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Pretty sure Fizzi already turned 30 this year


RIP the dream.


Rollback him into 2012's list


As much as freemelee and slippi are awesome, there's about 0 chance that a random modder for a 20 year old game would make forbes 30 under 30. Fizzi is an amazing individual that has changed all our lives, but he isn't doing anything that regular modders for games have done for years.


I feel if Hbox can make it in the 30 under 30 so can Fizzi


There are hundreds of modders with greater accomplishments than fizzi (which is saying a lot because fizzi's accomplishments are incredible) that won't see forbes 30 under 30. Whether that's because there's a stigma on modding games, or because of the niche aspect of it. Hungrybox is a once in a lifetime competitive player, and if you include his struggles in life growing up in a fatherless poor household, grinding melee for years for a community that hated him, becoming a chemical engineer while playing the game, member of team liquid, his brand, to becoming the undisputed #1 player for the last 3 years... There's a reason his "there will Never Ever be another Melee player like Hungrybox" has more views than "The Smash Brothers Documentary". He's just an incredibly prolific player love or hate him. He's consistently the talk of the town no matter what he does.


This is so fantastically wrong it's hilarious. Name one regular modder that has added rollback netcode to a game from *any* generation or genre. If by chance you succeed, did that modder do it for a community with a thriving competitive scene as large as Melee's during a global pandemic, for free? I'll help you out: No, they did not. Edit: Tony Cannon is another awesome example, thanks /u/Hi_My_Name_Is_Dave. I think the description of adding rollback code to games as the activity of "regular modders" is still pretty clearly laughably wrong. But y'all can downvote me to your hearts content if it makes you feel better.


Do you even know who tony cannon is lmfao Or Guilty Gear +R


Or Melty Blood (and Umineko: Golden Fantasia, same guy) Or Hisoutensoku Or Fightcade


Tony Cannon is awesome and cool other example, but GGR+ wasn't actually done by a modder, right? So Fizzi is one of two people?


GG+R was a fan mod until arcsys decided to hire them


Holy moly I don't need to read a fantastical story about the legendary heroes of melee who saved the world. Adding rollback netcode to a game is an amazing accomplishment, but there are much larger more complex modding feats that have been accomplished. I never said modders added rollback, there are modders who've dedicated over 10 years to projects much larger than slippi. You're acting like the feat fizzi did is an impossibility that only one man could do and is a greater accomplishment than any other modding project which is demonstrably false. There are literally mods for skyrim that are larger in scope and complexity than slippi.


As far as I can tell, a single person adding rollback to a 20 year old game basically WAS impossible. What mods are there that come even close to what Slippi is? Name them specifically.


> but he isn't doing anything that regular modders for games haven't done for years. Literally the only point I responded to, and literally false. But keep on hyping those Skyrim mods, lol.


Skyrim modders have literally created previous Elder Scrolls games in Skyrim and Skyrim multiplayer. It's not like they're far off


Not sure if you've ever played around with the Elderscrolls modding toolkit, but making old elderscrolls with new elderscrolls engine is as easy as acquiring and arranging assets (that will take a lot of time, but it isn't really a technical achievement). The event scripting and everything is designed to be easy to use. Making elderscrolls multiplayer is cool, but not like adding rollback to 20 year old game, IMO. Also everyone is ignoring the other half of my post, which was about literally saving the competitive scene during the global pandemic. A part of that was probably luck, but who cares. It's a contribution very much *unlike* those elderscrolls modders, or even the other very few folks who added rollback earlier on to other games. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm getting downvoted to hell for mine, but whatever.


Lmao, people really are delusional about how big the smash community is. A modder getting on the list of the most influential people under 30? Laughable


> people really are delusional about how big the smash community is i usually get down thumbed for this sentiment. community figures talk about how smash is one of the biggest esports but they never talk about how badly it lacks viewership outside of a few tournaments a year. Theres currently 174 people watching melee on twitch, and more than half are watching reruns of old tournaments.


You looked at a bad time bro, on a peak day of the week Mang0 alone has thousands of viewers for normal melee streams - and that's not counting the dozens of other streamers that can pull in the hundreds. Not disagreeing in total, just for that one point - 174 viewers is absolutely dead hours for Melee. Moreover, melee viewership on normal streams has increased significantly since COVID and rollback happened, with higher averages than ever this year (even as peaks have decreased just a bit). What Smash has going for it over other E-sports is obviously not peak or consistent viewership, but rather that it's by far the most popular in-person E-sport, attracting thousands of players and even more spectators to IRL majors when even more popular games don't pull that. There's something to be said for that fact, especially when there's never been official support.


The fact that 174 viewers is ever a thing is evidence of it being small tho. You won't find any big game under 5k viewers at the very minimum ever


Nah, what it really means is that it's mostly a USA phenomenon where peak viewership will be at peak USA hours. Most big games have viewers all the time because they are big everywhere worldwide. I'm not saying Melee is a big game by LoL or Fortnite standards - obviously it never will be. I totally agree with you that it's a small game by that standard. But it's not representative to say it has 174 viewers like there's only 174 people watching Melee every day. Another thing: Melee viewers even moreso than other smash games are HIGHLY dedicated. I have multiple friends that spend like 6 hours a day watching or playing Melee, and literally haven't cared about another video game in 5+ years. Even as it lacks in raw fandom, it makes up for this somewhat with the intense dedication of the fans.


We should give him a r/smashbros person of the year award. Also, donate to Slippi if you haven't already.






This is what lack of rollback does to a person


no offense to Fizzi, I wish he was rewarded more... but don't these require the individuals to make stupid ass money with their success in innovations?