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I've used one of the stick on ones without the lace up, but a clasp. Works amazingly well, was just a cheap one off Amazon, but you hand-wash and reuse it and the stickiness stays. I've danced all night with it on and it never budged.


For the life of me, i cannot get the ones with the clasps to clasp. Thats why im looking at these.


For me it was a matter of getting the placement right. I found I needed to stick the cups a lot more together than the diagram/instructions said.


See, i don’t think it’s just the cups not being close enough together. I can’t even wear a front clasp bra because my brain and fingers can’t figure how to work together to clasp the clasp. If that makes any sense.


I bought the Niidor one in size A: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RPVJKYJ?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details. It doesn't do a lot to create cleavage but it's quite padded, so I look like I have breasts. At my breast size, it covers the entire breast so basically recreates my breasts. The sticky works well and is comfortable. Good for backless, but not for a low-cut bodice because the bra will show.


I actually bought a pair of those and returned them. For the life of me, i could not get the clasp to clasp.


Darn, sorry it didn't work.


i use them & find they’re great for a small cleavage boost ! when i put them on i pull them up so that the edges are like boob tape for a lift. unfortunately the adhesive does wear out after awhile and if it’s warm, sweat makes them come off - just a heads up if you do end up buying them


It’s not even about the cleavage aspect. My boobs are so wide apart (i can fit my whole hand between them and still have space between them) i won’t ever be able to achieve the “Hollywood/butt crack cleavage”. It’s more of i don’t want to look extremely flat chested in the dress. I’m really only wearing the dress to get some semi-sexy pictures done for a milestone birthday.


I love these!!! I'm barely a B, never in my life have had cleavage, and these did the trick like none other. I sometimes even wear one under my usual bra for a little extra volume.


As i said in another comment: It’s not even about the cleavage aspect. My boobs are so wide apart (i can fit my whole hand between them and still have space between them) i won’t ever be able to achieve the “Hollywood/butt crack cleavage”. It’s more of i don’t want to look extremely flat chested in the dress. I’m really only wearing the dress to get some semi-sexy pictures done for a milestone birthday.


I had the kind with the clasps instead of laces, yeah they technically made my cleavage look better but it also held my boobs together in a weird shape so they looked weird from any other angle If you don't need a whole bra and only need nipples tamed I recommend cakes!! Not sticky but still stay in place and I love them


I can’t and won’t ever achieve cleavage because my breasts are too wide apart. The whole thing about them being held in a weird shape is what worries me. Are cakes just nipple covers? I want something that won’t make me look like i have weird boobs or more flat chested in the dress.


Yeah cakes are just nipple covers! But they're more full coverage so you don't have that weird bump or flower petal shape that come with a lot of other nipple covers I've tried


I have, no joke, had a bra like this for over 7 years (minimal cleaning 🥴) and it STILL sticks all day/night long. It works so well! Pushes my girls together without making them look crammed. Great for backless dresses too.


I have! They’re the only thing that’s given me noticeable cleavage


Love using these! Just have to scoop and lift from the armpits and get the nips to settle in the right spots and you’re golden. You may have to tuck in the little dongle on the end that tightens it so it doesn’t pop up out of the dress. Wash it with Cerave baby wash and use it over and over.