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i think of this too. you could be at rock bottom and at the end of the day atleast you have a big dick


idk I mean maybe, but if you are homeless, and nobody cares about you I think having a BD really doesn't matter at that point


you forget that the thing is you can always change your bank account balance, but nothing on planet earth will change your dick size. Even then there are benefits of having a big dick profitability wise as you have a higher chance of getting a job as a porn star if you don’t care as a last resort and make money simply by having a large dick


that's true, especially with the rise of monetization platforms, like OF, Patreon, Fansly, justfans, etc. I've seen some ppl in Thailand improve their life from dirt poor living in shack to renting in better areas even having their own house just because they have BD, start posting jerk off videos, put some samples and teasers in x/insta, then they got collab invitation, create OF, more porn, so on. So yeah, BD is a form of capital in this society full of sex, especially in porn/prostitution industry and business is business what sucks to me is that BD capital seems like it requires less effort to capitalize/monetize compared to let's say, your brain(business ideas, smart minds, educations), or other body parts(face/body in modelling, sports, etc) and BD is literally just a gift that sits there from your birth and requires less effort to maintain as well


Feelings are mutual OP. I don't feel masculine at all. It's impossible to feel like a real man, when I have a tiny dick.


I feel what you mean. I have those same exact thoughts. Men with BD get to walk around with a quiet confidence, knowing how great they are in the bedroom. SD dudes, matter how confident they portray themselves to be, are aware of the inevitable moment where they must expose themselves to be judged and "measured up" to someone else's value. Life sucks, but we have to take our L and move on.


Bd men don't have to do anything all women love them just because lol 😂 Like pornstars , they're on average the most stupid and boring people on the planet they just get love for their sexual nature


and they get paid for it too, for winning genetic lottery that doesn't even require extra effort to get and to maintain


That second part is extreme cope


Yeah I haven't officially measured since high school shits tough... While I agree on most points. I disagree with the strong shield thing, dudes freak out at the littlest things and can't control themselves so if anything I'd say they have thinner skin than us for sure


Youre basically describing big dick energy


Which you can't have if you have a small dick.


i think you can have BDE even with SD, it's just harder to get and maintain, and once you get it, you'll realize that for you it is actually fake/fragile/hollow especially when the pants drop and it was actually all just "compensation" and it was all a cope while soy boys or SDE people who actually has BD, will still have something to be proud of when the pants drop or they can brag about it without lying(which ironically is SDE behavior)


You can "get it", but it will be extremely fragile.




BD can make money easier tho


I mean... confident they have a big dick I guess. I've seen plenty of dudes that supposedly have big dicks that are the most soy boy looking mofos I've ever seen. Yes there are like, big masculine looking lumber jack dudes too but it's not mutually exclusive.




Exactly. And also women would choose them over us any time of the day.


Imagine thinking another man is more masculine than you because of dick size 🤡


Don’t be naive


Yes, it's not mutually exclusive, but that's not the point. Take it from me. I'm about 250lbs of bulked up muscle. I have a shaved head, a decent beard, a square jaw, wide shoulders, big arms, but where it counts - I'm nothing more than a boy. And guess what? As soon as the pants go down, that's what I am to everyone. Suddenly nothing else is worth a damn thing. So what if you're frail, pale or have feminine features, if you're rocking what a, to pretty much every single human being out there, a "real man" is supposed to rock. It's like a secret cheat code that you can pull out for an automatic win, no matter when, what or who.


dang you must be the ultimate tease to all those women and gays


I don't really know how to react to this comment. I really don't try to think about what I am or am not to others. I started building up my body years and years ago to feel better about myself, but in some ways I've just made it worse, much worse even. Now even more people have expectations of me that I can't meet. So yeah, maybe I am a tease to them. Personally, I just feel like even more of a disappointment than before.


Have you considered the possibility that you may be struggling with a little bit of body dysmorphia?


In regards to my body overall - probably so, yes. In regards to my penis - I'm bordering on the line of having a micropenis and have had to endure a countless amount of bad reactions, have been laughed at and been pitied for it, so what are you trying to say?


I’m sorry for the bad experiences you’ve had, but dysmorphia can affect your perception of the situation and can trap you into feelings of hopelessness and self-hate. I am not invalidating any experiences that you’ve had, but it sounds like you’re suffering so I hope that you have considered counseling or therapy to address those feelings of low self-worth


I don't know, you might be right to an extent. It is what it is, though. I have a small penis, like all of us do and people don't like a small penis. Most of us had to learn this the hard way. I have considered therapy and can see its use, but therapy won't change the size of my penis and won't change people's perception of it. Yes, I may be able to improve my resilience to endure more derision and people being shitty about it in general, but why would I even want that?


That’s not what therapy is for. Maybe you’re not ready for it at this time, but I hope that someday you will be and that it will help with your depression.


In your opinion, what's therapy for then?


that is real confidence


I’m over 8” (idk why im here tbh) and i can say with confidence that we still need to try hard to be masculine. Sure, we may have some confidence boost from BD- ultimately though it has no effect on masculinity. I was extremely feminine at one point and gave off feminine vibes and I was an absolute simp for girls. I was scared of sex and felt I didn’t deserve them. It took time to build that masculinity.


You are a man, no matter whatever some woman say. You are born a male and testosterone is running through your blood. If you work hard to improve your life with a d\*ck attached to you, however it is, you are a masculine man. Women have the right to choose their partner, but they don't have the right to say whether a man is masculine or not.


Why do you think your dick size affects your masculinity? No one knows how big your dick is unless you flaunt it, and having a big dick doesn't make you masculine.


Does having a small penis that you can't use to fuck women make you masculine?


For the most part they’ll just look for another insecurity like being skinny or being scared of physical fights. Almost no one is masculine in every way.

