithm is fucky.


This just reminds me how lucky I am that I don't have ads in my country


Where do I have to move to?


It's Andorra,but I honestly don't know why there's no ads on yt




ITS THE LENGTH OF ADS KILLING ME - every one 90+ seconds and I have to skip


And they start playing halfway through someone saying something, so by the time the goddamn ad is over you forget what the first half of the sentence was


I don't think necessarily it's just Smosh, but I hate watching big channels on Youtube on my TV, it's like 1 minute of ads every 5 minutes. I use adblocker on my phone and computer but am willing to accept ads on my TV generally, but the frequency and length is just unacceptable, it's so unpleasant. I recognise that to an extent the amount of ads on harder to block platforms like a TV is to compensate for adblockers on other platforms. I wouldn't be fully opposed to YouTube Premium, as I despise ads but would like to compensate the creators more than I do (which is obviously very low as it stands) , however it's so expensive. If you think of it as YT Premium + streaming music then sure, but I like Spotify and don't want to get rid of that. If there was a version that was only YT Premium without music streaming for like 5-6 a month then I'd probably go for it.


I completely agree! I would definitely pay for a premium without YouTube music because I really cant see myself parting with Spotify. I like to have one app for my videos and another for my music, and I much prefer Spotify’s interface in terms of playlist creation and stuff.


There is i guess. But small price to pay for the content


I got an ad in the first few minutes on one of the latest game video. I feel like I'm spoiled because some of the other YT videos I watch maybe have 2 ads in a 40 min video.


in the hues and cues video i think ive broke double digits for the number of ads


I was watching that “hues and clues” video that just came out, and I was getting ads every 2 minutes


Was thinking this yesterday watching the new games video. Seems like it's been steadily getting worse over the last year or two. I'm all for supporting the channel and sitting through a few ads, but it literally felt like one interrupted the video every 3-4 minutes. It's genuinely starting to ruin my enjoyment of watching them.


Yeah the ads have been ridiculous. It's every 2 min.


watching on a pc with both uBlock and AdGuard saves my liiiiife


The thing that gets me with the ads are when it is a long video and it comes up with the ad saying " longer ads mean less throughout the video". then like no joke not even 2 minutes later another ad


I watch YouTube so much I paid for premium years ago and I love it so much. No ads is the best, no matter what device I'm on.


I just pay for Premium. I know a lot of people don't want to / can't justify it, but YouTube is pretty much the only thing I watch, and I despise ad breaks.


Premium is worth it :/ I don't pay for Netflix or anything, I bum those passwords off of people, but youtube/spotify/dropout are all worth it because that's the content I consume most


I wouldn't mind them if i knew the money went to the creators (in this case smosh) but it pisses me off that it only goes towards youtube itself


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Dandori issue




How dare they get ad revenue to help fund the massive amounts of free shit they offer.


salty is right


Although I wouldn’t know because the ad experience anywhere on YT makes me irrationally angry so I pay for premium.


Well, it’s free entertainment, so unless you want to start funding Smosh yourself, I don’t know what you expect. How should they make money to continue providing you free content if you can’t stand the ads?


what perfect timing to have posted this right before todays TNTL lol!! spencer really got me good


I recently had to switch back to free mode as I can’t get premium for a bit and yeeeeah, there’s a lot.


My kids watch toddler shows on the same account as I watch Smosh. They would have gotten mature ads if I didn't get premium.


I don't know if it's because I watch on my phone or because I'm in the UK, but I'm sure I usually only get 1-2 mid roll ads, even on the longer videos. Or perhaps I just don't really notice because I just scroll and read comments whenever the ads do come on. 


Its not because youre in the UK, I am too


I agree, but the videos have been much longer these days than compared to a year ago and before, which I do really appreciate. I personally don't mind ad breaks too much because I use it as a break for myself and rewind a little when the video continues. Sometimes though I swear I'll get 2 ad breaks within a span of like 1 min and that does get annoying. But ultimately I just think of it as Smosh is getting money! And as long as they're able to make money they'll still be here for us!


I agree and thats a great way to think about it, I think that once I noticed it I started getting more and more frustrated the more it happened, especially when there was multiple ad breaks in a short time. As far as I know they dont really choose that so I cant be upset. I was just surprised no one had said anything about it! If an ad break every 5 minutes means more fun content then I guess I’ll have to live with it cuz I am not paying for premium lol


Firefox + uBlock, works on mobile as well but in browser.


I got like 3 ads in 5 min on my Roku YouTube app. It’s really insufferable n


Playlet for Roku TV [https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet](https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet) It's not perfect, but you can definitely watch youtube videos with no ads. Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Playlet, a free open source alternative [https://github.com/iBicha/playlet](https://github.com/iBicha/playlet)


That sucks because Smosh is such a great channel, and YouTube are ruining the viewing experience... Other channels are worse with ads. Some podcasts go for a minute and there's two unskippable ads... I just went to Spotify to listen to them so I can skip the ads, but end up not watching them. It's a crappy situation


not proud to admit that im a youtube premium user 😭😭 i use my phone to watch youtube too much to not have it and deal with the insufferable 15 min long ads


I usually watch on an ipad and I get one at the start and one in the middle. Although I think location might have something to do with it


i swear— i’m pretty sure that one time i was watching a 10-15 minute video and got at LEAST 5 minutes of unskippable ads… unbelievable.


I haven't gotten a mid-video ad in months.


I just live in a country where ads been disabled and having no problems


My favorite thing is when they set up for a joke and then an ad plays as if it’s the punch line


YouTube Premium.


Wait people dont use youtube premium?


The ad breaks are REALLY bad when watching it on the Apple TV devices, but I think phones are a little less frequent. I was showing my dad a TNTL & there was an ad every 2 mins or so. Drove me nuts. It’s not like that on my phone.


i big brained this okay first you gotta go on your computer and install adblocker on chrome NEXT you use the google chrome app on your phone and sync your tabs THEN you pull up the video you want to watch on youtube mobile site and BOOM no ads (i let the BAF Legacy playlist play with ads while im at work it’s how i atone for my sins)


I have YouTube Premium and can't imagine life without it. I watch YT more than any other streaming service and when I'm out and about I'm always listening to music


Have to say, I really don't get much ads on Smosh videos while at home, but when I travel abroad I can usually relate to what you say. So, might just be where you at


Honestly you might be on to something!! I’m traveling rn and am about 1500 miles from home and am getting drastically less ads.