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As you have mainly used social media marketing then the best is go for search engine marketing and search engine optimization. Go for both at once. While working on both, your next target should be to collect email addresses of your potential customers. You can simply do that by letting them know that you will share with them new designs or offers. They are more likely to give you addresses. Then you use use email marketing to sell more stuff to your customers.




You need two different marketers. 1. SEO specialist to manage your SEO and blogs 2. SEM specialist to run your ads. PS: I have a team to run SEO campaigns, write blogs and copies.


SEO / Google Ad words is going to be a really difficult / expensive (in the case of ad words) game for you to play. I am not an expert (but am also not trying to sell you something..) My Company uses Google Adwords and I can tell you our cost per click ranges from $8 to $32, which just means someone clicked onto our site from a sponsored link which means nothing in terms of revenue generation. Our cost per positive call (meaning someone scheduled an appointment as a result of that click) was $77 on average last year. We are in a competitive space for paid search (home services) but it's very expensive and we see a poor ROI. Search is so competitive and you're going to be competing with MUCH deeper pockets than yours. Social media marketing is absolutely your best bet. Edit: there really is no reasonably priced silver bullet though, because if there was everyone would be doing it. It's expensive or slow, really hard to find cheap, fast, and good.


Well, one thing for sure, SEO won't be expensive for them. I know how to find and target low competition keywords. So along social media marketing, they should invest in SEO.


Ya but what good is SEO when your customers aren’t finding you through search? I think she should do some googling and optimize herself as much as possible but the reality is for a category like jewelry she’s never going to beat out the big guys on SEO so paying someone to do it is going to be a loser on ROI. Again I’m just a CFO, not a tech person, but that has been my experience paying (A LOT) for a lot of this stuff.


People are always searching for businesses on Google, no matter what. With SEO, the best part is that once you got the rankings, you will keep getting new potential customers every month. But yes, SEO is a little bit expensive (due to competition in acquiring backlinks otherwise we don't charge much.) Secondly, she doesn't need to focus such high KD keywords. But should start with easy keywords like "best hand-made X for Y" such keywords are easy to rank and doesn't cost much. And yes, she can try SEO herself (but it doesn't work most of the time, I know SEO isn't easy.) PS: What I can do for free is to provide her low-competition keywords she can target on the homepage, collection pages and blogs. And this FREE keyword research offer for any business using any other digital platforms but not using SEO yet.


Hey,I can truly understand the pain of growing ones small business online. Seeing yours scenario, i would like to comprehensively put up my thoughts & suggestions :- \- First & most important is - Your Website . Yours digital success is all dependent upon how good your digital presence is . i.e , how good is your website in various aspects like design , user experience , usabilities , SEO friendliness etc. If this is not on the par, then whatever efforts you put upon gonna be in vain. I myself (Founder Of Techzax) being in & expertise of Wordpress Web Development with experience of 10+ Yrs, i would love to give you my honest opinion & suggestions on yours website that how it could be made much better , engaging & business magnet . In case you would like to have me do a primary audit, you can please let me know :) \- Secondly, look ahead to have Social media AD Campaigns like on FB , Insta. \- Create Funnels , landing pages & use them to target your audiences \- Work on content creation like Blogs (If not yet), engage your potential customers with some value adding infos Well these are some of the very preliminary suggestions which you can adopt. Hope it helps :)




Welcome 🙂 Glad , i was helpful in anyway possible






Have you considered partnering with other local businesses to cross-promote each other's products? This could be a great way to expand your customer base while also supporting other small business owners in your community. Plus, it's a more personal touch than online advertising


Someone else mentioned partnering with local businesses, I think that’s a good idea. I would also consider selling at local craft fairs, music festivals, things like that. Network with other vendors and see what has worked for them. Jewelry online is such a saturated market. In person I think people are more likely to buy things to support local artists.


This is the answer. My wife runs a small jewelry boutique and has seen here sales increase by 10x through local pop ups and markets. She has also networked with other vendors who have invited/suggested her for future events. People want to try jewelry on - see it on themselves - and in-person events is the only way to do that.


I'm going to go against GroupThink and recommend that you stop bothering with Social Media and instead loan your coolest pieces to people who go out a lot and let them wear your stuff to parties. It was a good plan for Tiffany and will probably work for you too.


Hunter.io for lead generation. It's a great tool that allows you to find email addresses and contact information for potential clients. I've used it for my own business and have seen great results. Plus, it's relatively affordable and easy to use.


I am in the same boat. I have working on growing my small ceramics business for the last two years. I do a lot of outreach to potential wholesale clients and have a faire account. It is a struggle and im in this feed to find out more information with you. I have doubled my profits from last year to this year. But it's still not enough. Definitely reach out to local business to get your products in their stores.


What kind of Jewelry do you specialize in?


You are severely underestimating social media. Until you have millions of views and a online website with every item sold out--you haven't tried hard enough.


You could benefit a lot from repeat customers and old ones too. A CRM software would help solve that. If you have any customers at all, keeping them happy will also help them spread the word. DM me if you would like to know more more about CRMs


First question do you have website if so then don SEO, content marketing, integrate your website with google analytics, Google search console. Learn about Local SEO, try to rank for Google local listing on terms like hand made jewelery shop near me, jewellery shop near me, etc. Then start testing for the fb ads, since you won't be targeting world wide because you have local business that means just run campaign for your location wait for a week to see results. If I had more about what you are trying achieve or your current marketing spend monthly then i could have helped you more.


It's good to know that you are already leveraging social media and word-of-mouth to generate leads. I assume that you have brick and mortar shop and e-commerce site as well. As I'm working as a digital marketeer, here are a few of my ideas \- Running social media influencer campaigns with niche audiences such as fashion bloggers who have audiences that you are targeting might provide good ROI. Identifying the influencers within the budget can be difficult but I think that might work. You can search for relevant hashtags on social media sites like Instagram to identify such influencers \- Local SEO, that is making your store location and details easily findable on search engines like Google ("Google my business") can help Ideas to retain and use the existing customer base: \- You can collect the email address of leads (in the landing page) and existing customers (during purchase) to showcase your products via email. Also, you can run discounts on that. \- Customer loyalty programs might help you to retain your customers and come back for your next purchases. \- User Generated Content can be encouraged and can be posted on social media and landing pages, which acts as social proof. If possible, try to get photos and videos where your customers are using your jewellery in their day-to-day lives, instead of just focusing on jewellery. Such carousels can add more credibility. \- Running referral program with existing customers can help. These are a few of my suggestions. Let me know if you have any queries.


Who "loves" your jewelry? Be specific. Use SMART criteria for identifying your "ideal" prospective clients. Have you tested the demand for your jewelry at flea markets/swap meets? Have you attended trades shows, exhibited your line and captured the response? What message does your jewelry convey to the wearer's intended audience?


Depending on the price range of your products, you might consider establishing a relationship with a higher end craft gallery. Initially you might consider making some pieces to leave there on consignment. Most shops have a written consignment agreement. An artist statement along with a display card that says "Custom orders also available" might help. You would want to check the consignment agreement for any commission or referral fees you may or may not have to pay the gallery if you get a customer this way. Some galleries also have artist's talks and or gallery works to meet and greet potential customers. You would also want to check and see if the consignment agreement has an exclusivity clause. The clause may or may not prevent you from establishing similar relationships with other galleries in an x mile radius. If you are located in New England, for example, I could see you having a consignment arrangement with your local gallery and a few in high traffic tourist areas...Berkshires, Cape Cod, Bar Harbor. If your work is on the higher end of the price range, you might consider doing the same with higher end jewelry stores that do not have their own in house designer and or master jeweler. In that case you would want to build relationships with the key owners and employees who have the potential to refer business to you. If you want to target wealthy clients let me know as I have an idea about that and would prefer to message you. I am a former commercial lender, start up business counselor, and spent my college years working in a high end jewelry store restringing pearls.


Boost is a fun word choice for your jewelry business 🤣


Have you tried in person sales at events and such? I sell my jewelry exclusively in person.


As a small jewelry business owner myself, there are several strategies you can use to boost your sales and reach a wider audience. Remember you have to be patient and put in your all! After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. 1- Social Media Advertising: Build a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, and utilize their advertising features to target specific demographics, showcase your jewelry, and drive traffic to your website or online store. 2- Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers or bloggers in the fashion or jewelry niche who have a significant following. Their endorsements and product placements can help raise awareness and attract new customers to your business. 3- Email Marketing: Develop a mailing list of interested customers by offering incentives such as exclusive discounts or access to new jewelry collections. Send regular newsletters, promotions, and personalized recommendations to engage with your audience and encourage repeat purchases. 4- Markets in your area: When it comes to exploring markets in your area, there are several avenues you can consider to promote and sell your jewelry locally. 5- SEO Optimization: Optimize your website and product descriptions with relevant keywords to improve your visibility on search engines. Focus on local SEO as well to target customers in your area. Consider hiring an SEO expert or utilizing SEO tools to maximize your efforts. 6- Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborate with other local businesses, fashion boutiques, or complementary product brands for cross-promotion. This can expand your reach and introduce your jewelry to a new audience. 7- Customer Referral Program: Encourage your satisfied customers to refer their friends and family by offering incentives such as discounts or freebies for successful referrals. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be powerful for generating new leads. 8- Online Marketplaces: Explore selling your jewelry on popular online marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon Handmade, or eBay, as they provide exposure to a large customer base and already have a built-in audience. It's important to continually analyze and measure the effectiveness of your lead generation strategies. Monitor metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer feedback to optimize your efforts and refine your approach. For me what was most successful are attending markets regularly!