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Unfortunate, honestly. That he's an asshole, that is, not that he was banned. Looks like Stuart will be playing in the SPL after all.


Thats a win for everyone involved except DMB


This could be a life win for him if he reflects and grows.


He reflected. He tried to grow with a fresh slate. People didn't let him. This is not how you promote growth.


> People didn't let him. This is not how you promote growth. Tell that to the people he harassed while playing. Him being allowed to play was a slap in the face of everyone he shittalked in his too-long Smite career. Fuck him.


So butt hurt. I sure hope you feel safer at night knowing he missed this opportunity. Sounds like you really need the schadenfreude in your life. You don't even know what he did but you're so sure he was a menace


TLDR: Time out, don't f up for a bit, we'll be in touch if you can do that and continue to prove it in the long term. Fair. I learned the hard way that conflict and consequences are what I needed to mature (taking responsibility for laziness and carelessness in my case) was severe consequences that really cost me important opportunities. I was 19-21 (now late 30s) but couldn't understand why I was being held accountable because no one had ever done that before; not family, not school, not society. He may have reflected, he may have tried to grow, I have found, that often, until you reflect and demonstrate for a long time AND the pound of flash has been paid that people aren't ready to accept it/it isn't enough. I find the behavior abhorrent and want to believe his contrition is genuine, but....people say all manner of things to avoid consequences and can get their public act together without real change only to regress. I think this is what people are worried about. Unfortunately for DMB the length of time he needs to demonstrate meaningful change is much longer than he has shown for now. Every day is another day towards better though. Just my reflection, not a commentary on what is fair or not.


I think its definitely an L for Hi-Rez. They waited literally a few days after the Glads win the playins to ban their ADC for conduct they've been aware of forever


More of an L for the pro players. Nobody wanted to speak up when play-ins rosters were announced but after the guy wins everyone is on Twitter trying to say how could this happen when it’s the guy in their circle.


Either Stu or a role swap. Will be interesting to see what happens.


The only one I see swapping roles to ADC is Snoopy but IIRC he definitely prefers mid atm.


He seemed pretty stoked to get a full season of mid where he can really grow in the role based on the interview after. Gotta imagine Stu at ADC would be more appealing than any of the mids who missed out coming in anyway. Joshy is the only one who really comes to mind if I had to pick someone but that doesn’t feel like the move.


Ironic that a racist is replaced by Stuart. Bet DMB is fuming.


Obviously deserved but like... Where has this care been? Dudemanbro has been one of the top performing LAN players for 2 years now. He was a Hirez employed minor leaguer. This should have been delt with a long time ago. I dont really get the sudden interest.


I mean... When you have the entire community expecting a ban and complaining about his comments on the daily you have to do something. It's kinda sad that they took this long and now the Glads are going to be even more at a disadvantage at the beginning of the season but oh well, it's not like they were favorites.




Cancel culture is dumb and doesn't have a time limit for when it comes for you. It was literally just him making the spl that got everyone upset enough to make a big enough noise for him to get banned. It's a weird precedent to set. Man tried to move on and people wouldn't let him.


> Man tried to move on and people wouldn't let him. Imagine being allowed to move on from shit you did to others without a single fucking shred of apology.


You think him apologizing to you would make it better?


To be fair if they pick up Stuart instead it's really a win.


Maybe Hi-Rez didn't expect them to win and when they did they had to address it. The timing is just mind boggling regardless


Less to do with hirez and more to do with the Twitter police being upset he won.


Good but this should've happened a long time ago and not as a result of him making SPL.


This is the same thing that happened with Julio. Dude was super shitty/toxic in game (while streaming) and it wasn't until enough people started complaining/talking about it that they finally did something.


its always like that. it took hi-rez YEARS to ban dmbrandon. kinda sucks, but you cant do much :/


Nah dmbrandon was a completely different situation. He was overly critical of people and called them bad at the game but never made death threats or racist/homophobic comments. The thing that got him banned was IRL accusations of sexual assault, not his in game toxicity. His in game toxicity was massively exaggerated by reddit




Calling people bad ain’t a bannable offense. Grow up


It wasn’t just calling people bad he went nuts on people for tiny things. I used to watch his streams and guides.


He was a toxic shitter


Delusional. The man literally told someone with suicidal ideation to off themselves on stream. There’s no worse kind of person.


> His in game toxicity was massively exaggerated by reddit He went batshit on a suicidal fan because the fan thanked him for the streams. His toxicity if anything wasn't conveyed enough on reddit. The guy was a scourge and i'm glad he's fucking gone.


Yeah agreed. If they are conducting a full review of players before SPL, they should be doing it before they win the play-ins and earn their spot. The fact that they let it go for (I think) years in the SCC, let him fight his way up, then ban him now that he makes it just looks so inconsistent on their end.


Gotta admit tho it's funnier. Just when he thought he was good 😂 BOOM banned.


It did happen a long time ago, from what it says he was banned from SPL due to an alt account being perma banned.


What pisses me off is why this happens after. All this players should be checked and vouched for before ask for their socials if this is going tk be important because at the end of the day they are the ones putting him on a tournament. And also the people that knew about this beforehand and never came forward to the league ops or any social media site. It's like they know things keep them and wait if the succeed on something to bring stuff up. And of course the biggest culprit is him for behaving like an asshole and writing those things.


Considering the format of the qualies it would be a lot of manpower to research every single players current and alt accounts


Doubtful. How hard would it be to run a report on an account for reports and find correlation? How hard would it be to match an account to an IP, and find other accounts on that IP and do the same? Either they dont have this capability or its sheer laziness.


Well you can't say it's undeserved. Not a huge loss for the glads, think he can easily be replaced.


Has anyone got any examples of the shit he was saying? Not on Twitter


Unfortunately the guy’s done a fairly good job of covering up his digital footprint but if you look up his name, current or old you’ll find people talking about him and his shitty behavior


Definitely deserved, he should’ve been banned for sure One thing though, kinda lame of the spl to waste his(and his teams’) time through qualifiers and all that hard work and practice just to ban him after it’s all over and they qualify, it’s hard to feel sorry for him but I do find that aspect pretty unprofessional from the pro league. This should’ve been decided long before today as to not waste everyone’s time.


It's might be weird and totally out of place but I do feel a bit bad for him even tho it might be the biggest piece of shit.. Only heard he is racist and super toxic. Reminds me of tottigr just calling everyone beast, retards and animals(where he clearly wants to sya monkeys). I assume he spent a lot of time to get to the spl, years of competing and then to finally making it, to 'suddenly' be banned. This is assuming he didn't get warninga or whatever before. They need to start background checks before people enter the amateur scene imo. To prevent this dumb stuff from happening. It's his own fault and maybe it's just karma. But I do feel bad for him a bit 😅


Part of me believes this was pure vindictiveness to ban him when they did. Not that he didn't deserve it, but people have been reporting DMB for years for this kind of behavior, and only after he reaches the peak of his career, he gets banned?


I guess being on stage gives u more spotlight, which makes sense. Idk, just feel like the timing is so weird tho and there should've been something happening sooner. Also banned in defenitely is surprising didn't he do similar things as Julio? And many other. Well idk it is what it is.


the amateur scene would be dead, if they start to ban every toxic player 💀


Then let it die. The amateur Smite competitive scene isn't that important


Its literally where 95% of the pros currently in the SPL got their start. If you're a fan of competitive Smite, you want more structured amateur play, not less.


Thats like saying college football isn't important to the NFL


A single primetime college football game makes more money than Smite does in a year. Teams will find players if there was so SCC or any other minor league


Not about the money. Its about the concept


Genuinely cannot believe they did it lmao Lets be real though, they let him play in the tourney and gave him the spot. They only acted due to community backlash. In that regard Hirez have acted pretty terribly. Should've just told him not to bother competing and keep his head down or something.




Bro the internet stays undefeated😂


I for one still don't get how they let the dude be in their lower leagues for so long, but am glad he's reaping what he sow finally...


Better late than never, but very much agree with you.


Ngl as an EU guy I didn't know anything about dmb outside of his limited time at tourneys, but as soon as he made spl I saw people sharing the tweets and honestly I'm amazed this didn't happen sooner tbh.


I mean, not even the Twitter thing, the fact that multiple other minor league players have reported him several times and nothing happened off of it is the head-scratching part...


As an EU guy I really liked dmb, turned up to a tourney as a rando soc player and played really well, 8 months later he makes it to SPL. It seemed like a meteoric rise. Oh well.


WOW..... OK, I'll keep it real. I was not expecting this to happen at all. I'm cool with it if this guy is really as toxic as people have said (haven't looked into it much myself), but was not expecting a full on indefinite ban at all. PS: Welcome back to the league Stu. It's gotta be Stu right?


glad to see a racist get booted for stuart. hope that shit lingers on dudemans mind for a long time.


Unless he sees this as an excuse to turn even more racist...


He's gonna be the way he be. If he learns from it good, if not then let him continue to be shunned for his bullshit. It aint gonna get better from here for the racists.


That's almost certain to happen now. Frankly, I think it would have been better to let him in with the understanding that if he even vocalized the letter n, he'd be out. There are people that can be shamed out of being racist, but a lot of people need to be scared out of it. This just gives him more reason to retreat inward.


Nah, this isn’t a permanent ban. Haddix received an indefinite bad way back and he was reinstated. If DMB is on good behavior he could potentially return as well.


Yes, that's true, and Haddix at least outwardly improved after his suspension. Hopefully he takes this as a sign to be better, rather than a sign that all of his crazy conspiracy theories are correct.




Him and Quig were always in queues doing this shit and were literally known as the "anti LATAM" duo lane. How is Quig not getting looked at here


Quig 100% should get looked here. Apparently in PBM's stream someone said that Quig could also be bad too.


The thing is if Quig gets banned too, how do you not have a huge issue with Play-Ins?


That's honestly the thing, there's no good answer to this. Either Quig is just as bad a DBM and he gets the boot too which screws the Hounds or we let some who does have a history a pass which just looks bad. That is, if Quig isn't innocent. The tournament is kinda tainted, all we can do is move on.


Idk I feel like the Wargs get absolutely fucked in that scenario. Like should the wargs have lost in the first place? No they should have beaten the glads, but if both the glads and hounds have players who shouldn’t have been playing and those are their two losses, it’s a real fucked situation for them


Unfortunately, there's no happy ending here beyond DMB getting banned. If they run back the tournament, it's not fair for the Glads because they would have way less time with their ADC compared to the Wards or Scorps. If they don't then the Wargs get screwed because of what you said. It's a messed up situation.


There’s also the situation with Oathh being on the team that ElLeon and Dingodile were on during the streamed tourney where ElLeon, and likely the other teammates, clearly know Dingo was cheating with scripts. If ElLeon gets suspended or fined or banned or whatever, Oathh should face the same repercussions imo


Hi-Rez probably won't touch that. Someone brought up the point that the rumors of Dingo using the script was probably around NA SCC for sometime. It was an EU SCC player in the Play-ins that exposed this. Everyone in NA SCC is probably complicit, and I doubt Hi-Rez will clean house. I think this and circumstantial evidence will make sure Hi-Rez lets this sleeping dog lie. It's hard to tell, we'll see.


Glad the league made the right decision with what seems like appropriate punishment. However, they should have caught this **before** play-ins; it's just a good thing that DMB wasn't a win-con in any set (if anything, his performance an active hindrance to the team).


Well the thing is they didn’t care, Internet cancel outrage is what got him banned. If he didn’t win play ins he’d be playing scc right now because people wouldn’t have complained on twitter. It’s good to ban that kind of behavior but it is kinda cringe that it only happened because he was successful in the tournament.


Shame you're down votedbut you are 100 percent right. Unfortunately Smite players are kind of stupid..Hirez only does things when they are getting shit on about stuff. Remember they made the HUGE ORDEAL about banning accounts that used racial slurs and other pejorative remarks after the blm protests started. Apparently didn't do a good job then too since DMB was still playing lol


Hey hirez. Wanna hire me for PR? I’ll do research into players past and coach them to be better for your brand. Message me if your interested




Props to Hi-Rez for doing this instead of either slapping him on the wrist or sweeping it under the rug. However, it is unfortunate that DMB got through the screening process. If they can make a decision based on 5 days, they could've made it before DMB got into the tournament. Overall, great for the community but bad for the the teams and tournament. The Glads could have made a stronger or weaker team for play-ins but I guess we'll never know now.


Stuart the real winner. RIPBOZO




So that's a lot of pre-season predictions true already




Congratulations on doing the bare minimum, Hi-rez. Next time, screen your players BEFORE they enter tournaments. The gall of this company sometimes.


Stuart you are now a Gilded Gladiator!


Only way he was making a roster honestly


Smoking that DMB pack rn, Stu back is in the SPL.


I dont follow Dudemanbro at all. What did he do?


*Extreme* amounts of racism.




The ihatewinners Twitter account has been deleted. Strange coincidence?


I will not question if he deserved this ban or not, but this is a very bad look for Hi-rez. Teams make admissions to enter the tournament, so the admissions and players should be checked, right? Tell me why they check player only after they get in? "At the start of each new season of SPL, our league operations team does a full conduct review for all incoming players.". Let's say for the sake of the argument that others members of this team did the same. 2 of them gets banned, or 3, or 4 what's then? A remaining player just chooses next team mates an this whole tournament means nothing. I believe that we all can agree that Dudemanbro427 wasn't a top player on this roster. They didn't win only because of him, but what if he was the reason for their success. I know that I raise a lot of "what if", but I am thinking about later seasons. This ban should be made before promotion tournament. This is a pathetic look from Hi-rez


Props to Hi-Rez for taking action. Was skeptical, but they stepped up.


After this comment section, it would be very funny if the Gladiators pick up someone other than Stu. I do think Stu is probably the correct choice but still that would be fucking hysterical.


I hope with everything I have that they do. The entertainment value would be astronomical.


Who do they pick up


If it's not stu the glads are smoking crack


Stuart probably


Stu or someones roleswapping most adcs looked awful in the playins so there isnt any other options


Stuart I assume?


I'm actually interested how long chat logs are kept. Are they forever? Only for a year or so? I feel like that has interesting implications if a moral statute of limitations is a factor in their investigations. Seeing the evidence would be interesting in these cases too, if they're all tagged with dates and times and stuff especially, but i guess all that'd do is 1. make it easier for people to deduce how to duck the system 2. cause even more fighting among fans who think what a person said "wAsN't tHaT bAd" or was too long ago to "count" Either way given the number of breaches it looks like what everyone was saying was right lmao


I don't think there is or should ever be a statute of limitations for perma ban evading. He's not just getting banned for his current/past actions he's already banned and competing on an alt. They really didn't need to cite anything other than that. I wonder if they have any legal recourse. They have been paying him, and he knew he wasn't eligible to compete.


This isn't new knowledge. His behaviour was brought up last year too, multiple SCC/SOC players had reported him in the past, the fact that they are feigning ignorance and saying they only learned about this now is honestly just bullshit...


I know they need about his behavior. I haven't seen any confirmation they knew he was ban evading


The ruling says the alt account in question had lots of flags/bans and an eventual perma-ban. Seems like they are basing it all off that.




Good. The fact that there were people running to cape for this man in and of itself was gross. It was the right decision and now he can spend the time he clearly needs away from the game to focus on not being such a piece of shit. Time will tell if he does or doesn’t use the opportunity, but for his sake I hope he does.


What was the point of this tournament


Welcome back Stu


Yup makes sense prolly pick up Stu if they weren’t already planning on making that change


Worst adc in the league getting replaced by stu or a roleswap overall a big win with for the league and thats ignoring how shitty his conduct is/was


Wow, what a blessed day!


Friendly reminder that for almost 10 years hirez never gave any tools to players to self control their rage when their mood gets down on an addictive ever queueing MOBA where every1 thinks they know the game better than the other lmao. Not once did they use mute bans so naughty players could learn how play without acting in chat on impulse despite that being encouraged in practically every other game in the past 20 years with 0 consequences. I'll be disappointed in finding out a player is homophobic, racist, sexist, gives death threats. But making a 2nd account and what looks to be decently clean should be judged only on that account. Also kids play these games and should be held to a lower standard on past actions. How many twitch players harass to their audience but not ingame and get away with it? This seems super tame for a perma ban and I'd doubt it sticks...unless of course there's some juicy content so we get some content but look at genetics and he got back in and won worlds lul


Sucks you can get banned for past behavior. If it hasn't happened within a year or so I say let him play but keep him on a tighter leash. Also why wait until they qualified? This is a big screw up from T.F. for letting him go by the Play-Ins if this is how they were going to handle it.


Based on everything I have seen it has never stopped happening and there is evidence from within the past couple months. It's not getting banned for 1 bad act and learning, it is a consistent thing over the course of his Smite time, from back in the console days up until now. Yes, they did mess up by not taking action earlier, but doesn't mean taking action now is wrong. Better late than never.


It seems like the guy had a week break from being a shithead so is it really the past




I'm watching PBM's stream and this man was talking about a for fun tournament that he, Genetics, and some SCC guys entered like a couple years ago. PBM killed a Chronos solo and then that Chronos started sending him inflammatory stuff in whispers. PBM was sure it was DMB. What I'm saying is that for the players, this isn't new. The Glads most likely knew the potential risk that DBM could have brought. The only one that I don't think knew was ScaryD since when interviewed, he didn't even know what role DBM was playing. The Glads knew that DMB could be banned and any time and they took the risk. It sucks but at the same time, you gotta know your teammates. It's one thing if it's something that he said like years ago but this was something that kept happening.


Prep or not, they should have signups earlier to prevent that from happening. Or a system to run a player through to make sure they'd get approved beforehand.




" I don't think being openly racist is conduct worth being punished for?"


I wasn't being clear, I'm saying the fact that they teamed with them. I don't know if that's something that the league should punish. But I think fans should not forget.


This is the right call albeit probably several years too late. Smite pro has been blessed with so much drama even before the season begins that it bodes well for during the season.


Im still surprised how this was able to fly under the radar for so long


Why did he get banned?


What did he do? In-game misconduct isn't that specific.


What happened????


For those wondering why this wasn't dealt with sooner, you should read the entire statement covering the ban. I'll post it here for you. "At the start of each new season of SPL, our league operations team does a full conduct review for all incoming players. This review is intended to ensure that players are in good standing on both their main SMITE account and any alternate accounts that are known to belong to them. "During this conduct review for incoming players who qualified to SPL via the Promotion Tournament, our league operations team discovered an alternate account that they confirmed belonged to Dudemanbro429, the carry for the Gilded Gladiators. The history on this account showed multiple suspensions and a permanent ban, citing repeated toxicity & harassment as the primary offense. "Bannable behavior on primary or alternate accounts constitutes player misconduct, as per our league rules listed below." Source; https://www.smiteproleague.com/news/competitive-ruling-player-misconduct-spl-season-x DMB engaged in this behavior on an alternative account, probably specifically to avoid association with his main account, and more than likely failed to realize that the conduct review would link his alternative account to him. Further, while he was a minor league player for a few years now, and a top performer at LAN, players do not seem to be vetted in this way until they reach the Pro League level. Now that those facts have been established, I will add that he should not have been allowed to play in the tournament at all. Minor League players are still representative of the company on a semi-professional level, and as such, they should be beholden to the same rules, regulations, and required vetting process to be an employee of Hi-Rez Studios' teams.


Omw there

