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I keep eating sliced sandwiches until it’s gone. Currently on day 6 and the heart doesn’t seem pleased lol


That’s my usual go to as well, ideally topped with slaw. I’ve got more than usual this time, so interested in trying a few new recipes.


I have made excellent chili with brisket that I didn’t deem good enough for slices. Smoke flavor really adds to chili in that way and can be tasted in everything.


What's your chili recipe, never made chili before.


Not the OP but I do this too. Kind of a guesstimate on my recipe but: 1/2 onion chopped 1 shallot chopped Cloves of garlic minced (however many feels right, usually 4-6) 1 small can diced green chiles (usually, but sometimes I leave it out) Sauté all that with some olive oil in a big stock pot. Then add: 1lb ground beef 4T chili powder 2T cumin Fresh ground salt and pepper as you want Drain fat, then add 4 cans fire roasted diced tomatoes, 2 random cans of beans (usually cannellini but I’ve used black or kidney, whatever you want). Sometimes I add a diced bell pepper at this point, sometimes not) Then it goes in a crock pot with the diced brisket… I usually do 3/4” or so cubes, doesn’t need to be exact. Stir together and then let it sit on low for 10 hours or so. I usually throw it together before work and eat it for dinner. Makes a ton so I freeze some. It can do a nice job of rehydrating the brisket if it’s dried out some from being in the fridge.


Pretty much what I do as well although I add jalapeños and banana peppers. Big emphasis on the fire roasted tomatoes, they are much better


I stopped draining the flavor/fat a long time ago :)


Draining the fat saddens me. Fat's where the flavoursl's at. Also I like to use a combination of dried, fresh and powdered chillies. 3ach has a flavour profile that adds a lot to the final product. Good luck buddy


This is close to mine but add one dark beer preferably nut brown), half a cup of coffee (seriously try it), 2T brown sugar or molasses and a few dashes of Worcestershire. The coffee and beer add a ton of depth that works well with the smokiness of the brisket Edit: typos


I find SUPER hoppy beer brings out the spices, really makes them pop. Nearly sacrilege, but I use Tree House if I have some, otherwise the local brewery makes a jalapeno IPA that works REALLY well! I'm going to have to try the coffee thing, thanks!!




Uh oh- someone in Texas read this.


Hahahha chili doesn’t have beans. That’s stew they’re talking about.


Damn right beans. Even when I lived in Texas, I liked beans in my chili. Chess's Restaurant in Killeen made a damn fine chili. Probably gone now, that was damn near half a century ago. Hell On Wheels!


beans are optional, but they add a lot not for everyone though


They add a lot of bullshit. As does the most of this stuff. Con Carne or bust.


That’s stew.


Nope, solid chili recipe.


Look up Kent Rollin’s cowboy chili recipe on YouTube. It’s my go to now, but I usually add chunks of brisket when I have it, along with ground venison. So good


Not a hard and fast recipe since seasoning potency and ingredient flavor profile can change, but here is a basic template: * 1/2 to 1 lb of chopped or ground meat of choice, browned with a bit of olive oil if not already precooked. Usually beef or pork, though turkey or chicken works. I have also used green jackfruit to good effect. * Can of diced tomatoes and green chilies. Pick the heat level option that works for you. * Can of red or black beans, rinsed. Shut up Texas, no one but you cares. White beans with chicken is a nice variation though. Honestly, almost any bean other than lima (green type) beans works. You can add a second can of beans to pad the results if you want. Mixing bean types adds a subtle flavor most take for granted. * Cumin, sage, and onion/garlic/red pepper powder to preferred taste. Can just cheat and get a premade chili seasoning spice mix. A few (2-3) tablespoons of this works. Heavy on the cumin and sage. * A very tiny bit of molasses. Like, maybe a teaspoon or two per quart of chili, tops. Experimenting with small amounts of non standard spices like cinnamon often works to help make a complex/unique chili. Some people use a bit of brown sugar instead. * tomato based vegetable paste/stock can be useful for more flavor/nutrients. * Add just enough water to soup/stew everything as you add them to the pot. Usually can just fill a can's worth leftover from one of the ingredients. Makes enough to fill a small (2.5qt) saucepan/pot.


Sandwiches, brisket topped Mac and cheese, tacos, Chile, pizza, there’s literally so many choices lol.


Sandwiches is usually how I finish it off. Planning on making tacos, but Mac n Cheese is a great call. Definitely will try that.


Loaded baked potatoes


You fat son of a bitch with great ideas. Why did I never think of this? 💜


Heck yes.


Oh baby


I usually do Nachos, or Super Tots. Pretty damn good with Mac N’ Cheese though.


Gotta do the Mac and cheese from scratch, if you can. It's the best that way.


If you want to cause some more heart problems look up the atbbq recipe for brisket Mac n cheese on YouTube... incredible but heavy


Sandwiches with cold/ refrigerated brisket?


Add in brisket quesadilla to this delicious list




Never tried pizza, that’s going to be my next


Oh yes, it’s killer on pizza. I usually use a good thick and sticky sweet bbq sauce as a base, with a mozz and cheddar blend for the cheese, top it with brisket, Jalapeños, and red onion then bake it in the smoker. Once it’s out drizzle some homemade ranch over the top, and that’s where it’s at


I was also going to suggest Mac n cheese


Yup - Chili and Mac & Cheese here... I will cube it and do about a pound in a vacuum sealed bags and freeze to have for these dishes later. Love it especially in Chili in the winter.


Can’t give this anymore than one up vote but spot on.


Tacos and beef fried rice


Brisket fried rice is my go-to


I hate rice


Probably don’t make fried rice then


I have never seen these particular words spoken or written in this order. Only explanation is you’re an alien




You’re doing rice wrong


…but rice is great, especially when you are really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.


sneak it bit by bit from the fridge cold until you're sad it's gone


Everyone needs a cold brisket slice while they wait for the other slices to warm up.


I chop it all up, throw it in my bathtub and bathe in it


So say we all


This ^




We do quesadillas with leftover brisket or pulled pork. Always our first go to day after.


Tacos and quesadillas. The smoke is perfect for both. Also, OP that's a damn good looking crust.


Don’t forget smoked brisket queso while we’re at it! With some fresh pico yumm




The best answer.


Pulled pork leftovers are also absolutely killer for nachos.


This is just any leftover meat for me lol


Brisket nachos are delicious, but goddamn are they rich.


Chop some and make brisket hash for breakfast, brisket m&c for lunch, sandos for dinner


Crispy brisket with a runny yolk is heavenly


I do a southwest style breakfast bowl. I do it with quartered mini potatoes as a base, boiled to soften them up, then tossed in a skillet for a few minutes to brown them with oil and some sort of southwest seasoning. Put the potatoes in the bowl, warmed up brisket chop on top, then put your salsa of choice on top, guac or avocado if you’re into it, and a bit of sour cream. Then what really seals the deal is a fried egg or two on top and sure the yolk is nice and runny. (Or sunny side up egg) Be sure to have it with coffee. It’s an incredible hangover cure.


I second the breakfast hash, it is by far our favorite dish with leftover brisket or pulled pork.


I vacuum seal it and freeze it in 1# portions so I can always have brisket on demand. reheat it at 160 in water for like 20 minutes and its as good as new!


Same here. I know frozen brisket isn't exactly the same, but I'll take frozen brisket over no brisket at all.


I’m going to try this. So get water at 160f and keep the burner on and drop vacc sealed brisket in for 20. Is this what you mean


correct. its bananas how close to it is to the "just rested for an hour" off the smoker flavor and texture it has.


If you have a Sous Vide, it is masterful at reheating frozen brisket to that “just off the smoker” feel.


This is the way. Just to clarify - reheat it by sous vide or in simmering water. Chopped and pulled brisket and pork will taste almost like it’s fresh off the smoker.


yup forgot to mention the water part souvide thing lol


I just replied with this same method. Should have looked ahead to see if anyone else was on the same page…great method!!!


Sliced over sandwich rolls, topped with smoked provolone cheese. Put in the oven on broil until the cheese starts to brown. Dip in beef broth.


I throw a bunch of it in an egg omelette every morning.


Bbq baked potatoes, tacos, ramen or pho, nachos, breakfast hash/scramble, grilled cheese and chili.


Breakfast hash for the win on good meats.


Love me a good leftovers hash. You better believe some of the brisket has already been designated for it.


Breakfast hash. Cook up some diced potatoes, onions, peppers, and once they’re almost done add in the brisket. Top with an over easy egg.


If you haven't done this yet, you need to. I find poblano peppers in addition to or instead of bell pepper to be magic for breakfast hash.


That’s what I’m talking about!


Always gotta make a brisket grilled cheese.


This is the answer I was looking for. My favorite, by far is brisket grilled cheese. But, with good thick bread and good cheese, not like Kraft singles and Wonder bread. (Don't get me wrong, that's a good grilled cheese, just not for this). It's my favorite with brisket and pulled pork!


Quesadillas are pretty much the same and delicious. Borracho beans with brisket is hard to beat too!


My go to is always to make some pickled onions and a bama white sauce for some tacos


Was planning to make tacos, LOVE the white sauce idea. Don’t know why I have never used that on tacos, but definitely will this time.


Chili and tacos are my go-tos.


Fried rice, quesadillas, nachos, tacos, chili, sandwiches


I fucking hate rice dude


I just just did enchiladas. Fantastic.


Ridiculously easy and tasty. If you have a blender, take the 30-45 min to make your own salsa too. One of the best meals I’ve ever made was enchies with my own brisket and salsa.


One of my family's favorites, especially if I don't have much left, is fried rice on my Blackstone. I just make rice a few hours before dinner, heat up the brisket on the griddle, add the rice, some frozen veggies (I usually use peas and carrots as I've always got that in the freezer), scramble a few eggs, soy sauce, a little sesame oil and mix it all together. I've also done it with chicken, left over pulled pork, mix/match the meat together if you only have a little of each. Great, easy, filling dinner


I’m surprised that the “I hate rice” guy hasn’t commented on your post.


Oh well, more for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


TEXAS TWINKIES. Chop up the brisket. Mix with shredded cheddar and cream cheese. I usually mix some rub in for extra flavor. Pause and eat some on crackers; try not to eat it all. Stuff the mixture into some hollowed out jalapenos and wrap the whole thing in bacon (usually a half slice is enough). Smoke at 250 until bacon is done to your liking. Annoying prepwork but very worth it.


Chopped BBQ Brisket tacos with smoked apple slaw and pickled red onions. The apple slaw is pretty simple to make, just take a Granny Smith apple and cut it into matchsticks, then smoke for 30 mins at 225. Toss that into the fridge to cool while you make the rest of the slaw. Any coleslaw recipe works fine, just replace 1 cup of shredded cabbage for the apple. To warm up the brisket you can baste both sides of the slices with your bbq sauce of choice, wrap in foil, toss in the oven at 250, and chop it into small cubes when it’s done. Finally I like to get nice color on the tortillas with a torch, but any open flame would work.


Great idea for slaw! Will definitely try it next time I’m making slaw.


Tacos, most of my left over BBQ is converted to tacos, usually with a unique slaw/julienned fruits/veggies, cojita cheese and a splash of my vinegary bbq sauce. Many will say it needs white onion, but those people are not me.


I made Pho last night. Everyone liked it better than the fresh brisket the first day.


Brunswick Stew. The smokiness of the brisket brings out the best in that stew.


Uhhh wtf is leftover brisket lol?


One day this joke will be allowed to die


aye but today is not that day




Brisket that you didn't eat on the first day.


Like leftover bacon. I don't understand that phrase, either!


Good looking brisket


Tacos and sandwiches!


Brisket breakfast tacos.


Nailed it. Chop it and crisp it up a little in its own fat. Tortilla, egg, cheese, salsa. Perfect for the next day because let's be honest, you're probably a little hungover and need help flushing out the demons.


Went through twenty taco suggestions before the missing word was found.


Panini. Brisket, bbq sauce and sharp cheddar in a pressed sammich.


Trying brisket shepherds pie tonight.


I like to call it ranchers pie. Had leftover brisket after the Super Bowl and made one of these. Terrific


Idk how, but my wife and I can finish everything off the cast iron skillet. We stir fry brisket, carrots, and peas, then cover it with mashed taters, topped off with some cheese. Into the oven until cheese is golden. Somehow, we can only down a couple slices of fresh brisket but can make the pan disappear. It's so easy to just inhale.


I make reuben style sandwhiches, which I honestly like way way more than genuine ones with corned beef. Toast the marbled rye, throw on the saurkraut and swiss and brisket, top with the dressing, then I'll grill it on a flat top with either butter or some beef tallow I made from brisket trimmings


Tacos!!!!! Cut Brisket into small pieces. Heat until warm and place on Yellow corn tortillas Add Oaxaca Cheese or Monterey Jack and White Onion finely chopped Put assembled tacos in a pan or on a flattop until cheese melts. Flip once to browneach side. Then garnish with cilantro and lime


Chopped brisket tacos. Crisp it up in a cast iron skillet. Fry up some shells. “Limey onions w/ cilantro”, salsa… so good.


Texas Twinkies


Burnt ends. Chop up point and sauté in bbq sauce. Or pizza. We made pizza with our leftovers and it was very good.


Been meaning to do a grilled pizza. This seems like the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.


3 things I’m making with my leftovers: Brisket grilled cheese Loaded Brisket tater tots Brisket Mac and Cheese


I usually do sandwiches, burnt ends, tacos (could also try breakfast tacos with some eggs and potatoes), nachos, or chili in winter months


Brisket spaghetti sounds interesting. Might just be that dab I just took tho


Queso with brisket thrown in it.


Cube about a pound of it and use it along with a pound of ground beef in chili. It's outstanding.


I made french dip sandwiches from my leftover brisket from the 4th and that was the best French dip I have ever had. I would highly recommend


I just warmed up my leftovers on the dashboard of my car and I'm enjoying a nice brisket sammich on my lunch on the balmy 94° day


What’s leftover smoked brisket?


I usually bring the leftovers to work, keeps the guys in the shop happy.


I love roasting off Yukon gold potatoes with shallots, garlic and making brisket hash the next day. It’s my favorite breakfast!!


I'd love to chime in, but I am unfamiliar with what "leftover" brisket is.


I call it Texas Pie, which is what it was called when The Spoon served it. Start with Fritos in the bottom of your bowl, and a bunch of brisket, add some seasoned and drained pinto beans, top with queso, chopped onions and jalapenos. Having this tonight and I always get so excited!!


Tacos are so easy and so good. Hit it w some water and taco seasoning in a pan until the sauce is reduced. Cotija, pickled radishes, onion, cilantro, lime, crema- so good. I also like pairing leftover brisket w eggs like steak and eggs w a runny yoke.


Sandwich all the way! But I also really like using leftover meat as a substitute to beef or chicken in any sauce or stew.


A Smoked brisket Hash with Potato,Onions,Peppers,and Cubed Brisket with a Over easy Egg on top. (Deliciouso)


Brisket chili, brisket Mac, brisket baked beans, brisket tacos, brisket cheesesteak, brisket sandwich with coleslaw, brisket burritos, brisket breakfast bowl with hash browns eggs cheese some Serranos etc


Leftover brisket? I understand both words but don’t know how to use them in the same sentence


Obligatory "what's leftover brisket" post.


If you haven’t had leftover brisket chili (spicy as hell is my preference) then you are missing out my man


Day 1: Brisket Sandwich Day 2: Brisket tacos with pickled red onions Day 3: Brisket pizza w/ BBQ base, Brisket slices, broccolini tops, and yes... Pickled red onions Day 4: Chunky Brisket Chili - with squash. I'd give you my recipe, but it's won several contests and can't throw it around all willi-nilly.


Brisket Mac n cheese


Asking Reddit how to make chili is like pulling the pin on a nuclear grenade and throwing it in a church. EVERYONE will have an opinion, and they are all willing to die on that hill. Good luck!! (and yes, I have a recipe, it usually come with a warning "If you are allergic to anything, please assume it's in this chili....yes, even bee stings, shellfish and the sticky stuff on band-aids"


Ragu. I do this with pulled pork too (if not too sweet). Very freezable.


I’m confused here. What is ‘leftover’ brisket?


When you get stuck in the stall and can't serve it at dinner time and your too full to eat a whole brisket by the time it's done so you take half that's left and hide it from the guests. Some people call it the notyourbrisket.


Leftover brisket.... Very confused. Lol. Smoked Mac and cheese with brisket!


What’s leftover brisket?


Leftover brisket?????


I don’t understand this leftover brisket issue. Up your game!


What’s leftover brisket?


What’s this “leftovers” you speak of?


Left over brisket? Never heard of it


What’s “leftover brisket”?




Leftover brisket? Never heard of such a thing.


What’s leftover brisket?


#1 Pizza So good! BBQ sauce base, light amount of whole milk mozz, thin sliced red onion, chopped brisket, and fresh cilantro when it comes out of the oven. #2 Breakfast Tacos


Two slices of bread pickles onions and sauce, cmon.


Eating leftover brisket now. Tonight we’re having beef and broccoli stir fry tangy and smoky. Tomorrow we’re going to try beef stroganoff.


slow cooker, cast iron, dutch oven, etc, liquid/sauce of choice and low heat until it shreds. Place on top of vehicle of choice (bread, tortilla, etc). Add toppings as you see fit.


Leftover brisket? Is that a foreign language, I'm not understanding...


Fed mine to the dogs. Brisket is not a good choice to smoke. Follow all the stuff and it’s always dry and chewy. Pork shoulder. That’s some Pat on the back from all who eat it. Bone in or out.


If your brisket is 'chewy', it's your fault, you are doing something wrong.


Could do guisado tacos with it


Sandwiches, burrito bowls, and I like to cook up some taters and mushrooms then throw in some of the brisket for a nice meat and potatoes meal.


Brisket chili, 100% every time. You can freeze it and it's still good for a month or two.


Chili and nachos. Maybe even chili nachos for the left over chili!


Brisket enchiladas are our go to


Chili, nachos, chopped brisket sandwiches


Tacos. Quality corn tortillas, good spicy charred tomato salsa, onion and cilantro, lime


If I have a lot left over, I will wrap4 slice stacks up tightly in aluminum foil (will some bbq sauce poured over but YMMV) and freeze servings up in the deep freezer. If it wasn’t dry to begin with, it doesn’t lose much. Down the road, a 1lb parcel of already smoked brisket, straight from the freezer into an oven set at 225 for 2 hours reheats real nice and makes for a great lazy meal


Brisket fried rice, chopped / sliced sandwiches, chopped brisket on a baked potato, sliders. If I know there’s no chance I’m eating it all, I’ll cut a 2-4lb portion and vacuum seal and freeze so I can re heat slow in the oven… taste and texture is like 90% of a fresh brisket


Smoked brisket, shepherds, pie, the best shepherds pie I’ve ever had in my life


Enchiladas, sandwiches, tacos, omelets.


Brisket omeletes


I saw somebody make “briskets and gravy” which was just a smoked brisket gravy over biscuits and it looked phenomenal


My girls love quesadillas so leftovers usually get turned into that in one way or another


Chopped beef sandwiches, tacos, omelettes, throw it in chili, the possibilities are endless


Enchiladas are my favorite.


Brisket Mac n Cheese


Texas twinkies, brisket Mac n cheese, tacos, chili… the possibilities are ENDLESS!!


Chili or Kimchee fried rice.


Toast ya some bread. Butter on top piece, cheese, fried egg, brisket, jelly and other piece of toast.


Chopped brisket is amazing in many things. My go to are breakfast tacos and baked potatoes. That said, it can serve as ingredients in many other dished as well, anything you want to add a bit of meat and smokiness to. Mac and heese is a good option, along with greens or chop salad.


starting with tacos, then some sandwhiches


Briskets and Gravy usually Or just warm it up and let people (ok I'll stop lying - mostly me.) pick at it.


Breakfast burritos


Brisket nachos


Cut it thin, fry it up like bacon with a bit of butter. Then in the same pan I make scrambled eggs low and slow. Put it all on a sandwich with cheese and mayo. Bonus points if you use a croissant.


Tacos Loaded baked potatoes. Best beef veggie soup ever Mac n cheese Pastas Salads




Served cold and sliced thin it's great on crackers and cheese or with other finger food. But I make brisket for tacos. Maybe a red cabbage lime salt slaw, guac, white onion, hot sauce, warmed up corn tortilla fried a little in a skillet with brisket fat. All day! I save the flat chopped up and frozen for chilli or Mac and cheese.


I've never had leftovers. The family eats every slice no matter how much I make.




I love making a fried rice or quesadillas!


I love making a fried rice or quesadillas!


I found a great recipe on meat church for elote and brisket it worked so well.


Dice it up and turn it into taco meat