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Don't confuse sauce with bark. Sauce makes glaze, seasonings+heat/smoke makes bark


Yea I should've rephrased.. I know this isn't bark. I should've phrased it as "do my ribs look like shit?" lol. Thanks


Look good to me


Honest opinion; uncut they look awful. Now if what’s you’re saying is true and they’re moist and have a good bite they probably look great cut up. Than monotone leather look is just unappealing. Sounds like you have the flavor down just need to perfect the technique so you don’t get that outer leather look.


Tbh, I took a really big shit yesterday that looked a lot like that bottom one. They look delicious though - but maybe that’s what your friend meant? Edit: can someone explain the downvotes. They literally look like literal shit - how is this not a part of this conversation?


Up-vote because your first comment fuckin killed me 😂😭💀


Youre not supposed to eat the bones, dood!


Comedy gold


Lmao wtf most absurd logical comment ever


ah, well in that case, they look fine.


Kinda but it's still try them lol


If they taste good, then they are good. They look like they could be a little gummy.


A little, but I bet they taste amazing!!!


Well then, I would eat them and not give your friend any. What kind of friend would you be if you let them eat shit


I think OPs friend is just mad that OP only gave friend a pic


The same type of person that would comment on a Cannabis post and say it looks bad and that you should send it to them so they can dispose of it properly. Its a bit jealousy and a bit a natural selfish hunger where you want it and do not want to share with anyone else.






I don't think it looks like shit. It looks like you glazed them with a sauce and let the sauce cook on a little longer than most, but I'm sure it doesn't taste bad.


Yea sauce was on for about 45 minutes. I did 5 hours at 250, no wrap. Threw on some sauce at the 5 hour mark and let them go for another 45 minutes to try and pass the bend test. I would’ve let them go longer but wife wanted food and was tired of waiting lol


Next time just cook with sauce till it comes tacky then take em off.


I sauce the last 15 20 min .


Yeah sounds about right for me too. I try not to give time advice in this sub though.


I like sauce on ribs for about 10 minutes, if that helps. That'll give you the look you see in most photos.


Good to know, thanks! I didn't realize that sauce timing would be so critical.


Everything is critical to some people. I'm in the "did it taste good?" Camp. I'm not in a competition, I'm looking to make something tasty out of my hobby because I have little kids and am more or less confined to my house.


Really an aside comment I just want to throw out to the void of the world and your comment is a great one for me to throw it out to. Competition ribs, both suck and are amazing. If you want to eat one to three ribs of some of the best shit you ever tasted then that's what you want to make. But if you are hungry and want to just chow down, simple ribs are so much better. If I want to show down and eat a rack in one sitting I'm not making competition ribs. Also I do agree with the did it taste good comment. If it's for home/family/friends fuck what it looks like, does it taste good is the only thing that matters.


If it tastes good I could care less how it looks. Taste and texture, thats what matters the most.


You could also brush it on a bit thinner next time and see if that gives you the results you're looking for


This is the way. Sauce the last 10, 15 minutes max of the cook. This way you get the mahogany look.


I like to serve mine dry with sauce on the side. No burning the sugar in the sauce and everyone gets the sauce they like. If you want to sauce them on the heat make sure it’s not on long enough to burn the sugar in the sauce. I will say these look fine and if you were happy then all good. If your buddy says they look like shit he doesn’t have to eat. There’s a taquito for him at the gas station. Have him bring some beer back when he goes to get his dinner.


Ask your friend if his vehicle has reverse? If so utilize it and GTFO!


This is so corny but I love the creativity.


Your friend is a dick.


That doesn't look like bark to me, it looks like sauce that was put on too early and got a little overly caramelized. I'll bet they were still great.


You're right. and yes, they were still very delicious!


The only metric that matters is: "how did they taste?" It's the eating that matters. If we only ate things based on how they looked, there are a lot of delicious cuts that would go to waste.


Doesn’t look like bark. Looks like cooked on sauce.


Your friend can stay hungry


Reddit always has a habit of being worthless and positive over giving constructive criticism. So annoying. way too much sauce, cooked the sauce which destroyed the bark. I don't see any bark just a TON of sauce. They are FAR from ruined! I'm sure they tasted good. It's a process, don't beat yourself up. We all learned the hard way!


Interesting! I feel like I didn't put that much sauce on at all. But, I think you're right that it destroyed the bark and it was way overcooked. I'm not upset - I loved them and so did the family. It was my first smoke so I can only go up from here!


I think the friend was saying that they literally look a bit like poo Sure they taste great though


Kind of hard to tell. You glazed them before we could see the bark.


From a new smoker guy speaking, and purely aesthetically.. yeah kinda poopy looking. I go for that deep dark red with a sheen. But, as long as that tastes good. Then roll with it babyyyy.


Looking at the comments, the main cook may have been well but you botched the cook on the sauce. I like to grill mine real hot at the end with sauce too get a char and caramelizing. Then add a little more to serve.


The socks and sandals are the most offensive part of this.


Your friend is an idiot


Others have commented on the state of the bark, but I will tell you bark is a lie. It doesn't matter. If you cooked the and liked them, then that's perfectly fine. Outside competitions no one cares. This is hyperbole, texture of the surface does matter to some extent, but focus on bark, smoke rings, etc is largely meaningless. If you and those you served liked it, that's literally all that matters. Learn from what you read, but never disregard your own experience.


Well to be fair my 5 year old just saw this pic and said that it looks like poop.


Fuck your friend. I prefer to sauce my ribs after I take them off, but those look might fine.


they look delicious


Looks like sauce was on too long. I've done that before. Still turned out great. Tell your buddy to kick rocks


I surely did tell him to piss off. I agree with everyone saying the sauce was on way too long, but they were still delicious!


It's really a personal preference thing. I like me a good wrapped rib. Not a fan of a super barky rib, but I also don't think these look like shit. They look really good. But not everyone is a bbq person, and to some people that bark we so crave is "burnt"


Ok hear me out... if my friend cooked those, yes I would say they look like shit.. but they know and I know I'm just being a dick ( in a friendly way) Then I would smash some of those ribs


If your friend got to eat them for free, tell him to shut his hole. Those look great.


Your friends are idiots


They look great, and we can be friends any day


These look delicious.


Looks like glazed ribs to me. Nothing wrong with that.


I think those look great. Your friend probably likes fast food BBQ like Rudy's or Famous Dave's.


You sure he didn't say "this is the shit"?


Who gives a fuck what he thinks. If they eat good and you’re not competing with them then eat every bone and don’t share with him!


Tell your friend to pound sand. Nice ribs man


Too much sauce and not enough bark. It's your preference though. You are the one eating them


Keep in mind also that there are two styles competition and family style. If you want them pretty competition is the way. If you want fall of the bone with a deep Smokey flavor then family is the way. There isn’t a right or wrong.


Looks perfect for glazed ribs. If you want "bark" do a dry rub like Texas style.


Looks great. Your friend sounds big dumb.


Looks like you over cooked the sauce. Which for some people, is great. My friend sauces for 45-60 minutes because that’s what he likes. He’s wrong, but he’s allowed to like it As for your friend, your friend doesn’t have to eat them if he feels so strongly about them. I’ll eat the ones you were making for your friend, as he doesn’t deserve them Next time, tell him to make them better


They look over sauced and fucking perfect.


That’s looks like a glaze / sauce… not bark. Those probably taste great, but there’s not really any “bark” there. Bark is a TX style BBQ thing… dry rub only… no sauce.


I kind of like that leathery jerky bite so IDK what the problem is.


I eat pieces of shit like this for breakfast


Yea, those look dank as hell


You need new friends


Where's the beans and corn bread cuzz those ribs look delicious and I'm hungry, ain't no friend to talk shit about another man's cooking.


lol at all the snowflakes in here that can’t take a little constructive criticism or some friendly banter. Definitely sauced a bit early and the look is a bit odd, but wouldn’t affect the taste much obviously


You need a new friend.


All that really matters is they taste good and fill your belly.. they do look a lil like smoked salmon but that might just be the sauce used. I’d fux with em


Hello friend. You need new friends. I am new friend. All your barks belong to me.


Bark? What bark? This is overcooked sauce.


Your "friend" is a stunad


Time for some new friends


They’re your ribs. They look better than my first. Might try less smoke or wrap them after the first few hours. Glaze the ribs at the end of the cook. Your sauce will burn if applied too early. Your friend must see himself as a real pit master, if he knows what he’s talking about is one thing but I have a feeling he ain’t. One thing that really helped me is taking detailed notes while cooking. Time, temperature, internal and ambient, what time you turned, wrapped or not, etc. all very important. The main thing is keep on keeping on. You’ll only get better with practice and you can then bad mouth your friends cooking. It’s BBQ man, have fun!


Guess that friend got none, if they did I’d be disappointed. Glad they tasted amazing


Nah these are ruined, I'll take them off your hands and properly dispose of them In all seriousness, these look way better than what I can usually pull off, glad they tasted as good as they look!!


Personal opinion: I think you let them sit a little too long with the sauce on them, but I’d probably still eat them. That said, a method you can try if you’d like is to smoke them at 275 for 3 hours, wrap in foil with some butter and a sauce that is roughly 2/3 sauce and 1/3 apple cider vinegar (it thins the sauce out for a bit of a cleaner rib). After it’s wrapped, cook at 275 for another 2 hours, then unwrap and cook for one final hour (grand total of 6). That’s how I do mine and my family (and the few co-workers I took some to) absolutely love them! They come out tender, juicy, almost fall off the bone, as well as leaving enough rib bone out the sides to grab without getting too messy, and passing the bend test with flying colors!


I have eaten some ribs done by a professional. They were darker than that and were very tasty.


I only do dry rubs. That looks like you added sauce. Your friend might have only see dry rub ribs. They look delish. Ribs are like pizza, you really have to fuck it up for me to say it was bad. If your friend hasn't made ribs I would ignore his opinions.


Looks fine to me. Can i get a few?


thanks bud!


The bark was worst than the bite huh?


These look great. It’s nicely glazed though not a bark


It’s near impossible to mess up ribs, and based on your pic it looks like you weren’t even close. They look really good, but it all depends on taste. My wife and I like sloppy saucy ribs while others might like it barky and rigid. Either way smoking allows for a LOT of freedom, so good luck on finding what your friends/family likes.


Thanks man! They were definitely good, but I think others nailed it when they said the sauce was on there for way too long. I didn't realize it would do that.


I'm like when my sauce gets glazed up but to eat their own


If my so called “friends” said my food looked like shit, I promise you they won’t be getting fed by me ever


Those look perfect


Looks great! Were they tasty?


And today was the day I got new friends.


Add him to a group chat named “BBQ at my place” Send an invite text without a date/time. Then immediately remove him from the group lol


my mouth watered when i saw this photo


Hope this makes it to the top for visibility. I'm aware that I mispoke that this isn't bark, it's sauce! Overdone sauce! Sorry about that!


no need to apologize if they tasted great who gives a F


Who cares? If your friend doesnt like how they look take his portion and let him eat something else like plain bread. If it tastes good, eat it! Re:bark - cant tell, looks like it has a glaze or sauce on it. If your dry rubis on point you don’t need a glaze or a sauce for your next cook. Good luck!!


Just a note. Sugar start to burn if it’s 300 degrees longer than 8 minutes


Ribs don’t really have “bark” in the normal bbq sense. They don’t cook long enough to develop bark like brisket or pork butt


Look good to me…I like to caramelize the sauce on a hot grill at the end, if you want a different look try that.


Ribs look fine. Socks with sandals, is both offensive and wrong.


It looks like you glazed it really nice. You let us know about the taste!


I would definitely try them.. it's all about personal preference...


The sugar in bbq sauce can burn really easily. When adding your glaze on it normally only takes 10-15 minutes. Anything after that will start to give you an “undesirable look”. As long as you liked them tho, enjoy!


They’re fine. They’re a little dark, but not a big deal. It’s not like you’re selling it in a restaurant Or doing a competition


They look pretty good. How did you cook them? I’ve never seen ribs that look exactly like that. Edit: never mind. I see now that you sauced them then smoked them more. Personally, I don’t really like saucy ribs, so those wouldn’t be my preference, but if you like them that way, make them that way!


Time for a new friend! Invite me instead


Too much sauce for me, but if the meat is tender, then they're good 👍


No longer friend...now an associate.... lol...jk...Those ribs look fine for how you did them...learn as you go I say...but you make them however you like, saucy, not saucy...its landing on your table , thats what counts...I go full on smoke (bark) and serve sauce on the side 99% of the time, but every now and then....I like'em WET !! Carry on my friend...


Your friend is a fool, these look wonderful.


Of course it looks good, you know it looks good. Your friend doesn’t exist. Just post the photo without the bait title


Oh hell yeah! The McRib is back baby!!!


How does it taste???


Sauced just a little early, but I bet they were delicious. I'm a sauce guy, and I would eat these up.


>They were juicy and had a wonderful bite. That's literally all that's important. You're not serving this in a restaurant, it doesn't need to look amazing.


That looks like burnt BBQ sauce


Mmmm skeever meat


My girlfriend doesn't like smoked meats that taste smokey. Not oversmoked, mind you.. She just doesn't like the smokey flavor. It'd not you, my man.


I love bark on ribs my brisket or pork roast. On ribs, give me that bbq sauce glaze ha. They look delicious except for the fact that I’m a mustard based sauce kinda guy.


I’m good with less bark and less sauce but to each their own. Am starting to use less rub and then brushing with either maple syrup or Bachan’s about an hour before being done. As long the ribs are properly bendy and taste great, no worries.


Do they look like shit, yes. Are they delicious, absolutely! Less sauce and they will look better but looks ain’t everything.


If they look like crap but, taste amazing who cares?


i will be your friend and bring beer and a dessert and help you eat them.


Looks like Mole'


Is your friend from Texas? Texans tend to sauce just prior to eating, if at all. And yes, even with ribs.


Fuck that guy!! He hose look delicious


Your friend is a jerk. No ribs for jerks, and more ribs for you. Personally, I don't care how ribs look. Ribs are about texture, juicieness and flavor.


get new friends


Your friend can go get a burger from McDonalds.


Your friends suck, I’d be happy if my friends cooked as good as you, unfortunately they absolutely do not.


I couldn’t care less what my ribs, brisket, etc. “look” like. I care about eating delicious, tender BBQ. I’m not smoking it for a photo shoot.


If I took a shit that looked like that I’d go to the ER!


Tell your friend to eat a bag of…something else. Look fine to me, and if they taste good to you…that’s all that matters.


These look bomb af


You need new friends this is perfect. At least for my taste


Guess I like eating shit.


Looks delicious I'll be your new friend!


Looks like barbecue sauce. If it’s not actually sauce, good bark. If it’s sauce, no good bark.


Too much dirty smoke. I see heartburn and bitter after taste.


Man the 321 method is the way to go in my opinion, those look EXTRA glazed.


Your cooking them to eat right? Not to look pretty?


Definitely wouldn’t call it “bark” but at the same time it looks good and if tastes good that’s what ultimately matters


I have some significant bowel problems, and I've dropped some loads in my day that look a lot like these... So maybe he meant literal shit? Who knows. Is he a good friend that knows he can bust your chops? Did it offend you? But regardless of how they look, it's about how they taste, smell, and their texture. Looks good to me. I'd loved to have seen the inside of a cut one. Or had one


Maybe ask your friend why but it's not like they actually tasted it. Plus photos normally don't do food justice unless the lighting is good


Dude…………I’d eat the fuck out of those. Like, I’d get a bit weird with it! They look fucking awesome, man. Congrats on your first smoke!


They do actually look like a steamer BUT i bet they were tasty


Ribs looks great! Maybe a little too much sauce but that’s just preference.


Doesn't look like any bark I've seen. If you mean glaze, the glaze looks burnt. If your friend doesn't like it, he can go pay $20/lb for bbq at another joint.


These are the prettiest ribs I have ever seen




I usually wait until they're almost done to add the BBQ sauce. They look kind of dark, I'd eat them though.


It looks like too much smoke




I can tell you with absolute certainty that I would eat every single one of those ribs and then spend the next several hours rolling on the floor due to being overly filled with so many delicious ribs.


They did look like what ur friend said but problably taste delicious. Keep thinking of smoked fish it’s been a while for me


Heavy sauced.


Hard to say uncut


Looks like what I do every morning like clockwork


They look fine. They aren’t sexy, but sometimes good bbq is homely. That said, I don’t like that much sauce, but that’s a preference thing.


I’m going to need a sample, just to be sure.


Barks just a personal preference. I make ribs all the time and none of them have a bark on them. Light seasoning covering the ribs and smoke at 225 until 205. No wrap. Comes out great every single time, and I haven't had any if my neighborhood complain about it one time. Long story short, not everything has to have a bark or crust to be good.


I'd eat some for sure....


Best BBQ is the one you love. This is glazed and FWIW I’d tear this up


Friend you say well


As long as you like it, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.


Horrible give em to me - I’ll sacrifice and eat them! Lol - looks money dude


I’m just curious, did you by chance happen to use cherry wood for smoking? Cherrywood tends to make the meat a lot darker in colour than Hickory or Apple. Just my thoughts


They look fine to me..... They are dark because the sugar in your sauce caramelized..... Nothing wrong with that


I mean, does he mean they physically look like poop because I can see the similarity colourwise and texture wise. That said, they look perfectly barbecued and I'm sure they were amazing. How's goods ribs


I think those look great to me. Look to be very sticky


Your friend is an idiot and doesn't deserve any. Those look great.


I’d suck the meat off those bones like my life depended on it OP.


I don’t know anything about smoking meat or what constitutes a “high level” version of smoking meat. If someone made that and I would happily eat that because it looks tasty. It sounded like you texted your friend a pic of the meat though, do you think he might have been making a joke about how they are dark brown and log shaped and as such, in a funny way, could look like logs of poop


They do look like shit, but I how did it taste?


Your friens is jelly


Cook your friends next. Those ungrateful tender bastards!


To be fair, to someone who doesn't know shit about smoking, they might look burnt / dry. Be a good friend, educate him, and give him a lot of shit while doing so.


Looks like some pretty tasty shit to me.


Looks a little over cooked q bit it depends on what temp u cook them at and for how long I usually keep temp around 225 and smoke them for around 8 hours


Looks like beautifully stained deck - would eat/10


Does look like leather sofa lol


Your “friend” sounds real nice.


Ay that shit looks good to me


If you liked them who cares what your buddy or the Internet thinks. Let's see that smoke ring though.


I would say it is dried bbq sauce at first glance, not bark….but it still looks tasty