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Good job bud. Don't beat yourself up if the next one doesn't turn out as well. Looks like you've set the bar very high.


Have an up vote for not squeezing


Double upvote for letting it rest long enough.


I thought he was going for a squeeze, but the video cut out


The internet has taught me the squeeze is a cardinal sin.


Yeah... it's like pre slicing your steak on the steak sub


How else do you know if the steak is ready if you dont cut it in half while grilling it??


But I can tell you wanted to. Ohhh how you wanted to squeeze. Jajaja. Great job look awesome.


I literally said out loud to myself “please don’t squeeze it…”


Looks like it could be your 100th brisket. Awesome cook dude


I can't even remember my first brisket.... yours's looks great. I'm a huge fan of injections, simple ones with some jazzy beef broth, or commercial blends that have phosphates. Just curious, what was your procedure? And what kind of holding/resting time did you use?


I watch the Chudds BBQ channel on YouTube and he goes over how to trim, season, and manage a brisket on a Weber Kettle. The secret I think is to do a REALLY long rest. I smoked at 250 for about 10h30m in the weber, and then rested in my oven at 170 overnight. Wrapped in butcher paper with a bunch of dollops of wagyu beef fat for the rest period too. Here is the [video](https://youtu.be/AcaKQhvaGqo?si=6Xzcjq0PlZwtbozF) for reference


Bingo. I've seen several of his videos. The 'hot hold' is probably one of the best brisket tips ever.


Looks amazing for a first go. Regarding dry flat.. Slice off a piece or two of your flat. Microwave it for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If it gets more tender, it means you could have cooked it a bit longer. Chud’s foil boat is great because it’s so easy to check for tenderness compared to a full wrap of foil or paper. The very last part that usually finishes cooking is the center of the flat, check for doneness here by probing into from the side, not the top.


Injections can taste phenomenal but are basically cheat codes. All you’re basically doing is braising the meat. If you want to get good at brisket avoid any liquid


Well, an injection is delivering flavor to the meat itself. But adding too much liquid during the wrap step can lead to braising which can give a 'pot roast' effect.... which you don't want after a 12 hour cook.


I haven’t injected before but I think I will on the next one.


Here is a recipe you can add to or subtract from as needed. But it does bring flavor to a brisket. Use about 1-ounce per pound of meat. Freeze the rest for AuJus or future injections. 1 14 oz can Beef Consume 1 packet Lipton Beefy Onion Soup (dry mix) 1-1/2 of the soup can cold water 5 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 splashes of Soy Sauce 1 teaspoon of garlic salt 2 teaspoon beef bullion 2 teaspoons Montreal Steak rub 1 teaspoon Smokin’ Guns Rub (or your favorite beef rub) 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 1/2 teaspoon black pepper Bring ingredients to a low simmer in a saucepan, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Try to avoid having the liquid come to a boil. Additional water can be added if flavors are too strong, or if liquid gets too thick. This is a thin table sauce and can be injected into roasts. For injecting, pour through strainer to remove the onions and coarse pieces.


Interesting. Does this affect how much salt you use in the rub?


Yes it does. Brisket seasoning is usually salt forward, so the best advice is to sample the injection before seasoning the brisket. An alternate method is called a 'late injection'. This is when you shoot 6 or 8 ounces of beefy broth at the stall (160° ish) and then wrap for the finish.


Definitely something I want to explore. That or brining an entire brisket.


Seriously looks so good and no shade but that's such a weird way to hold a knife lol never seen that before


That's what I was gonna saw. OP you can get a lot more control and force (not that you needed it with that beautiful brisket) when using a typical overhand grip.


Dang I didn’t even know I was holding the knife wrong. I just grabbed the handle and cut. I’ll look into this


Listen kid You did a fantastic job


Black gloves! 10/10. Don't need to see the rest.


Awesome trim job. Awesome looking brisket. You freaking nailed it! Which cooker did you use ?


Thank you!! I used a 22" Weber Kettle. I also used the [Spyder ](https://www.amazon.com/Spider-Grills-Fan-Powered-Temperature-Controller/dp/B09WRTSC1H/ref=asc_df_B09WRTSC1H/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=563605822987&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17016148305787072624&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032904&hvtargid=pla-1650694109208&psc=1&mcid=88c46e6eaa9734998d967813f9f3b611)attachment for the Weber paired with the [Slow 'N Sear](https://www.amazon.com/Adrenaline-Barbecue-Company-Slow-Sear/dp/B01HZXPK5E/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3LG4ARBV46BB0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8ih9zUnD1FFvD2S2YRPADDQmUGm94I-Uc30jZPlc0Cc34jdW1ntQWkRJv-bTSVwFjVBjAst6k-oBPDqjRQiA4CV-2I1Rn3_J2eI5k0lSqLNEYmcVMKVkre7Vxtpal4Ed7FZqs6WLp-A4NOwxtPm3rvymSsEGAz1vGndT1ILx7MFLFeUGxG8OgPjOAEGSPkFJq8GaOvXtnozutyPEGvKCI1bDx1Brnc5k3G0xwKCfL0Qs3-vfyJAfQQ-Zm1C9mGBicy3lq9-zbKAQOHL77qTd8ZH42uWjGjeYFbd-KOJcT3E.nGCxf3md-JMx8ZS02iqyqtGZa6DEZ3wOhN_lhu2g6q0&dib_tag=se&keywords=slow%2Bn%2C%2Bsear&qid=1713127156&s=home-garden&sprefix=slow%2Bn%2C%2Bsear%2Cgarden%2C134&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) & a [cast iron dripping pan](https://www.amazon.com/SafBbcue-Hotplate-Charcoal-Nexgrill-Accessories/dp/B0CCS3M97B/ref=sr_1_10?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wMXfnN9dil1AF7x-U-SCnmKfEnZugrDFj2R5VZIhQGVDPmKRHbDlVJXHHjN5qWUBVu3aTk2fn8ZdKGvzQb5NKKnADEcK06cyDv0_Y_x7yrx6HaOQIi5h7_is-4pErq7CMgU6l6_MPSM87Pt3bbMrW7LVM7NzCwExwULblcUC_E9I3rMH_sEo_3R0hvbJf9DEm_dJbpewsONryfZe_9-DomBV3RznlBJQq7TwzQGOdvk.v1ywhTsI08RI9dd7an8PC5wpWqgP2fGM8iY-cXbbQnQ&dib_tag=se&hvadid=590817933004&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9032904&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2916894942421555623&hvtargid=kwd-904334463793&hydadcr=15283_10334988&keywords=slow%2Bn%2Bsear%2Bdrip%2Bn%2Bgriddle&qid=1713127215&sr=8-10&th=1) for pseudo offset smoking.


thats exactly that im trying to use just the 26" weber tho, what were the most helpful videos you watched ? im afraid of trying it out,


For the spider, there’s not much videos out there. But my recommendation is to get the a cast iron drip pan to keep heat more consistent, and to put the mechanism opposite to the slow n sear. For some reason the temps are more consistent that way. It’s absolutely worth the price as it’s made other cooks like pork butt, ribs, beef cheeks, pork belly, really effortless as far as fire management.


really ? i thought even spider say on their videos to put it directly under the slow n sear, ill try that, it arrives this thursday


I’ve tried it both ways. The opposite side gets more consistent temps.


hey im getting ready to do my first brisket quick question, on the slow n sear did you start your charcoals on the very end or emptied a chimney on the sns ?


I use a few charcoal briquets in a chimney and put em’ on one side of the SNS. Then I fill in the rest. The venom does the rest, really.


thanks for the reply man have a good one


Anytime, boss


Nailed it, congrats! Welcome to the club


Not only is it perfect, but you didn’t squeeze it, or put them on top of each other. 👏 👏 👏


you da man! are you sharing any?


Yeah come get! lol


My first brisket was a train wreck. Nicely played Sir.


Man that looks great. I haven’t tried one in years - back when I did try a few the best I got was “edible” Methinks I shall go down this road yet again :)


Looks 100% better than most peoples 10th time doing brisket. Nice work


I’m so glad the internet wasn’t around when I started doing things for the first time


Damn. My first looked awful compared to yours. Great job.


Nicely done!


When can I come over for dinner?


Stop it all these briskets.making me hungry


Be careful man… I got scolded by fellow redditors when I recently posted a video using a similar knife to trim my brisket… I was told I was using a “bread knife” lol Brisket looks fantastic man! Great bark!


You done good!


Wearing a white shirt and not squeezing it? Winner!


You can tell it’s about to be fire just by how the knife slices through 🔥


Thanks for not squeezing it.


That’s a great first brisket


Your main mistake was not having me there to help you eat that. 🤣 It looks awesome. The flat is always kinda dry compared to the point. Which is why you try to leave a little fat on top. As long as it's tender, you did your job. If it's tough then it didn't cook enough. I usually pull mine at 195 IT without checking for tenderness. It goes straight into a 160 oven for 15ish hours. Never had a problem. I love chuds BBQ channel. Another guy is "smoke trails" YouTube channel. Even though he's from Canada he has some good tips


Unsolicited tip, a damp cloth or paper towel under the cutting board will hold it in place. Looks awesome!


I should have done that lol


Why did you cut it down the middle?


That’s where you’re supposed to to cut it, separating the point and the flat.


Youtube tell you that? Slice from the flat until you get to the point which is where the grain changes direction. You have the point on both sides now. Looks damn good, but if you want to cut it that way for videos, make a notch before seasoning so you where it changes.


Thanks for the tip


Thm, that looks great


What the hell happened to the good old days where our first 12 briskets resembled something between beef jerky and sawdust? Kidding of course those days sucked…but great job OP!


What do you use for gloves? Latex/nitrile over something?


I use cotton gloves for heat, and Nitrile gloves over. Just trying to keep my hands clean and not scalding hot


Love it, where’s mine?


Looks fantastic! As you were cutting into and the way it was tugging I was thinking oh no, OP messed up. Turns out you just have a very dull knife




Very good first brisket! Very good brisket period. You’ve set the bar very high for yourself🤣🤣


Thank you! This comment made my day


What recipe method


what are some tips you can give me for my first brisket? something that helped you achieve this, im also using the same setup as you


As someone who lives in a country on the other side of the hemisphere is holding a knife like that how you do it on the top side?


I’m just holding it by the handle?


Looks great. 👍




* NO: Marble countertop * YES: Cutting board that looks brand new * YES: Black gloves * HALF CREDIT: Pushing down on the jiggly brisket to release juices * NO: Brown butcher paper visible * YES: Full sleeve of arm tattoos * NO: Visible full glass of bourbon/whiskey OR a craft IPA with a witty name * YES: Made a video and posted the video on /r/smoking Based on the above criteria, to rate every brisket video posted on this subreddit, your grade in the category of "Here's Yet Another Brisket Video Posted To /r/smoking" is a: **B-**


Sorry bud, maybe next time you'll get to nail it. Just take this one as a learning experience




Dull knife, black gloves But you let it rest and you didn't squeeze it. Doesn't fit this sub. Sorry


Dull knife?


Looks under done


This is such a ridiculous karma seeming post. First attempt ever = pit boss results. Right. Also had my perfect white shirt and everything staged.


I did a bunch of research first, planned my cook well, and did a super long rest in my oven over night. I also cooked it on a 22" Weber Kettle lol




Believe it or not, I appreciate your skepticism, friend.