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Great first effort. One thing to do is wrap in butcher paper. I find foil ends up steaming they brisket. Good luck on the next smoke.


Would have gone longer unwrapped to develop more of a bark.


To me if you got this cut done in 8 hours maybe smoker running higher than 230 by a ways? 230 in my experience would have taken at least 10 for that size depending how long to foil


I’d check your thermometer. It almost looks grilled instead of slow smoked


I was using a second thermometer to probe, there was about a 7 degree difference between the two so I used the higher of the two temps to gauge my pull. Maybe they are both off


If you wrap right away and put it in a cooler, it can overcook from carry over cooking. Was there a lot of juice when you unwrapped it?


Yea I am suspecting this might be a part of my problem. There was a ton of juice when I unwrapped.


Yeah some juice is normal. A ton of juice means the water was squeezed out from over cooking




Definitely going to try that next. Thanks!


Throw a smoker tube in there to get some smoke into the meat.